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Fast Foundations

欢迎来到The Prompt,我们在这里探索内容创作和技术的前沿。 吉姆·卡特介绍了播客和内容制作中的一次突破性转变,深入探讨了人工智能的世界。他分享了人工智能不仅仅是一个工具,而是一个重新塑造内容创作格局的创意合作者。吉姆讨论了人工智能带来的无限可能性,从生成多样化和吸引人的内容到推动创造力的边界。 The Prompt是一种全新且令人兴奋的播客类型,完全由人工智能生成——这是吉姆心中的一个愿景。节目是100%真实的,并使用人工智能支持这一新技术频道的快速分发和增长。 加入吉姆,随着他开启这一新概念,一次一个提示地发现由人工智能驱动的内容创作的未来。
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節目介紹: 廖零打的美國時間 The Linda Liao Show 在節目裡一起與主持人Linda探索聊奇人異事, 電影,娛樂跟生活中各種有趣新鮮事 主持人:LINDA 廖語晴 節目時長: 40-60 分鐘, 每周一次 Description : It all started off with the idea of "motherficial Intelligence", a podcast that explores the intersection of motherhood and artificial intelligence. Then Linda took a different turn into new media and broadens what she brings to the show each week. As a mother of twin boys, Linda is always on the hunt for new and adventurous things that brighten her days in America. Bo ...
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為孩子提供國際觀點和全球視野 ◤兒童國際新聞.兒童世界小百科.兒童世界聯合國.小小製作人-你好嗎◢ 從恐龍化石到太空任務,兒童世界報報帶你到世界各個角落,探索最有趣的新鮮事!A podcast broadcast for kids with the most interesting news of the world! 每周二、四更新 —— ✔️ FB, IG, YouTube 搜尋:兒童世界報報 ✔️ 合作請洽 —— Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Elevate Your Finances, Elevate Your Life 投資自己,投資未來 歡迎來到 Financial Quotient,在這裡我們為您提供必要的金融知識和實用的資金管理策略,以幫助您取得人生上的成就。 讓我們一起學習,一起成長! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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嗨! 希望影片能為你紓解夜深人靜時被放大的緊張與壓力,在不好入睡的夜晚給予你一些陪伴。 望你喜歡並持續支持,有任何建議請不吝給予指教 :) Powered by Firstory Hosting
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想要脫離各種3C產品的捆綁嗎 學習有耐性跟健康的興趣培養嗎? 讓我們試著打開耳朵聆聽這世界 從故事中發現奇幻世界🦄 中文英文一起來 讓我們探索閱讀世界閱讀愛! TIPS:每聆聽完一本,都可以跟孩子彼此討論分享學到什麼呢?覺得哪裡有趣呢🦔 歡迎來信到 與Angie聊天、許願+索取英文單字表喔!🕊🕊 #兒童繪本 #英文繪本 #中文繪本 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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举足轻重的地位 I think that the internet is playing an important role in our life 与生活学习息息相关 it has got to do something with our regular work and everyday study 不用去教室或者公司 we even don't have to travel to the workplace or travel to the school 效果显著 but it works really well
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心情不好压力大的时候 when I'm not in a good mood or when I'm feeling very tired or the fatigue comes to me 钢琴曲不一样 让我放松提神醒脑 the music from piano can be very different from other kinds of musical instruments. I feel like very relaxed and refreshed 不知道为什么 天生的 I don't know why probably it's born with 小时候学过钢琴 when I was at my young age, I tried to learn something…
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▌本集簡介 這個月兒童世界報報出品了飛行紀錄本,再次邀請了最受小朋友歡迎的機長 Captain Cruise (@captainfu) 跟我們談談飛機 以及飛航知識! 🎙️ 兒童世界報報飛行紀錄本 蝦皮: (運費50-60) : 預計出貨日:8/1 (滿800, 店到店免運) 粉絲優惠:留言區貼上訂閱截圖私訊優惠碼 ▌Quiz Time 1. 請問飛機上的污水都到哪裡去了? Answer: 收集在飛機上,等到達時,再由水肥車抽走 2. 請問飛機的修理紀錄本,英文叫做什麼? Answer: TECH LOG 3…
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是的 啥新闻都看 Yeah sure of course, I could say that currently I'm a super fan of different kinds of news 了解实事 I’ll get to know something new in the world and I would get to know the everyday life 过去只看八卦 sometimes in the past I was trying to stay focused on entertainment news, the gossips 现在看正经东西了 I would certainly keep an eye on finance and economy…
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ChatGPT、Gemini、Claude还是Perplexity?哪种AI应该被你使用? 这是吉姆·卡特在本期《The Prompt》中探讨的热点问题。随着AI的发展速度比以往更快,吉姆深入挖掘了这四种领先的语言模型的独特优势,为你提供关于哪一种可能成为你新首选工具的详细信息。 首先是ChatGPT。它不仅仅是一个聊天工具;更像是一个研究助手、初级程序员和数据科学家合为一体。想象一下,上传一个45页的PDF文件,ChatGPT会像你是五岁小孩一样为你分解内容。或者抛入一个巨大的CSV文件,得到清晰简洁的图表。这是一个改变游戏规则的功能,特别是其代码解释器特性。 接下来是谷歌的Gemini。这个强大的工具连接着世界上最好的网站数据库,得益于谷歌搜索。需要编写一个登陆页面的代码?Gemini能…
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一方面 抱怨现实生活 for one thing, it is about the real life you know, a lot of people today are suffering 钱难赚屎难吃 actually they couldn't earn a lot of money, they even couldn't earn a living 物质条件那些事 something of reality and stuff, the material life 婚姻话题 for another, they are scared of marriage, and they don't trust love at all…
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Send us a Text Message. 這一集聊到Linda回到台灣後的文化衝擊和網路購物的經驗。 Linda分享了她在台灣和美國生活的差異,以及在台灣網路購物時遇到的問題。 台灣的物流和購物系統非常的進步,但還是有一些努力的空間。 此外,Linda還談到了在台灣的交通文化和行人的權益,以及她對搬回台灣的計劃和孩子入學的研究。 Linda的兩個小朋友是雙胞胎,他們的生日在7月,算是暑假寶寶。不管是國外還是台灣,每個學校可能會有一兩個月的時差,但是入學的學齡就是按照生日來計算。 仔細研究發現,小朋友只能進一年級,再過一個月就要報名,就只能入學到二年級或三年級。Linda回來後才發現這個部分有點傻眼。因為在美國,小朋友是7月生,當媽媽的Linda和爸爸一起討論後,決定選擇讓他們是班上年紀…
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🎙️2024巴黎奧運會將於本週五登場,超級期待!本屆奧運你最期待哪項比賽?最支持的選手呢? 錄音下來寄到,讓我們一起加油! ▌本集簡介 來自法國巴黎的 Nicolas 帶來了好笑又有趣巴黎奧運相關新聞,以愛抱怨出名的法國人,對於奧運比賽項目將辦在塞納河大發牢騷,還相約往塞納河💩💩 塞納河整治已經說了20 年,但從未兌現。曾經是連接污水下水道的塞納河,匯集了人們大小便,還有各式各樣的寶藏,從汽車到像狗一樣大的老鼠! 為什麼一定要在塞納河辦比賽?來聽聽巴黎的發展歷史吧! ▌Quiz Time 1. 2024巴黎奧運將於當地時間幾月幾號開幕? Answer: 7/26 2. 巴黎是圍繞的哪條河流建造的? Answer: 塞納河 ▌相關集數 【國際新…
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有两个原因 There are actually two reasons behind this topic 有价格优势 it has got to do something with the price advantage 众所周知 as is known to all 比如长途旅行或者国际旅行 for example if we need to go on a long journey or go on the international trip
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①Chinese national park transacts tropical rainforest carbon-sink trading ②Terracotta Warriors celebrate 50 years of discovery ③Gate ruins of ancient capital unearthed in central China ④Chinese embrace dog days of summer with sanfu moxibustion ⑤A Thousand Whys: Acupuncture, the Qi stimulator and balancer…
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①Milky Way galaxy can be larger than expected: study ②Beijing launches "rocket street" project to advance commercial space development ③Centuries-old science classic comes alive on stage ④Items related to ancient Great Wall guards unearthed in Beijing ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why Chinese people drink herbal tea during Major Heat?…
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大部分情况下 不会 Most of the time, I wouldn't say yes you know 不明智 I don't think that it's a smart decision to get some help from other people 自己解决 I want to work out problems you know I mean, I want to work things out by myself 克服难题 提升自己 overcoming this problem and just improving myself
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想要身材好 健康 必须吃早餐 if you want to lose some weight and keep good body shape, eating breakfast is important and it is required 早餐是核心 breakfast is the key, it is the center, we can say it is the secret weapon 很多人无视早餐 a lot of people ignore the importance of breakfast 做个改变 make a change
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美國現在的總統是拜登(Joe Biden),他屬於民主黨。他的競爭對手是川普(Donald Trump),屬於共和黨,川普曾經也是美國總統。今年的總統選舉會在11月5日舉行。目前,共和黨已經確認川普和他的副總統候選人范斯(JD Vance)將參加選舉。 ✔️ 7月13日,川普在競選集會中遭遇從集會附近的屋頂上開槍 ✔️ 川普的耳朵受傷了,流了血。開槍的人很快被現場的FBI狙擊手擊斃。 ✔️ 美國民眾引發對川普的同情和支持 ✔️ 拜登再次角逐總統位子有點太老了,民主黨尚未確定候選人。 ➕ 補充資訊以及新聞來源都在臉書粉絲團 ▌Quiz Time Q:請問現任美國總統是誰? A:拜登 Q:請問本集新聞中被子彈打到耳朵的是總統候選人是誰? A:川普 ▌相關集數 【國際新聞】國際法庭下令以色列|烏克…
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必须啊 Why not, I'm saying yes a hundred percent 假期干啥都行 on vacation I could do lots of things that I couldn't in my leisure time 好几天在路上 probably I'll spend more than two or four days on the road 看沿途风景 吃好吃的 了解当地文化 I enjoy the beautiful sceneries on the journey and I'll get to know brand new friends and local food and its culture, and everything…
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压力大 number one, a lot of people today are suffering, they are suffering from heavy workload and everyday pressure 找到发泄口 they need to find a way out 消除负面情绪 release bad emotions and let these negatives gone in their life 心底的那份爱 because they just love it from the bottom of their heart, no different reasons…
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Send us a Text Message. 這集節目中,Linda分享了關於一位醫生開車與妻子和孩子衝出懸崖的新聞,但Linda突然情緒失控,Why? 這次Reddit故事很多元: 我拒絕男友求婚,因為怕失去原有的贍養費 我原本答應捐卵給自己哥哥使用,但現在我反悔了 我老婆偷帶零食到醫院給我,我按鈴舉報他,我是混蛋嗎? 你會為了2000美元(6萬多台幣),讓出機位,然後晚回家嗎? 老婆在酒吧與其他人聊天,我卻不能? 這集Linda介紹了三部電影: Netflix的《非常家務事》和 《窺探者》與《異形:羅穆路斯》 Chapters 00:00 醫生將家人推下懸崖 04:06 治療計劃和法律問題 08:24 精神狀況和治療資格 10:46 心理疾病和病態行為 12:42 真正想開podcas…
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暑假來聽較短較輕鬆的國際新聞!今天一起到澳洲無尾熊保護區,來看看住在這邊的無尾熊,生活即將有什麼改變 🐨🐨 你暑假過得開心嗎?暑假來當小主播,分享暑假生活,或是推薦旅遊景點! 錄音寄至 ➕ 補充資訊以及新聞來源都在臉書粉絲團 ▌Quiz Time 1. 無尾熊是哪個國家的特有種生物? Answer: 澳洲 2. 無尾熊通常都在白天還是晚上睡覺呢? Answer: 白天 ▌相關集數 6/19-6/28 動物園休園|暑假期間週六延長開放到9點|無尾熊的夜光浴 澳洲熱浪無尾熊哪裡去|阿拉斯加的冷凍豬|加拿大的極光 ▌我也想啟發孩子對世界的好奇心! 🎁 贊助支持 滿…
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①Chief scientist of China's FAST telescope awarded Marcel Grossmann Award ②Researchers develop brain-on-a-chip system, advancing brain-computer interfaces ③Museum trips see peak season during summer vacation ④University in Yunnan province launches China's first coffee major, delving into science of coffee-making ⑤A Thousand Whys: Fantastic mushroom…
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超爱上网 I think that I’ve spent a lot of time on the Internet 喜欢玩社交软件和其他软件 and it's related social apps and different kinds of apps for sure 免费 it is nearly free of charge, I don't have to pay for it 忙碌之余空虚寂寞冷 after a tough day of regular study or work and I would find the life quite boring
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吉姆刚从与家人一起到墨西哥为期一周的游轮旅行中返回,在这期间他做了一件难以想象的事情:他断开了互联网连接。没有邮件,没有社交媒体,没有工作。结果呢?这给了他新的生命力。 吉姆带我们回顾他的数字排毒之旅,分享了他为这次旅行做的准备工作,包括关闭通知,重新整理手机,并建立系统确保他能真正脱离网络。他甚至给船上买了昂贵的互联网套餐,但只用于基本需求,比如查看家里的狗。结果呢?他获得了一种新的自由感和心理清晰度。 吉姆提供的一个关键见解是准备工作的重要性。他花了几个星期来整理好自己的事情,从为团队录制视频概览到为看家人写下紧急联系人。这个细致的计划使他能够全身心地投入到假期中,而不会感到未完成事务的困扰。 吉姆还强调了自动化和委派的好处。通过优化他的流程并利用人工智能,他能够离开自己的业务而不至于让…
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历史时期是三十年前 没车没互联网的时候 Mention about the topic, the historical period that I have interest is about thirty years ago when we didn't have the Internet and lots of private cars on the street 那个年代我都没出生 at the time, the period was quite different you know and I wasn't born then, but I learned something according to some videos and my parents` words and gr…
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①Chinese and French researchers complete lunar radon-gas detection mission ②Chinese researchers develop novel method to produce crystals ③Shanghai international cruise ports report brisk traffic amid visa facilitation ④China's first "giant panda college" starts enrolling students ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why is the jasmine flower a symbol of timeless eleg…
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肯定的啦 Yeah sure, I'm saying yes with a hundred percent 这样做就很舒服啦 because by doing so, I would feel very safe and very happy 去溜达或者户外 hang out with a bunch of my friends or spend a lot of time in the open area 在家呆着 听歌 what I like to do is sitting in somewhere in my home, and putting on my earphone then listening to some music…
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不会的 Not really, no I wouldn't do anything in that way, no way 太傻了 I don't think it's a very smart decision and it is not a popular way for us to do so 去没去过的地方的话 when I'm trying to travel to somewhere that I'm not familiar with or that I've never been to before 我才不同意呢 I wouldn’t say yes with 100%
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优点可多啦 There are actually so many good points of using public transport 主要有两点 I think two good points can be identified 价格优势 每个人买得起 it has the price advantage, everyone in the world can afford it 乘坐方便 it is user friendly in life, whenever we want to take a cab or take the subway, you would just find one that you need…
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訓練你的聽力! 本集內容為雙語!快速時尚為環境帶來的污染 ✔️ What is fast fashion? just to keep up with the trends?? ✔️It requires massive raw materials to create fast fashion. ✔️The process of making clothes leads to pollutions and destructions to air, water and wild life habitants. ✔️ Easy and irresponsible disposal of fashion fashion - on an average of only 7-10 times befor…
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打车花了一百多 心疼 I need to spend like more than one hundred Yuan each time, and that would kill me for sure 打车从市中心到机场肉疼 just from the city center to the airport and that would certainly drive me crazy you know 我也没敢说啥 but I didn't say anything 不便宜 But I still think that it was too much for me and I couldn't afford it…
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科技互联网改变生活 The Internet is the modern technology and certainly it influences our life for sure you know 金钱观改变 Traditional attitude to money has been totally changed Wifi随处可见 At the same time, the free wifi could be found anywhere that you can imagine 真快 就几秒 When you are trying to download something you need, just a few seconds then everything would …
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Send us a Text Message. Linda回到台灣過暑假了!她遇到的台灣超大的午後雷雨,也分享了在台灣購買衣服的經驗。再來Linda聊了一則有趣的新聞,是有關美國首任總統喬治華盛頓的櫻桃故事,過了幾百年後在他家地窖下面竟然挖掘出來了保存完整的整顆櫻桃。另外,節目裡還分享了一則關於一位眾議院議員在同事包包中倒水的新聞。 接著Linda分享了一個使用AI的小技巧,並介紹了一個TikTok用戶Kyle Balmer發明的一字口訣R-I-S-E-N。其中R代表role角色,I代表instruction指示,S代表steps步驟/結構,E代表end goal輸出對象,N代表narrowing範圍/長度。只要正確使用這個口訣來引導AI,你絕對可以獲得最棒的答案。 依照慣例,Linda挑選…
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✔️ 兩個小故事認識「霸凌」 ✔️ 遇到霸凌怎麼辦? ✔️ 如果別人不想跟我當朋友怎麼辦? ✔️ 一起練習說「不」 延伸收聽:【兒童世界小百科】朋友說遇到性騷擾,怎麼辦?保護自己與朋友的兩個練習—專訪凃冠如心理師(下) ▌【小小製作人-你好嗎?】系列集數 你今天的玫瑰、刺和花蕾是什麼? 靜下心更專注!來玩正念小遊戲:S.T.O.P、糖果遊戲 符合大腦的高效學習法:25-5 番茄鐘工作法|正念練習:漸進式肌肉放鬆法 ▌投稿 shoutout 計畫暑假旅遊 🩷 分享你喜歡的旅遊景點、或者你想要去的地方? 錄音寄至 ▌我也想啟發孩子對世界的好奇心! 🎁 贊助支持 …
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超爱吃甜食 Yeah sure I'm a super fan of sweet food you know, like the ice cream for example, like different kinds of chocolates for example 心情当然也会很好 I'll be staying in a good mood for sure 这两样东西让我超级开心 these two kinds of things would undoubtedly make me feel happy 脂肪和热量也会让我崩溃 but one problem you know, eating too much calories and fat would drive me crazy…
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①China to formulate over 50 standards for AI sector by 2026 ②Chinese robotics firm, FAW-Volkswagen join hands to build humanoid robot-run car factory ③Chinese museums to offer more convenient access for summer visitors ④As summer begins, Chinese travel market picks up momentum ⑤A Thousand Whys: How the Chinese pavilion got its allure…
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恩典不是赚来的,也不是应得的,而是上帝自由给予的爱。哇!这是吉姆·卡特在这期感人至深的《提示》中分享的令人震撼的时刻。 吉姆带我们回顾了他那变革性的一年,庆祝他每周 AI 通讯的一周年纪念。但这一期节目不仅仅是一个里程碑;它深入探讨了恩典的力量、韧性以及持续努力所带来的喜悦。 吉姆敞开了他一年前的生活——经营一家数字营销公司,感到疲惫不堪并挣扎于经济压力。他当时处于困境中,无法成为他想成为的丈夫和父亲。必须改变一些事情。而变化确实发生了,但并不是你可能预期的那样。吉姆没有投入更多的工作,而是给了自己一些无形的东西:恩典。受他牧师讲道的启发,吉姆接受了恩典是一种不应得的恩惠和来自上帝的爱,这是一份自由给予的礼物。这一认识使他得以停下来,放弃那些不再对他有益的事情,专注于真正重要的事物。 202…
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①China unveils bold space exploration roadmap involving asteroids, Martian samples and Jupiter ②Energy-efficient carbon fiber metro train unveiled in China ③Newly-developed neural probe achieves brain-wide neuronal activity recording in macaque brain in China ④Hong Kong Book Fair to feature film and TV literature ⑤Population of rare golden monkeys …
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做个艺术家肯定很有意思 Yep sure if possible, I want to be a very famous artist, and that could be great fun 不用每天八小时坐在办公室啦 I don't have to work in the office you know, like eight hours for example 不用呆在同一个地方那么久啦 I don't have to sit in the same old place for a long time each day 比以前更出名 for my part, I could be more famous than before…
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背后两个理由 Two reasons can be identified behind this topic 因为没朋友 mainly because they have got no friends in real life 各种理由 Probably it is about their personalities, it is about the temper, it is about their living habit, there are so many reasons behind it 新鲜的更有吸引力 something new or something exciting can be more charming to them 成为生活一部分 it has been a p…
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戴上耳机世界都是我的 number one, I would put on my earphone you know and the world would be mine 候机的时候戴耳机太重要了 in the airport when I'm waiting for my flight, I would put on my earphone that's the most important part and step 忘带耳机了就去看书 sometimes I probably forget my earphone at home, I would read something one or two on my favorite books 专注看书的时候 忽略噪音 when I'm …
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歷史最悠久,名氣最響亮的的溫布頓錦標賽於今年7/1至7/14開打,開心邀請到陽明交大網球校隊的何易哥哥來解答草地賽事的特性,還會預測今年誰最有冠軍相,聽聽看有沒有你支持的選手?! ✔️ 有趣傳統:穿白衣、吃草莓、排隊買票 ✔️ 今年看頭:溫網衛冕冠軍艾卡拉茲(Carlos Alcaraz)、世界排名第一義大利選手辛納(Jannik Sinner)、英國球王 Andy Murray 搭擋哥哥 Jamie 雙打將是溫網告別作 ✔️ 草地球場特性:比較滑,缺乏摩擦力,適合平擊式打法選手。旋球反而不利! ✔️ 台灣選手:台灣共有三組女子雙打選手參賽,其中包括四度在溫網封后的謝淑薇、台灣女雙好手詹皓晴,還有吳芳嫺 ➕ 補充資訊以及新聞來源都在臉書粉絲團 ▌Quiz Time 1. 請問網球四大滿貫賽是…
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在我看来 In my mind/ I believe /I suppose/I realize 比如这几个语言 like Dutch, French, Germany and Japanese for example 将来希望学很多语言因为喜欢旅行 if possible in the future, I would learn different kinds of languages, because I'm a super fan of travel 周游世界 努力学习外语 travel to the world, the is my dream and I would certainly work hard on my language study…
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很多人当然爱听音乐啦 Yes sure, of course, it's a cool thing and a lot of people love listening to music 消除疲劳 it would help us to diminish all the fatigues we have 忙碌之余需要找个出口 especially after a tough day of work or study, we need to find a way out 很管用 and seriously, it works well
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Send us a Text Message. 紐澤西州是美國唯一禁止自助加油的州,而每次加油都要給小費, 你受得了嗎? 呼吸是要有技巧的!呼吸就可以瞬間消除緊張,幫助減輕焦慮感,來學一下! Kim Kardashian的女兒North West在好萊塢【獅子王】紀念音樂劇中的表演引起了爭議,多數網友認為她只是因為父母的關係才得到這個機會。經典電影《小鬼當家》的房子要出售了!這是一個非常難得的機會。房子經過全面翻修並保留了電影中的經典場景。 這集節目裡Linda回歸老模式,分享了許多令人嘖嘖稱奇的reddit故事 還有極力推薦電視劇《絕命毒師》和《絕命律師》, 還有新上映的電影 【當殺手戀愛時】 Chapters 00:00 紐澤西州的自助加油禁令 02:10 加油站給小費的爭議 06:22…
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熱烈歡迎祐祐的生物世界主持人祐祐來到兒童世界報報 ✔️ 海豚是最聰明的海裡歐哺乳動物嗎? ✔️ 台灣白海豚 出生時是暗灰色的 ✔️ 海豚利用聲納系統溝通 ✔️ 吃海豚肉 在台灣是違法的喔 ✔️ 海豚表演 Google Podcast 將於 6/24 停止服務,改用YouTube收聽 ➕ 補充資訊以及新聞來源都在臉書粉絲團 ▌Quiz Time 1. 請問海豚是魚類還是哺乳動物? Answer: 哺乳動物 2. 請問海豚如何溝通 Answer: 利用聲納系統 3. 開放題 請問你想看海豚表演嗎? Answer: 自由回答 ▌相關集數 紐西蘭畜牧業為排出甲烷氣體繳稅|台灣女孩日|日本吉卜力公園開幕 ▌投稿 shouto…
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①China's inbound tourism market posts positive momentum in 2024: report ②Chinese, British scientists retrieve lost wheat genetic diversity, empowering modern breeding ③Lotus grown from millennium-old seed blossoms in south China ④Museum-themed cafés, galleries embraced by Chinese youth ⑤A Thousand Whys: How did ancient Chinese people beat the heat …
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过去太忙了 actually in the past, I was quite busy with my regular work and everyday study, I was pretty busy with my every day life 在家的时间 especially the free time at home 小时候不看重家人 but when I was at my young age, I didn't realize it, I didn't realize the importance of my families 如果自己在家呆着 if I'm spending some time alone at home…
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