Egal ob Politiker*in, Unternehmer*in, Musiker*in, Künstler*in oder Szene-Insider*in: Die Top-Promis & Persönlichkeiten der Stadt sind bei Gerhard Koller im W24 "Stadtgespräch" zu Gast und sprechen über ihre beruflichen und privaten Lebenserfahrungen. Engagiert, kontrovers, ehrlich - journalistische Gespräche mit Tiefgang und teils verblüffender Offenheit, wöchentlich mit einer neuen Folge.
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Dave Gerhardt (Founder of Exit Five, former CMO) and guests help you grow your career in B2B marketing. Episodes include conversations with CMOs, marketing leaders, and subject matter experts across all aspects of modern B2B marketing: planning, strategy, operations, ABM, demand gen., product marketing, brand, content, social media, and more. Join 5,000+ members in our private community at
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Groeivoer voor Ondernemers Podcast - inspiratie over ondernemen - door Gerhard te Velde
Gerhard te Velde - Groeivoer
De Groeivoer voor Ondernemers Podcast zit boordevol inspiratie, inzichten en praktische tips voor jou als ondernemer. In de Groeivoer Podcast kun je luisteren naar interviews met ondernemers, auteurs en andere experts op het gebied van ondernemen. Ben je een startup, scale-up of grown-up ondernemer en op zoek naar inspiratie over bedrijfsgroei en persoonlijke groei, dan is deze podcast voor jou! Groeivoer is winnaar van de Dutch Podcast Award in de categorie Zakelijk in 2020. Wil je meer wet ...
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Sidekick-Podcast zu Hier geht es um meine Erfahrungen mit der Oculus Go im privaten und beruflichem Einsatz.
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Înveți limba germană? Simți că nu mai progresezi? Atunci ai găsit podcast-ul potrivit. Psiholog, autor, poliglot și profesor de limbi străine Gerhard Ohrband vă arată sfaturi și strategii cu privire la modul în care să vă duceți abilitățile lingvistice la nivelul următor. Intro: Fritz Volbach - Symphony in B Minor (1909)
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I'm a marketing exec. turned creator. Sharing what I'm learning building Exit Five here.
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Jeste li prodajni profesionalac, marketinški stručnjak ili samo normalno ljudsko biće koje želi poboljšati vašu komunikaciju za manje od tri minute tjedno? Ja sam psiholog (M.A. sa Sveučilišta u Hamburgu) i nastavnik jezika iz Hamburga / Njemačka. U ovom ćemo podcastu pokriti sva područja ljudske komunikacije. Dugoročno ćemo se usredotočiti na interkulturnu i dvojezičnu komunikaciju, kao i na rješavanje teških ljudi - na poslu i kod kuće.
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Gerhard Huhn und Gäste mit Inspirationen zu einer sinnvollen, kreativen und gesunden Lebensgestaltung. Podcasts, die mit beginnen, sind Gespräche Podcasts, die mit beginnen, sind Solo-Audios,
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Er du sælger, marketingekspert eller bare et normalt menneske, der er interesseret i at forbedre din kommunikation på mindre end tre minutter om ugen? Jeg er psykolog (M.A. fra universitetet i Hamborg) og sproglærer fra Hamborg / Tyskland. I denne podcast dækker vi alle områder af menneskelig kommunikation. På lang sigt vil vi fokusere på interkulturel og tosproget kommunikation såvel som på håndtering af vanskelige mennesker - på arbejdspladsen og derhjemme.
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Béla Anda spricht mit Bundeskanzler a.D. Gerhard Schröder über Aktuelles und Vergangenes, über sein heutiges Leben, seine Erfahrungen und Ansichten. Mit Abstand vom politischen Tagesgeschäft ordnet Gerhard Schröder die wichtigen Themen der heutigen Zeit relevant ein. Mit Erfahrung, Weitblick und Mut äußert er sich zur aktuellen Corona-Krise, Herausforderungen der Wirtschaft, Europapolitik, den kommenden US-Wahlen und zum Thema Bildung in Deutschland. Schröders unverwechselbare Stimme macht d ...
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Wir leben in einer Zeit in der viel zu wenig miteinander gesprochen wird - Ursula Strauss im Gespräch
Die Schauspielerin und Sängerin über ´Schnell ermittelt´, ´Tatort´ und ´Biester´, ihre Musikperformance mit Ernst Molden, inneren Erfolgsdruck und die große Kraft des Sports由W24
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In deze openhartige aflevering deel ik mijn persoonlijke ervaring met geld - van het verbrassen van een erfenis van 25K tot het ontwikkelen van een gezonde relatie met financiën. Je leert waarom geld meer is dan alleen 'bedankbriefjes', waarom je nooit het woord 'maar' moet gebruiken voor een geldbedrag, en welke snelle stappen je kunt zetten om sn…
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#214: Q&A with Dave | Brand vs. Demand, Personality In Your Marketing, and The Most Successful B2B Marketing Campaigns
In this solo episode, Dave shares his POV on marketing with answers to a bunch of burning questions, including: Balancing Brand vs. Demand Working with the sales team vs. serving customers How to inject personality into your brand The most successful marketing campaigns Dave was a part of in his career How to plan and brainstorm good marketing idea…
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#213: Community | B2B Community Growth Strategies with Matthew Carnevale on the Direct Podcast
This episode is from the Direct podcast hosted by Corrina Owens (Fractional ABM consultant) and Taylor Young (Director of Strategy, Professional Services at DemandScience). Corrina and Taylor sit down with Exit Five’s Head of Community, Matthew Carnevale, to discuss his journey in scaling the Exit Five community to over 5,000 members. They dive int…
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#212: Marketing Leadership | Lessons for First-Time Marketing Leaders with Michael Cole, SVP of Everflow
In this episode, Dave sits down with Michael Cole, SVP of Marketing at Everflow, a partner marketing platform that helps companies manage referral and affiliate programs. Michael discusses his journey from being Everflow’s first marketing hire to leading a marketing team of 16, and shares strategies for building a marketing function from the ground…
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Wenn ich was schreib' und es wird mühsam hör' ich auf und schmeiss es weg - Joesi Prokopetzim Gespräch
Der Liedermacher, Autor & Kabarettist über seine Zeit mit Ambros & Tauchen, den Watzmann, DÖF, seinen Titel ´Professor´ und seinen Wiener Krimi-Roman ´Frauenausborger´由W24
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#314 - Beddenkoning Alex Wolfswinkel over focus als superkracht. Het groeiverhaal van beddenbedrijf Sleepfast.
Alex Wolfswinkel runt samen met zijn broer Stefan en zijn ouders, een succesvolle beddenwinkel: Sleepfast. Met vier fysieke locaties en een flinke online aanwezigheid timmeren ze lekker aan de weg. Je kunt bij Sleepfast terecht voor alle A-merken. Dus geen goedkope matrassen die je na 5 jaar bij de weg legt. Maar bedden en matrassen voor het leven.…
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Die Kuratorin & Kulturmanagerin über ihre Projekte im Museum für Moderne Kunst, ihren Bruder Max als New Yorker Museumsdirektor und ihre große Leidenschaft für Design由W24
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In this episode, Dave is joined by Chris Walker, CEO of Passetto, and a prominent voice on LinkedIn, where he has been pushing the boundaries of B2B marketing for years. Chris shares actionable insights and tactics on social media strategy, what has changed in marketing over the last five years, and how to build effective feedback loops and flywhee…
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Die renommierte Buchautorin über den bunten Alltag in ihrer Währinger Buchhandlung, ihren Kriminalroman "Freunderlwirtschaft", ihre Kinderkrimis und das 20 Jahre-Jubiläum由W24
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#210: Strategy | Building a Marketing Operating System with the Team at Tenon (Ben Person, CEO & Co-Founder, Jessica Skovira, VP Marketing, & Hannak Rankin, Growth Marketing Manager)
In this episode, Dave is joined by the team at Tenon to go behind the scenes of B2B marketing. They talk about the marketing operating system -- specifically: how to organize your 2025 campaigns, align your team, and stay laser-focused on what matters most. You’ll learn how top marketers are using work management tactics to simplify the complexity,…
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David Allen is de wereldberoemde auteur van Getting Things Done (3+ miljoen verkochte exemplaren) en productiviteitsexpert. Op zijn 55e brak hij door met zijn methode en de rest is geschiedenis, David woont in Amsterdam en kwam naar Utrecht om samen twee mooie afleveringen van Groeivoer op te nemen. In deze aflevering aan we in op de basis van GTD …
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#209: Content | B2B Content Strategy, Distribution Tactics, and Organic Social with Ross Simmonds, Founder and CEO at Foundation &
Dave is joined by Ross Simmonds. Ross is the Founder & CEO of Foundation, a content marketing agency that strategizes, distributes, and optimizes content for some of the most successful SaaS companies in the world and works as partners for multiple publicly traded cloud companies that have redefined entire industries. They share lessons they both l…
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This episode is from Drive 2024, our first-ever in-person event for B2B marketers in Burlington, Vermont. Dan Cmejla, B2B Community Expert and former VP of Community at Apollo and Chili Piper, shared actionable frameworks and three phases for building impactful B2B communities that drive brand growth and customer engagement. Dan covers: How communi…
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#312 - Deze 3 getallen moet je kennen. Bas Land van Kimura deelt zijn kennis over data en dashboarding
Bas Land was topsporter maar koos voor het ondernemerschap. Samen met zijn broer runt hij twee bedrijven: Kimura Data Intelligence en Datachimp. En het werd hoog tijd om eens met Bas te gaan praten, ik zal uitleggen waarom... Ik weet niet of jij een 'numbers' person bent, maar ik ben het in elk geval niet. En dat is zonde, én gevaarlijk. Want als j…
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#207: Strategy | Jason Lemkin on What Makes a Great VP Marketing in SaaS, Working with the CEO, and Lessons from SaaStr
Dave is joined by Jason Lemkin. Jason is the founder of SaaStr, the world’s largest community of SaaS executives, founders, and entrepreneurs. Before SaaStr, Jason founded EchoSign, which was sold to Adobe in 2011. They discuss: Why Jason started SaaStr What makes a great VP of Marketing in SaaS and how to hire one How tech and SaaS have changed si…
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This episode is from Drive 2024, our first-ever in-person event for B2B marketers in Burlington, Vermont. Kyle Coleman, CMO at Copy AI and former SVP of Marketing at Clari, hosted a session on leveraging AI to create a $0 CAC strategy that drives demand generation. With a career spanning leadership roles in B2B SaaS, Kyle brings a wealth of experie…
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#311 - Van bijna failliet naar: gas geven! Pierluigi Jorritsma van Social VikingZ en Youtube kanaal Over de Vloer bij.
Pierluigi Jorritsma is een ondernemer in hart en nieren. Deze half Italiaans, half Friese ondernemer, is al van jongs af aan bezig met ondernemen. Zijn grote uitdaging kwam vlak voor Corona. Hij had zijn bedrijf in brand activation voor veel geld verkocht aan een Amerikaanse partij. Maar die deal liep heel anders dan gedacht. Het huis dat hij kocht…
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#205: Career | Do you really want to be CMO? Returning from Parental Leave, What's working in B2B marketing today with Amanda Natividad, VP of Marketing at SparkToro
Amanda Natividad is VP of Marketing at SparkToro. She's also a contributor for Adweek, a Le Cordon Bleu-trained chef, and a former journalist. Dave and Amanda catch up after Amanda's return to work after having her second child, talk about trends they are seeing in B2B marketing today and what Amanda's seen work at SparkToro (including email strate…
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#204: Inside the Exit Five Holiday Party | What’s Working in B2B Marketing and a Look Ahead to 2025 with the Exit Five Team
In this episode, Dave and the Exit Five team celebrate the end of the year with a holiday party for the Exit Five community. They share insights, lessons, and highlights from their growth and events in 2024, play a game show with Ding Zheng, sales rapper and co-founder of EventShark, and provide a sneak preview of what's in store for 2025. Dave and…
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René Bogaart staat aan het hoofd van familie Bogaart, een horecafamilie met 17 zaken in Zuid-Holland. Het voltallige gezin Bogaart woont op één erf met elkaar en is ook allemaal bij de business betrokken. En met 6 kids is dat een flink imperium geworden. Een mooi gesprek met een mooi mens. Ondanks het succes, is René trouw gebleven aan zijn idealen…
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Der Bandleader, Gitarrist & Sänger über seine Tschuschenkapelle, weltweite Auftritte, verletzende Schimpfwörter und seine Rolle als Botschafter zwischen den Kulturen.由W24
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#203: Strategy | Why Cookie Cutter Marketing Doesn’t Work with Gurdeep Dhillon, CMO at ContentStack
In this episode, Dave is joined by Gurdeep Dhillon, CMO of Contentstack. Gurdeep has built an impressive career leading marketing at some of the biggest names in enterprise software, from SAP to Adobe, Marketo to Zoura. Now at Content Stack, he's challenging conventional B2B marketing wisdom in rethinking how enterprise companies should approach de…
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In this episode, we’re delivering another B2B marketing lesson in under 10 minutes—no fluff, just practical insights. Matthew Carnevale, Marketing Manager at Exit Five, shares a game-changing mental model for marketers: the GM vs. Player mindset. Inspired by a sports analogy, Matthew explains why thinking like a General Manager—hiring resources and…
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#202: Marketing Leadership | How To Build A High Performing B2B Marketing Org with Peter Mahoney, CCO at GoTo
This episode is from Drive 2024, our first-ever in-person event for B2B marketers in Burlington, Vermont. Peter Mahoney, Chief Commercial Officer at GoTo, and author of The Next CMO, shared strategies for building and leading high-performing marketing organizations. Peter covers: 10 Guidelines for building (or re-building) a marketing organization …
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Die Dokumentarfilmerin & Autorin über ihren aktuellen Film ´Favoriten´, den Schulalltag in Wien, ihre Dokus über Waldheim & Mutzenbacher und ihre Arbeit als Regisseurin.由W24
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Mark Vriend is eindbaas bij Wat in 1972 begon als een fietsenzaak van de opa van Mark, groeide uit tot een serieuze speler in de fietsenmarkt met 34 fietsenzaken in heel Nederland. Mark vertelt openhartig over de stap naar online, het overnameproces en hoe Corona onverwacht een zegen bleek. Van 5 naar 400 medewerkers in enkele…
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Die Sängerin, die eigentlich Lydia Benesch heißt, über legendäre DSDS-Momente, Richard Lugners Bezeichnung ´Wildsau´, ihre Rolle in der Wiener Society und persönliche Pläne.由W24
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#201: Paid Spend | Mastering B2B Paid Spend: A 2025 Roadmap for Marketers with John Short, CEO of Compound Growth Marketing and Kym Parker, SVP of Media Strategy
When done right, paid spend is like throwing gasoline on the flames of what’s working in your marketing. Done wrong – it’s just a huge waste of time and money. In this episode, Dave Gerhardt hosts an live session with John Short, CEO of Compound Growth Marketing (CGM), and Kym Parker, SVP of Media Strategy at CGM, who walk through tried and true st…
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In this episode, we’re delivering another B2B marketing lesson in under 10 minutes. Matthew Carnevale, Marketing Manager at Exit Five, breaks down the story behind the best ad he’s ever created—one that generated $77,822 in MRR over two years. Spoiler: it wasn’t fancy production or clever wordplay. The secret? Raw, undeniable social proof. Matthew …
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#200: Drive | Create Once, Distribute Forever: Content Marketing & Distribution with Ross Simmonds, Founder and CEO at Foundation &
This episode is from Drive 2024, Exit Five's first-ever in-person event for B2B marketers in Burlington, Vermont. Ross Simmonds, Founder of CEO at Foundation & , hosted a session on creating and distributing B2B content that drives real results. Ross covers: Why "create once, distribute forever" should be your mantra for content mar…
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#308 - Jouw schaalbare X-factor. Jeffrey Werner met zijn methode om van 100K naar 1 miljoen te groeien
Jeffrey Werner liet zijn bedrijf groeien van niets, naar 5 miljoen omzet. Toen was het tijd om te verkopen. Jeffrey maakte een exit. Inmiddels helpt Jeffrey andere ondernemers om zo snel mogelijk naar 1 miljoen omzet te komen. Veel ondernemers weten wel hoe ze moeten beginnen. Maar hoe zet je die volgende stap, om ook echt te gaan schalen? Jeffrey …
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#199: Marketing Leadership | From Employee #4 to CMO: The Path to Marketing Leadership with Sylvia Lepoidevin, CMO at Kandji
In this episode, Dave is joined by Sylvia Lepoidevin, CMO of Kandji, a leading platform for managing and securing Apple devices in the workplace. Sylvia shares her journey from employee #4 to CMO at Kandji, driving the company’s growth to a $850M valuation. She talks about her experience building efficient marketing teams, leveraging AI, and creati…
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In this episode, we’re delivering another B2B marketing lesson in under 10 minutes. Matthew Carnevale, Marketing Manager at Exit Five, introduces the "Billboard Test," a mental model to evaluate whether your marketing copy can grab attention in an instant. Inspired by how billboards must captivate drivers at full speed, this test helps you refine y…
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#198: Marketing Leadership | How To Run Marketing, Creating Categories, and the Role of Marketing in Revenue Growth with Kyle Coleman, CMO at
This is a re-run of one of our top episodes, where Dave is joined by Kyle Coleman, CMO at Kyle went from Individual Contributor to Senior Director at Looker and Director to CMO at Clari. During his time there, he helped both companies 10x their revenue. In this episode, they chat about The importance of leadership team alignment and why th…
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#307 - Activistisch ondernemen. Marije Lieuwens, sociaal ondernemer en PR-strateeg deelt de grootste lessen uit haar campagnes
Marije Lieuwens flikte het twee keer: viraal gaan met een relevant verhaal. Haar eerste keer was in Utrecht, waar ze tijdens Corona een posteractie bedacht om meer sociale cohesie te creëren. Ze wist het bedrijf achter Nijntje zover te krijgen dat ze hun art work mocht gebruiken. De actie werd een groot succes. Deel twee van Marije’s succesverhaal …
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#197: Strategy | How to Build a Marketing Plan and Get It Approved for 2025 with Rowan Tonkin, CMO at Planful
In today's challenging business landscape, marketers face the daunting task of not only crafting an efficient marketing plan, but implementing it quickly, proving its value, and continuously adapting the plan on the fly. The ever-changing macroeconomic environment adds an extra layer of complexity, making success even harder to achieve. In this epi…
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#196: Drive | LinkedIn Growth Tips Every B2B CEO and Founder Needs to Know with Devin Reed, Founder of The Reeder
This episode is from Drive 2024, our first-ever in-person event for B2B marketers in Burlington, Vermont. Devin Reed, Founder of The Reeder and expert in content strategy, shared a session on building a strong personal and company presence on LinkedIn. Devin covers: Identifying your “one word” to own and dominate a category on LinkedIn. Why your co…
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#306 - Slimme geldstrategieën voor later. Laurens Leek van Axento over slim pensioen opbouwen en verstandig beleggen
Laurens Leek is oprichter van Axento vermogensbeheer en een echte ondernemer. Vanuit het nuchtere Volendam bouwde hij samen met zijn compagnon een solide bedrijf op. Inmiddels draagt Laurens de verantwoordelijkheid voor €500 miljoen aan vermogen van klanten. Met Laurens spreek ik over slimme geldstrategieën voor later. En dat is hard nodig, want ve…
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#195: Marketing Leadership | Paddle CMO Andrew Davies on The First Principles of B2B Marketing
In this episode, Dave is joined by Andrew Davies, CMO at Paddle, a company providing complete payments infrastructure for 4,000+ software businesses globally. Prior to Paddle, he was VP of Corporate Marketing at Optimizely, following the acquisition of his startup. Dave and Andrew talk about the marketing strategy at Paddle, managing a team of 30 m…
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In this episode, we’re delivering another B2B marketing lesson in under 10 minutes—no fluff, just practical insights. Matthew Carnevale, Marketing Manager at Exit Five, discusses the difference between goals, strategies, and tactics—a framework every marketer needs to plan effectively. Matthew explains why strategy is the guiding principle behind y…
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#194: Drive | How to Say No to Your CEO with Natalie Marcotullio, Head of Growth and Operations at Navattic
This episode is from Drive 2024, our first-ever in-person event for B2B marketers in Burlington, Vermont. Natalie Marcotullio, Head of Growth and Operations at Navattic, shared strategies on how to say “no” when faced with competing priorities in marketing. Natalie covers: How to establish a marketing framework that simplifies decision-making and h…
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#305 - Patronen doorbreken. Psychotherapeut Emma Hafkamp over stoppen met presteren en lichter gaan leven
Emma Hafkamp is psychotherapeut en helpt mensen om lichter te gaan leven. Klinkt lekker zweverig, maar wat houdt het in de praktijk in? En waarom zou je dit willen? Met Emma spreek ik over de eeuwige drang naar succes. Wat maakt dat je als ondernemer zo hard werkt en succesvol wilt zijn? Is dat wel gezond? En hoe kom je van presteren, naar exceller…
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#193: Growth | From Comms at Zoom to Marketing Leader at Neat, with Priscilla Barolo, Head of Marketing at Neat
In this episode, Dave is joined by Priscilla Barolo, former head of comms at Zoom (for nearly 10 years, including the pandemic) and current Head of Marketing at Neat, an Oslo-based video tech company. Neat’s tech is used around the world from major enterprises like Atlassian to the White House. With a decade-long career at Zoom, including during it…
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#192: Drive | How To Build A Solo Marketing Business with Lashay Lewis, Founder of Authority Plug
This episode is from Drive 2024, our first-ever in-person event for B2B marketers in Burlington, Vermont. Lashay Lewis, Founder of Authority Plug, hosted a session on making the transition from in-house marketing to building a solo business. Lashay covers: How to niche down by focusing on one problem for one ideal customer profile. Why it’s importa…
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#304 - Topvrouw die €200 miljoen omzet. Het verhaal van Pleun Opperman van groeibedrijf Parakar
Pleun Opperman staat aan het roer bij groeibedrijf Parakar. Ze ging al op jonge leeftijd meewerken in het bedrijf. Op haar 29e nam Pleun de leiding van het miljoenenbedrijf van haar vader over. Na een heftige Corona periode was pa klaar om het stokje over te dragen. Tijdens een zomers familiediner werd de knoop doorgehakt. Hoe kan het dat Parakar z…
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#191: Drive | How To Measure Your Marketing Efforts with Pranav Piyush, Co-Founder & CEO of Paramark
This episode is from Drive 2024, our first-ever in-person event for B2B marketers in Burlington, Vermont. Pranav Piyush, Co-Founder & CEO of Paramark, hosted a session on one of B2B's biggest challenges: measurement and attribution. Pranav covers: Why attribution models like first-touch and last-touch are outdated How to prove the incremental impac…
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In this episode, we’re delivering another B2B marketing lesson in under 10 minutes—no fluff, just actionable insights. Matthew Carnevale, Marketing Manager at Exit Five, breaks down a core copywriting skill that every marketer needs: crafting a hook that grabs attention right away. Too often, marketers "bury the hook" by failing to get to the point…
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#190: Strategy | Doing Marketing in a Sales-Led Organization with Taylor Udell, Head of Growth at Champify
In this episode, Dave is joined by Taylor Udell, Head of Growth at Champify, a sales intelligence platform that helps B2B sales teams identify key contacts for more effective outreach. With experience at companies like Twilio and Heap, Taylor shares the marketing strategies she’s used to drive growth in sales-led organizations. Dave and Taylor cove…
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Der Musical-Darsteller & Singer-Songwriter über seine Jugend in New York & Bosten, seine unzähligen Rollen, die Volksoper und den Ehealltag mit der Französin Ann Mandrella.由W24
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