A monthly podcast covering game audio development for indie games.
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Seu podcast sobre áudio para games em Português!
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A look into the world of getting a job in game audio. Interviews with newly hired game audio folks.
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Veronica Belmont & Brian Brushwood can't live without video games. They'd literally die. TWiT's first video game show, Game On, fixes this. They are sustained by playing games and then gleefully bringing you news, reviews, and commentary about console and PC games that you'll get nowhere else. Please watch Game On, it's a matter of life and death. Although the show is no longer in production, you can enjoy episodes from the TWiT Archives.
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Originally a 1UP Pod spin off series, now going it alone. Video Game Deathmatch is a unique combination of video game review and audio drama. Every episode sees our host, Andy, trapped in a new scenario - from being trapped on a spaceship overrun by monsters to fighting through crime filled streets/night clubs, and beyond! While trying to survive these potentially lethal environments, Andy tries to compare two unique games against each other to see which one is the superior title!
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Das Audiocenter of Excellence von Crossplan Deutschland beschäftigt sich mit Facetten des Online-Audio-Business vor allem aus der Datenmanagement-Perspektive. Für mehr als 45 Radiosender, mit mehr als 450 Webangeboten, generiert Crossplan mit einer Data Management Platform Insights, die den Programmmachern die digitale Programmplanung erleichtern und andererseits dem Werbemarkt digitale Zielgruppen für die werbliche Kommunikation zur Verfügung stellt. Thomas Kabke-Sommer, Gründungsgeschäftsf ...
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We are a small group of gamers and streamers who have come together to do some dope things. We stream, do podcasts and write reviews/articles. While we will be doing all mainstream game news, we will also be focusing a lot on indie developers. Indie devs don't get a lot of love, so we are trying to support their creativity by sharing their content with our fans. Hit up our other social media pages and website if you don't want to be bored. <3
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Welcome to The Game Master Audio Hub, hosted by entrepreneur, CEO, gamer, streamer and french army veteran Alec Banday aka KPO / FunkyGOAT. With my podcast, I wanna share with you my thought as a human being, streamer, gamer, life and entrepreneurship experiences. What is happening in my life, video games and the world around it. How the video games business works. Behind the scenes of a video games studio. Stop complaining about bugs in games and learn what a game really is. World’s changin ...
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Audio FitTest: Changing the game for beginners to fitness
James Atkinson: Guide for beginner health, fitness and lifestyle
How to start fitness the right way, no looking back this time! If you're looking to start fitness or a healthy weight loss journey and want to do it right, "Jim" is here to help you out! Fitness author, blogger, fitness trainer and now, bumbling podcaster, James Atkinson brings you advice and weight loss tips gleaned from over twenty years in the fitness and lifestyle game. Let's get started!
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This month I've got a great conversation I had with Lewis Thompson and Greg Lester from Airwiggles while we were at GameSoundCon 2024. We talked about some different sound design tips and tricks and Airwiggles and drinking water (for some reason).由Matthew Marteinsson
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This month my guest is Bonnie Bogovich (vocal artist, audio designer, and chicken and human choir arranger). We sat down at GameSoundCon in Oct 2024 and talked about dialogue and sounds and educational games amongst other things.由Matthew Marteinsson
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Hey everyone. Beards, Cats, And Indie Game Audio is back. It's been a long break but I'm back with a new episode. Come have a listen while I catch up with our surprise guest. (It's Gord, Gord is the surprise guest) Matthew由Matthew Marteinsson
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Welcome to the Video Game Deathmatch GOTY Awards 2024, our second ever awards ceremony, live from the bombed out remains of a post-nuclear warzone where the remnants of humanity are being hunted by deadly machines controlled by Peter Molyneux's rogue AI game engine. Hopefully things will run more smoothly than last year, at least. Fewer hecklers, a…
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Hi everyone, It's been a real long time since. But it's official, that was just a really long break and the podcast is returning in 2025. I'll be flying solo as the host (I'm sure Gord will turn up every once and awhile) and I've already got a couple interviews recorded waiting to be edited. Regular monthly episodes should start dropping mid Jan 20…
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Join Andy as he celebrates the season with some festive-themed video games - featuring Batman: Arkham Origins, Yakuza Kiwami, Hitman: Blood Money, Snatcher, and Elf Bowlin - and here's hoping nothing horribly violent or inappropriate happens since it's Christmas.由andrewshaw1982
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Join Andy as he struggles to fulfil his duties as the assistant manager of a Fortress of Evil while his Dark Lord is on holiday. Overseeing the construction of a torture chamber, dealing with troublesome adventurers, and overseeing unwanted union meetings - it's all there, getting in the way of him analysing and comparing two diabolically-inclined …
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Join Andy as he pits two of cinema's greatest fleshy metal men against each other, with an episode dedicated to Terminator vs RoboCop, all while trying to make it in a dangerous 1980s dystopia. Closing Theme by Infraction.由andrewshaw1982
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Join Andy as he attempts to run an isolated farm during a zombie apocalypse, all while trying to break down what makes a good Walking Dead game - focusing on Telltale's iconic 2012 title and 2023's The Walking Dead: Destinies. Music by Ross Bugden. Closing Theme by Infraction.由andrewshaw1982
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Join Andy as he attempts to escape a city under attack from a giant monster, all while trying to analyse and assess which game is better - 2004's Godzilla: Save the Earth or 2023's Skull Island: Rise of Kong.由andrewshaw1982
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Andy is a gritty, serious monster hunter embarking on a not all that epic adventure to find a Lord's missing son. With the aid of his alcoholic child sidekick, Barnabus, Andy must traverse treacherous forests and face down terrifying dangers - all while trying to analyse and discuss which is the superior game: The Witcher 3 or Final Fantasy XVI.…
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Andy is a criminal rising through the ranks of the mob, all while trying to discuss the pros and cons of two iconic crime sims. Welcome to a new era of Video Game Deathmatch! Formerly a 1UP Pod spin-off, this show pits two video games against each other over five rounds to see which one is the superior game. This episode is all about two of Rocksta…
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Andy is trying to run a cute & relaxing farm - all while comparing cozy life sims Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing: New Horizons - so hopefully nothing sinister or violent happens.由andrewshaw1982
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Andy hosts the first annual Video Game Deathmatch GOTY Awards - including Baldur's Gate 3, Alan Wake II, Tears of the Kingdom, and more!由andrewshaw1982
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Andy visits a mysterious island to compete in a violent fighting tournament. While he's there, he finds time to compare and contrast two early '90s fighting classics: Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat.由andrewshaw1982
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Andy has taken to a secluded cabin in the mountains to watch a meteor shower - like a big nerd - but his night goes horribly wrong when a violent psychopath returns to the mountains to slaughter anyone that he finds. While Andy deals with this, he tries to compare and analyse Supermassive's duet of interactive horror drams: Until Dawn and The Quarr…
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Andy ventures into the big, dangerous land of Mordor to destroy the One Ring - all while comparing Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor and LOTR: Gollum - and he's not alone! What dangers await him as he breaks down two very different Lord of the Rings games? [NOTE: THE OPTIMAL EXPERIENCE IS WITH HEADPHONES]…
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Andy finds himself lost in a sinister mansion full of horrifying and deadly surprises, all while trying to analyse and compare Capcom's two iconic survival horror remakes - Resident Evil 2 (2019) and Resident Evil 4 (2023).由andrewshaw1982
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Join Andy as he bounds haphazardly through his own platform adventure, trying to work out which game is better: Super Mario World or Sonic the Hedgehog 2?由andrewshaw1982
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Fresh from his ordeal on a doomed space ship, Andy now finds himself fighting through hordes of street punks in a crime-infested city while trying to analyse and discuss Dotemu's recent beat 'em up throwbacks: Streets of Rage 4 and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge.由andrewshaw1982
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Andy has found himself trapped on a spaceship overrun by terrifying monsters, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have time to record a podcast comparing The Callisto Protocol and the Dead Space remake. Join him as he pits these sci-fi horror games against each other in six unique categories - all while trying to avoid being eaten alive. WARNING: Cont…
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Da produção de bandas para os SFX para games com Cavi Montenegro
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Paralelos entre roteiro, narrativa e trilhas sonoras com Thiago Cabello
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A consultoria é um tipo de podcast em que vamos ajudar pessoas que estão trilhando a formação Game Audio Academy e precisam de uma ajuda focada em suas carreiras e na parte técnica do áudio pra games.
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Bastidores da Game Audio Track
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Bastidores da Game Audio Track, papo com palestrantes e participantes
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Uma das grandes dificuldades do profissional de áudio é se comunicar com os desenvolvedores antes e durante os projetos de jogos, a pessoa que trabalha com áudio precisa se integrar ao time de desenvolvimento e esse é um ponto que muita gente da área ainda falha bastante.Por isso chamei o Juno Cecilio da Gixer Entertainment, empresa que desenvolve …
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Um dos pioneiros que levaram a música eletrônica para o mainstream, Danny Dee, compôs, tocou ao vivo e produziu música com grandes artistas da m'sica popular como Tony Garrido.Nesse papo você pode esperar muita informação sobre como traçar uma carreira duradoura na música e os paralelos entre música de games e música eletrônica.Este episódio foi gr…
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Como um veterano da indústria de games e também criador de conteúdo Gui Tsubota e o gerente de marketing Brasil do grupo Focusrite Novation enxergam o mercado de trabalho, lições importantes e um bate papo muito proveitoso nesse Game Audio Drops.Host: Thiago Adamo @thiagotdCo-host: Rodrigo Teodoro @rodteodoroConvidados: Guilherme Tsubota @guitsubot…
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Como profissionais de áudio e profissionais de desenvolvimento pra games podem trabalhar suas redes sociais com mais resultados? Conversamos nesse podcast com dois especialistas no assunto, o desenvolvedor e influenciador digital, Pedro Caxa, desenvolvedor do jogo Camp Wars e que atualmente trabalha na Tec Toy e com Roger que além de ser influencer…
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Neste episódio direto da feira conecta music falamos com os produtores musicais Johny Essi, Jo Borges e o especialista em produtos da Novation Dan Petrucci.Dicas de equipamentos, de carreira de produção e composição em profusão nestas duas horas de papo.
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Neste episódio conversamos com o compositor, copista, produtor musical e violonista, Rodrigo Teodoro. Ele viajou o mundo estudando música, esteve na Suécia, Interior dos Estados Unidos e por fim em Los Angeles, trabalha com animações, trilhas pra TV e agora está também atuando com games, nesse papo descomplicado e descontraído, Rodrigo vai nos cont…
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Nesse podcas comento sobre as novidades da temporada 2023. Mais um Game Audio Drops onde falei um pouco sobre a vocaster, e conversei com Vitor Amado.
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Eventos, o que fazer? e a Game Audio Track da Lisbon Game Week feat. Flutu Music Game Audio Drops #166
Eventos, o que fazer? e a Game Audio Track da Lisbon Game Week feat. Flutu Music Neste Game Audio Drops aonde irei falar um pouco do que fazer no eventos e o que esperar da Game Audio Track da Lisbon Game Week feat. Flutu Music.
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No podcast de hoje vamos abordar com o audio designer Mauricio Ruiz que atua como audio designer, technical designer e gerente de projetos na A Shell in the Pit, detalhes dos efeitos sonoros dessa imersivo action-adventure lançado para PC, PS4 e PS5. Mauricio fez parte da equipe de áudio desse jogo e também já atuou em jogos como Rogue Legacy 2, Po…
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Nesse podcast, conversamos com o Vitor Miyai, audio designer responsável pelo Beat'em Up Punhos de Repúdio, como ir do relaxamento a porrada de forma sonora nesse podcast cheio de dicas de como criar um áudio crocante para jogos do tipo.
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Papeando na Content Creator Expo @edaraujo
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Falando de criação de conteúdo na Content Creator Expo feat @OZI AUDIOVISUAL e @Carol diaas | Game Audio Drops #162
Aproveitei aa minha visita onde gravei com no estande da ProShows na Content Creator Expo, para falar com a Carol Dias que é produtora musical e tem uma presença forte nas redes sociais e com o Mauricio Fontelles da @OZI AUDIOVISUAL para expandir o assunto de criação de conteúdo, usando um setup bem diferente do usual eu estava estreando a nova int…
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Criação de conteúdo e Focusrite Vocaster direto Content Creator Expo | Game Audio Drops #161
Hoje no Game Audio Drops teremos um podcast direto de um evento, o Content Creator Expo, usando a tecnologia da Vocaster da Focusrite, falaremos de criação de conteúdo para as redes e muito mais! Audio Fusion Site: https://audiofb.com/plugins/ Desconto de 20% : Gaa20 Plugins da Krotos: https://www.humblebundle.com/software... Meu setup para esse po…
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Já pensou em relaxar com heavy metal e com aquele tempero de game music ? Pode parecer loucura, mas essa é a conversa que tive no podcast com Pablo Greg, um grande compositor, orquestrador, que foi meu mentorado por muito tempo, produziu Vera Cruz com Edu Falaschi e trabalhou por muito tempo produzindo as trilhas sonoras de um dos canais de relaxam…
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Nesse episódio vamos explicar porque você precisa organizar seus samples, as vantagens e desvantagens dos principais serviços do mercado e porque a gente fala tanto de metadata? Além disso teremos a nossa consultoria!
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No Game Audio Drops de hoje temos todos os detalhes da música de games finalmente tendo uma categoria nos Grammys. Tudo sobre a Imersão, um evento único e limitado que está chegando e a consultoria game audio, onde você aprende com as dúvidas dos meus mentorados e mentoradas das Formação Game Audio Academy!…
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Season 3 comes to a close with Rachel's freelance game audio journey.
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Um plano pra se dar bem nas redes mesmo não gostando + Especial Consultoria | Game Audio drops #157
Hoje temos um podcast mega especial com um assunto que sempre me pedem pra abordar e com a nossa consultoria especial com um aluno da minha formação profisisonal.
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Como evoluir seu Reel de música e de audio design? + Especial Consultoria | Game Audio Drops #156
Hoje além de falarmos com meu mentorado Gabriel vamos abordar algumas dicas extras pra fazer bons reels de música e audio design.
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Nesse podcast eu explico um pouco como vai rolar esse novo esquema de licenciamento do Wwise e ainda uma consultoria bacanuda com um aluno da minha formação profissional.
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Hoje, no nosso especial consultoria, eu falo com o Gabriel Santos, um dos nossoa alunos da formação. A dúvida do Gabriel é uma dúvida de muitas pessoas que estão começando na área de áudio para games: o que eu tenho a oferecer ao mercado? Quando começamos em uma área, sabemos poucos e podemos até ficar perdidos em que caminho seguir para alcançar o…
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A volta dos eventos presenciais com a GDC 2022 e o que esperar do Profissão Game Audio? | Game Audio Drops #153
No Podcast Game Audio Drops de hoje vamos falar da volta da Game Developers Conference no formato presencial com o grande Eduardo Zolhof e também vou trazer todas as grandes novidades e o que esperar do curso profissão game audio 2022, curso que está free dos dias 28 até 31 de Março.
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Trabalhando na trilha de grandes jogos como Payday diretamente do Brasil com Gustavo Coutinho | Game Audio Drops #152
Nesse podcast, vamos conversar com Gustavo Coutinho, conhecermos um pouco da sua jornada, e do seu trabalho em trilhas de grandes jogos indies.
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Refinando e fazendo SFX realmente profissionais com Dani Serranú e Isa Penna | Game Audio Drops #151
Nesse podcast vamos abordar dicas e como otimizar seu processo de concepção e produção de efeitos sonoros pra games com duas pessoas que tem muita experiência na área, Dani trabalhou em diversos jogos, incluindo o jogos de PC e Consoles Super Magbot, gravity heroes, gravitacional, wire walk e Programmer Dungeon. Domina como ninguém a arte da criaçã…
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