Welcome to Glimmer of Hope! This is where we talk about the struggles of everyday life, and we give you biblical advice on how to deal with those struggles.
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Glimmerfabrikken er en podcast til den karrierebevidste unge kvinde, som om mandagen bekymrer sig om sin økonomi, om onsdagen tænker på hendes sundhed og om fredagen bare gerne vil have det sjovt. Vi får hver uge besøg af en sej kvinde, til at hjælpe os på vej mod en løsning af alle disse hverdagsproblemer - lyt med og bliv klogere!
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This is a podcast where I’ll be posting guided meditation and hypnosis sessions to help listeners with sleep, relaxation, anxiety reduction, sports performance and a whole bunch of other good stuff. Hope you enjoy.
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Hope you enjoy this short guided meditation.
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Here’s a fairly short guided meditation to help you navigate change. Hope you enjoy!
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This is a nice and slow guided meditation to help you cultivate awareness in your daily life. Hope you enjoy!
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This is a nice and slow guided meditation to help you find a restful night of sleep. Hope you enjoy!
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Nice and slow 8-minute guided meditation to help you find a moment of calm in the middle of your day. Hope you enjoy!
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A t’en minute guided meditation to foster focus and clarity.
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Today we have a fifteen minute meditation that should help us become a little more resilient as we navigate life. Hope you enjoy!
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In this episode, we explore what silence means to us.
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This is a twenty minute meditation to help us lessen the impact of the things that trigger strong emotions in us. Hope you enjoy.
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10 minute guided meditation where we thank our tension for making it’s presence felt and then send it on its way.
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Let’s take five minutes out of our day to find calm.
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Softness in the body and the breath.
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Short Guided Meditation. Hope you enjoy!
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Just a nice and slow body scan to alleviate some tension.
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Here’s a nice and slow guided meditation to help you recharge. Hope you enjoy.
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Short, guided meditation to help us attempt to be where we are.
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15 minute body scan meditation without music.
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A short, guided Meditation to start the day.
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In this episode we take a moment to think about the sky.
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Short guided meditation to start your day in a calm, focused way.
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This is a nice and slow short walking meditation in a snowy forest.
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Five minute guided meditation to help you let go a little in the middle of a busy day.
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Just a little break during your busy day where we try to gain perspective on a problem that might be bothering you.
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Fairly short guided meditation where we imagine ourselves in a vast space.
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This is a short guided meditation where we think about the clothes we’re wearing. Hope you enjoy.
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This is a guided meditation where we check in with our bodies and nice and easily fall asleep. Hope you enjoy.
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This is a short guided meditation where we think about a soothing colour together.
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This is an early morning guided meditation to help make the unfolding day a little less menacing. Hope you enjoy.
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This is a guided meditation where we think about the letters of the alphabet and the words that come to mind as a result of this thinking. Hope you enjoy.
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Here’s a little 10 minute mid-morning break. Hope you enjoy.
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Fairly short guided meditation to help you get back to sleep. Hope you enjoy.
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This is a short (under 5 minutes) guided meditation to alleviate some of the tension in your body. Hope you enjoy.
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This one is a little longer than usual (a little over 20 minutes). Just the right amount of time to let go of some of the tension that builds up on our bodies. Hope you enjoy.
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Take a few deep breaths whenever you have a minute. Helps to recharge. Enjoy.
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This is a super short guided meditation (3 minutes) where we slowly walk through a forest together. Hope you enjoy.
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This is a slightly longer guided meditation (15 minutes) where we use everyday sounds to go inside of ourselves. Hope you enjoy.
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This is a ten minute guided meditation where we sit still and think about mountains together. Hope you enjoy.
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Just a little moment in the middle of your day to recharge with some bamboo breathing.
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This is a short guided meditation session to help you fall asleep just a little bit faster.
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Short guided meditation about 5 minutes long. Just a little moment where you can hit the « Pause » button during your busy day.
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Just a little break in your likely overwhelming day.
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This is a short guided meditation (just over 8 minutes) that can help you regain focus in the middle of a busy day. Sit back or lay back and just think about a tree you like as you connect with your breath.
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Short guided meditation.
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Are you unsure of how to act during hard seasons of life? You won't want to miss this message! E+A=O
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Are you letting your past sin, failure, success determine the way you live? Are you letting those things hold you back from what God has for you? Listen to today's podcast as Marcus helps us move on from the past and into what NEW thing God is doing!
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Join us as we discuss the topic of "Identity." We see this struggle everywhere we go, we find people who "don't know who they are." We're going to look at this struggle through a biblical perspective.
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Er et relevant studiejob afgørende for din fremtid? Hvordan styrker jeg mit CV? Og er der andet jeg kan gøre, for at stå stærkere når jeg er færdig med min uddannelse? Det er spørgsmål vi stiller os selv og hinanden OFTE. Derfor har vi sat os for at finde ud af, hvad vi egentlig kan gøre under vores studietid, for at blive mere interessante på arbe…
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Der er mange gode grunde til at investere, men én af dem er, at du kan få råd til det, du drømmer om. Desværre er det alt for få kvinder som investere, på trods af, at vi i følge undersøgelser, faktisk er mindst lige så dygtige til gamet som mænd. I dagens afsnit snakker vi med fremtidsforsker Louise Fredbo, som ved en hel del om det der med at inv…
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En hel dag, hvor vi hylder (glimmer)kvinder. What's not to like? Men hvorfor er det nu lige at vi fejrer i dag? Og er dagen overhovedet en fejring eller i virkeligheden nærmere et statement? I dagens afsnit snakker vi med feministen Maria om KVINDER - hvorfor vi er så nice, hvorfor vi skal have en kampdag og hvordan du kan være feminist uden at vær…
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