Friedrich Merz polarisiert und provoziert. Jetzt könnte er Deutschlands nächster Kanzler werden. Wer ist dieser Mann – und was zieht ihn zur Macht? Ein sechsteiliger Dokupodcast von ZEIT ONLINE. Bis zur Bundestagswahl erscheinen jeden Donnerstag zwei neue Folgen. Hören Sie den gesamten Podcast mit Podcast-Abo der ZEIT:
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A podcast about technology and political economy /// Agitprop against innovation and capital /// Hosted by Jathan Sadowski and Edward Ongweso Jr., Produced by Jereme Brown /// Hello friends and enemies Listen anywhere that fine podcasts are distributed. Subscribe at to get premium episodes every week.
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The 21st Century began with the rise of the Internet and social media. The next decade will mark the rise of the Intelligent Machines. AI will inhabit all our devices from cars and appliances to smart phones and robots. The Intelligent Machines podcast explores the most exciting revolution humanity has ever seen, filled with promise and peril. More than ever we need to understand what these new devices will bring to our lives and how to make best use of them as the 21st century unfolds. On t ...
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Der Podcast zur Gesundheitspolitik
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Join Dave and Helen as they travel back in time (metaphorically… it’s a podcast) to explore the real history of the people, places and events of the Old Testament, New Testament and everything in between.
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The TWIML AI Podcast (formerly This Week in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence)
Sam Charrington
Machine learning and artificial intelligence are dramatically changing the way businesses operate and people live. The TWIML AI Podcast brings the top minds and ideas from the world of ML and AI to a broad and influential community of ML/AI researchers, data scientists, engineers and tech-savvy business and IT leaders. Hosted by Sam Charrington, a sought after industry analyst, speaker, commentator and thought leader. Technologies covered include machine learning, artificial intelligence, de ...
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Die Sendung zum Mitnehmen
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And Now For Something Completely Machinima
Ricky Grove, Tracy Harwood, Damien Valentine, and Phil Rice
Machinima, real-time filmmaking, virtual production and VR. Four veteran machinimators share news, new films & filmmakers, and discuss the past, present and future of machinima.
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Sermons from MCC in Snohomish, WA
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SPARK.N.STRIDE with MACH Conversations exploring wellness, mental health, resiliency, and personal development with Mach a retired US Air Force veteran.
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Curt and Jamie dive into business and manufacturing as one-man shops.
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AI Chat is the podcast where we dive into the world of ChatGPT, cutting-edge AI news and its impact on our daily lives. With in-depth discussions and interviews with leading experts in the field, we'll explore the latest advancements in language models, machine learning, and more. From its practical applications to its ethical considerations, AI Chat will keep you informed and entertained on the exciting developments in the world of AI. Tune in to stay ahead of the curve on the latest techno ...
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Welcome! We engage in fascinating discussions with pre-eminent figures in the AI field. Our flagship show covers current affairs in AI, cognitive science, neuroscience and philosophy of mind with in-depth analysis. Our approach is unrivalled in terms of scope and rigour – we believe in intellectual diversity in AI, and we touch on all of the main ideas in the field with the hype surgically removed. MLST is run by Tim Scarfe, Ph.D ( and features regular ...
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Podcast by The Venting Machine
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Gelegenheit macht deep. Ein ehrliches Kneipengespräch unter Freunden. Die beiden Mitt-Dreißiger (uff) Arne und Konni werfen die großen Fragen des Lebens auf den Tresen und besprechen diese schonungslos offen in einer gemütlich-warmen Atmosphäre. Wie in 'ner Kneipe eben.
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Aktuell und hintergründig blicken wir mit Expertinnen und Experten in unserem ZDF-Podcast auf Nachrichten rund um Militärpolitik, Verteidigungsstrategien und globale Machtverhältnisse. Wir setzen aktuelle Ereignisse wie den Krieg in der Ukraine oder in Nahost in den Kontext und analysieren militärische Konflikte tiefgründig. Wird Waldimir Putin weiter eskalieren - auch gegenüber der NATO? Wie reagieren EU und USA auf die Aggressionen aus Russland? Jede Episode bietet detaillierte Einblicke i ...
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Two Desiring Machines
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Conversations about music, art, and whatever else is on our minds. Hosted by Impulse Machine and friends.
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Gründe und führe dein eigenes Business, damit das Dilemma zwischen Zeit und Geld endlich ein Ende hat.
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Pastor Jimmy Macharia is the Senior Pastor at Harvest Family Church. He is passionate about the work of God.
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Podcast by Matt Baker
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Blood, Sweat and Smears is a podcast focused on thrombosis and hemostasis and is hosted by Benign Hematologist, Dr. Brad Lewis. Dr. Lewis shares some of his knowledge built over decades of experience in hematology and laboratory testing.
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Machines Like Us is a technology show about people. We are living in an age of breakthroughs propelled by advances in artificial intelligence. Technologies that were once the realm of science fiction will become our reality: robot best friends, bespoke gene editing, brain implants that make us smarter. Every other Tuesday Taylor Owen sits down with the people shaping this rapidly approaching future. He’ll speak with entrepreneurs building world-changing technologies, lawmakers trying to ensu ...
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Communicating through language, images, maps, and tools
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Machine learning audio course, teaching the fundamentals of machine learning and artificial intelligence. It covers intuition, models (shallow and deep), math, languages, frameworks, etc. Where your other ML resources provide the trees, I provide the forest. Consider MLG your syllabus, with highly-curated resources for each episode's details at Audio is a great supplement during exercise, commute, chores, etc.
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Electronic soundscapes transmitting from a speculative posthuman microcosm. Follow for new monthly track postings and downloads. New sets go live on the first Sunday at 5 pm GMT.
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Wind Machine Podcast's hosts provide commentary and critique of Eurovision songs from 1970 to the present. Incorporating a mix of pop-culture, music, history, geography and politics.
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Im Podcast „Macht und Millionen“ spricht Kayhan Özgenç mit Reporterinnen und Reportern über aktuelle, exklusive Recherchen und über klassische Wirtschaftskrimis. Im Gespräch erklären sie komplexe Zusammenhänge und Hintergrundgeschichten auf unterhaltsame Weise. Die Episoden sind etwa 40 Minuten lang und erscheinen alle zwei Wochen. Im Macht&Millionen-Club können Hörerinnen und Hörer die neue Folge schon eine Woche früher hören. Hier geht's zum Buch: Die gesamte erste ...
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Movie Memory Machine is a podcast dedicated to films that are forgotten but not gone. Each week the Machine sends us backward and forward through time and forces us to blow the dust off a wide release film that history has forgotten to decide if we should send it back to modern memory or leave it drifting in the ether of space.
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Discourse on AI Ethics. News, explanation and Interviews with academics, authors, business leaders, creatives and engineers on the subject of autonomous algorithms, artificial intelligence, responsible AI, machine learning, AGI, technology ethics, conciousness, philosophy and more.
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The Machine Shop Mastery Podcast helps to elevate the importance of the machine shop industry and reveal the secrets of success for machine shops, to inspire other shop owners or would-be shop owners to follow their passions, start and grow their shops to be an economic driver for our economy and their stakeholders.
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This is an educational series where we interview people we consider Incredible Machines. The conversations will be facilitated in a way that allows us to establish what makes these people “incredible” so that we may learn and try their strategies and tactics where applicable.
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John Grimsmo of Grimsmo Knives and John Saunders of NYC CNC discuss their success, struggles, goals and more as machinists, business owners and entrepreneurs.
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Mach Deinen Verstärker an und tauche mit Kim, Jonas und Jens in das Hörspielversum der Drei Fragezeichen Hörspiele ein. Immer neu am 3. des Monats. Die 3 sprechen über 2 Folgen der Serie in 1 Stunde. Zwischen Kreuzverhören, der Bergmonsterfrage und Justus, Peter und Bob entdecken Sie gemeinsam mit den Hörenden die Hörspiele neu und wieder.
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Weird, Goofy, Funny...with a little bit of ball bustin' sprinkled in. Lobotomizing minds with brainwashing comedy.
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Welcome to the MACHINE ROOM, the brainchild of Naztradamix and HammerOfVenus from My Way Entertainment! Join us for up to date nerd and geek news and crazy shenanigans!
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You are the Captain of your Life. Wir können die Umstände nicht verändern, aber wir können immer an unserem Mindset arbeiten und dadurch verändert sich alles ✨! Dazu gibt es Meditationen und Tipps für deine Manifestation - damit du alles manifestieren kannst, was du willst!
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In de wekelijkse podcast De Machine nemen Atze de Vrieze en Malou Miedema je mee naar de wereld achter de muziek. Naar de business beslissingen die bepalen hoe we met zijn allen naar muziek luisteren. Ze praten je door het belangrijkste nieuws over festivals, streamingdiensten en platenmaatschappijen.
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About a Renaissance writer
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Your one stop for the most relevant and powerful restoration sales training and advice on planet earth!!!!! Change and supercharge your sales game!
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Plastics Machinery & Manufacturing brings you our podcast! Each month we will provide an interview with a plastics industry professional, PMM in Person; an audio article, PMM Perspective; and a Commentary examining an issue in the industry. Find more of our content at
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**New Episodes every Monday!** Join hosts dakazu, darfox8, Seamus2389, and Morgana Santilli for Manga Machinations! Our weekly manga discussions focus on introducing lots of unknown manga and doing in-depth retrospective reviews of titles such as ‘Tokyo Tarareba Girls’, ‘BLAME!’, Tezuka Osamu’s ‘Phoenix’, and more! Get more info at and send emails to
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Hand aufs Herz: Eigentlich wollte ich euch diese Woche von meinem neuen Buch YOU ARE THE CAPTAIN OF YOUR LIFE: MANIFESTIEREN MIT FRÖHLICHKEIT & LEICHTIGKEIT vorschwärmen, aber dafür reicht meine Stimme leider gerade nicht aus 🙊. Genau deswegen linnspiriere ich dich, deinen Körper als das Geschenk zu feiern, das er ist. Schenke dir selbst all die Li…
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From panic attacks to peace, from corporate boardrooms to yoga studios—this conversation takes you on a transformative journey into wellness entrepreneurship and finding purpose after trauma. Kim Fallon candidly shares her path from high-powered banking executive to yoga studio owner, revealing the breaking points that forced her to reevaluate ever…
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In unsere 50. Folge besprechen wir auf der A-Seite die Folge #50 "...und der verschwundene Filmstar" und auf der B-Seite Folge #195 "Im Reich der Ungeheuer". Wir sprechen über den verschwundenen Jonas, über Wrestling, komplizierte Fälle und vieles vieles mehr! Viel Spaß beim Hören! Heute geht ein großer Dank an alle raus, denn mit Veröffentlichung …
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In this episode of Movie Memory Machine, we row our way through The Boys in the Boat, George Clooney’s adaptation of the best-selling book about the University of Washington’s scrappy rowing team and their improbable journey to Olympic glory. We discuss whether the film captures the thrill of sports triumphs or just kind of... floats along. Plus, w…
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Een paar weken geleden vertelden we je over Chillville, een reggae festival in Breda dat niet doorging en ticketkopers liet fluiten naar hun geld. De mensen achter het festival lieten zich maandenlang niet bereiken, maar nu beweert een van hen dat ook hij om de tuin geleid is. En verder: hoe staat het met de positie van vrouwen in de popmuziek?…
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♥ Gründungsmitglied in unserer Skool Community🥳 Herausforderungen des Alltags zwischen Business und Familie können sich wie ein Drahtseilakt anfühlen. 🎢 In diesem Video teile ich:✨ Spannungen im Alltag: Wie ich mit den Konflikten zwischen Familie und Business umgehe.✨ Prioritäten setzen: Warum Klarheit un…
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One of the most extraordinary picks we've made, probably ever, on the show! This week, we review an emergent absurdist talk show, focussing on the life of the Glurons - a post-human race of critters set in a future world, but most creatively uses generative AI tools. Its outstanding quality is, however, the writing. Check out our review and pick up…
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Interview with Anthony Aguirre The NIST's new directive to AI Safety Institute partners scrubs mentions of "AI safety" and "AI fairness" and prioritizes "reducing ideological bias" in models Jensen Huang GTC Keynote in 16 minutes Nvidia and Yum! Brands team up to expand AI ordering Google Is Officially Replacing Assistant With Gemini - Slashdot Goo…
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Iman Mirzadeh from Apple, who recently published the GSM-Symbolic paper discusses the crucial distinction between intelligence and achievement in AI systems. He critiques current AI research methodologies, highlighting the limitations of Large Language Models (LLMs) in reasoning and knowledge representation. SPONSOR MESSAGES: *** Tufa AI Labs is a …
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Euch erwartet eine gutgelaunte Episode über Zufriedenheit, Glück, den Sinn des Lebens, Wikipedia, den World Happiness Report, Tretmühlen, den Porsche 911, Faultiere, Google-Algorithmen, Friedrich Merz und vieles mehr. Eine gute Stunde Begleitmaterial für den Weg in euren Garten der Zufriedenheit.由Konstantin Krueger & Arne Taegen
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In dieser Folge spricht Chefredakteur Kayhan Özgenç mit Wirtschaftsredakteur Klemens Handke über ein spektakuläres Familiendrama rund um den gefürchteten Patriarchen Rupert Murdoch. Er vereint "die Anpassungsfähigkeit eines Chamäleons mit der Bissfreudigkeit einer Dogge" und verkörpert wie kein anderer die Verschmelzung von Medienmacht und politisc…
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Kraig and Kirk debate a topic that has plagued mankind since 2001 - Is Nickelback good or do they suck ass? Obviously musical taste is subjective and no one should ever be ridiculed for liking and listening to music that speak to them on a personal level and fills their soul with wonder and whimsy, but... seriously have you heard this shit?…
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Two jolly men with beards debate the existence of another jolly man with a beard. It's like an enigma wrapped inside of a riddle, straddling a yule log! Will Kraig be able to melt Jed's grinch-like heart and make him believe in ol' Saint Nick, or will Jed hang Kraig's argument over the fireplace and fill it with coal? Roast some chestnuts, kick bag…
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Kraig, Jed, and Andy have a debate extravaganza with our first ever 3-way debate! Will Jed box out his contenders? Will Andy be able to keep his argument brief? Will Kraig be able to support his points with facts or will he flip-flop around? Let's take a look under the layers and see how things are swingin'!…
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Kraig struts around yappin' like a vicious junkyard dog, and Kirk weaves like an alley cat, half asleep, hungry, and waiting to pounce! When these two debate, the claws come out and the teeth start gnashing!由Kirk Wilson, Jed Craig, & Kraig Schaulin
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Our old pal Congressman Andy stops by for Earth Day, and he debates until he is blue in the face and Jed turns green with envy. Which color will be live up to the hype and be crowned king of the crayon box?由Kirk Wilson, Jed Craig, & Kraig Schaulin
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Jed and Kirk get frank with one another in this classic debate topic that dares to ask the question "Is a hot dog a sandwich or is it some weird, mutant-like creature born of pork by-products and broken dreams?" Bon appetit!由Kirk Wilson, Jed Craig, & Kraig Schaulin
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The fur is gonna fly when Kirk and Jed debate which untamed beast would win in a knock down, drag out, no holds barred, zoo style cage match between a gorilla or a bear! The first rule of Animal Fight Club is "There are no rules"! Mainly because they're animals and the concept of rules is far beyond their brain's capability to comprehend.…
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Kirk and Kraig try to wipe each other off the map with this debate for the ages. Do you let your toilet paper hang over like a glorious, majestic waterfall or are you an idiot? Let us know in the comments!由Kirk Wilson, Jed Craig, & Kraig Schaulin
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Kraig and Jed debate the proper number of leg hole's on canine apparel. Yes, seriously.由Kirk Wilson, Jed Craig, & Kraig Schaulin
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Dr. Max Bartolo from Cohere discusses machine learning model development, evaluation, and robustness. Key topics include model reasoning, the DynaBench platform for dynamic benchmarking, data-centric AI development, model training challenges, and the limitations of human feedback mechanisms. The conversation also covers technical aspects like influ…
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5 Questions is a new series of Blood, Sweat and Smears, hosted by our Senior Director, Bjorn Stromsness who asks 5 questions to physicians in and around the disease areas we work in. In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Kelly Davidson, Assistant Professor of Hematology/Oncology at the University of Virginia, who specializes in a variety of benign …
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Join Curt and Jamie as they discuss screws, tools, and tool holding (amongst other things). Links Discussed: Link to Jamie's printables: Link to Feeds and Speeds Calculator: The Lone Machinist: Website: https://thelonemachinists.…
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Mein Geschenk für deinen Erfolg: ✅ Premium Jahresplanungs-Workshop (199€ Wert) ✅ LIVE am 02.01.2025 ✅ 120 Minuten Transformation ✅ Inklusive Workbook den Code XMAS2024 und sei kostenfrei dabei!Das Jahr 2024 neigt sich dem Ende zu, und jetzt ist die perfekte Zeit, um es bewusst abzuschließen und dich auf …
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Welcome to another powerful episode of The Incredible Machines Podcast! In Episode 14, hosts Jon Oliff and Luke Holden sit down with Oscar Chalupsky, a world champion paddler, Olympian, and endurance athlete, to discuss his unbreakable mindset, defying the odds, and what it takes to achieve sustained success. From winning his first world championsh…
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We try to figure out what the fuck is happening in the US as we chat about the low rent car commercial at the White House, the human shields of cops protecting Tesla dealerships, how Musk has become (by his own actions) a scapegoat for the public’s hatred, and the ongoing disintegration of social bonds and moral solidarity under a fascist regime. P…
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Today, we're joined by Jonas Geiping, research group leader at Ellis Institute and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems to discuss his recent paper, “Scaling up Test-Time Compute with Latent Reasoning: A Recurrent Depth Approach.” This paper proposes a novel language model architecture which uses recurrent depth to enable “thinking in l…
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In this episode of the Machinery Minutes podcast, you'll hear about the new production facility Engel has opened in Mexico, aimed at providing faster delivery times and increased availability of injection molding machines in the Americas. Also, Husky Technologies has acquired secondary injection unit and rotary platen technologies from MGS Health…
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Coop and Taylor discuss Deleuze’s The Method of Dramatization from Desert Islands, an anthology of texts and interviews written over 20 years. Book Link: Playlist:…
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In this episode Cooper and Taylor are joined by Adam Jones to discuss his new book, The New Flesh: Life and Death in the Data Economy. Adam is a philosopher from East London, UK whose work focuses on Insurrectionary Communist thought, cybernetics, and the ways in which systems of social control function today. For the past four years he has co-host…
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We're back and ready to dive into a Retrospective on No. 5! We'll be covering chapters 1-12 of Taiyo Matsumoto's wonderfully strange sci-fi universe! We also discuss Wolfwalkers, The Men Who Created Gundam, Levius, and more!!! Send us emails! Follow us on Twitter! @mangamacpodcast Check out our website! https://mangamach…
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What Not To Do/1 Corinthians 10: 1-14由John Stuckey
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Warum lesen Menschen so gerne spannende Bücher oder gucken spannende Filme? Warum schämen wir uns? Rind, Ochse, Stier, Kuh, Bulle – warum gibt es so viele Namen für ein Tier?由Tanja Sawitzki, Jochen Winter, Sarah Schultes, Thomas Welling, Heike Menke
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This episode of “Talking with machines” featured a conversation with Stephen Downes. I was joined by Tom Haymes and Bryan Alexander as we discussed “Augmented Info, Ethics, and the Duty of Care.”Stephen touches on his contributions to the origins of Massive Open Online Courses and Connectivism Theory (MOOCs and cMOOCs) before sharing his ideas on c…
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In dieser Woche haben sich die Ukraine und die USA bei Verhandlungen in Saudi-Arabien auf eine 30-tägige Waffenruhe geeinigt. US-Präsident Trump hatte zuvor Militärhilfen zweitweise gestoppt, um Kiew zu einer Einigung zu zwingen. Die Waffenruhe soll sich auf die Luft, das Schwarze Meer und die Frontlinie beziehen. Putin hatte bereits am Donnerstag …
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Keanu returns on Netflix to go Berserk. Cheeto Charizard worth over 87k should be munched and Naz can't talk without a mouthful of Pizza. This and so much more in the new, highly entertaining episode of Machine Room Podcast.
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TOPICS: Business insurance Thermal compensation on Speedio Surface grinding deep dive Shop improvements由johngrimsmo
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The Boys in the Boat (2023) – Movie Memory Machine "Who the hell are these guys? Oh, right, they’re the boys in the boat." Episode Description In this episode of Movie Memory Machine, Landen and Truman row their way through The Boys in the Boat (2023), George Clooney’s sepia-toned tale of working-class college kids defying the odds at the 1936 Berl…
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I know, I're like what in the actual **** is a CSBSH sales rep? Well I guess you'll have to listen to find out!!!!!由Eddie Green
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Het gaat de afgelopen tijd vaak over de mentale en financiële druk op artiesten. Vorige week bespraken we mental health in de muziekindustrie, we zagen Chappell Roan bij de Grammy’s een bevlogen betoog geven voor een basisinkomen en gezondheidszorg voor Amerikaanse artiesten én zagen vervolgens de hele industrie daar wat van vinden. Sam Fender, de …
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Mein Geschenk für deinen Erfolg: ✅ Premium Jahresplanungs-Workshop (199€ Wert) ✅ LIVE am 02.01.2025 ✅ 120 Minuten Transformation ✅ Inklusive Workbook den Code XMAS2024 und sei kostenfrei dabei!🎥 Warum Rückschläge ein Geschenk sind – und wie du sie für dein Wachstum nutzen kannstScheitern gehört zum Leben…
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This is our regular monthly news update on things relevant to the world of machinima. 1:19 Projects: Isoterica’s latest release, DisUtopia; Hamilton in Animal Crossing by GK Animations; EvilDrPorkChop’s No Man’s Sky cinematic 4:28 Phil’s Chuck Norris vs 50K Cavemen – a true scientific experiment 11:20 ElevenLabs vs a cast – choices and rationale 15…
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