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I will start reviewing horror movies new and old and some thriller for daily horror movie reviews. Cover art photo by
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Der Kreuzfahrt-Podcast vom Hamburger Abendblatt
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An open and honest podcast about mental health, society, feminism, astrology, sex, love, death, and the occasional interview. Cover art photo provided by Bia Andrade on Unsplash:
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Hello! And thank you for listening, or judging live your best life. My name is John and this is my podcast. I will talking about everything under the sun. Life experiences, word of the week, inspiring and generating conversations. This is intended only for fun and entertaining. Again thank you for checking it out.
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Across the world, we have only recently celebrated the International Day of Persons with Disability. On Flashback, Seetal and Rakesh present the talents of one of the greats of the Hindi film industry and also discover his joyous, humorous side. His is a story that is as inspiring as melodious; as progressive as it is rooted in India values and cul…
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Hum a romantic Rafi classic to yourself, and chances are that you may be humming a Ravi tune. 'Ravi' may have been an adopted short name, but his was a career that was anything but short. For over fifty years, Ravi sang, wrote, broke new ground, and made multiple tunes for every situation just to be on the safe side. Chaudhvin Ka Chand, Gharana, Kh…
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Kalyanji-Anandji is a curiosity in the pantheon of golden-age music directors. Their varied work is heard on some of the biggest blockbusters of all time, and yet curiously enough, they were not awarded/rewarded the way Shankar-Jaikishan or Laxmi-Pyare were nor do they seem to have acquired the sort of cult following the Burmans or Madan Mohan have…
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On the first episode of Flashback with Seetal Iyer, she is joined by Rakesh Sharma, as they relive gold-tinted memories of Bappi Lahiri. In his own voice, he takes us through his career, and Seetal and Rakesh discover how he was more than the sum of his parts. From songs he was inspired by to 'uncharacteristic' music he composed that you may not ha…
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Christian van Zwamen von der „Europa 2“ über Kaventsmänner, Viren und das Glück auf dem Mittelmeer – im neuen Abendblatt-Podcast SEETAG.由Hamburger Abendblatt
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Giving a review and breakdown to the movie freaky
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Leinen los: Die norddeutschen Kreuzfahrt-Reedereien nehmen ihren Betrieb wieder auf. Grundlage dafür ist ein umfassendes Sicherheits- und Hygienekonzept, das ab sofort verbindlich gilt. TUI Cruises bietet ab dem 24. Juli "Blaue Reisen" an. Sie starten mit der Mein Schiff 2 ab Hamburg und enden nach nach drei Übernachtungen an Bord wieder in Hamburg…
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由Hamburger Abendblatt
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Seetag: Anja Tabarelli, Deutschlandchefin von Cunard, über neue Schiffe und das Corona-Virus
由Hamburger Abendblatt
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Ab Hamburg auf der norwegischen Postschiff-Route由Hamburger Abendblatt
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mit MSC-Deutschland-Chef Christian Hein由Hamburger Abendblatt
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Mit Uwe BergmannUwe Bergmann ist der Mann hinter Hamburger Großveranstaltungen wie den Cruise Days. Was er plant, wie er alles organisiert und wer sich immer wieder als sein größter Feind entpuppt.由Hamburger Abendblatt
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This one was hard to unpack but really needed to do so. It’s a tough topic for me but hey I got through! Haha! Thanks you all for listening
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This is part 2 of a 5 episode series. I talk about quality time and dice into how and some examples in my life. Please check it out!!
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This episode is about the intro to love languages. These are my view points are how/what love languages are. Blog: || Instagram;@seethru91 || Book; The Five Llove Langauges by Gary Chapman || Love Language Test;…
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This my introduction to my podcast, blog, and instagram. Hopefully this a clear message. Thank you for listening. seethru91...Twitter is coming soon!
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Neue Schiffe, Kreuzfahrtboom und die KlimadebatteZu Gast: Die Chefin der Kreuzfahrtreederei TUI Cruises Wybcke Meier und der Hapag-Lloyd-Cruises-Chef Karl J. Pojer.由Hamburger Abendblatt
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The blumhouse one not the syfy one
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Giving a review on American psycho
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My review on slender man
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First episode I will be doing more
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