It’s time to gather round your console and join the finest gaming community in all the land. If you are looking for equal parts random life story and absurd video game analysis, then join hosts Eric, Dan, Tom, and Zack for a light-hearted, tangent-filled romp through gaming's past, present, and future.
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2024 was brimming with games. Many were played, some were loved, some were hated, and some were barely even turned on. These are our favorites.由Eric Pederson, Dan Curtis, Tom Ragan, Zack Fawley
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Dip your Doritos in the toilet in celebration of our first four man show in months! Highlights include this year's GOTY show, an extended discussion on Legend of Dragoon, and Zack's obsession with Vampire Survivors.由Factory Sealed
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Eric looks for empathy in all the wrong places as he admits to playing Cult of the Lamb on PSN instead of buying it while Zack savors his prediction for how long Eric could resist buying a PS5 Pro.由Eric Pederson, Zack Fawley
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Like a stubborn houseplant that refuses to die, Eric and Zack continue to patiently wait for Dan and Tom to water them with their presence by talking about Silent Hill 2 and pressuring each other to buy things they honestly don't need.由Eric Pederson, Zack Fawley
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Eric and Zack ponder the most efficient way to leave this mortal plane before fawning endlessly over the masterpiece that is Astro Bot and ragging on the absurdity of the PS5 Pro.由Factory Sealed
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Eric and Zack branch out into the controversial world of Tree Law before waxing nostalgic about the inconsistent quality of early PS2 games by attempting to plow through Rygar: The Legendary Adventure.由Factory Sealed
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It's that time of year again! Time for a bunch of grown men to descend upon St. Louis with no dietary restrictions, an overly-estimated tolerance for alcoholic beverages, and a complete disregard for any sort of budgetary constraints. That's right... it's MoCon!由Cody Halvorson, Matt Earney, Eric Pederson, Zack Fawley
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Slather yourself up with piles cream as Dan returns to chat videogames with Zack and Eric. Highlights include Final Fantasy VII Rebirth ghost attacking, what to expect for games going forward, and the sensation known only as Sticky Vicky.由Zack Fawley, Dan Curtis, Eric Pederson
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Eric and Zack scrape themselves to rag on Microsoft closing more studios and chat about passive gaming with Rusty's Retirement.由Factory Sealed
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Sidequests - Episode 28: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Dragon's Dogma 2, Midwest Gaming Classic
We profusely apologize for cheating on MoCon with Midwest Gaming classic before very loosely breaking the seal on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and discover just how much fun it is to have no idea what to do in Dragon's Dogma 2.由Factory Sealed
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Join us moose deep in the dick shed for a slide through the wet mess we've left behind from gushing over Helldivers 2, the Elden Ring DLC, and Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth, all while stopping off for a trip through Bulletstorm.由Dan Curtis, Eric Pederson, Zack Fawley
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We convene to talk about the recent Sony State of Play... and almost forget to talk about it as we get sidetracked by purchasing too many of one game, Tekken 8, MoCon planning, and Zack's steady march towards taking over Dan's coveted title.由Eric Pederson, Zack Fawley
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Thanks to Dan for killing the show with his horrible recommendation last year, we are once again cocked, locked, and back on the retro horse so Zack can finally gush over Ninja Gaiden Black.由Zack Fawley, Eric Pederson
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It's the one you've been waiting for - the GOTY show is here! Strap in, strap on, strap it all about for our top 10 games we played in 2023!由Dan Curtis, Zack Fawley, Eric Pederson, Tom Ragan
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Zack joins Eric from his newly assembled game room, but forgets to turn on his good mic to talk about the Steam Deck, simulation racing, some anticipated games coming in 2024, and subtly allude to a secret that Dan has.由Eric Pederson, Zack Fawley
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Sidequests - Ep. 24 - Arcade Cabs, Obscure Console Variants, Typing of the Dead, and Other Games
With Tom out of action from a cream induced migraine, Zack tells us all about his freshly shaven cave, we learn how to type properly from Typing of the Dead, discuss obscure console variants, and try to unravel the intricacies of two day weddings.由Dan Curtis, Zack Fawley, Eric Pederson
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Professor Dick Physics makes his long-anticipated debut, and Dan's back as well to discuss what we've been playing, what we're looking forward to, and the awful story of the demise of Dan's PS5.由Zack Fawley, Eric Pederson, Dan Curtis
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Huh? What day is it?? Where have we been?! Are we still idiots...? Eric, Tom, and Zack reconvene to recap 4 months of gaming that includes such gems as Sea of Stars, Dave the Diver, 30xx, Mario Wonder, Gallon Cheesequake 2, Gran Turismo 7, and more before absolutely hauling off on the galactic disappointment that is Starfield.…
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Another year, another MoCon... but this time we are coming to you from the hotel room! (Fair warning, there are audio issues). Eric and Zack are joined by listeners Cody and Matt as we recap the weekend's exploits across St. Louis including yet another horrifying hotel room, a toddler beauty pageant, new Lord of the Rings heroes, Mega Man tinder sw…
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Tom is back from a trip to get inked in the great American south (while managing to avoid Waffle House) to share more thoughts on Final Fantasy 16 and help us fine tune our hunting parameters for the impending descent upon MO Game Con.由Zack Fawley, Eric Pederson, Tom Ragan
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We fulfill an ancient prophecy that foretold of our inability to talk about anything other than Zelda and Final Fantasy games by sharing some final thoughts on Tears of the Kingdom before going full fanboy over Final Fantasy XVI.由Zack Fawley, Eric Pederson
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Like a fine aged milk, we've separated long enough! Eric and Zack finally reunite to gush over Tears of the Kingdom, get all nostalgic with Diablo IV, and do their best to match Dan's levels of excitement for the latest Final Fantasy VII Rebirth trailer.由Eric Pederson, Zack Fawley
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Eric and Zack take a break from an absolutely brutal few weeks of retro gaming to share trepidations about Starfield, fail to catalog their games efficiently, revisit Horizon Forbidden West, look forward to Tears of the Kingdom, and spark world domination by failing to secure the secret documents stored within their ovens in Mega Man Battle Network…
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There'll be no taking of DOOMPS here - Metal Gear Rising is the rarest of beasts: an actual good game that we've played on Factory Sealed!由Zack Fawley, Dan Curtis, Eric Pederson
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Eric, Dan & Zack unleash their wands and touch tips to gush all over Hogwarts Legacy & also have a jolly nice chat about Theatrhythm Final Bar Line, Playstation VR2, Metroid Prime Remastered, Hi-Fi Rush and more!由Dan Curtis, Eric Pederson, Zack Fawley
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What was mean to be the first four man show in AAAAAAAGES turns into Eric and Zack blasting through grounderies to talk about life happenings, Gran Turismo 7, supporting game developers, and our frustrating, yet enjoyable time with Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver.由Zack Fawley, Eric Pederson
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It's time for our favorite show of the year! Find out which games secured our top spots and try to resist to the urge to buy some of the recommendations... because we each failed to do so.由Tom Ragan, Dan Curtis, Eric Pederson
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Hold on to your brown trousers! It's a four man show for the first time in ages as we play Doom 3, bask in the glory of 90s internet...and regret the dark path that takes us down.由Dan Curtis, Eric Pederson, Zack Fawley, Tom Ragan
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Sidequests - Ep. 15 - The Scorn Disappointment, Plague Tale is Back, and the Hope for Better Games
Just when we thought this year couldn't get any worse, we played Scorn. Fortunately Plague Tale: Requiem and the anticipation of upcoming games give us hope that the year might round out with a bang.由Zack Fawley, Eric Pederson
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Armed with the finest of TENG, we land on the cold plains of EDN-3 and find that exploring Lost Planet is just a big waste of time.由Eric Pederson, Dan Curtis
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It's time for the annual pilgrimage to MoCon! Will the lads have the same hotel room? Will they survive? Will Zack be arrested? It's all possible at MoCon! Outside of this year's shenanigans, we also have a brutal time trying to slog through Brutal Legend.由Zack Fawley, Eric Pederson, Tom Ragan, Dan Curtis
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Sidequests - Ep. 14 - Moving Sucks, Heroes of Britain, and What Games We Think Won't Be Crap
The horse may have died long before it got to Eric, but that won't stop us flogging it even further as we return after a two month hiatus! Hear all about Eric's cross-country move, the heroes of Britain, what we've been playing (or not playing!), and our thoughts on all of the latest big announcements including Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth, Starfield…
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Gotta go...slow? We play Sonic CD, discuss Dan's patio, what we've been playing and Eric's impending country-wide trip to move house.由Eric Pederson, Dan Curtis
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Former host turned celebrity guest Tom Ragan emerges from the rural recesses of Mooseland to talk about homeownership, Elden Ring, F1, and open a ton of mystery digital games.由Eric Pederson, Tom Ragan
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Eric and Zack managed to peel themselves off the couch long enough to lament over buying and selling houses, reminisce about ancient methods of storage, and absolutely gush over Elden Ring.由Eric Pederson, Zack Fawley
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Dan and Eric tear themselves away from Elden Ring to question the morals of making robots in Binary Domain, making them question whether they are actually self aware in the process.由Eric Pederson
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Join us as we Enter the Matrix, a fabricated world of shite gameplay! Also includes Nobody Saves the World, Mass Effect, and Eric somehow finishing a game before Dan.由Dan Curtis, Eric Pederson
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The whole crew reunites for the first time in months for our fabled Game of the Year show! Which titles took our top spots this year?由Eric Pederson, Tom Ragan, Dan Curtis, Mike Tyson
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The whole crew reunites for the first time in months for our fabled Game of the Year show! Which titles took our top spots this year?由Eric Pederson, Dan Curtis, Mike Tyson, Tom Ragan
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We round out 2021 with a concise little show featuring The Matrix Awakens, Eric's new Series X, Halo Infinite, and Dan's annual descent into playing games that are too long.由Factory Sealed
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We're back! Join us to laugh at Steve Burton's terrible voice acting in Resident Evil: Code Veronica X and listen to us chat about all kinds of rubbish ranging from this year's Game Awards to Eric finally buying Stadia.由Factory Sealed
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Sparkly thigh boots at the ready as we head out on our annual pilgrimage to MoCon where too much money is spent, hotel rooms are destroyed, and very bad food is eaten. Upon our return, we stop off at the Mall of Willamette which appears to have been taken over by zombies (not really, we're playing Dead Rising).…
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Three Moosecopters have just landed to bring you the skinny on Psychonauts 2, Deathloop, unMetal, and RE8 as Edge to Edge Gaming edges (get it??) closer to satisfaction: Ownership of the 2021 Fantasy Critic Crown.由Eric Pederson, Dan Curtis, Tom Ragan
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Join us aboard the MooseJet as we travel to the wonderfully absurd, minigame-filled world of The Misadventures of Tron Bonne... which is technically a Mega Man game.由Tom Ragan, Eric Pederson, Dan Curtis
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Tom makes his buttery 2021 debut to show off his DS, talk about the current state of collecting, reminisce about PS2 era Grand Theft Auto, and dive into the musically awful world of Chinatown Wars.由Eric Pederson, Tom Ragan
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The fabled Russian Keeper of the Dates, Bobov August finally arrives with an accurate calendar to get us back on track and talking about failed DIY, Skyward Sword HD, Switch OLED, Marvel's Avengers, and the PS5 NVME Beta.由Eric Pederson, Mike Tyson
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Come with us on a magical journey through our special tunnel, featuring stops at Super Mario Galaxy 2, Skyward Sword HD, and Eric's expanded collection.由Eric Pederson, Dan Curtis
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A full crew descends upon the mics to share their thoughts on Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intermission, Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, Chivalry 2 and Dark Alliance while trying to unravel the mystery of how two grown men managed to get stuck to their kitchen floors in the same week.由Dan Curtis, Eric Pederson, Tom Ragan, Mike Tyson
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Eric and Mike reluctantly press record after discovering their opinions on Terranigma appear to be completely unshared by anyone else in the world.由Eric Pederson, Mike Tyson
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A rare case of "seriousness" overcomes the crew with the Returnal of General Spendington to discuss accessibility in video games, Resident Evil 8, and our favorite tinfoil hat video game urban legends.由Mike Tyson, Eric Pederson, Zack Fawley
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