民以食為天,我食故我在。我們是一群關心食安又想嘗試Podcast的大學生。希望能透過我們的節目,讓大家對食安有更進一步的認識。藉由你我的行動,齊心檢視食安問題、共同培養“食安意識”。 FB:食不相瞞 To Eat or Not to Eat? IG:teonte_foodsafety Powered by Firstory Hosting
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用一道菜認識一段歷史 商業合作請聯絡:podcast.eathistory@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
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我是 邊吃邊聊🍻🍿🥂的主持人Nina, 在節目中跟來賓認真一起吃美食一邊聊彼此之間的故事,多為「出國留學經驗」及「不同職業的探索分享」 適合對象 1 ) 通勤時光 2 )一個人無聊 3 ) 一個人吃飯的時候 跟我們一起咀嚼食物也咀嚼別人的人生故事吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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有多久,沒有坐下來好好吃頓飯了? 美食不只好吃而且好玩! 究竟我們吃下肚的美食從何而來? 讓瑞秋和你/妳一起發現食物們的食萬個為什麼! 聽故事還不過癮,想要看看故事中的美食真面目!?歡迎到 臉書 / IG 配著圖文一起享用! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachel_eat_why/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/racheleatwhy Powered by Firstory Hosting
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關鍵英語教室,學新單字,知天下事 歡迎收聽浩爾的關鍵英語教室,週一到週五,每天帶給你反映社會脈動的關鍵字。 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeplQhGM1duFJS-vWSuZSFmXaojMvcNJWWQMtt8xz4Z3L13Ow/viewform 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 講義內頁/廣告合作請洽:podcast@nextvoicetech.org 訂閱客服Line: @nextvoicetech Powered by Firstory Hosting
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文本和更多内容 关注VX公众号和视频号:家森Jason The aim of this website is to provide you with good materials for IELTS and English Speaking. 品质原创雅思口语内容;每日更新
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嗨囉 我是花 歡迎來到我的另一個宇宙。 每個人都有一個故事, 聽我跟不同的人聊聊天~ 分享各種有意思的生活大小事。。。 #交友 #醫美 #理財 #靈性 #宇宙 #spiritual #瑜珈 #旅遊 #體驗 #生活#cryptocurrency #追劇 #影評 . 交友話題起家,漸漸發散到各種我好奇的人事物體驗/ . 更新時間端看近期創造力活躍度而定,當有一股想發聲的慾望卡在胸口蓄勢待發的時候就會迅速更新單集了😁😁😁 . 歡迎關注追蹤🤍、點選5★★★★★好評或IG留言給我一些支持喔! IG/FB/BLOG👇 https://portaly.cc/love.hua 合作邀約👇 love.hua.loveiseverything@gmail.com 贊助donate花花說👇 https://portaly.cc/love.hua/support 部分圖片來源:Unsplash 片頭片尾音樂:mixkit Powered by Firstory Hosting
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這裡是無菜單放映室 grab yourself a drink, but not popcorn. and now, welcome to “Hotchpotch Cinema” . your hosts today(and forever): chris & joe 兩個意見很多的非意見領袖。 一個沈迷於音樂和電影,一個沈浸於電影和音樂。 她們忍痛割愛與你分享自己的世界, 所以這裡可能沒有菜單讓你挑, so just eat what we served. umm..i mean......please? 電影開始播放前強烈建議搭配以下playlist一同觀賞 https://youtube.com/channel/UC08WUVs92i8wheLQBwp-asQ 片頭片尾音樂、後製:artist阿提濕 (各大平台皆有上架) instagram: https://instagram.com/hcpcpodcast?igshid=l52ckpm8qldh email: hotchpotchpodcast@gmail.com 影廳入場費將帶給我們更大的動力! https://pa ...
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長期關注身心靈領域的慧卿老師,最喜歡的興趣就是看電影了,因為透過電影發現許多人生的故事與道理。 透過電影,人生而得到更多的啟示與發現!! 邀請您 一起 跟著 慧卿老師,看見電影背後所帶來的生命故事、人生道理與心靈流動的感受吧! 喜歡我們的podcast,請訂閱 #慧卿の看電影聊人生 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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柏林是個充滿多元文化且自由的城市,從fancy到hippie,從高樓大廈到髒亂地鐵,什麼事都可以發生、任何衝擊的影像出現在眼前都不奇怪…… 三年前到德國唸碩士而認識的隔壁班同學——安九和阿婷,想和大家分享我們在柏林生活的發現、不同文化的體驗、藉此自我的成長與改變,另外還有一些旅遊的經驗、人際關係的故事,希望能讓更多人認識柏林這個大家說很不德國的城市。 訂閱我們,給我們評論及留言~ ♡ 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 www.instagram.com/berlinhardtotell 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 berlinhardtotell.firstory.io 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 pay.firstory.me/user/berlinhardtotell Powered by Firstory Hosting
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『環遊新視界』是一個關心脊髓損傷傷友的節目,透過傷友生活中不同面向議題的分享,讓我們有傾聽的機會,於此同時,我們可以陪伴傷友及家屬們,讓他們知道他們並不孤單,也幫傷友開拓更新更廣的視野。 製作團隊 主持人–王海明、張雅如 剪接混音–張雅如 企劃團隊–王義萍、張雅如、陳俊瑋 出品–脊髓損傷基金會 Apple | Spotify | KKBOX | Google | Firstory | Soundon 搜尋:環遊新視界 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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🥑 台灣時間 每週二 上午十點 更新發佈 《食材營養百科》是個介紹台灣人常吃的食材,針對其營養與功效加以介紹與解說的節目,由宋明樺營養師所主持,本節目非常適合對於注重飲食習慣、營養均衡與身體健康的朋友觀看,了解食物與食物之間的效果關係,清楚自己所吃下的食物之功效,達到樂活健康的境地。 奶類可供應人體鈣質、維生素B2、維生素D,可保持骨頭、牙齒健康堅固,儲存骨本,有效預防骨質疏鬆症或骨折,而蛋類則是有豐富的蛋白質,具有健腦益智、肝臟保護、動脈硬化防治、預防癌症與延緩衰老等功效,更多奶、蛋類的介紹就來看看宋明樺營養師的解說吧! 【LOHAS樂活雲】提供全球華人最SKR的節目內容與資訊,有健康、親子、理財、旅遊、英文等領域,結合專業人士的經驗談與分享,給您豐富且具知識性的影片與Podcast,讓您掌握最新節目進度。 【LOHAS樂活雲】官方網站 https://lohas.fulive.net/ 【LOHAS樂活雲】FB粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/LOHAS.CLOUD/ 【LOHAS樂活雲】Youtube頻道 https://reurl.cc/jqk6 ...
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很方便 it's very user-friendly. 不花时间做早饭 I don't have to spend a lot of time on my breakfast 对我来讲完美 the bread and milk will be perfect to me 选择牛奶面包 I have to go with bread and milk
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【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 英語關鍵字:Eat crow 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫:https://open.firstory.me/user/howard/community 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 講義內頁/廣告合作請洽:podcast@nextvoicetech.org 訂閱客服Line: @nextvoicetech 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 留言告訴…
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有一天 The other day 没意识到重要性 I didn't realise the importance 将来想要nb的事业版图 if I could have a great career in the future 找到了满意的工作 I got a decent job
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【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 英語關鍵字:Flava 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫:https://open.firstory.me/user/howard/community 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 講義內頁/廣告合作請洽:podcast@nextvoicetech.org 訂閱客服Line: @nextvoicetech 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 留言告訴我你對…
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一家三口 Actually I have a family of three 去长短途旅行 go on long journeys or go on short trips 如果有年假 If I have annual leave 买单 pay the bill
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打电话 I would make phone calls 弄点咖啡喝喝 grab a cup of coffee somewhere 健身很重要 body building is an important part of my everyday life 让自己开心 just spoil myself
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参加聚会的时候 when taking part in some parties 生活不易 my life is filled with regular work and I am suffering too 维持关系 maintain the relationship 这就是我的一天 all of these would make my day
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作为生日礼物送我的 my best friend gave it to me as a birthday gift 国际大牌 from the international brand 价格不重要 心意重要 the price was not important, but it showed me how she loved me 生日前两天 2 days before my birthday
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超帅的 it looks rather cool 买不起 probably i can't afford it right now 不实用 the spot car might be not right for everyday life 停在车库 just leave it in the garage
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两个事情很重要 Two things are really important 许多 different kinds of or lots of 现在 at the moment 回家 go back home
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想搭上AI熱潮? 掌握「研發費用」就是掌握科技股的強盛關鍵 00935獨家納入「研發費用」選股條件 帶你挖掘下一個台股潛力商機 鎖定台灣科技產業成長爆發力 00935一次打包科技台股的優質首選 了解更多00935 https://fstry.pse.is/6u5ddc —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 清邁自由行景點吃喝玩體驗分享|清邁11月天氣|茵他儂國家公園Doi Inthanon National Park健行|湄康蓬村Mae Kampong Village的高山景觀咖啡廳|真心市集(Jing Jai Market)|清邁古城&市場自行車導覽之旅|泰式傳統服裝租借化妝攝影|Wild rose yoga瑜珈課體驗認識新朋友|放水燈體驗|清邁小吃推薦與交通 →本次…
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当然选择 I would certainly go with 兜风 go for a drive 很放松 it could be very relaxing 开车没啥意思 driving is not that fun to me
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【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 英語關鍵字:Skibidi 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫:https://open.firstory.me/user/howard/community 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 講義內頁/廣告合作請洽:podcast@nextvoicetech.org 訂閱客服Line: @nextvoicetech 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 留言告訴我…
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并没有 Not really nope, I don't think so 许多事儿等着我 things are waiting for me 每天八小时以上 more than 8 hours each day 更忙碌了 could be much busier
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很多老建筑在市中心 most of the old buildings are right located in the central area of the city 陪伴我们八十多年 probably they have been with us more than eighty years long 就在市中心 just in the city center 我见过的最老的 the oldest one that I have ever seen
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可多好处啦 So many good points can be identified 学的很好 you can learn it well 工作机会多 you would certainly have more working opportunities 讲流利的外语 then you speak fluent second language
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因为需要居住 mainly because they need a house to live in 很多人买不起 A lot of people cannot afford it 在我们的文化当中 In my culture 房子是刚需 A house is required
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比其他地方更有意思 it could be more fun than any other kinds of places 工作压力 heavy workload 负能量消散 their bad emotions and fatigues would be gone eventually 效果很好 it really works well
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两件事是我喜欢的 Two things are my favorites 去健身房 go to the gym 忙碌之余 after a tough day of work study 搞点喝的 grab something to drink
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不聪明的决定 I don't think it's a very smart decision 嘲笑我 laughing at me 内向不敢 I am too shy to do so 有效果 work well
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【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 國際選讀:《China hits 9 US firms with property freeze over weapons sales to Taiwan》 參考文章:《China hits 9 US firms with property freeze over weapons sales to Taiwan》By Reuters (中國因向台灣出售武器而凍結9家美國公司的財產) https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/china-sets-countermeasures-against-9-us-firms-over-weapons-sales-taiwan-2024-09-18/ 蘋…
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对我来说 for my part 我喜欢 I am really into 周末去健身房 go to the gym on weekends 身材管理很重要 the body building is very important to me
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至少一周一两次 at least once a week or twice a week 已经戒掉阅读的习惯了 I have already given up the habit of reading 压力很大的时候 when I'm under high pressure 差异明显 the differences can be very very apparent
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两个方式推荐 Two ways are highly recommended 社交软件 it's related social apps 参加 take part in 两种交朋友的方式 two ways that people like to make friends
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不了解 I don't know much about my hometown history 有人告诉我历史悠久 I was told that history was quite long 博物馆 美术馆 museums and art galleries 热爱家乡 I love my home city
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不擅长游泳 I'm not good at swimming at all 小的时候 when I was at my young age 家长认为不够安全 they thought it was too dangerous for me 跟我的朋友去学 I would learn it from some of my friends
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我一定会讲环卫工人 I must say, it is the street cleaner 工作强度大 the workload is really heavy 见过 I've seen it before 很多老年人从事这份工作 a lot of old people might be doing this kind of job
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比如羽毛球为例 like badminton for example 跑步 go for a run 觉得放松 feel very relaxed 工作学习 干啥啥不行 but in my work and in my study, I'm not good at anything
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【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 英語關鍵字:Jump on the bandwagon 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫:https://open.firstory.me/user/howard/community 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 講義內頁/廣告合作請洽:podcast@nextvoicetech.org 訂閱客服Line: @nextvoicetech 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5…
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忙碌之余 when I finish a tough day of work or study 处理工作 deal with my regular work 业余时间当中 during my free time 科技改变生活 the life has been totally changed by modern technology
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周一到周五 from Monday to Friday 下课之后 after the class 周末就不同啦 But on weekends it is totally different 像上面说到的一样 As I've mentioned above
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不需要担心太多…I don't have to worry too much about 家里做的饭就准备好了 the homemade dinner would be in front of me 偶尔有不愉快 I might be having some disagreement with them 三口之家 I have a family of three
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去农村生活 go to the countryside for a living 众所周知 As is known to all 慢节奏生活 the slow pace of life 完全不同的世界 a totally different world
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现在 at the moment 坐办公室 sit in the office 处理 deal with 从周一到周五 from Monday to Friday
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不知道要干嘛 I have got no idea what to do 发呆 just rest my mind without thinking anything 跑步机跑步 spend sometime time on the treadmill 偶尔 occasionally
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没兴趣 I'm not interested in any kinds of news 八卦新闻有点意思 gossip news could be more fun 名人名媛 some celebrities 广播节目 电视频道和网站 the radios, TV channels or the websites
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充满…的网站 it is filled with 各种电视剧 电影和短视频 lots of episodes, movies and short videos 写评论 write some comments 这网站充实了我的夜晚时光 that website makes my free time in the evening
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一个崭新的手机 have a brand new one 但现在 But at the moment 贵的离谱 it is too ridiculous expensive 一万多块 more than 10 000
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说到这件事 Speaking of the topic 我来安排 I did the arrangement 他们很听话 they listened to me quietly 经济支持 financial support
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业余时间足够的话 if I have enough freedom 学点艺术周边 I would certainly learn something one or two on art 沾点天赋 I have certain talent in it 艺术大师作品 masterpieces of artwork
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必须是这样 Yeah sure, I would say yes with 100% 日复一日老样子 same old things different day 玩会手机 spend some time on my smartphone 这就是我的一天 those sorts of things would make my day
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【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 英語關鍵字:Once in a blue moon 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫:https://open.firstory.me/user/howard/community 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3s5c048 講義內頁/廣告合作請洽:podcast@nextvoicetech.org 訂閱客服Line: @nextvoicetech 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clemptv5703kx01v5d3…
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是啊 Yeah sure, of course 离不开 I can't live without it 打电话 make phone calls 文字和语音消息 text message and voice message
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甚至彼此都不认识 They even don't know each other at all 早出晚归 get up quite early in the morning then get back home very late then 众所周知 as is known to all 利用 make full use
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