"人類使用手冊 Human Being 101" — 獻俾所有仲喺度摸索緊自己人生嘅新世代人類! 喺呢個不定期更新嘅節目入面,我們會用輕鬆幽默嘅方式,同大家一齊拆解拆解生活中各種意想不到嘅大小問題。 主持人 XM👹 和 雲雀🐦 會用最貼地嘅方式,分享各種自身嘅經歷,令你可以喺歡笑中學識做人、做事,成為新世代嘅最終王者! 新一集不定期上線,記得訂閱我哋啦!
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这是一档建立在七个小时时差之上的跨国实验播客,一端位于中国,一端位于西班牙。若将人生当作一张有效期不等的地球临时签证,那么每个人都将成为宇宙的临时乘客:入境日期已知,离境时刻待定。在变幻的未知图景中,两位临时乘客借助科技跨越距离,分享在地球两端观察到的文化细节,探讨充满可能性的未来生活方式。 This is a multinational experimental podcast based on a time difference of seven hours, with one side in China and the other in Spain. In the changing global situation, two universal residents are using the technology to share cultural details of the Earth Village. We are looking forward to welcoming you to join us and explore the possible future ...
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雲雀同兩位主持一齊傾下HeHe野👨🏻🤝👨🏼 佢地無所不談🗣 快啲一齊入嚟呢個秘密Gay地🏳️🌈 同佢地一齊探索呢個神秘嘅國度啦!
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🏳️🌈纽约基层成立于2016年,是以纽约市为基地的海外中国同志团体。 Founded in 2016, NYJC is an overseas Chinese LGBT group based in New York City. 🐧QQ 群:654455244
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A Mandarin-based Podcast (Considering to be bilingual). A short series between a couple discussing their views on life, society, technology, possibly makeups and their relationship experiences. 一对情侣(反消费主义科技宅和现实主义社会观察家)的日常琐碎。
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由荼公子aka奶茶傳教士主持的節目系列,身為飲品研發師撰寫《奶茶風味學》後,認為萬物皆可入茶。從各國茶葉的歷史與文化的主題,錄製包括線上課程、跨界語談的職業者的生活記錄,帶你跟著茶師了解飲料研發、茶葉界工作者的日常。 邀約、合作 : hanyi2016tea@gmail.com 部落格看這:www.hanyitea.tw Powered by Firstory Hosting
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駭客是發現系統中秘密並利用這些秘密去影響、改變系統的人,人體就是一種精妙的系統。生物駭客(Biohack) 就是運用科學方法,升級人類大腦、提升身體素質、達到巔峰表現。目標是獲得更聰明、更強壯、更快樂的自己! Apple Podcast | Spotify | Facebook | Telegram 搜尋「生物駭客筆記」 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Here we share our life in Germany and Spain, and the interviews of HomeCEO - Home-based Entrepreneurs around the world. 嗨!我是凱若。在這,分享我們一家四口在歐洲遊居的生活點滴,以及【我在家我創業】HomeCEO 訪問世界各地「在家創業者」的內容,和更多更多...。
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魔都英语新闻丨ShanghaiLive: As a News program based in Shanghai, China, Shanghai Live presents in-depth stories in China and around the world to expats and locals. 魔都英语新闻丨ShanghaiLive: 我们是一档立足于魔都上海的日播新闻节目。歪果仁”的新鲜事儿,中国人的朋友圈,《直播上海》正在直播中! About Us: International Channel Shanghai, or ICS, is the only comprehensive variety TV Channel in the Chinese Mainland broadcasting in English, Japanese and Mandarin Chinese. 关于我们:上海外语频道(ICS)是以中英日等多语种提供音视频内容服务的全媒体平台。为上海广播电视台SMG成员机构。 Visit our Website for more stories ...
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Felix潘敬祖,一位夢想實踐家,身兼激勵導師、唱作歌手、節目主持、司儀、影音公司及培訓公司創辦人。過去二十年的努力,成功實踐歌手夢,曾加入華納唱片成為作曲人、奪得香港青年協會歌曲創作及樂隊比賽獎項,並為電台、慈善團體及多個商業機構創作歌曲。Felix熱愛以音樂傳遞正能量,於08年首次自資推出慈善唱片及音樂會,收益撥捐慈善之用,其後活躍於大小舞台演出及擔任歌唱比賽評判。 2012年正式進軍香港樂壇,推出唱作大碟及舉辦個人音樂會,奪得新城勁爆新登場男歌手獎項,同年創立「飛帆影音製作有限公司」,是一位高級影音顧問及唱片監製,近年亦開始擔任活動節目主持。除了熱愛以音樂,Felix亦是一位擁有十多年經驗的體驗式培訓導師,從小接觸野外挑戰訓練,機遇下於2005年為慈善機構創作主題曲而參與青少年領袖培訓,展開十多年的慈善工作及體驗式培訓之路。 其後考獲多項專業培訓資歷,包括:攀石、潛水、繩索技術、繩網教練等,同時熱愛心理啟發和藝術治療研究,考獲Points of You®、Personality Dimensions®、NLP、Music Therapy、Circle Painting及A ...
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慎入!你即將接觸機密檔案 SCP基金會是個跨國的秘密組織,負責尋找並收容各種具有異常屬性的個體、地點或物體。在該虛構宇宙中存在各式奇特的SCP案例,我們將在節目裡為你揭開神秘面紗! IG: bit.ly/3tb9Kcu 或直接搜尋:scparchiveofficial 請我們喝一杯拿鐵,讓我們繼續說故事給你聽 :) https://pay.firstory.me/user/scparchives125 有什麼想對我們說的嗎?請說請說: https://forms.gle/i4wcqp6xjdyTqqF99 / *All related concepts are derived from scp wiki and its Author community. This podcast is a derivative work based on the content, and is hereby released under the Creative Commons—Share the same 3.0 license. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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這是一個創業實境 Podcast 節目,記錄著我在德國創業的大小事和所見所聞 Twitter: @cherngen Powered by Firstory Hosting
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狄彦嵩,毕业于普林斯顿大学,拥有MBA和法学博士学位,律师及投资人,目前在中国(北京和上海)生活了11年。 在很多朋友的鼓励和支持下,他决定用中文做一档轻松、有趣、接地气的访谈节目。节目主要和大家一起探讨中外商业环境的差异,邀请的嘉宾也都来自中西方顶尖的公司,既有五百强大公司也有初创公司。希望大家觉得有意思,也欢迎大家多提宝贵意见!
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區塊鏈|加密貨幣|投資理財|技術應用 【你想了解的區塊鏈、加密貨幣大小事,點開WTB都能收聽】 WTB 由 Grenade手榴彈 監製,固定主持人 Alvin、66。我們希望透過 Podcast,用輕鬆的方式傳遞更白話、有趣的內容,帶領更多人進入區塊鏈的世界。 有話想說、有問題想問、有合作想聊嗎? 歡迎和我們聯繫 👉 info@grenade.tw - ‣ WTB Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wtb.crypto/ ‣ 手榴彈 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/grenade.tw/ ‣ 手榴彈 TG頻道 https://t.me/grenadetw Powered by Firstory Hosting
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(中文在下方)Hey there, I'm a restaurant owner and I started this Podcast because I love to meet new people! To be honest I grew up super introverted and I really came out of my shell when I moved to Asia around 20 years ago. Now that I have a restaurant and a podcast, we livestream weekly from my restaurant. I love to share the stories of people that I meet in Taiwan and I hope you enjoy them too! From Pro MMA fighters to Globe Trekkers, CEOs to Street Vendors, Entrepreneurs to Professors, YouTub ...
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Hello,朋友们, 2025 年第一期正期节目,我要煽情一下,来表达 2025 年对宇宙乘客的期待:我不想生产镇痛剂,我只是想把我的经历、学习和感想记录成语音,帮助你探求自我,发展出自我成长的积极力量,在你需要的时候给你鼓励和勇气。2025,祝你铮铮,祝你昂扬。
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新Podcast終於出世啦! 今次新Podcast嘅名叫做『人類使用手冊』。 喺呢個不定期更新嘅節目入面,我們會用輕鬆幽默嘅方式,同大家一齊拆解拆解生活中各種意想不到嘅大小問題。 主持人 XM👹 和 雲雀🐦 會用最接地氣嘅方式,分享各種自身嘅經歷,令你可以喺歡笑中學識做人、做事,成為新世代嘅最終王者! 新一集不定期上線,記得訂閱我哋啦! 今集概要: 兩位主持 Life Update 社畜 VS 人生勝利組 打工仔保持身心健康嘅方法 留言話俾我哋知你對呢一集嘅諗法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clue7vpcr0h8s01x76phygde6/comments
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S4E27《茶流生活學》進入茶世界,茶葉感官品評是門票還是選擇? ft. 晏君 天啊要瘋了,當評審真不容易,你也願意參加訓練成為小小茶評審員嗎?進入比賽場海選能夠第一時間,喝到當季最新的茶款,馬上知道那個茶區大家都做什麼風格,哪種香氣、口感最受歡迎,是成為台灣茶評審的一大優勢,快來看看準備茶葉感官品評能力鑑定 要注意什麼嗎? ▋精華段落 00:49 對於茶葉感官品評的看法 01:34 當評審就像神農氏嚐百草 03:01 為什麼會想考茶葉相關證照? 03:58 茶葉感官品評中高級考試條件 06:06 茶葉感官品評初級、中級差別在哪? 06:39 術科考試 09:14 外國人可以考茶葉感官品評嗎? 10:59 考證照有什麼幫助? 12:51 招喚下位來賓(女兒不懂茶)~ 13:51 術科操作分享…
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感谢只在微信小程序能买到的新朋友「营养工厂」对本期节目的支持!营养工厂是国内专业营养补剂品牌,全球营养补剂工厂价的先驱,致力于为大家提供高品质、工厂价的营养补剂,妥妥的国货之光。营养工厂绝大多数产品价格都在两位数(一个月的量),比如鱼油、辅酶 Q10,风靡欧美的天价抗衰成分 NMN 居然能打到一个月 75 元!产品还有华测检测(国内前十的权威第三方检测机构),严格质量把控,让大家用得安心!
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REAPRA「实习创始人项目 Founder Intern Program」长期招募未来 1-5 年有创立自己「一人公司」计划的个人,欢迎在自我探索的路上曲曲折折走完了半程,依然觉得缺了点什么、内心依然困顿挣扎的伙伴们来 REAPRA 一起探寻个人蜕变的出路。关注公众号:REAPRA认知创业,账号底端即可获得「申请入口」。
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TL;DR 市場迎來歷史第二大爆倉金額,新手要注意的事 Hyperliquid TGE 後不斷爆拉,厲害的點在哪? 韓國戒嚴,錢包倉位變不見 2024 台北區塊鏈週即將登場! - 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck9l9aos2eiip0873tdvvch8m 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck9l9aos2eiip0873tdvvch8m/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Pump.fun 直播亂象、Base 迷因崛起 TL;DR ▫️ Pump.fun 直播亂象,引起社群不滿 ▫️ Base AI agent、迷因崛起 ▫️ 台灣金管會再開鍘 ▫️ 項目上幣與空投動態:Hashkey ($HSK), Zircuit ($ZRC), Movemonet ($MOVE), Magic Eden ($ME), 幣安上線 $CHEEMS 與 $WHY 永續合約 - 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck9l9aos2eiip0873tdvvch8m 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck9l9aos2eiip0873tdvvch8m/comments Powere…
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勸退還是歡迎? 荼公子韓奕和吳豫分享加入茶產業前的真實挑戰與機會 原本要聊的主題👀 1、若家裡沒有茶的根基,但讓我們願意投入茶產業的「十個」理由。 2、為什麼主題是茶,而不是咖啡,或是其他的主題,還有是什麼茶? 3、最初衷引起你有興趣,是茶與茶文化的哪一個點?而你認為這個也是想要讓別人知道的有趣玩意。 4、不做茶的話你會想做什麼? 5、說出你的十個理由想進茶產業?台灣茶產業,應該包括什麼?還可做什麼 ▋重點段落 00:32 吳豫加入茶產業的原因,你絕對想不到 02:07 韓奕創業歷程 04:05 認識的第一支茶 05:05 如何看待茶產業 05:39 茶產業一條龍是好還是壞? 10:12 要不要讓小孩學茶? 11:04 貓貓茶會 12:59 非得近來茶產業的理由 13:58 為什麼不加入茶聯…
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TL;DR ▫️ 川普勝選、比特幣創新高 ▫️ Polymarket 的影響 ▫️ DeFi 迎來春天 ▫️ 本週項目動態:OpenSea 公告、$HSK 將上線、SMILE TGE、$SWELL 空投、上幣費爭議 ▫️ 網紅松鼠爭議、AI Agent - 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck9l9aos2eiip0873tdvvch8m 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck9l9aos2eiip0873tdvvch8m/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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▫️ 66 要上車 WIF? ▫️ 香港活動回顧:Solana Hacker House、SmartCon ▫️ 比特幣突破 $73,000,逼近歷史新高!白皮書發佈 16 週年紀念 ▫️ DWF 爆發醜聞:遭指控下藥女性,已遭解職與除名 ▫️ 美國大選前夕:後續行情將會如何走? ▫️ MrBeast 捲入加密貨幣內線交易調查風波 ▫️ 本週項目動態:Grass 空投發放;Magic Eden 測試代幣開放申領 - 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck9l9aos2eiip0873tdvvch8m 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck9l9aos2eiip0873tdvvch8m/co…
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第二部分 : 应对中国电信服务中的外商投资。 在第二期节目中,专家们讨论了中国增值电信服务法规的改革。其中,对外国参与的潜力、对外国互联网公司的影响以及获取许可证的复杂性,都进行深入探讨。 讨论内容包括历史背景、政府对外商投资的态度以及考虑进入中国市场的公司所需的实际策略。Tracey提供了宝贵的见解,帮助企业应对监管挑战,并分析了未来行业可能发生的变化,很值得借鉴。
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在本期《China Business Law Podcast》中,主持人Art Dicker与嘉宾Tracey Tang深入讨论了中国关于应用程序备案要求的新规,以及对外国公司在增值电信服务(VATS)领域投资所带来的影响。 第一部分:应对中国新应用程序的备案要求。 作为在TMT行业具有丰富经验的法律专家,Tracey Tang详细阐述了这些法规对外国应用程序开发商,特别是数字娱乐和游戏行业的影响。 对于在中国设立公司的复杂性、获得各种许可证的必要性,以及在遵守中国法律的前提下,是选择与本地合作伙伴合作,还是采用VIE等法律结构,都是重要的安排。同时,对于外国应用程序开发商在新规下面临的挑战和时间线,以及这些规定对其在中国的业务运营可能产生的影响,两位专家给出了自己的独到见解。…
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Hello,大家好,欢迎收听新一期的宇宙乘客,这一期我又围绕着亲密关系聊了聊,标题起的有点 mean 了,但也是实话,姐妹们,你值得一切美好事情的发生,保护好自己的能量。
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Hello,周五好呀,欢迎收听新一期的歌单,这一期也是大家敲碗很久的运动歌单!降温了,大家要保暖,不要感冒啦!OK, are you ready? Let's go!
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在本期《中国商法播客》中,主持人 Art Dicker 和 Iris Yuan 采访了安杰博德律师事务所执行合伙人宋颖,宋颖是反垄断法 (AML) 专家,曾亲自处理过许多知名案件。宋颖对中国当局如何处理不同类型的案件进行了深入分析,并深入比较了中国与欧洲和美国的反垄断实践。
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S4E25《茶流生活學》侍茶師,餐茶搭配的極致 ft. Jane 我們邀請到了專業侍茶師Jane,帶你深入了解侍茶師的日常工作,以及如何巧妙地將茶與餐點進行搭配。從選茶到搭配法式餐點,再到如何選擇適合不同食材的茶品,Jane分享了她的經驗與搭配技巧。無論是配冷泡茶的前菜,還是與烘焙茶搭配的主菜,茶的選擇不僅僅是飲品,更是餐飲體驗的核心之一。 https://www.hanyitea.tw/single-post/tea-dessert/ ▋重點段落 01:14 侍茶師是什麼? 01:47 為什麼會想當侍茶師? 02:50 侍茶師在法餐的日常 03:34 餐茶搭配有什麼訣竅? 05:09 以侍茶師角度來看,有什麼茶比較難做搭配? 07:15 通常tea pairing會有幾款茶? 07:58 …
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choosing plant-based milk, best plant milk for tea, oat milk tea, soy milk tea, almond milk, coconut milk, pistachio milk, dairy-free milk, vegan tea options, milk tea with plant-based milk, plant-based milk nutrition, plant milk benefits, plant milk for coffee, plant milk comparisons, eco-friendly milk options In this episode of Tea Tales: The Ste…
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小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck9l9aos2eiip0873tdvvch8m 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck9l9aos2eiip0873tdvvch8m/comments ▫️ 迷因幣市場大爆發,超出圈! ▫️ SUI 超越 TON,成為 2024 年初至今價格表現最佳的公鏈代幣 ▫️ 本週市場空投重點關注:Puffer Finance、Scroll ▫️ 川普家族加密計畫 World Liberty Financial (WLFI) 是一場鬧劇嗎? * 錄製時間:10/14 16:00,本集內容不構成投資建議 * Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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plant-based milk, MYLK, oat milk, almond milk, plant milk brands, barista plant milk, plant-based tea, oat milk tea, almond milk tea, plant milk health benefits, vegan milk options, low-calorie milk alternatives, eco-friendly milk, sustainable plant milk, coffee and tea with MYLK In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we explore the …
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Lupicia teas, Japanese tea blends, fruity tea blends, white peach oolong, Tokyo wild berry tea, Lupicia top flavors, herbal tea blends, Japanese tea culture, Lupicia review, best Japanese teas, premium tea blends, Lupicia fruit teas, tea blending art, Lupicia iced tea, floral tea blends In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we delve…
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EP79|#A6:宣布回歸!大家好久不見 聊聊幣圈那些事,那些人: ▫️ 停更的這段時間,自我反思與成長:幣圈不只是賺錢,更是場心靈的修行 ▫️ 走遍全球幣圈盛會 ▫️ 幣圈現況與未來的我們 🙇 由於設備問題,本集音訊品質稍有影響,感謝聽眾們的理解與支持 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck9l9aos2eiip0873tdvvch8m 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck9l9aos2eiip0873tdvvch8m/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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Dong Ding Oolong, Taiwan oolong, semi-fermented tea, oolong tea brewing, Taiwanese tea, tea roasting, floral oolong, Dong Ding tea history, hand-picked oolong, tea from Nantou, tea flavor profiles, roasted oolong tea, traditional oolong tea, Dong Ding tea culture, oolong health benefits In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we explo…
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The Essential Guide to Tea Terminology: Mastering the Language of Tea tea vocabulary, tea terminology, tea industry terms, tea brewing techniques, tea tasting notes, tea types, tea production methods, GABA tea, oolong tea, Yixing teapot, tea aroma, organic tea farming, tea tools, tea sensory evaluation, tea processing methods In this episode of Tea…
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Songbo Evergreen Tea, Nantou oolong, floral oolong, Taiwan tea, oolong tea flavor, oolong tea brewing, semi-fermented tea, Taiwanese tea culture, Chiang Ching-kuo tea, handpicked oolong, gardenia tea aroma, osmanthus tea, Taiwanese oolong production, famous Taiwan teas, oolong health benefits In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we…
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Answering 108 Essential Tea Questions tea FAQ, 108 tea questions, tea origins, Taiwanese tea, tea brewing tips, tea storage tips, fermentation in tea, Taiwan tea regions, hand-picked tea, machine-picked tea, GABA tea benefits, best tea for beginners, tea pairing, high-quality tea, tea health benefits In this special episode of Tea Tales: The Steepi…
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The Truth About No-Wash Tea no-wash tea, washing tea myths, tea pesticide safety, tea brewing tips, washing tea unnecessary, no-wash brewing, modern tea production, tea safety standards, tea health benefits, tea cleaning myths, washing tea science, high-quality tea safety, pesticide in tea, safe tea brewing, no-rinse tea In this episode of Tea Tale…
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Honey Black Tea: The Sweet Flavor of Taiwan’s Signature Tea Honey Black Tea, leafhopper tea, Taiwanese black tea, natural honey flavor, Oriental Beauty tea, tea grading, Taiwan tea, Hualien tea, Taitung tea, how to brew Honey Black Tea, honey aroma tea, fruit-flavored tea, sustainable tea farming, honey-scented tea, black tea varieties In this epis…
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Wenshan Paochong, Paochong tea, Taiwan light oolong, floral tea, Paochong brewing tips, light fermented tea, Taiwanese oolong, Wenshan tea, hand-picked oolong, Taiwanese tea culture, fragrant oolong, Paochong tea history, how to brew Paochong, floral oolong tea, light oolong benefits In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we explore …
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"Earl Grey Tea: History, Flavors, and the Art of Brewing" Earl Grey tea, top Earl Grey brands, bergamot tea, Lady Grey, French Earl Grey, how to brew Earl Grey, Earl Grey variations, Earl Grey history, Twinings Earl Grey, Fortnum & Mason Earl Grey, Mariage Frères Earl Grey, Earl Grey brewing tips, Smoky Earl Grey, best Earl Grey teas, Earl Grey ice…
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Taiwanese tea, top ten teas, Bilochung tea, Dong Ding Oolong, Wenshan Pouchong, Oriental Beauty tea, Sun Moon Lake Black Tea, Taiwanese tea culture, famous teas of Taiwan, Ruby Red tea, Tieguanyin, high mountain oolong, Taiwan tea history, Red Oolong, tea pairing In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we explore Taiwan’s top ten icon…
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Bilochung: The Story and Craft of Taiwan's Famous Green Tea. In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we dive into the rich history and unique craft of Bilochung (Biluochun), one of Taiwan’s most celebrated green teas. Known for its vibrant green hue and delicate floral aroma, Bilochung originates from the Sanxia region. We explore its…
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In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we journey to the Nilgiri region, home to India’s renowned Nilgiri tea, also known as Blue Mountain tea. With its distinct blend of freshness, floral notes, and rich texture, Nilgiri tea offers a remarkable balance between the boldness of Assam and the elegance of Darjeeling. Discover the unique…
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从 Tinder 到恋与深空,再到月老庙求神拜佛,现实中的年轻人不仅「财神庙前香火旺盛,月老庙前也是长跪不起」啊!对爱,对性,对亲密关系的需求并没有随着经济下行也下行,各种围绕着「性」的需求和消费都是层出不穷,应接不暇啊!通过我的付费内容也可以看得出来,关于亲密关系的付费销售数量是其他话题的 2 倍还要多。大家嘴上说着男人不行,但是还是因为基因、激素、荷尔蒙各种天然的属性无法真正和男人分割。
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black tea pairing, bubble tea pairing, chai tea pairing, English scones, French macarons, global tea desserts, green tea dessert, Japanese wagashi, milk tea desserts, oolong tea pairing, tea and dessert, tea and sweets, tea culture, tea pairing, tea snacks In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we explore the delightful world of tea …
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antioxidant tea, Bai Hao Yin Zhen, Bai Mu Dan, Chinese tea types, how to brew white tea, minimal processing tea, silver needle, white peony, white tea, white tea benefits, white tea brewing, white tea flavors, white tea health benefits, white tea history, white tea production In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we explore the deli…
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black tea, green tea, hybrid tea varieties, Jin Xuan tea, oolong tea, Ruby Red tea, Taiwan tea, Taiwan tea culture, Taiwan Tea No. 12, Taiwan Tea No. 18, Taiwanese tea strain, tea breeding, tea production, tea research, tea tree varieties In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we dive into the fascinating world of Taiwan's unique tea…
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floral infusion, floral tea, flower-infused tea, green tea jasmine, high-quality scented tea, jasmine flower tea, jasmine tea, jasmine tea benefits, osmanthus tea, rose tea, scented tea, tea aroma, tea scenting, traditional tea scenting, xun hua tea In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we explore the world of scented teas, focusing…
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black tea, Chinese tea, dark tea, green tea, health benefits of tea, oolong tea, Pu-erh tea, six types of tea, tea classification, tea fermentation, tea production process, tea varieties, traditional Chinese tea, white tea, yellow tea In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we dive into the six major types of Chinese tea: Green, Yello…
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antioxidant tea, Chinese tea, digestion aid, Junshan Yinzhen, light fermentation, Mengding Huangya, sealing yellow process, tea benefits, tea culture, tea health benefits, tea production, tea varieties, traditional tea, yellow tea, yellow tea history In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we delve into the intriguing world of yellow …
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这期节目我会从 3 个部分来展开:1: 就是关于我的播客搞钱、以及我个人如何搞钱的一些心得。2: 是去新加坡、香港玩了几天,我自己有一些新长出来的想法,这次旅行也有可能会改变我之后对生活方向的选择。3: 还是想聊聊关于女性困境的一些话题。希望这期节目可以给你带去一些力量,也可以给你带去一些方法,改善与自己的关系,与金钱的关系,以及与他人的关系。
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