Öglykäm ist der Podcast der Young Diabetologists Österreich. Wir bieten euch prägnantes Teaching, Hot-Topics und wollen die bunten Facetten der Diabetologie beleuchten. Willst Du bei den YDs mitmachen und Dich beteiligen? Bitte kontaktiere uns unter office@oedg.at Folgt uns auf Social Media! https://x.com/YD_AUT?s=20 https://t.co/e6NO2XD4lo
Welcome to the Ogletree Deakins podcast page. Here, you can expect to hear timely and conversational discussions on labor and employment law topics covering the latest developments and trending issues impacting employers. We encourage you to subscribe and also rate and review if you find the podcast useful. Contact us with topics you’d like to hear, questions, and feedback at client.services@ogletree.com or follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter (@OgletreeDeakins).
"Po Co Ja To Oglądam?" to podcast, w którym oglądamy filmy złe, gorsze oraz te najgorsze, a później dzielimy się z Wami przemyśleniami na ich temat. Omawiamy kinematografię klasy b, nieudane spin-offy klasyków gatunku i produkcje, które nigdy nie powinny powstać.
I'm the Executive Director of Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area. I'm experimenting with this tool to see how we might be able to tell stories of freedom from our area. We'll get an interesting new name for this at some point, but right now, I'm just checking out how it works!
Există un loc în care ne privim în ochi și unde ne permitem să fim sinceri cu noi înșine. Un loc în care ne ascundem ca să plângem sau ne retragem pentru ne adresa nouă înșine foarte necesarele încurajări. Fie că suntem obosiți după o zi grea, că e dimineață și ne pregătim să pornim la drum, fie că verificăm încă o dată șuvița aia rebelă după ce ne-am aranjat părul înainte de party, că ne credem la karaoke sau că avem nevoie de un moment de respiro cu zăvorul tras, oglinda din baie a văzut m ...
A podcast that takes you on a journey through the life of Anthony Oglesby, a man who overcame poverty to become a successful businessman and community leader. Each episode will begin with Anthony telling a story from his life that had a significant impact on him. He will then conduct a live interview with someone who was involved in the story, providing their perspective and memories of the event. Finally, Anthony will share the psychological effects that the experience had on him.
In this inaugural episode of 2025 for our Safety Perspectives From the Dallas Region podcast series, shareholders John Surma (Houston) and Frank Davis (Dallas) discuss President Trump’s new executive orders and their impact on the Dallas region. Frank and John address staffing issues arising from the hiring freeze, explore the “fork in the road” em…
In the second part of our two-part podcast series on H-1B visa applications, Kara Lancaster (shareholder, Raleigh) and Meagan Dziura (of counsel, Raleigh) begin with a deep dive into the process of how individuals selected in the H-1B lottery file petitions (including related travel restrictions) the filing options for those selected (including cha…
In part one of this two-part podcast series on H-1B visa applications, Kara Lancaster (shareholder, Raleigh) and Meagan Dziura (of counsel, Raleigh) discuss recent updates from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and provide valuable insights on how to prepare for the fiscal year 2026 H-1B lottery. Meagan and Kara cover the basics of …
In this podcast, shareholders Scott Kelly (Birmingham) and Lauren Hicks (Indianapolis/Atlanta) provide an update on the current status of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), which has been in flux since President Trump’s inauguration. Lauren and Scott discuss the uncertainty that federal contractors have faced since the new …
Hyperglykämie ist ein relevantes Problem, welches auch zu Notfallsituationen führen kann. Blutzuckermessgeräte/Glucometer haben je nach Hersteller einen oberen Grenzwert bis 600mg/dl. Werte in dieser Höhe sind meist mit akuten Komplikationen verbunden. In dieser Folge beleuchten Alexander Bräuer und Adrian Szodl die Pathogenese und Therapie Diabete…
In this podcast, shareholders Scott Kelly (Birmingham) and Lauren Hicks (Indianapolis/Atlanta) discuss the implications of President Donald Trump’s Executive Order 14173, which aims to end illegal discrimination and restore merit-based opportunities. Lauren and Scott delve into the executive order’s impact on federal contractors and subcontractors,…
In this episode of our Cross-Border Catch-Up podcast series, Skye Hao (Atlanta) and Goli Rahimi (Chicago) discuss changes to South Korea’s childcare support laws that will go into effect on February 23, 2025, and how these amendments will affect South Korean employees and employers alike.由Ogletree Deakins
01) Talal - Rhythmic02) Ruben Karapetyan - State Of Progression03) Yeadon - What Is Real04) Stereo Underground - Heartbeat (Tripswitch Remix)05) Simon James, Glenn Morrison - Supersonic Velvet06) Gai Barone - Fractals07) Yotto - Illusion08) End Of Analog - In The House09) Main Leaf feat. Aleia - Believe 10) Masha Vincent - Tenderness (Pascale Volta…
In this episode of our Cross-Border Catch-Up podcast series, Diana Nehro (New York, Boston), chair of the firm’s Cross-Border Practice Group, and Skye Hao (Atlanta) discuss the use of probationary periods for new employees in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. Skye and Diana cover the ins and outs of probationary periods, including how probationary pe…
In this episode of our new podcast series, The AI Workplace, Patty Shapiro (shareholder, San Diego) and Sam Sedaei (associate, Chicago) discuss the European Union’s (EU) Platform Work Directive, which aims to regulate gig work and the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Patty outlines the directive’s goals, including the classification of gig work…
In this first episode of our Dirty Steel-Toe Boots podcast series for the year, Tampa shareholders Phillip Russell and Dee Anna Hays discuss anticipated changes and developments within the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) during President Trump’s second term. Dee Anna and Phillip address the status of the proposed heat illness s…
In this episode of our Cross-Border Catch-Up podcast series, Patty Shapiro (shareholder, San Diego) and Kate Thompson (associate, Stamford) discuss recent updates to employment laws in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. Kate kicks off the episode by highlighting amendments to Norway’s Working Environment Act, which went into effect on July 1, 2024. These…
Kommunikation im Arbeitsalltag – eine tägliche Herausforderung. Was sind dabei die Hürden im Rahmen des Gestationsdiabetes und wie meistert man die zusätzliche Challenge einer Sprachbarriere bei Migrationshintergrund? All das wird in dieser Folge zusammen mit einer Expertin besprochen. STAY IN RANGE! Eure Hosts in dieser Episode: Lisa Frühwald, Kli…
In this podcast, shareholders Karen Tynan (Sacramento) and Charles Thompson (San Francisco) discuss California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.8, which allows employers and unions to obtain temporary restraining orders (TROs) in response to credible threats of violence in the workplace. Charles, who co-chairs the firm’s Leaves of Absence/Reason…
In this installment of Ogletree Deakins’ Safety Basics podcast series, John Surma (Houston) is joined by Jeff Leslie (Dallas) and Ryan Swink (Houston) to discuss OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard. The speakers cover the criteria for what constitutes a hazardous chemical and outline the five key elements of the Hazard Communication Standard: (1) …
In this podcast, Karen Tynan, the West Coast chair of the firm’s Workplace Safety and Health Practice Group, and Noel Hernandez from the firm’s Las Vegas office discuss Nevada’s newly adopted heat illness regulation. The regulation, which went into effect on November 15, 2024, applies to employers with more than ten employees and requires them to p…
In this podcast Jim McGrew, Ogletree’s chief client services officer and Dr. Martin Römermann a shareholder in the Berlin office, discuss some of the top issues (e.g. employer of records, data protection and formal requirements) U.S. employers face when conducting business in Germany.由Ogletree Deakins
In this roundtable discussion, members of the firm’s Cybersecurity and Privacy Practice Group discuss a wide range of topics, including setting up a new cybersecurity plan and practicing it within an organization with buy-in from various departments (IT, HR, etc.), appointing a cybersecurity or data protection officer, deciding whether that officer…
In this podcast, Ogletree Deakins attorneys Sam Sedaei and Ben Perry delve into Illinois’s newly enacted artificial intelligence (AI) law, HB 3773. Sam, a member of the firm’s Technology Practice Group who focuses on the use of technology in the workplace, and Ben, who is co-chair of the firm’s Cybersecurity and Privacy Practice Group, discuss the …
In this installment of our Safety Perspectives From the Dallas Region podcast series, shareholders John Surma (Houston) and Frank Davis (Dallas) discuss OSHA’s recordkeeping rules. Frank and John cover the forms that employers are required to complete and maintain, including OSHA Form 300, Form 300A, and Form 301. They also emphasize the importance…
Chamäleon Hyperglykämie - das war das Thema der Session der Young Diabetologists im Rahmen der ÖDG Jahrestagung 2024. Dabei geht es um eine konkrete Patientin: Liegt ein Dibaetes vor? Ist es ein autoimmuner Diabetes? Ist es vererblich oder gar medikamentös induziert? Was kann man über die exokrine Pankreas Funktion sagen und was tun wir, sollte die…
In this episode of our Cross-Border Catch-Up podcast series, Shirin Aboujawde (New York) and Patty Shapiro (San Diego), both of whom are members of Ogletree Deakins’ Cross-Border Practice Group, discuss Status of Forces Agreements (SOFAs). SOFAs are treaties that allow members of the U.S. armed forces and their dependents, as well as government con…
In this installment of our Safety Perspectives From the Dallas Region podcast series, shareholders Frank Davis (Dallas) and John Surma (Houston) discuss the implications of a recent federal court ruling that extends the Supreme Court’s June 2024 decision in SEC v. Jarkesy, barring the use of administrative law judges (ALJs) in certain matters befor…
In this episode of our Cross-Border Catch-Up podcast series, Patty Shapiro (San Diego) sits down with Shirin Aboujawde (New York) to discuss the unique aspects of doing business in the Middle East, focusing on the importance of physical presence and the expat-dominated workforce. They highlight the mandatory requirements for local real estate, the …
In this roundtable discussion, members of the firm’s Cybersecurity and Privacy Practice Group discuss a wide range of important topics, including steps to take when a data breach is suspected, trends in artificial intelligence (AI) legislation, and privacy impact assessments. Simon McMenemy (Managing Partner, London) and Ben Perry (Of Counsel, Nash…
In this podcast, Meagan Dziura (Raleigh) and Jamey Petri (Austin) dive into the National Interest Waiver (NIW) green card, exploring what makes a petition compelling and what has brought about this surge in NIW interest by employers. They break down the key elements of a strong NIW case and discuss how the recent election results will impact the fu…
In this episode of our Cross-Border Catch-Up podcast series, Maya Barba (San Francisco) and Patty Shapiro (San Diego) discuss employee terminations in the Netherlands—which can be challenging for employers due to the area’s strict legal obligations. Patty and Maya discuss the procedural requirements associated with terminations as well as the under…
In this podcast, Karen Tynan (shareholder, Sacramento) and Kevin Piercy (shareholder, Fresno) discuss Valley fever, also known as coccidioidomycosis, a lung infection caused by inhaling fungus spores commonly found in the soil of California’s Central Valley and parts of the southwestern United States. Karen, who is the West Coast chair of the firm’…
n this episode of our Multistate Monday podcast series, co-chairs of the firm’s Multistate Advice and Counseling Practice Group, Dee Anna Hays (shareholder, Tampa) and Lucas Asper (shareholder, Greenville), sit down with Shareholder Jim Plunkett (Washington, D.C.) to discuss key legislative updates in light of the upcoming elections. Dee Anna, Luca…
In this podcast, shareholders Karen Tynan (Sacramento) and Amy Bianchini (San Diego) discuss the circumstances under which a California employer may seek a restraining order on behalf of an employee. Karen, who is co-chair of the firm’s Workplace Violence Prevention Practice Group, and Amy address California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.8 an…
Heute sprechen wir über Rehabilitation bei Diabetes mellitus und Adipositas. Wie soll man sich einen Reha-Aufenthalt vorstellen? Was gibt’s dort zu lernen und zu erleben? Wer profitiert? Eure Hosts: Anna Prenner (Fachärztin für Innere Medizin, Rehabilitationszentrum Aflenz) Gerd Köhler (Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Zusatzfach Endokrinologie und Sto…
In this installment of our Safety Perspectives From the Dallas Region podcast series, shareholders Frank Davis (Dallas) and John Surma (Houston) sit down with Ryan Swink (associate, Houston) to discuss OSHA compliance officers’ approach to inspections of meatpacking facilities. The discussion covers topics ranging from Process Safety Management (PS…
Willkommen zur Season 2 von Öglykäm, dem Podcast der Young Diabetologists Österreich. Sehnlichst erwartet geht es ab dem 14.11.2024 wieder los, passend zur Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Diabetes Gesellschaft. Kommt zu unserer Session "Chamäleon Hyperglykämie" am 14.11.2024 um 16 Uhr @ Mozart Saal. Direkt danach laden wir zu einem kleinen Umtrun…
In this installment of Ogletree Deakins’ Safety Basics podcast series, shareholders John Surma (Houston) and Erika Leonard (Austin) examine the intersection of employment law and workplace health and safety law. Erika and John cover internal employment investigations when a safety incident has occurred and consider decisions such as who should cond…
In this podcast, Mike Mahoney (shareholder, Morristown/New York City) and Viki Farrior (of counsel, Oklahoma City) provide an informative update on the status of employee retention credit (ERC) claims submitted to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Mike, who is chair of the firm’s Payroll Tax and Fringe Benefits Subgroup, and Viki discuss options …
In this podcast, Mike Mahoney (shareholder, Morristown/New York City) and Stephen Kenney (associate, Dallas) discuss ways in which employers can assist employees affected by federally declared disasters in a tax-efficient manner. Mike, who is chair of the firm’s Payroll Tax and Fringe Benefits subgroup, and Stephen cover disaster relief payments fo…
In this installment of our Safety Perspectives From the Dallas Region podcast series, shareholders Frank Davis (Dallas) and John Surma (Houston) discuss challenging situations that may arise during an OSHA inspection. Frank and John specifically address the importance of maintaining professionalism, documenting compliance officer conduct, sticking …
In this installment of our Safety Basics podcast series, shareholders John Surma (Houston) and Frank Davis (Dallas) discuss the whistleblower protections of section 11(c) of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act, which prohibits retaliation against employees who raise health or safety complaints to the government or their employers. Frank an…
In this episode of our Multistate Monday podcast series, Dee Anna Hays (co-chair of the firm’s Multistate Advice and Counseling Practice Group) and Susan Gorey take on the timely topic of voting and election leave laws, as well as other related issues that may arise during this busy political season. Susan and Dee Anna review a wide range of state …
In this episode of our Cross-Border Catch-Up podcast series, Carlos Colón-Machargo (Atlanta) and Maya Barba (San Francisco) discuss the specific aspects of Puerto Rican employment laws. Maya and Carlos cover statutory entitlements and protections for employees, whether exempt or non-exempt, including “just cause” terminations, required probationary…
In this episode of our Cross-Border Catch-Up podcast series, Goli Rahimi (Chicago) and Lina Fernandez (Boston) discuss global intellectual property (IP) assignment policies for an international workforce. The speakers discuss logistical considerations for different types of IP that are assigned or created, including ownership rights and compensatio…
In this podcast, Meagan Dziura (of counsel, Raleigh) sits down with Jim Plunkett (shareholder, Washington), who is the chair of the firm’s Governmental Affairs Practice Group, to discuss how the outcome of the upcoming election could impact business immigration for employers. Jim and Meagan address the status of pending immigration regulations prop…
In this installment of our Safety Basics podcast series, Frank Davis (Dallas) and John Surma (Houston) discuss employer and employee rights during an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspection. John and Frank discuss employee rights, such as (1) the right to speak to OSHA inspectors without fear of retaliation or retribution by…
In this installment of our Safety Perspectives From the Dallas Region podcast series, shareholders Frank Davis (Dallas) and John Surma (Houston) discuss the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) new Severe Injury Reports (SIR) dashboard. John and Frank review the evolution of workplace injury record-keeping and reporting requiremen…
In this episode of our Cross-Border Catch-Up podcast series, Skye Hao (Atlanta) and Lina Fernandez (Boston) discuss the retirement system in China and recent reforms that impact statutory retirement ages and the current workforce. Skye and Lina cover mandatory retirement ages, exceptions for early retirement applicants, and the requirements in the …
In this episode of our Cross-Border Catch-Up podcast series, Diana Nehro (New York/Boston) and Goli Rahimi (Chicago) discuss some significant changes to employment law under Australia’s Closing Loopholes No. 2 Act. Goli and Diana address how the act affects workplace issues such as the right to disconnect, employee classification, employer penaltie…