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Klausytojų ir specialistų įvertinta, jau šešiasdešimtmetį atšventusi laida atveria klausytojų širdims ir protams vartelius į Lietuvos gamtą, supažindina su įdomiausiais gamtininkais, jų darbais. Šeštadieniais 06.30 val. per LRT RADIJĄ.
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Visiting Hours


A Northern Health podcast offering an opportunity to learn a little about the lives, work and dreams of Northern Health staff. Come on in and join us for ‘Visiting Hours’
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Welcome to visual storytelling with me, Gary Fernon, the podcast where I talk things photography and video that help you create better visual content for yourself, and your clients. If you enjoyed these episodes then why not subscribe to hear more like this. My main focus is all about sharing, so let’s start a conversation. But above all, be creative, be inspired, be you.
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Vis X


A barefoot podcast with a GenX tilt Ultimately this is a show where we talk about the things that are important to me and we I discuss current events, life and art, from the perspective and worldview of a nonconforming GenX’er.
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Visualize Meditations

Visualize Meditations

Welcome to the Visualize Meditations Podcast! Hosted by Sasha Patil, a Chopra-certified meditation teacher and passionate visualization enthusiast. The first step to manifesting your dream life is creating a clear, exciting vision for every area—physical health, mental well-being, finances, career, relationships, and more :) This vision will inspire action and help you manifest the life you desire. In this podcast, Sasha guides you through powerful visualization meditations to turn your visi ...
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De Grote Visite

Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging

De Grote Visite, een podcast voor en door internisten. In deze podcast van de Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging worden actualiteiten, casuïstiek, richtlijnen en overig internistisch relevante materie besproken.
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Visitor Elves

Kelly Ballard

Welcome to the Visitor Elves podcast, where I take you behind the scenes of tourism, hospitality, culture, and events in and around the West of England and Wales. Each episode dives into the stories, insights, challenges, and victories of inspiring people and businesses shaping the industry. Our stories resonate far beyond our region, connecting listeners worldwide. The Visitor Elves community brings together partners, future employees, suppliers, and peers across the UK, making it a must-li ...
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This Audio Is Visual


This Audio Is Visual is a podcast engaging African photographers on their work and journey as image makers. It is both a masterclass and blueprint archive for new image makers. The conversations will vary according to what each photographer specializes in.
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Lilith Brockhaus & Adriano Villa Bascón

Im VisualMakers Podcast dreht sich alles um No-Code, Low-Code und Visual Development. Wir sprechen mit Gründer:innen, Entwickler:innen und Expert:innen darüber, wie Unternehmen digitale Produkte schneller, günstiger und smarter umsetzen als je zuvor. Egal, ob du dein erstes No-Code-Projekt startest, als Unternehmen Prozesse automatisieren willst oder wissen möchtest, wie AI und visuelle Entwicklung die Softwarewelt verändern: Hier bekommst du die spannendsten Insights, Praxis-Tipps und echte ...
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London Visited

Steve Atkins-Linnell

These podcasts share with you different parts of London, the greatest capital city in the world. We'll share with you the history and facts about different places in London. If you live or work in London, have been here or planning on coming here or just love London from afar this is the podcast for you! Alternatively visit our YouTube channel - If you love all this content than join us a London Visited 'Crown Jewel' member thro ...
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Join host Fred Ranger On The Visual Storytelling podcast, where we explore the art and craft of creative storytelling through photography and filmmaking in this day and age. This show features candid conversations with some of our time's most innovative and inspiring creators and practical insights & tips to help you improve your storytelling skills. Whether you're a pro or just starting, learn how to connect with your audience through compelling stories. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify ...
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Visiting the Presidents takes listeners through the birthplaces, homes, gravesites, libraries, and other historical sites associated with the Presidents of the United States. Join Dr. Joe Faykosh as we explore the childhoods, lives, loves, careers, and deaths of these presidents through the sites that were touched by them.
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The J.T. & Margaret Talkington College of Visual & Performing Arts (TCVPA) is the beating heart of Texas Tech University. The Art Beat provides a weekly look into all the exciting things happening in this dynamic college. Topics include information on concerts, theatre performances, visual arts exhibitions and all the people past and present who have helped make this a world-class program.
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Thanks For Visiting

Airbnb Superhosts Annette Grant & Sarah Karakaian

Get actionable advice and the essential fundamentals of running a profitable 5-star Airbnb side-hustle or full on business. Annette’s extensive background in business operations and Sarah’s experience in high-end hospitality management and interior design make them a powerhouse duo that will deliver high impact content. With almost a decade of combined hosting experience they will not only share their own stories welcoming thousands of guests from around the world but also those of other Sup ...
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Visit Vegas Places with Coyal is a podcast that connects listeners with inspiring entrepreneurs from Las Vegas and beyond. Through our in-depth interviews, we aim to motivate and empower our audience to achieve their goals and make a positive impact.
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VisualMusic c'est l'autre actualité musicale, avec tout plein de chroniques, live-report, interviews, dossiers, playfists... tous plus croustillants les uns que les autres. Et désormais, c'est aussi une série de podcast !
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Thanks for Visiting!

Visitor Records

“Thanks for Visiting” is a podcast for the curious, the seekers, and those captivated by life’s big questions. Join me as I sit down with inspiring guests to explore the human condition, creativity, and what it truly means to exist. Together, we’ll share stories, perspectives, and ideas that form a kind of “visitor record”—proof of our time on this Earth and the legacy we’re leaving. Whether we’re diving into existential musings, uncovering creative sparks, or pondering the mysteries of bein ...
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Alles rund um die Gesundheit - von A wie Akne bis Z wie Zahnfüllungen. Die Beratung in Gesundheitsfragen gewinnt immer größere Bedeutung. Neu entwickelte Medikamente, Computer gestützte Operationstechniken, schonende Diagnoseverfahren, Aufklärung über Vorsorgeprogramme, aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse in der Medizin: In Visite - Das Gesundheitsmagazin werden sie vorgestellt und verständlich erklärt. Fachärzte im Studio beantworten Hörerfragen am Telefon und geben gute Ratschläge zur Erhaltung ...
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Abenteuer Reportagefotografie – Podcast über visuelles Storytelling

Kai Behrmann: Visueller Storyteller und Fotograf

Mit Bildern Geschichten erzählen: Im "Abenteuer Reportagefotografie"-Podcast dreht sich alles um das visuelle Storytelling. Was macht eine Geschichte fesselnd und welche Methoden gibt es, sie mit Bildern zu erzählen? Lerne, die Momente deines Lebens, an die du dich erinnern möchtest, visuell festzuhalten. Egal, ob auf Reisen oder vor der eigenen Haustür – und mit welcher Kamera.
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The Visual Lounge

TechSmith Corporation

Visuals and videos are powerful, but creating them can feel overwhelming. Yet they are essential to creating content that impacts understanding, helps improve communication, and can save you and the viewers time and money. The Visual Lounge is a place where we talk about creating and using visuals and videos for all sorts of communication. Whether you’re creating a course to help your organization roll out new software, an educator learning to better communicate with your students, or a mark ...
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Enjoy this weekly time of family devotions, as you "go down the street and around the block" to have a friendly visit at "Home Sweet Home." You’ll feel as if you're sitting in the living room as the Jones Family sings, reads Scripture, has family discussions and special guests.
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Visualise You

Beth Hewitt

The Visualise You podcast is a place for listeners to recognise their skills and experiences and feel more resilient and confident to change direction or start a business. You’ll hear inspirational stories and practical tips from your host and Queen of the Visualisation Beth Hewitt and her incredible guests who have taken that path already. The show covers, spirituality, visualisation, the law of attraction, mindset, the art of gratitude and so much more. Beth believes everyone has a unique ...
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Visual Eyes

Visuals by Momo

Visual Eyes 👀 Podcast Captivate, Connect, and Convert with the Art of Video Marketing Powered by Visuals by Momo, the premier video and film production company, Chris and Momo, your weekly hosts, unlock the secrets of video marketing in the Visual Eyes Podcast. We'll help you harness the power of video, craft emotional narratives that captivate your audience, and turn viewers into loyal clients. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned marketer, or simply video-curious, this podcast ...
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Sens de la visite

Jérémie et Lisa THOMAS

Rencontrez à l'audio celles et ceux qui peuplent le monde de l'art: professionnels, artistes, passionnés, ou amateurs. Dans les musées, les lieux d'expositions, les ateliers ou juste devant une oeuvre d'art... Nous sommes toujours à l'écoute d'une histoire intime, experte ou sensible. Pour susciter l'envie, d'aller les voir en vrai. Production : Jérémie et Lisa THOMAS Logo: Jean-Charles Abrial + Jaquette: Thomas Hayman Soutenez-nous sur Patreon !
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Visual Revolutionary

Because we are interested in people's story, and not what type of gear they use, we introduce a new much needed podcast in the world of photography and cinematography. Featuring in-depth conversations with some of the world's leading photographers, filmmakers, and other visual revolutionaries, we are bringing you the backstory on how some of your favorite artists got to where they are today.
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Visualising War and Peace

The University of St Andrews

How do war stories work? And what do they do to us? Join University of St Andrews historian Alice König and colleagues as they explore how war and peace get presented in art, text, film and music. With the help of expert guests, they unpick conflict stories from all sorts of different periods and places. And they ask how the tales we tell and the pictures we paint of peace and war influence us as individuals and shape the societies we live in.
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show series
Summary In this episode of the VisX Show, host Vis explores the profound impact of kindness on relationships, mental health, and personal well-being. He shares personal stories that highlight the importance of recognizing the struggles of others and emphasizes that even small acts of kindness can have significant effects on people's lives. The conv…
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Illegal Move Exercise: The audio will lead you through a series of moves from the beginning of a game. Somewhere in there, a player will make an illegal move but the game will continue anyway. Find the illegal move. To learn more about Don't Move Until You See It and get the free 5-day Conceptualizing Chess Series, head over to https://dontmoveunti…
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In this episode I had the pleasure to speak with Alex Noel, Developer Relations Engineer at Plasmic - a visual development Plattform. Alex’ background as a full-stack Developer made me wonder: why and how did he start to work for a visual development tool? We talked about AI and its place in the No-Code space, as well as the usefulness of the term …
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If you want to be the go-to expert in your community, build strong local relationships, and grow your hosting network, starting a meetup for Airbnb hosts is a game-changer. In this episode, we’re breaking down exactly how to plan, promote, and run a successful short-term rental meetup, based on our own experience hosting packed events for hosts in …
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Welcome to the Visual Storytelling podcast. Let’s discuss how to effectively implement the solutions discussed in the previous episode. In the first and second episodes of this series (series 8 episodes 9 and 10) I discussed the following challenges that business face with respect to their photography. • Brand Consistency • Quality & Professionalis…
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In dieser Episode sprechen wir über ein Herzensprojekt, das uns schon lange begleitet: unser eigenes Magazin! Die Idee tragen wir schon lange mit uns herum und nun ist es endlich soweit: Wir machen uns selbst Druck! Unser Magazin soll nicht nur eine Sammlung von Bildern und Texten sein, sondern ein kreativer Ort, der unsere Gedanken, Geschichten un…
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Hybrid Puzzle: The audio will tell you where each of the pieces on the board are, then read a series of moves from that position. When prompted, try to identify the best next move. To learn more about Don't Move Until You See It and get the free 5-day Conceptualizing Chess Series, head over to FEN fo…
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Can using AI in visual design ever be truly creative? This week’s guest would go one step further and call AI the “future of creativity.” Mike Parkinson, Principal of 24 Hour Company and Owner of Billion Dollar Graphics, joins us for a special live show of The Visual Lounge, hosted at Training 2025, a conference and expo produced by Training Magazi…
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In this episode of the Visualising War and Peace podcast, guest-host Zofia Guertin speaks with Dr. Alice König about her work expanding the Visualising War project to include peace studies. In this conversation, Alice unveils the groundbreaking Ancient Peace Studies Network—the first of its kind dedicated to examining how peace was understood, expe…
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Position Exercise: The audio will tell you where each of the pieces on the board are and whose turn it is. Find the best move! To learn more about Don't Move Until You See It and get the free 5-day Conceptualizing Chess Series, head over to FEN for today's exercise: r5k1/5ppp/5q2/8/8/8/4QPPP/4R1K1 w …
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Being spoken to in one's own language is often a safe habour; the walls come down, the wrinkles in a furrowed brow relax and for patients, it's one less thing to worry about. In this episode we visit with Yue Hu, Northern Health's Director of Transcultural and Language Services and the Aboriginal Support Unit. Both these teams nurture a culturally …
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In this Hosting Hotline episode, Jane calls in with a question every host has to consider: What smart lock should I be using for my short-term rental? Sarah and Annette break down their most trusted smart locks, the brands they avoid, and the key factors to consider when choosing the right lock for your property. They also share their must-have bac…
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Defensie is tegenwoordig alom vertegenwoordigd in het nieuws. Maar hoe is het om als internist bij defensie te werken? In deze aflevering spreken we Roos Barth, militair internist, waarbij we alle ins en outs omtrent de internistische zorg voor militairen bespreken.由Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging
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In dieser Folge durfte ich mit Max Mika sprechen, dem Gründer vom Remote Verlag. Der Remote Verlag hat sich vor einiger Zeit dazu entschlossen, ihre Verwaltungssoftware selbst in die Hand zu nehmen und wir durften mit unserem Product Studio dabei helfen. Mit “Remote Sales” durften wir eine moderne Lösung für die Verwaltung seines Verlags bauen, die…
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🌈 How can nonprofits create lasting impact in the LGBTQ+ community? In this episode of Visual Eyes Podcast, we sit down with Diane Pappafotis from The Pride Center to explore how collaboration fuels change. 🏡 Key Topics Discussed: ✔ Affordable LGBTQ+ housing & senior support 🏡 ✔ The importance of safe community spaces 🏳️‍🌈 ✔ Women with Pride: A pro…
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In episode 57, Kelly Ballard speaks with LaToyah McAllister-Jones, the Executive Director of St Paul's Carnival in Bristol. LaToyah shares the rich history and community impact of this celebrated cultural event, which has been running since 1968 and is one of the largest carnivals in the UK. LaToyah explains how St Paul's Carnival was founded to fo…
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Connect with your divine feminine energy and step into your most magnetic, radiant self. This guided visualization will help you tap into flow, intuition, and inner confidence as you embody the essence of feminine energy. Whether you’re seeking balance, softness, or empowerment, this meditation will leave you feeling aligned, powerful, and deeply i…
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Lost Piece Exercise: The audio will tell you the position of most of the pieces on the board. Can you work out where the missing piece is meant to be? To learn more about Don't Move Until You See It and get the free 5-day Conceptualizing Chess Series, head over to FEN for today's exercise: 8/8/8/5k2/…
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In der letzten Episode hat Thomas seine Eindrücke von der Ausstellung „Echoes of Change“ im neuen Fuji-Store in Nürnberg geteilt. Daran knüpfen wir nun an. Die zahlreichen Fragen, Diskussionen und inspirierenden Gespräche unter den Besuchern der Vernissage haben uns motiviert, ein Q&A-Format einzuführen, um gezielt auf deine Fragen und Anliegen aus…
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Game Exercise: Close your eyes and follow along with an entire Chess game using the audio below. On each move, try to conceptualize the position clearly and understand how it has changed. Try to follow the game until the end to stretch the amount of moves you can see ahead. To learn more about Don't Move Until You See It and get the free 5-day Conc…
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Pavasaris – ne tik paukščių giesmės ir grįžtančių sparnuočių džiaugsmas, bet ir iššūkiai, kuriuos jiems sukuria žmonės. Ar pakanka tik inkilą iškelti, kad paukščiai galėtų sėkmingai perėti? Kaip keičiasi jų gyvenimas dėl kintančios gamtos ir žmogaus veiklos? O kaip pavasarį išgyvena vabzdžiai – kas juos žadina ir kuo jie minta, kai gamta dar tik bu…
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Aiden answers your questions about conceptualization and making the adult brain better at Chess. Send your questions to @AidenAtDontMove on Twitter, or Read the series about mantras and taming your intuition here: To learn more about Don't Move Until You See It and…
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Send us a text In this engaging conversation, Danielle Miller, owner of Miller Personal Injury Attorneys, shares her insights on personal injury law in Las Vegas. She discusses her journey into this field, common types of cases, and the unique challenges faced by victims. Danielle emphasizes the importance of understanding one's rights and dispels …
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Introduction Close your eyes and take a deep breath. As you inhale, feel the air filling your lungs, bringing with it a sense of calm. As you exhale, let go of any tension or worry. Picture a warm, golden light surrounding you, representing hope. This light is gentle yet powerful, a symbol of the possibilities that lie ahead. The Setting Imagine yo…
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Sasha shares her experiences and emotions while traveling through New Zealand. Recording from Queenstown, she talks about her recent travels, including tours and meeting solo female travelers. She also opens up about feeling welcomed by families and strangers alike, reflecting on her intense and messy romantic entanglements post-breakup, specifical…
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Opening Exercise: The audio will lead you through a series of moves from the beginning of a game. At a certain point, one player will make a mistake and it’ll be your job to find the move to punish it. To learn more about Don't Move Until You See It and get the free 5-day Conceptualizing Chess Series, head over to…
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Is It Time to Fire Your Airbnb Property Manager? Hiring a property manager or Co-Host can take a huge weight off your shoulders—but what happens when the relationship isn’t working? In this episode, we break down how to evaluate whether your property manager is helping or hurting your business. We cover: Common frustrations hosts have with property…
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Welcome to the Visual Storytelling podcast. Let’s discuss how businesses can overcome common photography challenges. In the previous episode (season 8 episode 9) of the podcast I ran through fifteen topics that businesses have difficulty with when it comes to photography. In this episode I’m going to discuss how businesses can overcome those common…
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A while back, we sat down with Edie Clarke, Virtual Video Producer and Editor and YouTube Strategist, to talk about why simpler is often better when it comes to video creation. And guess what? That advice still holds up. So, we’re bringing this episode back for another listen. With AI changing the way we create and edit videos, there’s never been a…
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Rutherford Hayes' life naturally led to the Presidency...what he did with that office might not have represented that, but he was always capable and upright. Learn about Rutherford's post-Presidency, his activism, his death, and burial, as well as his gravesite! Check out the website at for visual aids, links, past episode…
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Hybrid Puzzle: The audio will tell you where each of the pieces on the board are, then read a series of moves from that position. When prompted, try to identify the best next move. To learn more about Don't Move Until You See It and get the free 5-day Conceptualizing Chess Series, head over to FEN fo…
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Lilith und Alex waren endlich mal wieder gemeinsam im Podcast! Dieses Mal ging es um das Rebranding von VisualMakers – und um die Frage, welche Rolle Visual Development und KI 2025 spielen. Was sich beim neuen Look & Feel von VisualMakers geändert hat, warum AI und No-Code für moderne Unternehmen unverzichtbar sind und wie man sie sinnvoll in den e…
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