Tales from the Shadows Row followed by an episode of the horror anthology series, "The Turn of Night." Hosted by Dano Villano & Dr. Invisible. For more cool content, check out Anti-Social Media. #theshadowsrow #podcasts #antisocialmedia #truecrime #horror #occult #metaphysical #paranormal #ghosts #monsters #crime
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A quick blurb from the Shadows Row followed by two epsiodes of The Turn of Night. "Don't Let Them In" featuring those Black Eyed Kids and "Harmless Incantations." Careful what you read out loud!由The Shadows Row
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A taste of nice weather with some odd sounds, plus a stolen book of supposed magical powers in The Turn of Night episode "Constant Surveillance."由The Shadows Row
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A quick PSA on the importance of libraries and an astral trip with The Turn of Night episode "Beyond the Window." #supportlibraries #horror #anthology #truecrime #astralprojection #psychhorror由The Shadows Row
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Some ideas on post pandemic weirdness followed by an episode of The Turn of Night. A holiday seance brings about some strange "Parlour Reflections."由The Shadows Row
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