Self-development & Entreprenuership
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Alt du trenger å vite om vin. Med Thomas Giertsen og DNs vinjournalist Merete Bø. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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The podcast for experts who want to become authorities while making an impact in the world.
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À consommer sans modération Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Podcast sobre vinho por José João Santos.
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Podcasten som hjælper dig med finde din personlige smag inden for vin og samtidig gør dig klogere på de dejlige dråber. Rigtig god lyttelyst! Vært: Jonas Landin Ekspert: René Langdahl Der kan forekomme sponseret indhold i afsnittene. Køb bogen her Besøg os på Facebook og Instagram, hvor man kan vinde vin og se billeder og andet godt. Web: Kontakt: radiot ...
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Vinh Giang is one of the world's top keynote speakers and communication teachers. Ali Terai is the Founder and CEO of Future Golf, an award winning passion business. In this podcast, Vinh and Ali discuss the books and lessons that have shaped their lives.
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Podcast apresentado pelo sommelier Rodrigo Ferraz do Canal Vinhos de Bicicleta, reconhecido como o maior canal de vinhos da América Latina no YouTube. Prepare-se para uma viagem divertida e didática pela cultura do vinho. Cheers!
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Emmanuel Vincent is joined by various guests to discuss topics such as sports, entertainment, Pop Culture, etc. Follow Emmanuel Vincent on Instagram & Twitter: @Mrvincent13
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The Word in Season
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Vin and Mike bring you the best in sports betting, sports talk, and everything else that is on their minds.
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Vince Russo's "Before My Head EXPLODES" is a 30 minute, twice a week podcast, where the most polarizing and contraversial man in the history of sports entertainment will rant, rave and rapid-fire his honest opinions on everything from pop culture, current news, entertainment, sports, music and whatever else is twisting his mind and burning his tongue! Real, dynamic, hard-hitting and oh yeah---NO MAMBY-PAMBYS allowed!
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Don't miss the show that's the talk of the nation's capital! Forget the mainstream headlines! Get the truth! The Vince Coglianese Show cuts through the nonsense to deliver the real news every day. With nearly two decades in conservative journalism and broadcasting, Vince provides a shockingly refreshing and entertaining take on the day's biggest stories. His unparalleled roster of expert guests and newsmakers offer fresh insights that blast through the BS of Washington politics. The Vince Co ...
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A Vinci Compass é sua principal parceira em investimentos alternativos e global solutions na América Latina. Com quase três décadas de experiência e com operações em onze escritórios espalhados pela América Latina e pelos Estados Unidos, nossa expertise abrange: Private Equity, Crédito, Real Estate, Infraestrutura, Florestal, Equities, Produtos e Soluções de Investimentos Globais, e Corporate Advisory. Cada segmento é liderado por equipes especializadas, comprometidas com a excelência em ges ...
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The newest sermons by Bob Vincent and others.
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Zerocarbonista is the podcast from green entrepreneur and climate change campaigner, Dale Vince. From building his first windmill in 1996 to taking Forest Green Rovers Football Club vegan in 2015 and becoming a United Nations Ambassador in 2019, Dale Vince has made saving planet his life’s mission.
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Cue the Next Leader is a series of conversations designed to share a common journey to help automotive leaders go further, faster. Go beyond what your team is achieving today with valuable lessons from other managers and owners in our industry. “We study the successes of others deeply, so that together we rise.” – Danny Zaslavsky. For more information on VINCUE, go to
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We believe compliance enables business. Compliance is an opportunity to be one step ahead, so your organisation can focus on advancing the business. For over 20 years, VinciWorks has been at the leading edge of re-envisioning compliance tools and training. Our creative and driven team works hard everyday, challenging the traditional compliance industry to become forward-thinking, interactive and engaging. From our vast library of 800+ courses, to the award-winning Omnitrack training and comp ...
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Fast food reviews, movie reviews, & my wife n keeeds
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Två gånger i månaden bjuder vi -två vinentusiaster, på noga utvalda viner i ett försök att guida eventuella lyssnar till bättre vinupplevelser utan att spendera en förmögenhet. Men det förekommer en hel del juveler också.. Det bjuds även på skratt, tjafs och matupplevelser.
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Join me every week as I look at the state of film, the culture, and the latest in movie news with some special guests every now and then.
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The heartbeat of the veterinary profession. Join us as we talk with veterinary colleagues about critical topics from student debt to mental health. And share stories, stories connect us… as humans, as animals, as a veterinary community.
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Welcome to PrayerLife, led by Prophet Vincent Kyeremateng. Our mission is to create an atmosphere of Worship Without Walls. Our ultimate goal is to cultivate a congregation filled with the Holy Spirit—individuals walking in the ways of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and obedient to the Word of our Heavenly Father. We earnestly pray for a genuine intimacy with the Holy Spirit, seeking a profound connection with Him after each service. Join us for our weekly schedules: • Global Sunday Serv ...
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Guardians of Innovation, Patent & Trademark Law with Vincent LoTempio
Welcome to Guardians of Innovation, Patent & Trademark Law with Vincent LoTempio.Join us as we dive deep to help inventors and entrepreneurs secure and profit from their valuable ideas.
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Sermons that serve towards the recovery and restoration of all our Catholic Tradition - in doctrine, liturgy, morals, devotions and discipline.
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This podcast gets straight to the good stuff, providing real stories and proven sales strategies for enterprise tech startups and scale-ups. With 3 questions in 10 minutes, Vince Beese chats with Founders, CEOs, VCs, and execs who share their secrets on early wins, sharing insights, and lessons to help you land deals, find market fit, and chart your path to scalable success.
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Dr. Vinh Huy Long is a psychologist, psychoanalyst, specializing in dream interpretation and mental health. He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief at Wiki Dream (, a comprehensive platform for dream research and interpretation. Short-term goal: Continue providing expert guidance and strategic consultation to enhance Wiki Dream's content quality and user experience, focusing on scientific accuracy and practical applicability in dream interpretation. Long-term goal: Help establis ...
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Podcast by Nick Vizzoca
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Conteúdos e aulas de vinhos do prof. Marcelo Vargas, que atua como professor de pós-graduação da Università di Camerino (Itália) e PUCRS. Coordenador técnico no MBA em Marketing e Negócios do Vinho e Pós de Negócios em Alimentos e Bebidas da ESPM. Pesquisador do Centro Italiano di Analisi Sensoriale (CIAS Innovation) para projetos nas áreas de Análise Sensorial, Consumer Science e Neurociência Aplicada. Diretor da Associação Brasileira de Sommeliers (ABS-RS).Professor de sommeleirs no Brasil ...
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För dig som älskar vin men vill få bättre kunskap om denna dryck och dess olika varianter. Våra experter Thomas Holstein och Johan Eklöf är dina värdar i en rapp podcast där ingen fråga är för dum, ingen fråga för svår. Nytt avsnitt varannan fredag. Skål och välkomna!
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20 Divin, c'est 20 minutes pour tout comprendre sur le vin : les cépages, les terroirs, les appellations, les grands crus, les vins de soif, la dégustation, les accords mets-vins, les conseils pour constituer sa cave, les millésimes, les bonnes adresses etc... C'est aussi l'opportunité de découvrir des vignerons, des producteurs ou d'aller à la rencontre de spécialistes du vin (œnologues, cavistes, maîtres de chais etc...). 20 Divin est né de l'imagination de Philippe Hermet - passionné de v ...
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Get ready to be inspired and transformed with Vince Miller, a renowned author and speaker who has dedicated his life to helping men become the best versions of themselves. With over 36 books under his belt, Vince has become a leading voice in the field of manhood, masculinity, fatherhood, mentorship, and leadership. He has been featured on major video and radio platforms such as RightNow Media, Faithlife TV, FaithRadio, and YouVersion, reaching men all over the world. Vince's Men's Daily Dev ...
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Podcast by Vincentian Heritage
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Vous voulez apprendre le vin ? Savoir comment choisir un bon vin pour accompagner les plats lors de vos soirées entre amis ou entre collègues ? Vous souhaitez apprendre toutes les techniques pour mieux déguster un vin, et retrouver à l’aveugle sa provenance ou son cépage ? Vous êtes au bon endroit. Vous allez découvrir des podcasts pour PROGRESSER PAS A PAS dans le monde passionnant du vin. QUI EST YANN ROUSSELIN ? - Fondateur de l’école de dégustation Le COAM (Cours d’Oenologie And More), - ...
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VincentsGo3on3 - The Vincent boys love to meet today's top athletes and learn how they eat healthy and stay at the top of their game! Check out our Podcast which will be available weekly with today’s top stars. 🏈🏀⚾️
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Vince and Jackie breakdown, analyze and enjoy the latest NFL games and news, player analysis, predictions and hidden truths of the NFL. Tune in and reach out!
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Welcome to Vin, where amazing things happen.
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紀錄設計師的各種心事 小額贊助 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Top 40 DJ Mixes
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We are all about NYC real estate. The transaction, buyers, sellers, attorney’s, mortgage brokers and agents. Many topics and great conversations with the top leaders in our industry. Fascinating information that is invaluable and a few real life stories that will make you laugh…I think. We talk about the current NYC markets and it’s ever changing dynamics. The show is highly rated and in demand. Take a listen and leave a rating and review. I greatly appreciate your support. - Vince Filmed at ...
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LES SOURIRES DU VIN Le podcast au service du vin. Les Sourires du Vin, c'est un podcast qui vous invite à cheminer dans le et les mondes du vin. Vigneronnes et vignerons, experts passionnés, amateurs éclairés, collectionneurs de flacons, restaurateurs, parfumeurs, sommeliers, tonneliers, pépiniéristes, chimistes, journalistes... Je donne ici la parole aux curieux, aux experts... aux femmes et aux hommes qui rendent le vin joyeux et sérieux à la fois. Ensemble, parler sensations, terroirs, tr ...
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Welcome to the Vincent podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to the Vinco Brethern Church podcast we try to upload our sermons here online and hope you find them encouraging and challenging for the Glory of God
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Marketing e Tecnologia al tempo della rete. Riflessioni e approfondimenti su comunicazione, social media, digital marketing, nuove tecnologie, web3, metaversi. Per approfondire ti aspetto su
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Amateurs de vin, nos spécialistes César Compadre et Mathieu Hervé vous donnent rendez-vous au fil des saisons pour discuter bonnes bouteilles, vignoble bordelais et actualité viticole. Dans chaque épisode, ils vous guident sur les événements immanquables de la filière, décryptent ses enjeux et vous dévoilent leur bons plans (à consommer avec modération !). Ils reçoivent également des acteurs majeurs du monde viticole pour de longs entretiens. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour ...
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Vince Del Monte is an entrepreneur, author, pro fitness model and has helped tens of thousands of men transform their bodies and lives through muscle, health and fitness. The goal of the Vince Del Monte Show is to share raw and real experiences, lessons and timeless principles every man needs to master the 5 M's of becoming a better man. By hearing conversations with legends such as Bedros Keuilian, Ryan Lee, Craig Ballantyne, Dan Lok, and Lewis Howes you'll build muscle faster, achieve a wi ...
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Seattle is a buffet of great food... if you know where to look. Seattle Times journalist Tan Vinh invites listeners to the area's hottest restaurants, road-side food stalls and everywhere in between to find the best meals in the city and to meet the people who make them sing. New episodes every other Thursday. Thank you to the supporters of KUOW, you help make this show possible! If you want to help out, go to Seattle Eats is a production of The S ...
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Spelar valet av vinglas verkligen någon roll för vinets smak och doft? I det här avsnittet provar vi 8 olika glas och utforskar hur formen, storleken och designen kan påverka din vinupplevelse. Följ med när vi tar reda på om glaset gör skillnaden – eller om det bara är en myt! Vi lägger upp vinglasen på vinochvipodden på Instagram.…
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"Un sancerre de Bourgogne SVP". C'est ce qu'on appelle en sommellerie "un briseur de rêves", à savoir un client de grande table qui, sûr de lui, étale au grand jour son ignorance. Pour aborder ce thème et pour bien démarrer cette année 2025, Paul-Louis Coudoumié, sommelier que j’avais déjà reçu dans 20 Divin en 2022 (épisode #35 sur le marché Gris)…
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Vinenen i afsnittet er skænket af Bichel Vine Smagekasse her Smagekassen indeholder 1. Brane-Cantenac 2021 - den legendariske 2. cru Margaux 2. Baron de Brane 2021 - en vin i sin egen ret mere end en 2. vin, da den kommer fra et separat terroir 3. Margaux de Brane 2022 .......…
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L'art de reconnaître la réduction dans le vin ------------------------ Vous ouvrez une belle bouteille, et … une odeur désagréable s’échappe de votre verre. Allumette, œuf pourri, chou cuit ou même caoutchouc brûlé ? Il s’agit vraisemblablement de réduction. Voilà ce que vous devez retenir à ce sujet ! Qu’est-ce que la réduction ? Pour simplifier, …
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Vin and Mike review the NFL Wildcard Playoffs, they discuss the upcoming divisional games, the Knicks and who the Jets should get for the next head coach.
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durée : 00:03:41 - La Chronique vin de Jérôme Gagnez - par : Jérôme Gagnez - Une cuvée d’assemblage avec des raisins provenant de Mâcon-Villages, Mâcon-Chaintré, Mâcon-Fuissé, de Viré-Clessé, Saint-Véran et Pouilly-Fuissé et Pouilly-Vinzelles由Jérôme Gagnez
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I ukens episode svarer vi om viner du kan styre unna i hyllene, gode halvflaske-kjøp og lagring av vin. Godt nytt år! Ukens omtalte viner Bourgogne Pinot Noir 2021 P. A. Larsen Pessac-Léognan 2020 Brick & Mortar Sprudlevin 2020 Dönnhoff Riesling Trocken 2022 Mille Lieux 2023 Ferrari Brut Rosé Charlemagne Blanc de Blancs Reservé Brut Granbazán Etiqu…
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Aujourd’hui, je vous emmène dans un voyage sensoriel, à la rencontre de Camille Anaïs, vigneronne et jeune maman, qui nous ouvre les portes du Domaine Maestracci. Niché dans un paysage à couper le souffle, baigné d’une lumière éclatante ce lieu incarne la beauté et la richesse de la Corse viticole. Avec Camille Anaïs, nous avons parlé de vieilles v…
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Dr. Tony Bartels on the latest student loan announcements and what you need to know as we close out 2024
Listen in with student debt expert and Board Member Dr. Tony Bartels in this next installment of our Student Debt Series. In this episode we’re covering the latest news on student loans as we close out 2024 and start 2025. Topics covered included: December 18, 2024 US Department of Education announcement on Pay As Your Earn (PAYE) and Income Contin…
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An undivided life is a powerful life. Yet, so often, we feel pulled in opposite directions—God’s desires on one side and worldly distractions on the other. This inner conflict leaves us spiritually stuck, relationally strained, and out of sync with God’s purpose. But today’s text offers a clear and compelling path to realignment. Are you ready to e…
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1/21/25 Hour 3 Vince speaks with John Yoo, UC Berkely Law Professor and Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General about the legal issues President Trump will face in trying to save Tik Tok. Donald Trump hosts Big Tech AI CEOs and announces a 500 billion dollar investment in Stargate. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit www.WMAL…
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Vince speaks with John Yoo, UC Berkely Law Professor and Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General about the legal issues President Trump will face in trying to save Tik Tok. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. To join the conversation, check us ou…
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Get ready for an epic debate on WWE's future! In this action-packed episode of "The Coach and Bro Show," we dive deep into WWE's big move and the hot debate: TV stars vs. wrestling stars. Are wrestling icons like The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and John Cena the ultimate blueprint for stardom, or do modern stars need to evolve into global TV per…
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1/21/25 Hour 2 Tom Homan says ICE deportations will begin today. A 44 year old border agent has been killed in service in Vermont yesterday afternoon. Vince speaks with John Solomon, award-winning investigative journalist and founder of Just the News about President Trump’s pardons of January 6ers. Vince speaks with Richie McGinniss who is outside …
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Vince speaks with John Solomon, award-winning investigative journalist and founder of Just the News about President Trump’s pardoning of January 6ers and Joe Biden's blanket pardons of family members. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you visit, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. To join the…
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1/21/25 Hour 1 Vince speaks with Tommy Tuberville, US Senator from the State of Alabama who reacts to Mariann Budde’s grotesque sermon this morning and the “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act” he reintroduced to the Senate. Donald Trump tells reporters the sermon delivered this morning “could have been a lot better.” Vince speaks with Ned …
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Vince speaks with Ned Ryun, Founder and CEO of American Majority and Author of “AMERICAN LEVIATHAN: The Birth of the Administrative State and Progressive Authoritarianism” about what executive orders he was most pleased to see yesterday. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you visit, download the WMAL app or tune in live on …
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Vince speaks with Tommy Tuberville, US Senator from the State of Alabama who reacts to Mariann Budde’s grotesque sermon this morning and the “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act” he reintroduced to the Senate. Donald For more coverage on the issues that matter to you visit, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9…
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A uva Riesling é famosa por produzir vinhos de alta qualidade e diferentes estilos. A história aponta seu surgimento nas encostas ensolaradas do vale do Rheingau. Hoje, seus produtos são, mundialmente, reconhecidos e premiados! OUÇA E APRENDA: os vinhos do Rheingau; as principais influências do terroir e peculiaridades dos perfis sensoriais. Atençã…
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40: Hannah Royston: Fresh from her Vietnam trip: We discuss her experiences in Hanoi, Sapa, Hoi An, and Saigon: Food, culture, sights and sounds
Hannah just returned from her 12-day Vietnam trip visiting the country from north to south. We cover what she liked and disliked about visiting the major tourist cities and attractions, what she would see and visit again, and her advice to first-time Vietnam travellers. www.InternationalVinh.com由Vinh Ho
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If you don't know this foundational truth about business, you'll be FLAILING when it comes to your offers. Get ultra clear about one of these and watch your sales increase this year. In this episode: 0:00 Intro 0:44 The ONLY 3 Reasons People Buy 1:43 The Biggest Mistake Coaches Make 6:45 Example From My Client --- ⏯️ Learn How to Achieve Freedom Fr…
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I used to think resisting temptation was all about sheer determination—trying harder, staying disciplined, and pushing through. At first, it worked. I’d rack up a few wins and feel confident. But then, without warning, I’d stumble—hard. The harder I fought, the more exhausting it became. Failure wasn’t just frustrating; it was defeating. It wasn’t …
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On today's episode Vince discusses his lifelong issues with INSOMNIA, Leaving "Rocky Mountain Pro "AGAIN", the NFL Playoffs, Salary Cap in MLB, Trump's Inauguration, Tik-Toc, P. Diddy Doc on "Peacock" and much, much more. @TheVinceRusso…
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also, who would come to our funeral, our toaster oven caught on fire (again) & we talk about our new fave TV show Love After LockUp
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Get ready for an epic debate on WWE's future! In this action-packed episode of "The Coach and Bro Show," we dive deep into WWE's big move and the hot debate: TV stars vs. wrestling stars. Are wrestling icons like The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and John Cena the ultimate blueprint for stardom, or do modern stars need to evolve into global TV per…
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1/20/25 Hour 2 Vince speaks with Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation and host of “The Kevin Roberts Show” about the importance of Donald Trump’s first 100 days and the executive orders he is expected to make today. Kevin McCarthy turns the tables on CNN after they try to shame Trump for pardoning January 6ers. Vince speaks with Reag…
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Vince speaks with Reagan Reese, White House Correspondent for The Daily Caller about the scene outside Capital One Arena where supporters are waiting in line for President Trump’s address and how she expects the White House briefing room to change over the next four years. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you visit, downl…
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Vince speaks with Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation and host of “The Kevin Roberts Show” about the importance of Donald Trump’s first 100 days and the executive orders he is expected to make today. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you visit, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6…
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1/20/25 Hour 1 Donald Trump is sworn in as the 47th President of the United States inside the Rotunda of the US Capitol. Trump delivers an uplifting, inspiring speech after taking the oath. Donald Trump promises that America’s decline is over and we are about to enter a “Golden Age.” Joe Biden issues blanket pardons for his entire family. Elon addr…
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God Has A Vision For You | Visualization | Kairos | Apostle Vincent Loate | 19 January 2025
Genesis 1:1 NKJVIn the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Be one with The Word, don't come in opposition with The Word.
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Carmen Schober, author, mother, and the news/culture editor for Evie Magazine! We discuss her career as a writer, her two books, and the important role parenthood plays in her life. We also discuss women's entertainment, what women want to see in their movies, and how Hollywood and others can cater to their desires. Also, we discuss her work at Evi…
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We’ve got it all, US flat earthers land in Blighty, Reform want new coal mines - while climate scientists talk of weather whiplash. One side is hideously wrong. Meanwhile, is Veganuary flopping? Who says we need more roads to get to net zero and X-Rated corner gives us a fact - you couldn’t make that up..:)…
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Get ready for bold opinions, fascinating insights, and behind-the-scenes stories that bring you closer to the superstars and the moments you love. Don’t miss this deep dive into the world of professional wrestling and the larger-than-life characters who make it unforgettable. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more exciting wrestling …
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A Orquestra de Bandolins de Esmoriz criou um novo instrumento musical que pretende enaltecer a tradição tanoeira local. O Bandopipo é semelhante a um bandolim, obtido a partir de um pipo e vai sempre a palco com Vinho do Porto no interior.由José João Santos
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Have you ever felt the tension of being torn between two loyalties? One path pulls you toward comfort, popularity, and worldly approval, while the other demands total devotion to God. That tug-of-war is more common than we admit, which we will discover in our text today. Welcome to the Daily Devo. Our text today is James 4:4-5 You adulterous people…
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Escape from the Dungeon: How Faith Breaks Every Chain What’s holding you captive? In this electrifying episode, inspired by Acts 16:16-40, discover how Paul and Silas turned their darkest moment into a powerful testimony of freedom. Through prayer, worship, and unwavering faith, they broke free from a literal dungeon—and sparked a life-changing enc…
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由Bob Vincent
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APPLY FOR OUR $25K NEW YEAR GIVEAWAY BELOW ⬇️ You MUST know what phase you're in if you don't want to tank your business. You have to know whether you should be focusing on growth or scale. What's the difference? It's a difference that could cost you thousands of dollars if you don't know. That's why I dive into it in today's podcast...listen up! $…
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APPLY FOR OUR $25K NEW YEAR GIVEAWAY BELOW ⬇️ Want to start attracting the RIGHT kind of client? The person who doesn't complain about price, who does your ENTIRE program, and who becomes a walking billboard success story for your brand? Here's 5 things you need to start focusing on in your messaging and content right now. $25,000 New Year Giveaway…
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Welcome to another episode of Expert To Authority Show, brought to you by, I am your host, Simone Vincenzi, The Experts Strategist, and this is the podcast for experts who want to become the ultimate authority in their niche while making an impact in the world. We have created the Webinar Conversion Kit where you will get access…
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Have you noticed the loudest voices aren’t always the wisest? Bold words often leave broken relationships and chaos in their wake. What if the tension around us—and within us—comes from trusting the wrong kind of wisdom? Welcome to the Daily Devo. Our text today is James 3:17-18. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open…
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Guest: Mark Krikorian, Also: a look back at Trump's first inaugaration. News; what is the Biden administration setting up?
1/17/25 Hour 3: Vince speaks with Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies who reacts to Kristi Noems confirmation hearing to become the Secretary of Homeland Security. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. To join th…
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1/17/25 Hour 2: Vince speaks with Chris Dolan, President of Washington Times who previews Monday’s inauguration. Dolan is an inauguration historian. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you visit, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. To join the conversation, check us out on social media: @WMAL @…
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The Divisional Round kicks off this weekend. Listen to this episode as each game is previewed & predictions are made.
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1/17/25, Hour 1: Vince speaks with Dan Schneider, Vice President of the Media Research Center’s Free Speech America, who reacts to SCOTUS upholding the law banning TikTok beginning Sunday if the app is not sold. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you visit, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. …
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Fala, pessoal! Eu sou o Rodrigo Ferraz, sommelier da Vinhos de Bicicleta, e hoje vamos explorar a África do Sul muito além da famosa Pinotage! Vou te contar sobre as primeiras vinhas, as uvas e regiões de destaque, e como tradição e modernidade se encontram na vitivinicultura sul-africana.Já deixa seu LIKE, compartilhe com os amigos e comenta aqui:…
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Bob Lanham CarNow - Maximize Dealership Potential with Integrated Data and Consumer-Focused Tools
Discover how VINCUE and CarNow are transforming automotive retail through accurate data, innovative tools, and a focus on the consumer experience. Learn how this partnership empowers dealerships to increase engagement, streamline operations, and drive better results in a digital-first market.由VINCUE
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