An inside look at research outside the classroom.
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Research Inside Out with Dr. Michael Stevenson, Departments of History and Interdisciplinary Studies由Lakehead University Orillia
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Research Inside Out, with Dr. Doug West, departments of Political Science and Interdisciplinary Studies.由Lakehead University Orillia
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Research Inside Out with Dr. Florin Pendea由Lakehead University Orillia
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Today I’m going to be talking to two professors from our department of Sustainability Sciences: Dr. Thamara Laredo and Dr. Chris Murray. Chris and Thamara have worked on projects, both together and apart, on topics such as waste water management, biodegradable plastics, and even coffee. Keep listening to find out more about their interests, and why…
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Research Inside Out with Dr. Tim Kaiser由Lakehead University Orillia
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Research Inside Out - Dr. Valerie Hebert由Lakehead University Orillia
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