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Em semana de escalada retórica, Kiev obteve licença de Washington e Londres para utilizar mísseis de longo alcance contra solo russo, Moscovo reviu a doutrina militar e testou um novo projétil. Com Donald Trump prestes a retomar a Casa Branca, estará a guerra a abeirar-se do fim? Se assim for, em que condições vão os beligerantes sentar-se à mesa d…
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Newly reconnected, the crew heads for Wilson-Dillard High to put the final steps of their plan into motion. Jillian deals with the cops. Nammi makes connections. Rabbit tries to hold themself together. (Content warnings: police intimidation and violence) CHARACTERS Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him) Jillian, the Spooky - William White (@…
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Z Chrisem Krakowskim rozmawiamy o różnicach kulturowych w Chinach - drugim na świecie rynku kosmetycznym, w którym Chris spędził 12 lat swojej kariery zawodowej. Po powrocie na stałe do Polski stworzył własną linię kosmetyków dla mężczyzn. I nie myślcie, że jest to kolejny gówno-produkt sprowadzany z Chin - to w 100% produkt Made in Poland z potenc…
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An audio rebroadcast from POTOMAC.TV. Nick Bartolo turns the mic on Paul Giannamore to discuss his strategy for selling fire protection businesses. Paul reveals how a formal sell-side process, combined with competitive leverage, drives transaction multiples to new highs. Learn how you can maximize the value of your fire protection business in the g…
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A Markó utcai Mentőpalota Európa első olyan épülete, ami mentőállomásnak épült, 1890-ben. Az elmúlt több mint 130 évben nagyon sokat változott a benne működő szervezet, a kezdetben használt, ma már megmosolyogtató eszközök helyét a legmodernebb technológia vette át. Az itt dolgozó hétköznapi hősök munkájából a legtöbbször csak a szirénázó mentőautó…
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¡Bienvenidos damas y caballeros a Metales Pesados 2.0! Volvemos con un formato bisemanal y siendo igual de idiotas que siempre. La respuesta a todas estas preguntas, en este programa. Si quieres apoyarnos, seguidnos, puntuadnos (si podéis), comentad y por supuesto, compartid nuestros programas. Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales: ❗LINKS❗ ▶ Twitter…
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Danny Leibrandt is the founder of Pest Control SEO ( Check out his podcast ‘’The Pest Control SEO Podcast’’!: Facebook: Linkedin: X: Gorilla Desk Free Trial: https://go…
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Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!) Friendly reminder that the absolute worst thing you can do is tell someone they seem tired, it never goes over well. Instead, you could try, "You look like shit," or "What the hell is your problem." This week James and I take to the podcast to encourage more themed parties, commiserate about just h…
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We combat Ridley Scott’s “Gladiator II” and discuss: Story & Writing, sequels, comparing II to the original; Cinematography, how running multiple cameras and fewer takes can impact the story; and other such stuff and things and stuff. “The technology keeps moving forward, which makes it easier for the artists to tell their stories and paint the pic…
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Neste episódio, o terror reside nas lendas a respeito de uma velha mansão, que evoca vestígios de um passado de esplendor aristocrático. Mas devido ao seu abandono e supostos acontecimentos sinistros, lhe deram a fama de estar assombrada. Compartilhe conosco o seu próprio relato ou sugestão enviando um email para ou …
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Samantha Burch is in the house to discuss SOS Pest, a game-changing service for pest control companies. Samantha explains how SOS Pest can streamline your business by efficiently managing incoming calls, freeing up your time to focus on servicing clients and growing your company. Learn how this innovative solution can improve customer satisfaction,…
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A Paula conta à João a fabulosa história da vida de um médico alemão e a sua amante que emigraram nos anos 30 para a inabitada ilha Floreana nas Galápagos, e dos misteriosos desaparecimentos que daí sucederam. Este é o nosso último episódio da temporada 3. Nesta história mencionamos o documentário de Daniel Geller e Dayna Goldfine de 2013: The Gala…
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Uma estranha história sobre poderes sombrios e barganhas com seres do submundo. Apresentada originalmente na revista ‘Weird Tales’ em junho de 1934, famosa revista pulp norte-americana de horror. Fonte: "The Haunter of the Ring", ROBERT E. HOWARD, 1934 Tradução e adaptação ao português por Lorena Duarte. 🖤 Compartilhe conosco o seu próprio relato o…
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In this episode, host Pete Schopen, R.V. There Yet Pest Consultant, and Culley Christensen, The Pest Posse, discuss the importance of pricing sheets and howthey provide your company with a more streamlined operation. R.V. There Yet Pest Consultant and The Pest Posse collaborate to bring you The Pest Posse Perspective. A series is tailor-made to cat…
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Szabó T. Anna író-költővel a számára fontos Budapest-élményeket elevenítettük fel, sőt egy picit az agglomerációba is kikacsintottunk. A beszélgetés során a 90-es évek fővárosi hangulatát elevenítettük fel az Eötvös-kolitól kezdve a Százados úti művésztelepig, majd eljutottunk a budaörsi idillig, ahol nemcsak telefonszignált utánzó rigók, de izgalm…
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A question was asked and a pest control group. We are adding a lawn spraying weed fertilization ration insects beginning in January to our core of termite pest and mosquito summer recommending starting a separate LLC for that for different reasons. Has anyone had this experience any suggestion? thanks I was tagged in this post and I think I’ll give…
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Allan Draper is the founder of Proof. Pest Control ( Check out his website!: Facebook: Youtube: Gorilla Desk Free Trial: The Pest Control Millionaire Podcast is all about helping small b…
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Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!) Great news team, becoming a better person is actually incredibly easy! Follow our 5-step process and you'll surely go straight to heaven or be reincarnated as something really cool or whatever. In this week's episode, James and I take to the podcast to celebrate the versatility of the fist bump, co…
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No capítulo 8 da obra "A Criação do Patriarcado" Gerda Lerner analisa o livro de Gênesis do antigo testamento e através dele discute qual era o papel social das mulheres na sociedade hebraica. O que a Bíblia fala sobre as mulheres? E como isso está conectado com ideias patriarcais que persistem até hoje em dia em sociedades que seguem o cristianism…
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Devido às diversas versões a respeito do crime que vitimou Maria Luiza Haüssler, me dei a tarefa de tentar reconstruir a história real, com base em jornais da época, programas de tv, e informações públicas que não se limitassem às lendas em torno da vítima. Mais do que apenas uma história de assombrações, este episódio tenta apresentar o que pode t…
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Guest Tim Husen from Syngenta dives deep into the fascinating process behind pest control product discovery and production. Learn how innovative solutions are developed to tackle today's toughest pest challenges. Tim breaks down the science, research, and technology that drive new product creation, offering valuable insights into how these tools ar…
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A cimeira do clima da ONU decorre em Baku, a capital do Azerbaijão, até sexta-feira. Este ano, a prioridade é discutir novas metas para apoiar financeiramente os países mais vulneráveis às alterações climáticas. Oiça aqui o episódio do podcast O Mundo A Seus Pés sobre a COP29 com Francisco Ferreira, presidente da Zero. See f…
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The crew make a desperate gamble to reconnect with one another as things in Norfork reach a boiling point. Nammi gets ahead. Rabbit contemplates their next move. Jillian calls in a distraction. (Content warnings: brief description of forced starvation, brief mention of decapitation with sound effects, implied mention of cannibalism, gun violence, p…
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Robert Pittman, owner of Tuxedo Mosquito Control, joins Nick Bartolo and Fat Pat aka Patrick Baldwin to discuss his journey in developing a specialized mosquito control business centered around family values and focus. Taking over from his father-in-law, who founded the company, Robert has upheld a culture that treats employees like family—a princi…
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The final day in pest world. In this last episode to close out pest world 2024 you will hear what additional classes Daniel and Aaron took as well a glance at what the last day in pest world is like. If you have any questions about pest world and where to find it, you can send us a message on instagram, website, or email. Also if you liked the vide…
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No último episódio de O Burro e o Elefante, analisámos os resultados numa versão mais longa, com a ajuda do Ricardo Costa, diretor de informação da SIC, e do Luís Nuno Rodrigues, professor catedrático de História no ISCTE. Economia, imigração, resultados eleitorais e a futura administração Trump foram alguns dos temas abordados na última vez que no…
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Büszke lehet magára az a kerület, amelyiknek olyan polgármestere van, mint a II. kerületet irányító Őrsi Gergely. Nem egyszerűen egy várospolitikai vezető, aki a szívén viseli a környék sorsának alakulását, amelyért felel, hanem a kerületét az átlagosnál bőven jobban szerető és ismerő polgár is ő, aki a politikától és a pozíciójától abszolút függet…
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Podcast o témach rovnosti a spravodlivosti priamo z parlamentu vám prináša poslankyňa Lucia Plaváková a poslanec Ondrej Prostredník z klubu Progresívne Slovensko.S hostkou Zuzanou Mesterovou, podpredsedníčkou poslaneckého klubu PS, sme diskutovali o:- vedení parlamentu a politickej kultúre - rastúcom finančnom prepojení štátu a cirkvi- správe komis…
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Paul J. Bello is an award-winning expert in the pest management industry. He also hosts The PJB Development Workshop ( Gorilla Desk Free Trial: The Pest Control Millionaire Podcast is all about helping small business owners scale their lawn and pest companies by talking to expert…
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Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!) Have you ever been to the state of Delaware? Because me neither, and I have no designs on visiting! Devonte and I take to the podcast to celebrate finding fulfillment in our respective careers and shared community, to burst the bubble that is traveling for work, and to throw shade at the CTA. Get s…
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We consume a chill pill to discuss Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey” and discuss: Cinematography; Story & Writing; and other such stuff and things and stuff. “I don’t pretend we have all the answers. But the questions are certainly worth thinking about.“ – Arthur C. Clarke Notes & References: Filming the Leopard scene ( An in-…
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Compartilhe conosco o seu próprio relato ou sugestão enviando um email para ⁠⁠ ou visite nosso site: ⁠⁠ Considere ser um apoiador do programa, qualquer contribuição será de grande ajuda! 🖤 ⁠⁠ 🖤 Chave Pix: ⁠⁠ Pesadelo…
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“Neste momento, em Moçambique, não há condições para um golpe de Estado, assim como não há condições para uma guerra civil. Na verdade, quem mais fala de golpe de Estado é o Governo.” É o que explica o autor e ativista moçambicano Jessemusse Cacinda, convidado deste episódio, argumentando que “golpe de Estado é apenas a narrativa para justificar o …
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Dominique Sauvage from Active Guard and Tom Muller from Insects Limited share expert insights on expanding your pest control business by incorporating valuable add-on services. Learn how to increase revenue and customer satisfaction by integrating products like Active Guard and unique solutions from Insects Limited. Discover the benefits of offerin…
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A João conta à Paula a primeira parte (pedimos imensadesculpa) da história do assassinato da família Bamber, um caso de 1981 queainda hoje levanta dúvidas na sociedade britânica. Neste episódio são referidos: o documentário da Sky “The Bambers: Murder At The Farm”, a mini-série da ITV “White House Farm” o artigo darevista New Yorker de Heidi Blake …
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Get ready for the two two days in pest world! These days were very heavy class days. A lot of great information and a few things will leave you looking for more information! Listen and watch to learn more from Daniel and Aaron. Want to be a guest or have any questions? Website: Email: Insta: @dandapes…
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Donald Trump foi reeleito presidente dos EUA, com mais poder do que nunca. Nesta edição especial da Comissão Política e do Mundo a Seus Pés, perguntamos: será este um teste às políticas populistas ou só um trunfo para que cresçam mais? Este episódio tem comentários de Vítor Matos, Pedro Cordeiro e David Dinis (na moderação). A sonoplastia é de Tomá…
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¡Bienvenidos damas y caballeros a Metales Pesados 2.0! Volvemos con un formato bisemanal y siendo igual de idiotas que siempre. La respuesta a todas estas preguntas, en este programa. Si quieres apoyarnos, seguidnos, puntuadnos (si podéis), comentad y por supuesto, compartid nuestros programas. Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales: ❗LINKS❗ ▶ Twitter…
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Come with D and A on the first day in Pest World 2024 Denver! This episode brings to you what D and A experienced at this years pest world. They cover what they encountered the first day and what they say in the expo that is going to grow there company and get the leg up on the competition. Let us know if this was helpful and what else you would li…
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