Changing perspectives - en podd om värdeskapande kommunikation och ledarskap. Vi som står bakom den här podden heter Malin & Stanley Ekelund. Vi vill ge dig nya perspektiv på både kommunikation och ledarskap, två områden som ofta korsar varandra. Vi vill ge inspiration till förändring och utveckling av din arbetsvardag, oavsett vilken bransch du arbetar i, eller vilken position du har. Vårt mål är att alltid tillföra värde till dig, ditt arbete och din utveckling.
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Lean in to honest conversations about grief, mental heath, relationships, and parenting with your hosts, Jenni and Josh. As married high school sweethearts, Jenni and Josh blend their personal experiences with their professional experiences in the fields of counseling, hospice, bereavement, and education as they explore heavy topics through a lens of hopefulness and humor.
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We're a community who envision a world that's more Just, Equitable, Decolonized and Inclusive (JEDI). We're changing the way we see ourselves and each other, and shifting our worldview on business by looking through a JEDI lens.I’m your host, Rosie Yeung (she/her), a Chinese-Canadian immigrant with invisible disabilities, and I’m a JEDI speaker, coach and facilitator. Do you also want to be a JEDI Warrior for social impact? Then please join me in Changing Lenses! Each episode is hosted on co ...
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In this classic episode, we complete the "Your Last Argument" questionnaire from The Gottman Institute. Using the questionnaire as a tool, we explore the feelings we each experienced during the disagreement, the factors that led us to approach the argument in that manner, deep rooted issues behind the argument, and what steps we each can take to av…
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Are you grieving and your friends have gone silent? Were your friends great at the beginning of your loss but now it seems like they don't understand you at all? Do you have feelings of anger or resentment about your friends right now because of how they are responding to your grief? Join us as we explore why friends often stop showing up in grief …
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Join us as we explore some of the most common traits found in couples that still have a spark in their relationship even after years of being together. Links Mentioned In This Week's Episode Couples Who Still Crush On Each Other After 10 Years Have These 7 Things In Common Base Hits and Home Run Relationships: What Women Wished Guys Knew Changing P…
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In this classic episode, Jenni and Josh explore 7 of the top needs of grieving children. Tips on how to best provide support to children and teens when they are grieving are reviewed and discussed. Show Notes: National Center for Grieving Children & Families National Alliance for Grieving Children Jenni Brennan Resources Page Support The Changing P…
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We get a little real in this episode as we dive into the Gottman Relationship Happiness Quiz and explore the benefits and risks of using a quiz/tool like this to move your relationship forward. Come join us and see what happens... Links Mentioned In This Episode Relationship Happiness Quiz The Sound Relationship House The Seven Principles for Makin…
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Are you a passive communicator? Or are you more assertive? Join us as we compare and analyze our quiz results and find out what kind of communicator each of us is and what impact that has on a relationship. This is a Classic Perspectives episode. Show Notes: Identifying Your Communication Style Music/License code: 9XLJQK5TI78JUTZ7…
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Where's the Beef? Join Jenni and Josh as they do a deep dive into the new Netflix show , 'Beef,' paying particularly close attention to the role of art, music, and depression in the show's 10 episodes. Support the Show If you would like to support The Changing Perspectives Podcast, buy them a virtual cup of tea at Ko-Fi. Join the Community Join the…
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This week we dive deep into the topic of anxiety in children and teens. We chat about how to recognize it, how best to respond, and what NOT to do when working with and/or parenting children and teens who are struggling with anxiety. 9 Tools for Helping Your Child Manage Anxiety 10 Tips To Manage Your Anxiety Join The Changing Perspectives Podcast …
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Join Jenni and Josh this week as they explore the role of music in managing stress and coping with anxiety. For exclusive expanded content after today's episode, check out the April 2023 Ramblings episode by joining the Inside Perspectives Group on Patreon. Links Jenni's Newest Essay in So God Made A Mother 7 Ways Music Reduces Stress and Anxiety A…
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You've heard it all before: "Choose happiness." "It's all part of God's plan. Don't be sad." "Cheer up!" What do we do when pressures to stay positive become negative? Join us as we chat about the concent of toxic positivity: what it is, why it's a problem, and what we can do about it. Join Our Patreon Community Articles Referenced What Is Toxic Po…
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In Episode 111, we chat about all things grief: what we need when grieving, how to support someone who is grieving, and whether to bring them a donut. Always Bring The Donut Understanding Your Grief Join Us On Patreon and Get Our Ramblings Episodes
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Join us as we discuss what we've learned from our mistakes in parenting teenagers, what the research tells us about teenage brains, and how we really feel about the societal pressures facing teenagers today. Links Mentioned During Episode Stanford Research on the Teenage Brain Parenting Teen Boys: 10 Things You Should Know Changing Perspectives Pod…
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Join us this week as we explore 10 of the most common misunderstandings in relationships and how best to address them. Spoiler alert: we end up disagreeing with a lot of the items on the list. Come join us and find out if you agree with the list or if you agree with us. Links From The Episode: 10 Common Causes of Misunderstanding and How to Solve T…
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On this episode, Jenni and Josh explore the benefits of laughter in relationships. Come join us as we review the research and share our personal experiences. Visit us on Patreon for early content, special members-only episodes, and fun bonuses. Grief Resources Referenced In Episode Understanding Your Grief E-Book/Workbook Understanding Your Grief O…
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In this week's episode, Jenni and Josh unpack some of the messages from Michelle Obama's newest book, The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times. Heavy emphasis on the concept of "hard work" in a marriage and how to be your authentic self in a partnership. Michelle Obama's Book: The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times NPR Article: …
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Join Jenni and Josh as they dive into the concepts of jealousy and envy, their origins, society's views of them, and what to do with these complex emotions. Links Mentioned During This Episode Holiday Grief E-book: Holiday Grief Email Series: How To Help A Grieving Friend: http://bit…
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Join Jenni and Josh as they explore common grief experiences around the holidays, why the holidays are so hard when you are grieving, and some strategies to make them a little less awful. Links and Resources Mentioned During the Episode Managing Grief During the Holidays E-Book Holiday Grief E-Mail Series…
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Today Jenni and Josh tackle the very personal topic of weight limits in youth sports, the impact it has had on their family, their game plan to make changes, and what the research actually shows. Read the research and petition referred to in this episode Join our Patreon community to see videos of each episode, hear secret episodes, get early acces…
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How do you define your self-worth? Do you compare yourself to others successes? Join Jenni and Josh as they explore the topic of self-worth and self-esteem. Your favorite married podcasters are back and ready to engage in more exciting discussions! Listen in for a different perspective! Join The Changing Perspectives Patreon Community: https://www.…
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Episode 102 is here! Is it really a wedding if the bride doesn't toss the bouquet? What about cutting the cake? Or the shower? Join Jenni and Josh as they explore the topic of traditions and whether or not they should be broken!由DizzyBirdStudios
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Episode 101 is here! Jenni and Josh dive into a conversation about grief and the cinema - ANIMATED cinema! What movie does the best job at exploring grief? Join in on the conversation. Special BONUS content, Jenni's version of TGIF!由DizzyBirdStudios
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Wow! Jenni and Josh are back! With a somewhat new, easy-breezy format! Recorded live from Facebook and released as a podcast! 100 episodes, baby! Join your favorite podcasting couple as they discuss 10 (or so) tips on how to stay connected with your partner! Hello, Jenni!由DizzyBirdStudios
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The Shoah is the Hebrew term for the Holocaust, and the full name of Yom Hashoah VeHagevurah literally means the “day of remembrance of the Catastrophe and the Heroism.” How much do you know about Yom HaShoah, and what happens on this day? What’s the difference between Yom HaShaoah and the United Nations’ International Holocaust Remembrance Day? Al…
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If you were emotionally OK enough with the episode title to click on the link, thanks for making it this far! I’m only partly kidding. The words “white supremacy culture” are definitely triggering, and not just for white people. What that phrase even means is hard to explain. So when fellow podcaster and white American male Jeff Akin told me he was…
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Ramadan Mubarak! This special episode of the Changing Lenses podcast is being released just before the holy month of Ramadan, an incredibly significant time in the Islamic faith. Before I met Saleha Khan, the only thing I really knew about Ramadan was that people fasted for the whole month between sunrise and sunset. In order to truly appreciate wh…
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Have you ever felt in your job hunt that you’re being judged on something that doesn’t even represent who are you? Or at best, it only represents a very small part of the whole you. And yet “woke” companies are claiming to want employees to bring their “whole selves” to work. I’m saying it out loud: resumes are a terrible tool for hiring, on both t…
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This episode is all about the experiences of racialized people looking for work. Job hunting is hard enough as it is; but add on to that being Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, and any other racialized identity that isn’t white – and it’s even harder. This is the 3rd in the series of 4 LinkedIn Lives that I’m re-sharing as podcast episodes, so you …
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Endometriosis affects more people than prostate cancer, breast cancer and heart disease combined. It's in the top 20 most painful diseases in the world, and there’s no cure. It affects 1 in 10 people with a uterus. And it is so undiagnosed, so misunderstood, that patients get threatened with expulsion from school, or fired from work. Today is Inter…
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When you’re job hunting, does it sometimes feel like you’re trying to breach an impenetrable fortress? Recruiters and hiring managers talk about attracting top talent, but when it comes down to it, they act more like an immigration department trying to keep undesirable people out, than warmly welcoming people in. And if we’re going to compare recru…
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Almost all the career counselling, mentorship, corporate training etc. I’ve received have been almost exclusively from white people. Nothing wrong with that – I’ve been blessed to receive great advice and support from many white leaders over the years. But I’m not white. And I had to filter a lot of the info I got through my cultural lens. So when …
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If you’re Black, you’re probably well aware of what Walter Gainer II is going to share in this episode. (Trigger warning, the content may be traumatizing or upsetting to you – please take care of yourself and stop listening at any point.) . . If you’re not Black – you NEED to hear what Walt has to say. I thought I knew about the issue from the gene…
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Have you ever tried to do something for the very first time? If so, what did you hear more often: . ❌ “Who do you think you are?” or ✅ “I believe in you!” . . When I started my first ever podcast from scratch with no experience, I had to believe in myself before others believed in me. It’s natural to want validation from others before we actually t…
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Anti-Racism. Black Lives Matter. Allyship and Solidarity between equity-seeking groups. We’ve touched a bit on these with Changing Lenses podcast guests over the last year, but haven’t dived as deeply into these topics as my friend and fellow podcaster Nura Yunus has. She created the Know Nonsense Podcast to educate listeners about the experiences …
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Sick of those smelly teenagers? Are you exhausted fighting with them? Or trying to get them to clean their room or do homework? But, won't you be sad when those times are gone? Join Jenni and Josh for a special parenting perspectives episode! Show Notes Links: Changing Perspectives Online!由DizzyBird Studios
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You may be aware of ways to accommodate physical and mental disabilities. But what about episodic disabilities? If you don’t know what an episodic disability is, you’re not alone. Once you hear Melissa Egan describe it, you’ll probably realize that you, or someone you know, has one. Melissa is the National Lead of Episodic Disabilities at Realize, …
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Do you like to play games? Are you looking for a creative and fun way to spend some time with your partner? Join Jenni and Josh as they explore the Gottman Institute's Fall into Love Relationship Bingo Game! There's something for everyone and every couple - tune in now! Show Notes:…
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Nobody's perfect, right? But are we supposed to be? Join Jenni and Josh for this myth busting episode about perfection. Are you perfect? Do you strive to be? Come listen to Jenni explain how she's a recovering perfectionist! Show Notes:…
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Grab your significant other, plug in some head phones, and take some fun couples quizzes along with Jenni and Josh! Quizzes can be a great way to connect and spark some interesting conversation between you and your partner! Looking for some creative date night ideas? check out these quizzes! Show Notes:…
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Join Jenni and Josh as they explore the topic of mental health, from the male perspective! Toxic masculinity, stigmas, and assumptions have caused many men to go undiagnosed. Josh reveals his own journey in this important episode. Tune in! Show Notes: Book: "Messy Hope" by Lori Wildenberg…
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If we see poverty as the result of financial illiteracy, irresponsibility or a lack of self-control, then the blame falls on the person living in poverty, and the answer is to find a job, spend less, and get financial training. Financial literacy education is definitely important, and these programs have their benefits. But knowledge alone does not…
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Jenni and Josh are back! And they're kicking things off with a great relationship episode. What are the things in your relationship that are unique to you and your partner? Do you always go to the same restaurant on valentines day? Always sit at the same spot at the bar? Join in on the conversation and tune in to this fresh new episode! Show Notes:…
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Ep209: Breaking the Bamboo Mold: How One “Model Minority” Did It (and we can too), with Carissa Begonia
Carissa Begonia is a Filipina-American who left a safe corporate job to start her own business. Until I met her, the only examples I had of entrepreneurs or people following their passions were completely unrelatable for me. Because they were almost all white folks who didn’t have the same immigrant, survival-based, play-it-safe mentality that defi…
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Many employers are asking where to find and hire “diverse talent”. What they SHOULD be asking is how their recruitment process might discriminate against these candidates once they apply. In this episode, Safiyah Husein, a lawyer and Senior Policy Analyst at the John Howard Society, shines a light on the hidden dangers behind a widely accepted hiri…
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If you’re wondering what you can do in bringing reconciliation and decolonization to Canada – this episode is for you. First, we learn what colonization actually looks like. Jessica Dumas of Keeseekoowenin Ojibway First Nation shares personal stories about her family, life experiences, and tragic interaction with police that demonstrate just how ef…
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“I started learning about residential schools. I started learning about generational trauma and that's when I realized like, okay, there's nothing wrong with us. I'm not broken. There's things that happened that caused us to be living this way. And once I realized that there was nothing wrong with me and with my people, that's when I really started…
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Lots of companies have been asking, “What’s the business case for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI)?” Thomas Benjoe turns that around and asks us to think about how JEDI benefits our community and economy, not just ourselves. Thomas is a member of Muscowpetung First Nation, Chair of the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce, and President …
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Ep204: "I Can't Achieve My Way Out of This" - Workplace Racism in Switzerland and Canada, with Miriam Njoku
“I will always be the Black girl first, before Miriam Njoku. I cannot achieve my way out of being seen with prejudice. That's how they view people like me.” In this episode, Miriam Njoku changes our lens to reveal the racism she experienced working and living in Canada and Switzerland. Does that surprise you? These two countries are probably not th…
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Have you ever been told you can’t do it, or you’re not good enough for something you really wanted? What if you got that message in your whole life starting from childhood? What if abuse or racism you’ve endured created trauma that affects your work or relationships? How do you heal wounds that you can’t see? Miriam Njoku knows the struggle all too…
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Ep202: What Kind of Person is Your Corporation? – The Case for Equity Diversity & Inclusion – Ali Interviews Rosie
What do you think is the business case for equity, diversity and inclusion? In business, or even not for profit, should morality or humanitarian reasons play a role? Or should it strictly be about profit and shareholder value? I have some opinions on this, which I apply in my work as an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategist. But as a podcaster…
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Ali Ahmed is a professional designated accountant who worked for one of the Big Four international accounting firms before immigrating from Pakistan to Canada. But despite having that professional experience, he couldn't get an accounting job in Canada until he got some "Canadian experience" under his belt. As a former recruiter myself, I can verif…
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