Darrell Johnson is a seasoned pastor, teacher and preacher. With over 50 years of experience preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the sermons of Darrell Johnson have served hundreds of thousands. Here at this podcast, you get access to Darrell's messages dating as far back as the 1990's to the present day. The Darrell Johnson Podcast is brought to you by The Pastorate.
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In this powerful sermon, Darrell Johnson unpacks the heart of God as revealed in Exodus 3:7-8: a God who sees, hears, and feels the suffering of His people—and who comes down to deliver them. Darrell weaves this ancient truth into the fabric of our world today, addressing pain, injustice, and reconciliation, particularly in light of Canada’s histor…
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In this episode, Darrell Johnson continues his deep dive into Genesis 1-11, focusing on the poetic and theological richness of Genesis 1:1-2:3. He explores the structured, intentional design of the creation narrative, highlighting the centrality of God as Creator. Through a careful literary and theological analysis, Darrell unpacks the significance…
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Darrell addresses the question: Are spiritual gifts still relevant today? Drawing from 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, he affirms that the gifts of the Spirit continue to operate. While some argue that these gifts were only for the early church, Darrell asserts that the Holy Spirit still empowers believers today. He explores Jesus’ ministry of preaching, te…
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Special Episode: Darrell Johnson on His Morning Rhythms, Praying the Psalms, and Reflections on His Personal Health
On this special episode of the Darrell Johnson Podcast, we are sharing a recent interview that Darrell had with The Pastorate. In this episode, we join Jason, who leads The Pastorate, and Darrell as they explore themes like Darrell's morning rhythms, praying through the Psalms, and what discipleship might look like in our time. We'll also get the c…
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Introduction to the Parables of Jesus This week we are excited to share a preview of Darrell's latest digital course on the Parables of Jesus. Over 4 lectures in July 2024, Darrell helped us uncover a clearer picture of who God is and what His Kingdom is like through these rich stories called parables. If you're interested in watching the next 3 le…
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Week 9 | Who is Jesus? | The Stronger Man Freedom from fear of death. The ability to plunder the gates of hell and save souls for God’s Kingdom. These are what Jesus says we as believers have, because of who he is. But how do we know this is true? Continuing in his series “Who is Jesus?”, Darrell focuses on Mark 3 where Jesus establishes himself to…
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Week 8 | Who is Jesus? | Listening to the Father Say Who Jesus Is In this sermon, Darrell continues to examine who Jesus is. Who does God the Father say Jesus is? Enabled by the Holy Spirit, the author of Hebrews hears God speaking to and about Jesus in the Old Testament. Through these texts, we see that Jesus is higher than the angels—and therefor…
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Week 7 | Who is Jesus? | The Light of the World On the eighth day of the feast of tabernacles Jesus, in the treasury of the temple, makes a cosmic claim about who he is: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Taking us into the context of this passage, Darrell illumi…
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Week 6 | Who is Jesus? | I AM the Bread of Life In our sermon today, we will study Jesus’ claim: I AM the bread of life. Contentment and satisfaction run against the grain of a society that’s fixed on always getting more. In this episode, we are reminded of the one who can bring us true satisfaction that goes beyond the temporary, the one who calls…
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Week 5 | Who is Jesus? | Finally. A True Human In this episode, Darrell Johnson explores the profound connection between Hebrews 1 and 2, describing these passages as one of the most eloquent sermons we’ll ever encounter. He reveals how these chapters showcase a dialogue where God speaks about and to Jesus, and Jesus, in turn, speaks to and about G…
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Week 4 | Who is Jesus? | Jesus Baptizes IN and WITH the Spirit In this episode, Darrell Johnson explores the profound mystery of Jesus, the subject of more books and songs than any other figure in history. We delve into the perspective of John the Baptist, the last prophet to announce Jesus and the first to witness Him in the flesh. Johnson emphasi…
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Week 3 | Who is Jesus? | Darrell Johnson left a promising academic career in science and instead devoted his life to preaching Jesus, driven by his love for the Lord. But at first, one assumption deeply troubled him: the New Testament writers and the Church claim Jesus is God in human form, but did Jesus himself ever make that claim? Darrell retrac…
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This lecture is one of nine available on Darrell's digital course Genesis 1-11: The Story That Makes Sense of Our Stories. In this course, we'll study Genesis 1-11. These chapters cover creation, humanity's origins, the entrance of evil, the fall, and the need for rescue - all setting the stage for the gospel. Here, we will discover the story that …
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Week 2 | Who is Jesus? “Son of Man” was Jesus’ favourite way of referring to Himself. Darrell explores where the term originated, what it meant to first-century Jews, and why Jesus’ use of it outraged the religious leaders and confused His disciples. What, then, are the practical implications for us today? As the Son of Man, Jesus has final authori…
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Week 1 | Who is Jesus? | “Who do you say that I am?” It’s a question Jesus asks each of us. If we are going to become like Him and follow where He leads, we need to know who our Rabbi is. In this new series entitled Who Is Jesus, Darrell takes us through the New Testament to hear and see who Jesus reveals Himself to be. Beginning to answer that que…
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Throughout the Gospels, we hear stories of Jesus finding time to be alone with His Father to pray. So much so, that His disciples grew curious about the nature of prayer and the kind of relationship Jesus had with the Father. Teaching from Luke 11:1-13, Darrell unpacks the prayer and the parable that Jesus offers His disciples in response to their …
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Discipleship Series | Week 8 | As disciples of Jesus, we are a continuation of God’s work that began in the Old Testament. In this passage, Peter uses Old Testament imagery to describe Jesus’ disciples as God’s own people, a chosen race, God’s temple, and a royal priesthood. Being priests, we have privileges and responsibilities, including direct a…
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Discipleship Series | Week 7 | The Parable of the Great Banquet shows Jesus’ great joy as He invites people to follow Him into His Kingdom, as well as His great disappointment when people make excuses not to come. Our excuses reveal our idols and our doubts about God’s Kingdom and Jesus’ character. Jesus continues to invite us but will not do so fo…
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Discipleship Series | Week 6 | In this sermon, Darrell teaches from Mark 10:17-31 where we find the encounter between Jesus and the rich young ruler. The text invites us to ask ourselves: Who’s disciple will I be? Who’s final authority will I submit to in my life? Holding Christ’s love and desire for this young man’s good at the forefront of our mi…
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Discipleship Series | Week 5 | In this sermon, Darrell shares about the cost of being a disciple of Jesus. It is a decision that takes you on a narrow road that leads to liberation in Christ. Following Jesus does not result in life-draining stress, but when we read scripture like today’s text in Luke 14:25-33, it helps us to see that following Jesu…
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Discipleship Series | Week 4 | In this sermon, Darrell invites us to take up the offer of Jesus to trade in our heavy burdens for a new yoke that He offers and assures us is easy. We are weary because we wear yokes of lust, anger, revenge, and envy. Why is the yoke Jesus offers easy? Because his yoke is his relationship with the Father - to please …
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Discipleship Series | Week 3 In today’s sermon, Darrell highlights how Jesus’ baptism, calling and wilderness preparation, initiate his action of calling disciples to make disciples - not just converts or churchgoers - but people becoming disciples - intimately attached to the lordship of Jesus Christ - because He has ‘commanded’ us to do this. Sum…
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Discipleship Series | Week 2 | Jesus’ call for us to follow him as disciples may be unsettling to us, because it implies a radical shift of allegiance from something or someone else. It would be natural to ask, “what are we getting ourselves into?” Following the previous episode, Darrell explains that Jesus’ promise to his first disciples is the sa…
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Discipleship Series | Week 1 | In this first episode of our new series on discipleship, Darrell takes us into the Great Commission found in the Gospel of Matthew. Darrell calls the church to take seriously what he calls the Unfinished Agenda of Jesus. He unpacks what this agenda is by referring to the Great Claim and Great Commission found in the p…
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Living As Citizens | Week 7 | In the concluding section of Paul's letter to the Philippians, written from prison in Rome, Paul expressed that he had learned to be content in every circumstance. Darrell unpacks this pure miracle and suggests four secrets of Paul's contentment, each of which involves an attachment. May the Lord give us the grace to h…
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Living As Citizens | Week 8 | The Lord is near, four words that hold a lot of weight yet bring so much comfort for those to believe in Him. How can we live in a way that reflects this nearness? In this episode, Darrell expands on the five final exhortations and one declaration in Philippians 4: 4-9. We come to see that because the Lord is near, we …
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Living As Citizens Of The Land Called Gospel | Week 6 | In this message, Darrell reminds us that the gospel of Christ gives us a new passport as citizens of heaven, which trumps every other passport we may carry. Writing from a prison cell, Paul calls us to live in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ with heaven’s priorities, heaven’s understan…
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Living As Citizens Of The Land Called Gospel | Week 5 | In today’s sermon, Darrell takes us into the heart and mind of the apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Paul is a person with plenty of ‘wants’ - to be freed from prison, a decent meal and sleep, to see the gospel spread and the church united. But in this passage, Paul writes that above a…
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Living as Citizens of the Land Called Gospel | Week 4 | How can we adopt the mind of Christ? As we continue in our series Living As Citizens of the Land Called Gospel, Darrell teaches on the call to live in unity we find in Philippians 2:5-11. This call to unity is not a call to conformity, but rather an invitation to the very oneness we see in the…
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Living as Citizens of the Land Called Gospel | Week 3 | In this week’s sermon, Darrell examines how Paul suddenly goes from evangelistic success to being falsely accused and awaiting trial for his life in a Roman prison. Frustration, bewilderment and despair would be normal reactions to such a fall from grace, but instead, Paul is able to rejoice e…
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Living as Citizens of the Land Called Gospel | Week 2 | In this sermon, Darrell delves into the underlying reason for Paul’s joy as expressed in the opening chapter of his letter to the church at Philippi. Despite his own imprisonment and news of conflict within the church, Paul is anything but discouraged or fearful. His unwavering confidence in t…
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Living as Citizens of the Land Called Gospel | Week 1 | In this first episode of our new series on Paul’s letter to the church in Phillipi, Darrell takes us into what we need to know in order to hear his word. Really hear - so as to join the group gathered in a living room in downtown Phillipi. As we listen to Paul’s message, we hear his chief reas…
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A man resurrected from the dead? Really? How is it that we can believe what we read in the Gospels to be true - that Jesus really was raised from the dead? 21st-century skeptics find themselves in good company with people who first heard the Good News. And yet, within months, thousands of people throughout the Roman Empire came to believe that the …
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Total darkness in the middle of the day, rocks splitting, graves opening, the curtain in the temple torn in two - what does it all mean? In this Good Friday message, Darrell teaches from Matthew 27 on Jesus’ death. He explains how we can read all of this as a response to Jesus’ cry from the cross: “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my …
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People In Sync | Week 9 | In this sermon, Darrell works through the eighth and final Beatitude of Jesus found in Matthew chapter 5. This beatitude addresses the “persecuted blessed.” To be in sync with Jesus and His kingdom means we can expect to be treated the way Jesus was treated. Followers of Jesus can anticipate opposition, even persecution be…
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People In Sync | Week 8 | In the seventh beatitude — blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, invites us — ordinary, broken people, to become partners in his divine work of making shalom in the city. We are called to make a fresh commitment to our gospel vocation to be peace-makers, not just…
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People In Sync | Week 7 | In this episode, Darrell Johnson focuses on Jesus’ description of his kingdom people in Matthew 5:8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Breaking the message into two sections around the text (pure in heart, see God), Darrell helps us understand that being pure in heart is not about perfection, but rath…
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People In Sync | Week 6 | In this episode, Darrell Johnson explores what Jesus means when He says: "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy" (Matthew 5:7). As Darrell works through the text, he asks why mercy is a mark of those in whom the Kingdom dwells, what exactly is this mercy that Jesus blesses, and does this text suggest that …
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People In Sync | Week 5 | In this message, Darrel walks us through the fourth Beatitude in Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for Righteousness for they will be satisfied”. In this beatitude, Jesus enters into all our thirsts and restores in us a hunger for which we were created When we come to Jesus he awakens an even deeper long…
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People In Sync | Week 4 | Blessed are the meek for they (and only they) shall inherit the earth… Really? Darrell helps us understand the nature of this seemingly upside-down beatitude and its outrageous promise. Through the words of David in Psalm 37, the life of Moses, and the person of Jesus, we learn that meekness is not weakness or passivity bu…
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People In Sync | Week 3 | In part three of People in Sync, Darrell's sermon series on the beatitudes, he clarifies one of the more difficult statements made by Jesus, “Blessed are those who are mourning.” How can those in a state of mourning see themselves as fortunate? Darrell helpfully reframes these mourners as “God’s aching visionaries,” those …
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People In Sync | Week 2 |Welcome back to the Darrell Johnson Podcast for Week 2 of our People in Sync series, where we journey through the Beatitudes. Today, we dive deep into Jesus' promise: "Blessed are those who are poor in spirit." Join Darrell as he unravels the essence of being poor in spirit and its profound connection to embracing the gospe…
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People In Sync | Week 1 | Welcome to a new series from Darrell, on Matthew 5:1-12 - commonly known as the Beatitudes. In this sermon, Darrell Johnson offers an introduction to the passage. Through five observations, Darrell helps the listener grapple with the seemingly upside-down nature of the eight Beatitude statements and reveals the portrait Je…
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Special Episode: Darrell Johnson on Pastoring, God's Word, & How the Ten Commandments Speak to Our Cultural Moment
On this special episode of the Darrell Johnson Podcast, we are sharing a recent interview that Darrell had with The Canadian Church Leaders Network (CCLN). In this episode, we join Jason, who leads CCLN, and Darrell as they explore themes like the art of preaching, going the distance in ministry and marriage, and Darrell’s thoughts on the ancient T…
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Christmas According to John | Week 3 In the final sermon of this Christmas series, Darrell continues his exposition of John 1 by making the case that our greatest need as humans is to see the glory of God. This deep human desire to behold glory is at the heart of John’s gospel and for John, the whole life of Jesus is one sustained manifestation of …
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Christmas According to John | Week 2 Darrell calls these opening verses of the Gospel of John an “overture,” because it not only sets the stage for what is to come but draws us step by step more deeply into an ever greater sense of wonder. He breaks down words and concepts like logos, bios, zoé, and cosmos to prove that Jesus is in fact the Life an…
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Christmas According to John | Week 1 The month of December can be a busy time of year in our modern world, yet it is during this Christmas season that the cultural spotlight shines on Jesus more than perhaps any other time of the year. This Christmas, Darrell invites you to soak in the opening verses of the Gospel of John, a passage that takes us i…
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Listening To Jesus Pray For Us | Week 4 | In this final episode in our series on John 17, Darrell talks about the conversations that take place in sacred spaces. In the New Testament, we see many interactions between Jesus and the Father but the most clear and defining moments are here in John 17 and in Hebrews 1-2 where we witness God finally spea…
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Listening To Jesus Pray For Us | Week 3 | In part 3 of this 4 part series, Darrell proclaims that our invitation to listen to Jesus pray to His Father is an invitation into the very center of the universe. It is one thing to hear Jesus preach, but it is another thing to hear Jesus pray. And as he prays for us, he prays that we would be unified with…
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Listening To Jesus Pray For Us | Week 2 | In part 2 of the series “Listening to Jesus Pray for Us,” Darrell highlights from John 17 how Jesus' deep desires for his disciples are revealed to us in this prayer. Jesus prays that we may know God, by knowing Him, the one God sent. He wants us to be set apart, by following His way in the world. Then ulti…
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