It is our prayer that these sermons will encourage you and strengthen you in your walk with the Lord.
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1/5/2025 - "God Is in Charge of the Chargers" (Daniel 8 - Part 1) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "God Is in Charge of the Chargers” (Daniel 8) I. The Chargers: the Ram and the Goat (Explanation of vv. 1-8, 20-22) II. The One in Charge: God (Application) A. Warning for the Proud B. Comfort for the Weak…
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12/29/2024 - "A Ruler for God and His People" (Micah 5:2-5a) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: “A Ruler for God and His People” (Micah 5:2-5a) I. A Promised Ruler (v. 2) A. Humble B. Holy C. Historic II. A Scheduled Ruler (vv. 3-5a) A. Personal B. Provider/Protector C. Permanent D. Peace-Giving…
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12/24/2024 - Christmas Eve Service Message (Isaiah 9:6) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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12/22/2024 - "The Gift That Cannot Disappoint" (Isaiah 9:1-7) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: “The Gift That Cannot Disappoint” (Isaiah 9:1-7) I. The Sun Shining in the Dark (vv. 1-5) II. The Son Ruling over the World (vv. 6-7)由New Woodstock Community Church
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12/15/2024 - "A Sign That God Can Be Trusted" (Isaiah 7:10-17) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: “A Sign That God Can Be Trusted” (Isaiah 7:10-17) I. A Sign of Deliverance Offered (vv. 10-12) II. A Sign of Judgment Given (vv. 13-17)由New Woodstock Community Church
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12/8/2024 - “Why Do We Need Christmas?” (Genesis 3:15) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "Why Do We Need Christmas? (Genesis 3:15) I. The Context: Paradise Given and Lost II. The Promise: Paradise Regained A. The War B. The Incarnation C. The Suffering D. The Victory由New Woodstock Community Church
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12/1/2024 - "A Realistic Hope" (Daniel 7:15-28) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: “A Realistic Hope” (Daniel 7:15-28) I. The Big Picture (vv. 15-18) II. The Details (vv. 19-28) A. More Questions (vv. 19-20) B. More Vision (vv. 21-22) C. More Answers (vv. 23-28)由New Woodstock Community Church
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11/24/2024 - "God’s Choice for King of the World” (Daniel 7:9-14) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "God's Choice for King of the World" (Daniel 7:9-14) I. The Ancient of Days (vv. 9-12) A. Description (vv. 9-10) B. Decision (vv. 11-12) II. The Son of Man (vv. 13-14) A. Description (v. 13) B. Decision (v. 14)…
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11/17/2024 - "It's a Jungle out There" (Daniel 7:1-8) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "It's a Jungle out There" (Daniel 7:1-8) 1. Interpretation 2. Application Note: Pastor Josh references Romans 15:5, but the verse he is reading from is actually verse 4.由New Woodstock Community Church
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11/10/2024 - "The Hallmarks of a Normal Faith" (Daniel 6) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "The Hallmarks of a Normal Faith" (Daniel 6) I. Integrity (vv. 1-9) II. Perseverance (vv. 10-18) III. Vindication (vv. 19-24) IV. Testimony (vv. 25-28)由New Woodstock Community Church
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11/3/2024- "Do You Know Who Holds Your Life's Breath in His Hands?" (Daniel 5) Sermon Outline: "Do You Know Who Holds Your Life’s Breath in His Hands?" (Daniel 5) I. Pride Turns to Panic (vv. 1-9) II. Trust Leads to Testimony (vv. 10-16) III. Disregard Ends in Death (vv. 17-31)由New Woodstock Community Church
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10/27/2024 - "The Most High Decides Who Rules" (Daniel 4) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "The Most High Decides Who Rules” (Daniel 4) I. A Persuaded King (vv. 1-3) II. A Pointed Dream (vv. 4-18) III. A Pleading Interpretation (vv. 19-27) IV. A Punishing Fulfillment (vv. 28-33) V. A Pious King (vv. 34-37)…
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10/20/2024 - "A God Worth Standing For" (Daniel 3) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "A God Worth Standing For" (Daniel 3) I. You Stand for Who’s Worth it to You (vv. 1-7) II. A God Worth Your Stand (vv. 8-18) III. A god Not Worth Your Stand (vv. 19-23) IV. The Worthy God Stands above All (vv. 24-30)…
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10/13/2024 - "The Revealer of Mysteries" (Daniel 2) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline “The Revealer of Mysteries” (Daniel 2) I. The Ignorance of Man (vv. 1-13) II. The Omniscience of God (vv. 14-30) III. The Witness of God’s People (vv. 31-49)由New Woodstock Community Church
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10/6/2024 - "The Extent of God's Sovereignty" (Daniel 1) by Pastor Josh Slocum at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: “The Extent of God’s Sovereignty” (Daniel 1) I. God Is Sovereign over Our Tribulations (vv. 1-7) II. God Is Sovereign over Our Temptations (vv. 8-16) III. God Is Sovereign over Our Trades (vv. 17-21)…
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9/29/2024 - “Trust in the One Who Governs History” (Overview of the Book of Daniel) by Pastor Josh Slocum at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: “Trust in the One Who Governs History” (Overview of the Book of Daniel) I. Composer: Who Wrote It? II. Context: When Was It Written? III. Construction: How Was It Written? IV. Content: What Was…
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9/15/2024 - "A Warning to the Lady" (2 John 1:7-8) by Elder Owen Simiele at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: “A Warning to the Lady” (2 John 1:7-8) 1. A Warning Against Deceivers (v. 7a) a. They come from a specific location b. They come with a specific purpose c. They come with a specific motivation 2. A Specific Deception (v. 7b) 3…
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9/8/2024 - "A Commandment from the Beginning" (2 John 1:4-6) by Elder Owen Simiele at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "A Commandment from the Beginning" (2 John 1:4-6) 1. A Reason to Be Glad (v. 4) 2. A Reasonable Request (v. 5) 3. A Reason to Obey It (v. 6)由New Woodstock Community Church
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9/1/2024 - "Love in Truth" (2 John 1:1-3) by Elder Owen Simiele at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: “Love in Truth” (2 John 1:1-3) A. An Elder, a Chosen Lady & Her Children (v. 1a) B. Love in Truth (v. 1b) C. The Reason to Love in Truth (v. 2) D. God's Sufficiency to Love in Truth (v. 3)…
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8/25/2024 - "Trusting in God Is a Team Effort" (Psalm 20) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "Trusting in God Is a Team Effort" (Psalm 20) I. A Faith-Filled Blessing for a Faith-Filled King (vv. 1-5) II. A Faith-Filled Boast in a Faithful God (vv. 6-8) III. A Final Begging of a Faithful Sovereign (v. 9)…
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8/18/2024 - "God’s Revelation Requires a Response" (Psalm 19) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "God’s Revelation Requires a Response" (Psalm 19) I. Awed by Creation (vv. 1-6) General/Natural Revelation: A. Communicative (v. 1) B. Constant (v. 2) C. Close-lipped (v. 3) D. Common (v. 4ab) E. Case Study (vv. 4c-6) II. …
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8/11/2024 - "Why We Love Our God" (Psalm 18) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "Why We Love Our God" (Psalm 18) I. For Who He Is to Us (vv. 1-3) II. For Attentively Hearing Us (vv. 4-6) III. For Powerfully Answering Us (vv. 7-19) IV. For Faithfully Rewarding Us (vv. 20-29) V. For Granting Victory to Us (vv. 30-50)…
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8/4/2024 - "The Hopeful Prayer of the Persecuted" (Psalm 17) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "The Hopeful Prayer of the Persecuted" (Psalm 17) I. The Plea of the Believer (vv. 1-2) II. The Testimony of God (vv. 3-5) III. The Confidence of the Believer (vv. 6-9) IV. The Description of the Wicked (vv. 10-14) V. The H…
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7/28/2024 - "Treasure and Trust" (Psalm 16) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "Treasure and Trust" (Psalm 16) I. David’s Supreme Treasure (vv. 1-7) II. Christ’s Satisfied Trust (vv. 8-11)由New Woodstock Community Church
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7/21/2024 - "Don’t Be Duped: You Need the Old Testament" Sermon Outline: "Don’t Be Duped: You Need the Old Testament" (Selected Scriptures) I. False Teaching’s Strategy A. The Goal B. The Plan II. False Teaching’s Fallacy III. False Teaching’s Duplicity由New Woodstock Community Church
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7/14/2024 - "A Woman's Role in the Home" by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "A Woman’s Role in the Home" (Selected Scriptures) I. Grounded in Creation (Genesis 1 + 2) II. Guided by the Gospel (Titus 2) III. Governed through the Word (Titus 2)由New Woodstock Community Church
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7/7/2024 - "The Eternal State: Our Happily Ever After" by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Notes: "The Eternal State: Our Happily Ever After" I. The Bible's Expectation A. God’s Plan for Man Stated (Gen 1) B. God’s Plan for Man Reaffirmed (Ps 8; Heb 2) C. God’s Plan for Man Hoped for (Rom 8) D. God’s Plan for Man Purchased (Col…
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6/30/2024 - "What Happens to Our Bodies and Souls When We Die?" by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Notes: "What Happens to Our Bodies and Souls When We Die?" I. Our Bodies II. Our Souls A. Where Do They Go? B. What Do They Do When They Get There? C. Can Their Destination Be Changed Once They’ve Arrived?…
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6/23/24 - "Why Was It Not Wrong for God to Include Children in the Destruction of the Canaanites?"
6/23/24 - "Why Was It Not Wrong for God to Include Children in the Destruction of the Canaanites?" by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "Why Was It Not Wrong for God to Include Children in the Destruction of the Canaanites?" I. It Was Not Wrong Because God Is God II. It Was Not Wrong Because Man Is Sinful from Conceptio…
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6/16/2024 - "How Do We Reconcile God's Desire for Our Salvation with the Reality of Hell?" (2 Peter 3:9)
6/16/2024 - "How Do We Reconcile God's Desire for Our Salvation with the Reality of Hell?" (2 Peter 3:9) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "How Do We Reconcile God's Desire for Our Salvation with the Reality of Hell?" (2 Peter 3:9) I. The Context of This Verse II. The Meaning of This Verse III. The Fit of This Verse …
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6/9/2024 - "A Scribe Asks Jesus a Question" (Mark 12: 28-34) by Elder Owen Simiele at New Woodstock Community Church. Sermon Outline: "A Scribe Asks Jesus a Question" (Mark 12: 28-34) - Introduction: Mark 12: 13-27 1. A Right Question (v. 28) 2. A Right Answer (vv. 29-31) 3. A Right Response (vv. 32-33) 4. A Qualified Commendation (v. 34)…
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6/2/2024 - "Our Trials: The Purpose of and the Pathway Through" (Lessons from Psalm 119) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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5/26/2024 - "Befuddled by Job: Discerning the Good Counsel from the Bad" by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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5/19/2024 - "Godliness and Happiness" by Pastor Barney at New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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5/12/2024 - "Entertained unto the Glory of God" by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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5/5/2024 - "In What Will You Boast?" (Galatians 6:11-18) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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4/28/2024 - "Are You Sowing Seeds of Generosity?" (Galatians 6:6-10) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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4/21/2024 - "The Load We Must Bear" (Galatians 5:25-6:5) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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4/14/2024 - "How to Know When You Are Walking by Flesh or by Spirit - Part 2" (Galatians 5:22-24)
4/14/2024 - "How to Know When You Are Walking by Flesh or by Spirit - Part 2" (Galatians 5:22-24) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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4/7/2024 - "How to Know When You Are Walking by Flesh or by Spirit - Part 1" (Galatians 5:19-21)
4/7/2024 - "How to Know When You Are Walking by Flesh or by Spirit - Part 1" (Galatians 5:19-21) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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3/31/2024 - "Belief in the Resurrection Is Reasonable and Right" (John 20:1-18) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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3/24/2024 - "The Battle of Sanctification" (Galatians 5:16-18) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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3/17/2024 - "What Do I Do with This Freedom?" (Galatians 5:13-15) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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3/10/2024 - "Six Characteristics of False Teachers" (Galatians 5:7-12) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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3/3/2024 - "The Price of a Forfeited Freedom" (Galatians 5:1-6) by Pastor Josh at New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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2/25/24 - "Would You Rather Be Slave or Free?" (Galatians 4:21-31) by New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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2/18/2024 - "The Heart behind Faithful Correction" (Galatians 4:12-20) by New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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2/11/2024 - "Don't Enslave Yourself Again" (Galatians 4:8-11) by New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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2/4/2024 - "No Longer Slaves, but Sons" (Galatians 4:1-7) by New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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1/28/2024 - "How Do You Identify Yourself?" (Galatians 3:23-29) by New Woodstock Community Church.由New Woodstock Community Church
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