a qualquer momento
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Jairus means "God gives light" or "Receiving light". In Mark Chapter 5, Jesus heals his daughter. Jesus told him "Do not be afraid -- only believe." What an encouragement! Jairus Bible World Ministry is birthed in the heart of God to heal the sick and share the pain of the world and preach Gospel of Jesus to the lost and share the light in the Word of God to help Christians to grow in life as well.
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Podcast con entrevistas a empresas de tecnología, emprendimiento, videojuegos y social media. Host: Jairo Duque (jairoduquetech)
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Fan of creating stuff.
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I love this place
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Welcome to the Jair podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Esta chieo Cover art photo provided by Nahil Naseer on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@nahilnaseer
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I talk to student athletes from 7th grade tennis to college chess players
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Entérate de estás curiosidades que te dejarán con la boca abierta Cover art photo provided by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@samuelzeller
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O jornalista Jair Ambrósio bate um papo descontraído com as mais diversas personalidades, indo além do comum respondido pelos convidados. O Podcast com Jair acontece toda terça e sexta-feira, às 19h, ao vivo no Facebook e YouTube da TV Cenário.
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En este espacio encontrarás siempre cápsulas de poder, esperanza y fortaleza que te pueden ayudar en tu relación con Dios, familia y amigos. Dios permanece fiel! Jairo y Ale.
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The crime scene is just the beginning. We tell you the full story. Listen to Rappler’s crime podcast hosted by police beat reporter Jairo Bolledo
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As dúvidas de pais e filhos sobre diversos temas que geram debates e discussões no caminho para escola, no banco de trás do carro, no café da manhã em família, vão virar objeto desse papo. Sexo, contracepção, relacionamentos, tecnologia: tudo é assunto para um dos mais conceituados especialistas em comportamento do País.
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This is my journey of health, fitness and jiu jitsu. I have a philosophy I follow and remind myself almost daily: ”I am here and I’m happy with this. Who I am today will not always be and if I am proud of me being me then the chase for happiness will disappear and life’s fulfillment will magically appear. Come with me on this journey so that you too can find what fulfills you”
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Topics I know my kids are going to want to hear about when there my age. Also truth behind my words for us millennials now.
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Welcome to the Jair Alejandro Rea Hdz podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Bia Andrade on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@biawashere
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En este canal encontrarás podcast periódicos sobre tecnología, apps, internet y móviles. Hablaré sobre experiencias personales con diferentes dispositivos y en sí con mi entorno con la tecnología.
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Hola, Sigamos la conversación: www.generacionsalvaje.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andresamaya18 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jairoamaya.Go Correo: Amayaministries@gmail.com Invitaciones: https://forms.gle/U5ACsgmDy7M9dy2u8 Si deseas apoyarme: https://paypal.me/jairoandresamaya?country.x=US&locale.x=es_XC Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jairo-andres-amaya/support
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Sinergia con Jairo Zepeda, es un podcast de estilo de vida y tecnología que llega a ti de la mente única, inspiradora e innovadora de este estratega digital. 💻 Estrategia Digital 📢 Publicidad 🤖 Chatbots Apoya a figuras públicas a potenciar su proyecto a través de medios digitales. Si tienes alguna consulta, no dudes en contactar. ¡Le encantaría conectar contigo! Envía un mensaje. http://bit.ly/jairozepeda
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Im an Arkansan living in Florida, sometimes they say I’m too LOUD. Well, I can’t help it. 🤷🏾♂️ I’m just hear to bring joy to all of you. #BeLOUD
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Que tal amigos, en este podcast es mas de entrenamiento un pequeño pedazo de mi vida como universitario compartiendo momentos y cosas que suceden como universitario, hacks life de la universidad, amistades, historias compartidas por su servidor amigos invitados y sobre todo hablar de nuestras carreras.
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Hola familia, aquí les traigo mi primer podcast donde ofrezco algunos tips para lograr nuestros sueños. Espero lo disfruten. Síganme en #Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jairoalbertoexplora/
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O Apostólo Jair de Oliveira, nasceu na cidade de Campo de Meio – MG, em 1952. Filho de João Fagundes de Oliveira e Edivirges Bandon de Oliveira, é o quarto filho de seis irmãos. Casado com Maria das Graças Diniz de Oliveira Tem quatro filhas, Raquel, Keila Ana Paula e Priscila. Os genros pastores Marcio e Alexandres e cinco netos. Hoje o missionário Jair de Oliveira tem um novo desafio. A responsabilidade ainda maior com a partida do apóstolo Doriel, pai na fé da Igreja Casa da Bênção. A de ...
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Soy Jairo Orozco, escritor y conferencista motivacional. A través de mi programa de radio y de mis Podcasts deseo influir positivamente en tu vida, compartiendo conocimientos y experiencias que te ayudarán a convertirte en una persona exitosa. Deseo ayudarte a hacer realidad tus metas y sueños en la vida. Todos tenemos derecho a ser felices y esto es posible porque contamos con los medios para triunfar, pero para lograrlo debemos aprender y poner en práctica los principios del éxito y la fel ...
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Con su gran talento e influencia musical desde su primera presentación a la edad de 18 años. A lo largo de su carrera se ha presentado en Two moons (mtz de la torre)Dj Residente Por Mas de 2 años En Club Cero Karaoke Video Bar, Living room antro,Elevation lounge bar,Jambo Rafiki Antro (mtz de la torre), la casa del trovador y Babel Antro Bar (Tlapacoyan ver.) Taxi Drink (Boca Del Rio Veracruz.) Jairo Herrera también ha participado en eventos organizados por Turismo y cultura y Gobierno del e ...
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Bible Study with Jairus Revelation 19 (part 1) God's Salvation Approaches Its Completion In Revelation 19:7, the Biblical story of salvation reaches a turning point of great significance. This verse says, “Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready” (NIV). The bride’s pr…
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Bible Study with Jairus - Revelation 17 (Part 1) God Judges Babylon the Great by Taking Away Her Power
Bible Study with Jairus - Revelation 17 (Part 1) God Judges Babylon the Great by Taking Away Her Power Revelation 17 presents a spiritual picture of the punishment of Babylon the Great, the great prostitute. This prostitute sits on many waters, which represent various nations and peoples (17:1, 15). This woman is “the great city that has dominion o…
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En esta conversación, Jairo presenta el nuevo Tecno Spark 30 Series, destacando sus características innovadoras como la cámara de 108 megapíxeles, la conectividad 5G y la inteligencia artificial. Se discuten las garantías ofrecidas por la marca y su compromiso con la democratización de la tecnología. Además, se explora la colaboración con Transform…
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Hard-hitting broadcaster Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa was killed two years ago, but until now, his murder remains unsolved.In this episode of Kriminal, justice and crime reporter Jairo Bolledo speaks with Lapid’s brother, Roy Mabasa, to talk about their families thoughts and feelings on the continuing impunity surrounding the broadcaster’s death. …
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Bible Study with Jairus: Revelation 18 (Part 3) God Strips Away the Desires of Babylon Beginning in Revelation 16, God deals with the sins of Babylon (16:19). This continues until chapter 19, where the saints praise God for judging Babylon, the great prostitute (19:2-3). Chapter 14 also discusses God's judgment on Babylon. As we have mentioned mult…
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Philippine Military Academy (PMA) cadet Darwin Dormitorio, who died of hazing in 2019, finally attained a semblance of justice.Three of his fellow cadets were convicted by a Baguio City court on August 16. The court found Shalimar Imperial Jr, and Felix Lumbag Jr. guilty of Dormitorio’s murder, while Julius Carlo Tadena was found guilty of violatin…
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Former anti-drug cop Eduardo Acierto has resurfaced anew to once again pin former president Rodrigo Duterte and former presidential economic adviser Michael Yang. In the hearing, Acierto reiterated his 2017 report that Yang was allegedly involved in illegal drugs. Acierto also retold how the former president ignored his intelligence report on Yang.…
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Bible Study With Jairus Acts 10 (Part 2) The Story of Peter and Cornelius: A Faith Leader and a Political Leader Collaborate to Bring the Gospel to the World
Bible Study With Jairus Acts 10 (Part 2) The Story of Peter and Cornelius: A Faith Leader and a Political Leader Collaborate to Bring the Gospel to the World Should Christians be involved in politics? And how does that question relate to the story of Cornelius and Peter? That is what we will learn in this devotional. I have been taught in church fo…
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Bible Study with Jairus Revelation 18 (Part 4) Sorting Good from Bad: The Judgment of Babylon Is Like Cleaning Out a Dusty Attic
Bible Study with Jairus Revelation 18 (Part 4) Sorting Good from Bad: The Judgment of Babylon Is Like Cleaning Out a Dusty Attic Revelation 18 talks about God cleansing Babylon. God's cleansing of Babylon is not about simply destroying it, but about meticulous separation and sorting. It reminds me of cleaning out Grandma’s dusty treasure chest in t…
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Bible Study With Jairus—Revelation 21 The New Jerusalem Is the Wife of the Lamb and Her Beautiful Display
Bible Study With Jairus—Revelation 21 The New Jerusalem Is the Wife of the Lamb and Her Beautiful Display The New Jerusalem is a beautiful heavenly dwelling place for believing Israelites and New Testament saints. God is at the center, and the Father is transcendent, permeating everything. The New Jerusalem is the wife of the Lamb, adorned with ext…
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Bible Study with Jairus: Revelation 14 (Part 3) Why Did the 144,000 Offer Heartfelt Praise? Revelation 14 opens with these words: Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. And I heard a sound from heaven like the roar of rushing wa…
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Bible Study With Jairus—Matthew 3 John the Baptist’s lifestyle Illustrates God’s New Wineskins
Bible Study With Jairus—Matthew 3 John the Baptist’s lifestyle Illustrates God’s New Wineskins When John the Baptist arrives on the scene in Matthew 3, he is wearing camel skin clothing and eating locusts and wild honey. What does his odd lifestyle signify? It depicts the beginning of a new spiritual movement started by John. This movement is not r…
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Bible Study with Jairus Revelation 18 (Part 2) The Fall of Babylon and the Symbol of An Olive Press
Bible Study with Jairus Revelation 18 (Part 2) The Fall of Babylon and the Symbol of An Olive Press Revelation 16 depicts the fall of Babylon the Great. The Holy Spirit showed me that Babylon the Great is a symbol of evil, like a nest full of evil spirits and impure birds. They not only resist God but also ensnare and deceive believers. Therefore, …
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Bible Study with Jairus Revelation 14 (part 2) Two High-speed Trains and the Harvest of Two Kinds of Angels
Bible Study with Jairus Revelation 14 (part 2) Two High-speed Trains and the Harvest of Two Kinds of Angels Two opposing storylines run through the entire Biblical narrative. I like to visualize them as two high-speed trains that reach their ultimate destinations in the Book of Revelation. One train originated with God and is filled with all the ri…
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Bible Study with Jairus-Revelation 13 The Beast and God’s Final Harvest In Revelation 13, we learn about an evil trinity composed of the dragon, the first beast, and the second beast. This chapter lies between the account of the birth of the man-child (chapter 12) and the account of the 144,000 who stood with the Lamb on Mount Zion (chapter 14). Th…
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Bible Study with Jairus-2 Peter 1-10 Peter Caught a Fish with a Shekel in Its Mouth Holding on to the Lord’s Promise in the Darkness
Bible Study with Jairus-2 Peter 1-10 Peter Caught a Fish with a Shekel in Its Mouth Holding on to the Lord’s Promise in the Darkness In recent studies, we’ve discussed Peter’s reflections on experiencing the Lord Jesus’ Transfiguration on the Mount, how Christians should grow their spiritual life, and the road map for entering the eternal kingdom o…
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Bible Study with Jairus - Acts 11 The Jerusalem Church Is Controlled by A Religious Spirit and God’s Work Turns to The Gentiles in Antioch
Bible Study with Jairus - Acts 11 The Jerusalem Church Is Controlled by A Religious Spirit and God’s Work Turns to The Gentiles in Antioch A religious spirit is an evil, demonic force that tries to “replace a genuine relationship with God with works and traditions.”[i] In Acts 11, a religious spirit was gradually gaining more influence in the churc…
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Bible Study with Jairus - Revelation 15 The Sea of Glass is a Picture of the Church being Sanctified through Trial, Approaching the Throne of God, and Advancing God’s Work of Judgment.
Bible Study with Jairus - Revelation 15 The Sea of Glass is a Picture of the Church being Sanctified through Trial, Approaching the Throne of God, and Advancing God’s Work of Judgment. The Sea of Glass in Revelation 15 is a fascinating image that has captivated Christians and hymn-writers. But what does this image mean? Why do the conquering sain…
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Bible Study with Jairus Revelation 16, part 2 Seven Bowls of the Wrath of God The judgment in the book of Revelation begins with the judgment of the church, then proceeds to the judgment of the world and the judgment of evil spirits. God's judgment begins with the house of God (1 Peter 4:17), which is why the book begins with the seven letters to t…
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Bible Study With Jairus Acts 10 (Part 2) The Story of Peter and Cornelius: A Faith Leader and a Political Leader Collaborate to Bring the Gospel to the World
Bible Study With Jairus Acts 10 (Part 2) The Story of Peter and Cornelius: A Faith Leader and a Political Leader Collaborate to Bring the Gospel to the World Should Christians be involved in politics? And how does that question relate to the story of Cornelius and Peter? That is what we will learn in this devotional. I have been taught in church fo…
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Bible Study with Jairus - Genesis 49 -2 From Sinners to Pearly Gates: The Stories of Reuben, Simeon, and Levi We often say that the Old Testament is a picture, and the New Testament is the spiritual reality that the picture points to. For example, the crossing of the Red Sea by the Israelites is a beautiful picture that foreshadows the believer’s j…
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Bible Study with Jairus 2 Peter 1 (Part 9) Brotherly Love: Breaking Away from Self and Entering the Eternal Kingdom of Christ One of the biggest problems in the church is self. Many Christians have had a degree of success in living out the fruit of the Spirit and the virtues of Christ. But overcoming self is a different story. Overcoming selfishnes…
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Bible Study with Jairus—2 Peter 1-8 Supplement Patience with Godliness: Living Out Christ’s Virtues Every Christian is destined to live out the virtues of Christ. The Bible teaches us, "For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers" (Romans 8:29). …
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Bible Study with Jairus Acts 12 (Part 2) Why Did God Save Peter and Let Worms Kill Herod? During my recent reading of Acts 12, I received new inspiration about why Herod wanted to arrest Peter, why God wanted to save Peter, and why God allowed worms to eat Herod. The Holy Spirit showed me that Herod was a tool of Satan, trying to hinder Peter’s eff…
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Bible Study with Jairus- 2 Peter 1 (Part 7) Adding Patience to Temperance: Loving God and Your Neighbor As I mentioned in our last lesson, a life of patience is needed when dealing with others. We need to be patient with each other before we can develop into the mature Body of Christ. But in order to cultivate patience with one another (the branche…
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Bible Study with Jairus - 2 Peter 1 (Part 6) The Power of Temperance and the Importance of Focus In past lessons, we have learned how to nurture the seed of faith so that we can grow in our spiritual lives. First, we must water the seed of faith with virtue. This helps us grow a taproot that roots us deeply in our foundation, Christ Himself. Next, …
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Hola, Sigamos la conversacion: www.generacionsalvaje.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andresamaya18 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jairoamaya.Go Correo: Amayaministries@gmail.com Invitaciones: https://forms.gle/U5ACsgmDy7M9dy2u8 Si deseas apoyarme: https://paypal.me/jairoandresamaya?country.x=US&locale.x=es_XC --- Send in a voice messag…
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Hola, Sigamos la conversacion: www.generacionsalvaje.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andresamaya18 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jairoamaya.Go Correo: Amayaministries@gmail.com Invitaciones: https://forms.gle/U5ACsgmDy7M9dy2u8 Si deseas apoyarme: https://paypal.me/jairoandresamaya?country.x=US&locale.x=es_XC --- Send in a voice messag…
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Hola, Sigamos la conversacion: www.generacionsalvaje.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andresamaya18 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jairoamaya.Go Correo: Amayaministries@gmail.com Invitaciones: https://forms.gle/U5ACsgmDy7M9dy2u8 Si deseas apoyarme: https://paypal.me/jairoandresamaya?country.x=US&locale.x=es_XC --- Send in a voice messag…
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Hola, Sigamos la conversacion: www.generacionsalvaje.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andresamaya18 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jairoamaya.Go Correo: Amayaministries@gmail.com Invitaciones: https://forms.gle/U5ACsgmDy7M9dy2u8 Si deseas apoyarme: https://paypal.me/jairoandresamaya?country.x=US&locale.x=es_XC --- Send in a voice messag…
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Bible Study with Jairus-2 Peter 1 part 5 Supplement Virtue with Knowledge: Nourishing our Life of Faith As we learned in a past lesson, Christ’s virtue is the water that nourishes the seed of our faith so the “tree” of spiritual life can take root in Christ. Today, we will extend that metaphor even further by thinking about a tree’s root system. A …
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Bible Study with Jairus-2 Peter 1-4 Supplement Faith with Virtue: Diligence is an Important Virtue Let's continue to explore how 2 Peter 1 explains the steps of spiritual growth. As we have studied before, our faith can be compared to a seed. As Peter discusses at the beginning of the chapter, we already possess God’s power, just like a seed alread…
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Bible Study with Jairus- 2 Peter 1 (Part 3) God’s Glory and Virtue Come from the Divinity and Humanity of Christ As we have seen in the last few studies, 2 Peter 1 is Peter’s reflection on his experience of Jesus’ transfiguration on the mountain. Peter shares his experiences in hopes that readers will be encouraged, challenged, matured, and perfect…
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Bible Study with Jairus- 2 Peter 1 (Part 2) The Difference Between God's Disposition and God's Guidance In part one of our study of 2 Peter 1, I emphasized that the church needs the gifts of the apostles and prophets. The gifts of the apostles help believers understand God’s disposition and laws, while the gifts of prophets help believers understan…
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Bible Study with Jairus—2 Peter 1-1 The Epistles of Peter Are His Reflection on the Lord’s Transfiguration
Bible Study with Jairus—2 Peter 1-1 The Epistles of Peter Are His Reflection on the Lord’s Transfiguration Peter was the first apostle chosen by the Lord, and he was also one of Jesus’ inner circle of followers. Peter, James, and John were the only ones who were allowed to see Jesus’ transfiguration and to be near him in the Garden of Gethsemane. P…
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Bible Study with Jairus – Genesis 49 (part 1) Jacob’s Prophecies about His Twelve Sons At first glance, Jacob's prophecies about his twelve sons seem very mysterious (Genesis 49). They bring up many unanswered questions. First, how does Jacob know the future of his twelve sons? Jacob’s grandfather Abraham was described as a prophet, but the Bible n…
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God’s Call for me to Fight for the Independence of China Each year on July 4, Americans celebrate their independence from the tyranny of the British Monarchy. On July 4, 2023, I was co-hosting a show named “Fringe” on the Himalaya Global Alliance Farm’s GETTR account. The Himalaya Global Alliance is a temporary structure to manage the branches (als…
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En este episodio del podcast hablo con Catherin Ospona, Gerente de Marca de LG Electronics en Colombia. Mostramos los parlantes portátiles que hoy en día están a la venta en lg.com, pero además explicamos el significado de life's good, el copy que ha acompañado a la marca por años.
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En este episodio de nuestro podcast, nos sumergimos en el fascinante mundo de Linkys, la marca líder en su industria. En una conversación exclusiva, descubrimos todas las ventajas y secretos detrás de sus productos innovadores. Desde su tecnología de vanguardia hasta su impacto en la vida cotidiana, te contamos todo lo que necesitas saber sobre Lin…
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Este año la marca de tecnología HONOR, sorprende con la llegada del HONOR 90. Cámara de 200 MegaPixeles, batería de 5,000mAh, y funciones para el descanso visual son algunas de sus principales características.
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Bienvenidos a la cuarta temporada del podcast Nivel Geek, ahora también en video. En este episodio con Xiaomi sobre su trabajo a favor del medio ambiente, celulares, ecosistema y mucho más. Recuerden seguirme en redes sociales: @jairoduquemusic Visiten el blog: www.nivelgeek.com
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Bible Study with Jairus - Revelation 12 The Body of Christ Matures Revelation 12 depicts a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, being crowned with twelve stars (12:1). This represents the body of Christ, the mature bride. This woman is the wife of the Lamb and represents the New Jerusalem (21:9-10). When the Bible depicts God i…
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Dr. Adams co-founded Miami Spine and Performance in order to bring an integrative, patient-centered approach to the greater Aventura community. Dr. Adams has been a part of the Aventura/Hallandale beach community for over 20 years,由Jairo Morales
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Bienvenidos a la cuarta temporada del podcast Nivel Geek, ahora también en video. En este episodio hablé Cristian Barrios, gerente regional de ventas para Ecoflow. Recuerden seguirme en redes sociales: @jairoduquemusic Visiten el blog: www.nivelgeek.com
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The Spiritual Warfare Behind the Closedown of GTV “What? Are you crazy?” I replied with anger and puzzlement when my wife told me she wanted to “invest” a large amount of money in the GTV Group and other entities. This happened one night in early 2021 or late 2020. The GTV Group and other entities were promoted by Miles Guo and the Whistleblower Mo…
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Bible Study with Jairus – Revelation 10 The Mighty Angel Strengthens Churches that Go Through Birth Pangs After the sixth seal judgment, God sends an encouraging vision to those who have endured the six seal judgments. The encouraging vision helps them see the positive things God is doing in the spiritual world, including the mass salvation of the …
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Bible Study with Jairus – Revelation 11 The Maturity of the Church Opens up the Heavenly Temple and the Ark of the Covenant Revelation 11 talks about John measuring the temple, the altar, and the worshipers. He does not measure the outer court, because it has been given to the Gentiles to trample for three-and-a-half years. The chapter also mention…
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Bible Study With Jairus - Revelation 9 God's Great Love for the Lost, Hidden Within the End-Times Plagues As God unveils the fifth and sixth trumpet judgments in Revelation 9, the plagues are becoming increasingly serious. In the fifth trumpet judgment, locusts torment people on Earth for five months. The pain is so severe that people wish for deat…
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Bible Study with Jairus - John 21 When God Establishes Us and Deepens our Spiritual Life, We Can Witness His Resurrection As John wraps up his gospel in chapter 21, he acknowledges that his account of Jesus’ life is not comprehensive. He says that if he had written down every event in Jesus’ life, “I suppose that the world itself could not contain …
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Bible Study with Jairus - John 20 How To Deepen Our Knowledge and Experience of the Resurrection of Jesus Do you know the risen Christ? Have you experienced His presence? Has he appeared to you personally? You may say, “Is it possible to experience the resurrected Jesus and know him personally?” My answer is, “Yes, you can. But you have to remove t…
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