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show episodes

Redefining Energy

Laurent Segalen and Gerard Reid

Two investment bankers weekly explore how tech, finance, markets and regulations are radically redefining the world of energy: Renewable Energy, Electric Cars, Hydrogen, Battery Storage, Digitisation... Your co-hosts: from Berlin, Gerard Reid and from London, Laurent Segalen. Our LinkedIn page: X handle: @Redef_Energy
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Im RedeFabrik Podcast findest du hilfreiche Tipps zu Kommunikation, Charisma & Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, spannende Themen und interessante Gäste. Die RedeFabrik schickt für ihren Podcast Sascha Wössner und Jonathan Heinz ins Rennen - und auch Gründer der RedeFabrik Benedikt Held wird dir immer wieder im Podcast Impulse für deinen kommunikativen Erfolg geben! Viel kommunikativen Erfolg! Das RedeFabrik-Team Schick und eine E-Mail oder Voicemail mit deinen Fragen, Themen und Feedbacks. Wir fr ...
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Redefining AI is the 2024 New York Digital Award winning tech podcast! Discover a whole new take on Artificial Intelligence in joining host Lauren Hawker Zafer, a top voice in Artificial Intelligence on LinkedIn, for insightful chats that unravel the fascinating world of tech innovation, use case exploration and AI knowledge. Dive into candid discussions with accomplished industry experts and established academics. With each episode, you'll expand your grasp of cutting-edge technologies and ...
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El Faro de Redención celebra la obra de Cristo en el pueblo cubano y estudia la Palabra de Cristo con un enfoque siempre en su obra de redención. Visita nuestra pagina web para aprender más sobre nuestro ministerio.
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Ehrlich miteinander reden, gemeinsam ein Thema echt weiterdenken. Wir bringen Menschen an einen Tisch, die Lebens-Fragen diskutieren, Lebens-Geschichten erzählen. Gespräche in offener Atmosphäre mit Tiefgang. Wir - Sybille Giel, Jutta Prediger, Klaus Schneider - fragen die, die täglich damit zu tun haben und wissen, wovon sie sprechen. Über alles, was Menschen bewegt: Leben – eben!
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show series
A Lei do Mercado está de volta! Neste primeiro episódio do Lei de Mercado de 2025, analisamos a lateral direita do Benfica e olhamos para o mercado de Sporting e FC Porto. Em relação ao futebol internacional, 'transformámo-nos' em diretores desportivos e aconselhámos o Manchester United de Ruben Amorim. Ouve o podcast e confirma tudo com o Ricardo …
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David Kaywood is the creator of Pastors & Productivity, a newsletter designed to help pastors avoid burnout, stay healthy, and get the right things done. Subscribe to David's substack at Links Subscribe to the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠newsletter. Join ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Redeeming P…
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En este episodio, reflexionamos sobre la carta de Pablo a los Efesios y la poderosa verdad de la libertad en Cristo, aun en medio de la adversidad. Pablo, escribiendo desde la prisión, nos guía en un canto de alabanza a Dios, celebrando la gracia, la elección y la adopción que hemos recibido en Cristo. Juntos, exploramos cómo estas verdades nos lla…
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This week we are continuing in our sermon series through the book of 2nd Timothy as Pastor Josiah delivers a sermon centered on 2 Timothy 1:13-18. In his sermon, “Hold Fast,” Pastor Josiah stressed the importance of holding fast to the gospel and standing firm on the truth of God’s word. Just as in Timothy’s day, there are heretics and false gospel…
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En este episodio, exploramos el trasfondo histórico y los desafíos que enfrentaban los cristianos en Éfeso, una ciudad llena de paganismo, inmoralidad y hostilidad hacia la fe. Vemos cómo el apóstol Pablo, escribiendo desde la cárcel, anima a los creyentes a aferrarse a su identidad en Cristo y vivir con valentía en un mundo que se opone al evangel…
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In this episode of Redefining Resilience, Chris and Kiley sit down with Michael Kelly. Michael Kelly is co-founder and CEO at DeveloperTown, an Indianapolis based software agency that focuses on financial services and healthcare digital transformation. In addition to DeveloperTown, Mike is involved in a number of other companies. He’s President and…
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As the price of gas and LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) becomes a key factor for the value of the world’s energy, we have decided to bring in a top gas expert to explain where the market is and how is it going to evolve. Seb Kennedy is a leading market analyst and Founding Editor of Energy Flux (, an independent newsletter that anal…
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Wie deine innere Haltung sich auf dich und deinen Gesprächspartner auswirkt erfährst du in dieser Folge des RedeFabrik Podcasts. Viel Spaß beim Hören! Jonathan & Sascha Schick uns dein Feedback per WhatsApp! +49 15566286575 oder Wir freuen uns auf deine Meinung, Ideen und Anregungen. Weitere Infos: Hier findest du noch mehr v…
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Week four of our Devoted series takes us to Psalm 19. Here, we see David delighting in the Lord and His Law as he describes the beauty and perfection of God’s Word. Follow along as we look at David’s pattern to foster devotion. We’ll focus on verse 7 — the Word of God is perfect and sure.Website:www.experienceredemption.comFacebook:https://www.face…
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This week, Pastor Jason continued our study in Ephesians and broke down the armor of God. Stay Connected with Redeemer: Website: Instagram: Facebook: At Redeemer, we seek to be a Gospel-Centered, Missional Family. We sing songs to worship our Lord, we preach the Word of …
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“He Took Our Illnesses” Matthew 8:1-17 January 26, 2025 Pastor Tony Felich Sermon Application [file] ----more---- Matthew 8:1 When he came down from the mountain, great crowds followed him. [2] And behold, a leper came to him and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.” [3] And Jesus stretched out his hand and touched h…
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Even as we plan our way, the Lord orders our steps to bring us to the gospel. Each of us must ask, "Who do I worship and what do I do with my sins?" The answer to those questions are found in stories of men and women in the Bible, some who experienced miraculous conversions and others who experienced mundane and ordinary conversions. Can you see yo…
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V dnešnej epizóde sa rozprávame s Bohušom Živčákom, lídrom spoločenstva Rieka Života z Podolínca. Kongregácia Najsvätejšieho Vykupiteľa – redemptoristi – je rehoľou, ktorú pred takmer 300 rokmi založil sv. Alfonz neďaleko Neapola v dnešnom južnom Taliansku. Od začiatku sa venuje ohlasovaniu radostnej zvesti o vykúpení opusteným a chudobným. Účasť n…
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When walking with God, an attack from the enemy is not a matter of if but when. With every opportunity there is to make a difference in the Kingdom of God, there will also be resistance and opposition. We must not forget that as we work, we also war. In this sermon, Pastor Byron Ellis reveals five tactics the enemy uses and five spiritual weapons w…
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