A platform to discuss the pros, foes, and woes of C-suite women in leadership (and women who aspire to be a C-suite). The main focus is on the challenges women face at the top level that men counterparts will never encounter.
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She-Suites Podcast With Jodi Hood Season 2, Episode 7: Encourage Yourself. Try It You'll Like It!
Sometimes you will need to encourage yourself. When no one else will, you will have to pat yourself on the back. There is nothing wrong with that. In this podcast Dr. Jodi shares affirmations that can help reinforce a positive mindset, bolster resilience, and encourage continued growth in ones personal and professional life. Speaking over your life…
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She-Suites Podcast With Jodi Hood Season 2, Episode 7: It's Women's History Month. She-Suites We Salute You.
This month is Women's History Month. This podcast pays homage to the women in the suite who are overcoming many barriers in spite of.... We see you, we salute you, and here is the message: Whenever you feel like quitting remember those baby girls who are watching. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect on LinkedIn, and …
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This week one of the most devastating life events that a person can experience happened to one of the nation’s Best and Brightest on a national stage! Joy Reid, host of her own cable news show “The Reid Out” was fired from her show on MSNBC in one of the most disrespectful and dismissing ways ever. While being interviewed she began to cry and state…
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She-Suites Podcast With Jodi Hood Season 2, Episode 5: The Real On Soft Skills, You Have To Have Them!
While Gen Z has many strengths, such as adaptability, creativity, and technological fluency, some traditional soft skills—like punctuality, empathy, professionalism, and accepting criticism—may be undervalued or not as emphasized. Join Dr. Jodi as she explains that building soft skills can help aspiring Gen Z She-Suites navigate the workplace more …
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She-Suites Podcast With Jodi Hood Season 2, Episode 4: Can We Talk? Navigating Difficult Conversations
As uncomfortable as difficult conversations may be, the ability to navigate these conversations with skill is one of the most important aspects of leadership. Join Dr. Jodi as she shares tips from Jessica Anthony of Achieve Centre For Leadership on engaging in hard conversations with grace and poise: "Can We Talk?" She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood…
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She-Suites Podcast With Jodi Hood, Season 2,Episode 3: Introverts Rule Part II! Introverts and Interviews
Finding the best jobs for introverts isn’t an easy proposition, which is why the interview process can be such a nerve-racking experience. Many companies miss out on some of the best leaders because they don't understand the introvert. Dr. Jodi gives tips and tactics introverts can use to ace their interviews to get those top jobs. She-Suites Podca…
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She-Suites Podcast With Jodi Hood, Season 2,Episode 2: Introverts Rule Part I! Finally Somebody Gets Me!
As a confirmed introvert, Dr. Jodi makes reference to a Harvard Study that contends, introverts are more effective leaders. In the first of three series, Jodi talks about 10 Introvert Myths and prepares the listener for Part II: Introverts and Interviews, and Part III: Wildly Famous and Successful Introverts. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Plea…
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She-Suites Podcast With Jodi Hood, Season 2 Episode 1: 2025 Reflect and Renew, C-Suites the She-Suites Are Still Coming!
As Dr. Jodi reflects, she is happy to renew her commitment to continue her Podcast. She says: "As I enter my 2nd season. I pledge to continue to provide an outlet for C-suite women to vent and encourage each other. I pledge to provide content that will inspire other women to aspire to leadership positions by actively championing empowerment and inc…
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She-Suites Podcast With Jodi Hood Episode 27: Move Out To Move Up: How Bad Do You Want It? When Relocating Is Your Best Option
Depending on your profession and your location, there may be a limited number of CEO jobs available which means you have to keep an open mind concerning relocating. The decision to move from family and friends, to uproot your family, or move to a place you have no friends or support system can be daunting. For Aspiring CEO’s, moving out to move up …
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She-Suites Podcast With Jodi Hood, Episode 26: Can We All Just Get Along? The Intergenerational Workplace
Today’s workforce spans five generations: Silent, Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. Can we all get along? Yes! Dr. Jodi speaks of the advantage of recognizing and leveraging the strengths of each generation. Embracing what they all bring to the workplace gives the organization a competitive edge. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like…
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Research on the top ten leaders of all time revealed that most suffered gastrointestinal issues. Why? Most likely because of stress. Thus, it is imperative for leaders, especially she-suites, to take "me" time to refresh, rejuvenate, and to relieve stress. "Me Time Is Not A Crime!" She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect…
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Join Dr. Jodi as she sits down with CEO Elizabeth Lockhart to tell of the Annual Breast Cancer Walk that that her company sponsors each October during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is the only walk of its kind on the West Side of Chicago. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect on LinkedIn, and Subscribe to my YouTub…
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It is a fact: Being heavy can make it harder for women to obtain promotions into executive-level positions. According to a recent study, “Weight bias may contribute to the glass ceiling on the advancement of women to the top levels of management". Join Dr. Jodi as she presents this question: Should She-Suites jump on the Ozempic bandwagon to lose w…
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She-Suties Podcast With Jodi Hood Episode 23: Emotional Intelligence Part III-Simple Practices To Improve Your EQ
Join Dr. Jodi for the last of a three part series on Emotional Intelligence. Explore ways you can raise your EQ through simple practicies that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect on LinkedIn, and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.…
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This is a must see and hear! Dr. Jodi gives scenarios for the 5 components of Emotional Intelligence with examples of High EQ vs Low EQ. You're gonna love it! She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect on LinkedIn, and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.由Jodi Hood
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She-Suties Podcast With Jodi Hood Episode 22: Emotional Intelligence And Why It Is Important In The Suite
Join Dr. Jodi as she explores Emotional Intelligence and its 5 components: Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation, Empathy, and Social skills. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect on LinkedIn, and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.由Jodi Hood
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Join Dr. Jodi in the last of a three-part series on “The Psychology of Negotiation.” Great tactics to ensure happiness and a sense of accomplishment with your brokered deal: 1) Rank Order The Terms of a Negotiation 2) Address All Relevant Terms During A Negotiation and 3) Show Anger and Dissappointment During a Negotiation. She-Suites Podcast with …
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Dr. Jodi continues with part II of a three part series on "The Psychology of Negotiation". Tune in for more tactics that will enhance negotiations as you make your claim for what you want and need. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect on LinkedIn, and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.…
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It does not matter if you are selling or buying a car, interviewing for/or offering a job, requesting a raise/or responding to a request for a raise, trying to bring about a needed change in your organization, or trying to get your 2 year old to use the potty---it’s all about negotiation Knowing the Psychology of Negotiation will be a game changer …
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Promoting ideas in a team meeting, trying to bring change in your organization, asking your manager for a raise, or trying to grow your business are motivated by explaining the “why”. In this podcast Dr. Jodi explores Robert Cialdini's 6 Principles of Persuasion: reciprocity, scarcity, authority, commitment and consistency, liking and consensus as …
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Dr. Jodi has a message for aspiring She-Suites as the conversation continues from the last podcast...Looks Matter: Interview Do's and Don'ts. As young women climb the ladder, they must be prepared for the reality that appearance is crucial in landing that spot in the suite. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect on Link…
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Dr. Jodi sites research that prove judgments, shame, and discrimination about ones appearance is very much present in the C-Suite. Clothes, hair, and make-up is a juggling act for women in the suite. Although unfair, this is yet another unfiltered reality that women in the suite must face. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook,…
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Dr. Jodi references and article by Meredith Somers that suggests three ways for aspiring women executives to move their careers forward as noted by Cassandra Frangos, an executive development and C-suite succession advisor for MIT Sloan Executive Education. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect on LinkedIn, and Subscri…
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In this episode Dr. Jodi explores the "10 Year Sprint" where women feel compelled to race to the top within the first 10 years of their career to avoid the "motherhood penalty". She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect on LinkedIn, and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.由Jodi Hood
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In this podcast Dr. Jodi talks about being carefully intentional when emailing or texting. Jodi explains when you lose access to non-verbal and auditory set of signals that add color, depth, and dimension to the words that are communicated, the intended message can easily get lost in the translation. Jodi offers tips she learned from reading How To…
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Join Dr. Jodi and guest, Ralinda Watts as they examine "The Glass Cliff" where women executives are hired to rescue companies that are "sinking ships" and are used as scapegoats when it is impossible to plug in the holes. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect on LinkedIn, and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.…
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Dr. Jodi has a conversation on how ageism gives pause to and consideration of cosmetic procedures for women to maintain their youthfulness and careers in the C-suite. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect on LinkedIn, and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.由Jodi Hood
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Dr. Jodi explores "The Imposter Syndrome" and offers tips how women she-suites can overcome discomfort, societal pressures, and stereotypes of not belonging in the C-Suite. She encourages women to walk in authority while maintaining a growth mindset. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect on LinkedIn, and Subscribe to m…
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Dr, Jodi shares how journaling is a powerful tool for She-Suites, offering myriad benefits for personal and professional development. Jodi lets executive women know by embracing this practice, women in leadership positions can enhance their self-awareness, decision-making abilities, emotional well-being, and leadership effectiveness, ultimately lea…
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Join Dr. Jodi and she encourages She-Suites to embrace leadership pros, learn from leadership woes, and avoid leadership foes. Despite emotional obstacles that may deter ones leadership journey Dr. Jodi reminds women that they were born for this. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect on LinkedIn, and Subscribe to my Yo…
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She-Suites Podcast With Jodi Hood Episode 7: She-Suite By Day, Caregiver By Night With Best Selling Author, Patricia McClure Chessier
Join Dr. Jodi with guest She-Suite, Patricia Chessier as Pat tells of her experience as a C-Suite caring for her mother who had Alzheimer's Disease. Patricia shares how her experience compelled her to write two best selling books helping to educate people on the impact Alzheimer's has on the entire family and 9 steps for caregivers. She-Suites Podc…
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She-Suites Podcast With Jodi Hood Episode 6: The 5 What's of Menopause With Dr. Pauline Maki of University of Illinois at Chicago
Join Dr. Jodi and Pauline Maki, MD as they discuss Dr. Maki's groundbreaking research on menopause and its direct association with cognitive lapses and brain changes. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect on LinkedIn, and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.由Jodi Hood
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She-Suites Podcast With Jodi Hood Episode 5 with Jennifer Speciale, Executive Leadership Coach: The Isms-Racism, Sexism, and Ageism
Dr. Jodi sits down with Executive Leadership Coach, Jennifer Speciale to have a candid conversation about the intersectionality of racism, sexism, and ageism in the C-Suite. If you are a woman and a woman of color, that is viewed as double jeopardy. If you are older, a woman, and a woman of color, that is considered triple jeopardy in the C-Suite. …
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She-Suites Podcast With Jodi Hood Episode 3: Menopause Can Cause Pause-Relief and Resolve With Special Guest Cook County Commissioner Monica Gordon
Dr. Jodi speaks heart to heart with Cook County Commissioner Monica Gordon about a recent Resolution she introduced that calls on Congress to fund more comprehensive menopause research. The ground breaking research by Dr. Pauline Maki that identifies a clear correlation between the number of hot flashes a woman experiences and her memory performanc…
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She-Suites Podcast With Jodi Hood Episode 4: Popping Under Pressure With Guest Joia Jefferson Nuri, Executive Leadership Coach
This Episode speaks to the recent suicide of a black female university C-suite who reportedly was bullied and harassed by her boss, the university president, who was a white male. My guest Joia Jefferson Nuri, Executive Leadership Coach, speaks to the pressures women face in the C-suite and how some women battle with what she calls their "brutal in…
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In this episode (which is part II of a three part series) Dr. Jodi Hood speaks on the emotional effects of menopause and how those emotions can cause trouble for the She-Suites in the C-Suite. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect on LinkedIn, and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.…
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There are women-only issues that She-Suite executive women face in the board room that the male counterparts will never face. This week's episode explains how the physiological symptoms of menopause can impact a woman's work performance. Simply put; Menopause Can Cause Pause. She-Suites Podcast with Jodi Hood. Please Like on Facebook, Connect on Li…
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