hi,我们都是学艺术专业的女生,一个在纽约,一个在旧金山, 我是 Coco。 我是六一 。 在每一集里,我们会围绕一本书展开讨论,你会听到我们轻松又真诚地聊聊自我成长、生活感悟和社会观察。希望在我们的节目中,你能找到共鸣和温暖,让你的每一天都多一点亮晶晶的光,和我们一同成长。 北美时区每周三更新,亚洲时区每周四更新(尽量哈哈哈) Living in New York and San Francisco, artists Coco and Liu Yi bring their long-distance friendship to life through shared reflections on books. Each episode invites you into their lighthearted discussions on social issues and personal growth, offering the warmth of a true friend’s companionship. We will update every Wednesday
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创建于2012年的iTunes获奖播客 「狗熊有话说」播客是由 大狗熊 于 2012 年创办的独立中文知识型播客节目,以阅读、旅行、科技和个人成长为主要话题内容,是 iTunes 中国区长期推荐的节目,并被 iTunes 评选为“ 2013 年度精选最佳社会与文化播客 ”。 An iTunes award-winning tech podcast since 2012. BearTalk Podcast is a Chinese podcast that shares technology insights, book reviews, and personal improvement tips since 2012. BearTalk Podcast was the Editor's Choice of iTunes China in 2013, which has more than 60,000 listeners.
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my personal journal some writings: https://apache4u.substack.com/
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在《早晨傾聽父的話》中,分享聖靈引導下來自天父的啟示。 蒙我們父神的憐憫,賜給我直接開口說祂話語的恩賜。《早晨傾聽父的話》是我在天父指引下,自2021年7月起每天錄製的Podcast,旨在分享祂每日對我們兒女的心意。 這個節目的內容沒有預先準備的講稿,每當我按下錄音按鈕,我並不知道要說什麼。然而,當我開始說話時,聖靈會引導我,讓我清楚知道每一句話的意思。我在心中組合出字句表明父神的意思,並將它們說出來。每一句話都有父神的啟示和我的參與。 這個過程就像父神牽著我的手一步一步前行,直到完成當天的內容。 我祈求這個節目能夠幫助弟兄姊妹們更加親近天父,並激勵大家去尋求祂的話語,與父神有更深的主觀經歷。願我們都能直接從父神那裡得到指引和啟示,不需再藉由任何人的話語,而是與祂建立深厚的個人關係。 In "Whisper from the Father," I share the insights and revelations from our Heavenly Father, guided by the Holy Spirit. By the grace of our Heavenly ...
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我不知道我老的時候,世界會不會爆炸;但我知道再不說出來,我就要爆炸啦!Alex和Shane關於職涯、政治與生活的討論,歡迎每週一收聽並留言與我們分享你的看法! *** 拜訪我們的網站:https://bit.ly/3setkK0 商業合作請來信:[email protected] *** Gender politics, personal growth, and career development in Taiwan (Mandarin) #aisa #taiwan #politics #mandarin #中文 #職涯 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Welcome to Her Venture Talk, your go-to podcast for women seeking financial and entrepreneurial empowerment. Join us as we explore personal finance and business topics tailored for women, sharing expert advice, inspiring stories, and practical tips to help you achieve success on your terms. Subscribe now, and let's venture forward together! Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/herventuretalk/subscribe
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文本和更多内容 关注VX公众号和视频号:家森Jason The aim of this website is to provide you with good materials for IELTS and English Speaking. 品质原创雅思口语内容;每日更新
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我們是「娘娘吉翔」 由兩位娘娘小刁、幸子以及大叔吉米與小鮮肉壹翔所製作的姿勢型節目! 6年級、7年級、8年級生一起討論不同世代的人生經歷和議題! 藉由互相分享生命經驗的方式,在求同存異中碰撞出各種火花! 萬用連結🔗 https://open.firstory.me/user/womenlucky0311/platforms 👉FB臉書 https://www.facebook.com/娘娘吉翔-102505705254660/ 👉IG https://instagram.com/women_lucky0311?r=nametag ✍️聯絡我們 https://mail.google.com/mail/mu/mp/24/#tl/priority/%5Esmartlabel_personal Powered by Firstory Hosting
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跟著 Tammy 跟 Hana,一起用動漫歌輕鬆學日文! 歡迎商洽聯繫:[email protected] Tammy -Amazing Talker 英語教師 https://tw.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/tammy-su - emo金屬樂團•紙片人•主唱 - 曾在玩華台北燈節、ATT e-life 表演 - 工作聯絡請DM IG~MV拍攝請看YouTube -FB:SunTammy https://www.facebook.com/SunTammySu/ -YT:SunTammy https://youtube.com/channel/UCf946EqWivpr4ei3CYWkP8Q -Personal IG:@suntammy_su https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=12b4azipvgeun&utm_content=iwlcop2 -抖音:@suntammy Hana -Amazing Talker 日語教師 https://tw.amazingta ...
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可能是一个生成中的青年学术共同体。Mandarin Chinese podcast for early(ish) career scholars from the Chinese speaking world talking stuff. Twitter: @shichapodcast
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Bukit Timah is a site of urban complexity and historical significance. The quarries around Bukit Timah Hill were built to meet the needs of a growing urban population from the early to mid-20th century, especially during the construction boom of the post-independence period. By the 1970s, the quarries around Bukit Timah Hill were exhausted. Over the years, they have gradually been reclaimed and given a new lease of life as urban parks. Embark on an acoustic journey with artist Oh Chai Hoo th ...
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我們會用閒聊的方式來討論加拿大的所見所聞與文化衝突,跟我們一起好好的探討世界吧。 每週1~2更 每月1集英文 episode IG: https://www.instagram.com/vincent_kj_incanada/ 合作請洽 [email protected] 留言給我們 https://reurl.cc/GebxNp -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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从未 I haven't done anything in that way before 很懒 because I am very lazy 不够明智 I don't think it's a smart decision 愿意 be willingly to
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选择 go with b溃 drive me crazy 比如下载一个播客 then like a podcast for example 戒掉 give up
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我不是一个安静的人 I'm not a quiet person 热闹生活适合我 the noisy life would be right for me 户外活动 the outdoor activities 释放压力 release the bad emotions
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二十岁的年纪 I'm at the age of twenty 机会 opportunities for 轻松做改变 make the change very easily 充满活力 I could be very energetic
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春节假期 it is just in the spring festival 走亲访友 visit my relatives 去长途旅行 go on a long journey 无聊 Quite boring life
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我们常常想要逃离痛苦,却忘了痛苦并不是敌人。它就像我们的影子,只有阳光出现时才会显现。痛苦是我们存在的证明,是我们用来触摸人生深度的工具。 在这一期 亮晶晶,六一和 Coco 和你一起重新认识痛苦—— 为什么痛苦有时候像一座悬崖,而我们只能自己一步步走下来? 如何用价值观指引方向,让我们在痛苦中找到意义? 当文化教我们“不要问为什么”,痛苦就成了我们与自我的唯一对话。 我们不教你消除痛苦,因为这不可能。我们想邀请你学会与痛苦“和解”,就像学会与自己的小拇指相处。痛苦不会消失,但你可以选择如何与它共舞。 人生的每一次挣扎,其实都是一场温柔的练习——练习着让自己更靠近那个真实的自己。希望这期对谈,能让你的生活也多一点点亮晶晶。✨ 时间轴 00:00 - 01:30 开场:从天气说起,谈谈东西海岸…
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现在 At the moment 妈妈人美心善 she is very gentle and nice 有分歧 have some disagreements 一个温暖的拥抱 give me a warm hug
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应该能应该能 It can be it can be 擅长 I am pretty good at 坏运气走开 bad emotions or fatigues would be certainly gone 愿意和我讲话 be willingly to talk to me
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曾经很痴迷 I used to be really crazy about 下载1000本 download more than 1000 books a time 有点意思 quite fun 必然困啊 I would feel very sleepy for sure
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讨厌自己呆着 I hate spending time alone 喜欢音乐 I am a super fan of music 喜欢刷TIKTOK spending some time on TIKTOK too 不喜欢啥也不干 I hate doing nothing at all
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两个理由 Two reasons can be identified 做改变 make the change about their current life 或许遇到工作机会 probably meet certain opportunities for regular work 旅游火了很多年啦 this phenomenon has been popular for years
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睡得好 I could sleep well 活力满满 that means, I must be full of energy then 吃个早午饭 And I could have a perfect brunch 辛苦的一天儿 my tough day
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今天想和你分享一个能够快速提升口语自信的"一分钟练习法",帮助你在仅仅 2 个月内突破"张嘴难"的障碍。希望能给正在挣扎于口语表达的你一点启发! 完整贴子和本期资源包,在这里可以查看,还没有订阅Newsletter的赶紧订阅,目前免费哦: https://bearliu.substack.com/p/beartalk-1 Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/gou-xiong-you-hua-shuo/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy…
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或许可以 I would probably say yes 如果他们穿上 if they try them on 讲真 seriously 这货消失了 he is disappearing too
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●主要内容: ○六一和CoCo探讨了现代社会中普遍存在的自我否定和焦虑情绪,特别是年轻人面对学业、事业等方面的压力时容易产生的“一无是处”的感受。 ○分享了她们自身经历以及如何从这种负面情绪中走出来的经验,例如寻求心理咨询、调整心态、发现自身的多样性等。 ○通过对“性格特质测试题目”的讨论,引导听众重新审视自身的价值,并鼓励大家去发现和欣赏自身独特的闪光点。 ○强调了不应将自我价值局限于特定的成就或目标上,而应从多角度、多方面去评价自己。 ○提出了乐观、希望、努力、勇气等重要的性格特质,并鼓励听众思考自身最看重的品质。 ●核心观点: ○每个人都是独特的,拥有多面的价值,不应该因为一时的挫折或与他人的比较而否定自己。 ○即使存在瑕疵,也如同钻石般闪耀,不应因不完美而否定自身的整体价值。 ○保持…
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过十九岁的生日 when I just had my nineteenth birthday 收到的唯一礼物 that was the only gift I received 放空 rest my mind without thinking anything 搞点啤酒 grabbed some beers
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强烈推荐两个方式 Two ways are highly recommended 别孩怕 don't be afraid 知行和一 they should do as what they think 保持联络 keep in touch with
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每个周末都想开车旅行 go on the car trip almost every weekend 好处 good points 火车票 train tickets 太贵 too ridiculous expensive
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很久 for a long time 扔掉 just throw them away 崭新 brand new every day 活力满满 be full of energy
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有难度 a bit challenging for me 之前一天 the day before 之后一天 the day after 很难管理时间 it's very hard for me to manage my time
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与众不同 they are different 希望 自由 鼓励 hope, freedom and encouragement 强迫我 force me 表示尊重 show respect to
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期末来临 When the final comes 期末成绩更好 my final results would be much better then 参加 take part in 提升工作效率 improve my efficiency at work
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这一期,我们邀请了特别嘉宾安迪,一位自称“传统理工男”的朋友。看似逻辑冷静的他,却在情绪表达中有着不为人知的温柔与挣扎。他坦言对情绪的觉察就像透过一片有色玻璃,既模糊又深刻;他用语音备忘录记录心情,却从不回听;他从路飞的担当中找到了男子气概的真正意义。他的故事,是许多现代男性的缩影,也是一次从内心到外界的深度探索。 在节目中,我们三人共创了一个安全、真诚的小世界,探讨了男性的情绪表达为何困难、为什么陪伴是最高级的支持,以及性别标签对成长的影响。这是一场幽默与深刻并存的对话,也是一份关于情绪管理的真实指南。 安迪的坦诚与细腻,让我们看见了男性情绪世界中鲜有人触及的温度。他的分享也让我们相信,每个人都有能力在情绪的迷雾中找到属于自己的光。 亮点提要: 为什么男性更倾向用运动和游戏代替情绪交流? …
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粗来玩 hang out and spend a good time in the coffee shop or cinema 有人打扰 get disturbed 放空 resting my mind without doing anything 孤独寂寞冷 feeling bored and lonely
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传统色彩 traditional colors 心情不美丽 I would be in a bad mood too 兴奋有活力 feel very excited and energetic 不然 otherwise
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跟好朋友借过钱 I used to get some money from my best friend 帮助我 helped me out 不聪明的决定 I don't think it is a smart decision 珍惜友情 cherish your friendship
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网购中心 The online shopping center 折扣力度很大 it usually has big discount 对买的东西不满意 if I am not pleased with the product 几乎免费 it is nearly free of charge
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必须学 English is the language that I must learn 出差 go on a business trip 世界语 the global language 学习很多生词 learn lots of new vocabularies
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处理安排 when we are coping with 高效的 efficiently and effectively 得益于现代科技 thanks to modern technology 文件被传送 files can be transferred
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城市生活苦 a lot of ordinary citizens are suffering in the cities 薪水 家庭琐事孩子教育 the salaries, the family affairs and the education for their children 压力 burdens/pressure/stress 融入一个安静的生活 fit in a rather peaceful life
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内容概要: 本期节目深入探讨了常见的消极核心信念,分析其潜藏的危害,并提供理性思考和应对策略,帮助听众朋友们识别并克服这些负面思维模式,最终获得积极快乐的人生体验。 Timeline 00:00-03:00 核心信念的定义与影响 03:00-07:00 三大常见消极信念 07:00-10:00 逃避心理与焦虑管理 10:00-15:00 打破幸福迷思 15:00-20:00 接纳“不够好”的声音 20:00-23:16 总结与鼓励 探讨消极核心信念及其替代思维方式,为听众提供实用建议。 鼓励大家从小处入手,找到积极生活的动力与乐趣。 联系我们: [email protected] 互动邀请: 如果你喜欢我们的内容,请麻烦你分享给你朋友,也欢迎给我们评分和评论,或在社交媒体上分享你的感…
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有点孩怕 I am a bit scared 不适应打电话 I am not used to make phone calls to someone 喜欢发信息 Text message would be my favorite 撤回消息 I would recall all of them
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大部分人 most of the people in my country 放松惬意 they would feel more relaxed and feel satisfied 考虑票价 think about the ticket price 炸薯条和可乐 some chips and coke
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两个方面非常明显 Two changes can be very apparent 扮演重要角色 play a more important role in our everyday life 我们的首选 the first choice for us 价格公道 the price can be very reasonable
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挨饿是秘密武器 stay hungry is the secret weapon 痴人说梦 that would be a dream 基本 that is the basic 效果更好 then the results would be more perfect
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最刺激的事儿 the most exciting thing 和家人郊游野餐 go for a picnic with my family members 比坐公交车舒服 it could be more comfortable than taking a bus 太贵了 we couldn't afford it
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一天坐满八小时 I usually sit down more than 8 hours each day 每天在车里很久 I would sit in the car for a long time too 回家途中 on the road back to my home 在户外 in the open area
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现在没有以前看书多 at the moment I don't read more than past 看起来不同 it seems quite different 看点书 I would read something one or two 我接受 I am fine with
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亮色是我最喜欢的 the candy color would be my favorite 过时的 it is too old fashioned 黑色或者金属灰更合理 metallic grey or black would be reasonable 心情好 then I would be in a good mood
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🔑 节目亮点: 什么是无条件的爱? 无需条件的爱是否真的存在?六一和CoCo带你一起探讨这种情感的神秘力量,以及它在人生中的不同体现。 个人温暖故事: 六一讲述了她与猫豆腐干的温馨日常。她笑说:“我有时候觉得,豆腐干对我的爱,比我对它的更纯粹。” 六一谈到小时候听父母说“成绩差只能去扫大街”的经历,她思考这种语言中隐含的期待,是否让爱变得“有条件”。 六一和CoCo回忆童年的压力和社会对“完美”的期待,探讨如何走出这种框架。 触动人心的问题: 如果爱是无条件的,为什么人类在表达爱时总会附加期待? 如何让孩子既感受到父母的爱,又不被无形的压力绑架? 实用的自我接纳技巧: 学会命名情绪,比如“今天是深蓝色2号”,用具体化来减少情绪的强度。 六一推荐通过做饭来疗愈,“专注切菜的时候,烦恼好像都会消…
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崭新旅程 a brand new journey 比如跳伞 like sky diving for example 去海边 going to beach 晒太阳和放松思绪 enjoying the sunshine and resting my mind
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有一天 The other day 没意识到重要性 I didn't realise the importance 将来想要nb的事业版图 if I could have a great career in the future 找到了满意的工作 I got a decent job
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一家三口 Actually I have a family of three 去长短途旅行 go on long journeys or go on short trips 如果有年假 If I have annual leave 买单 pay the bill
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打电话 I would make phone calls 弄点咖啡喝喝 grab a cup of coffee somewhere 健身很重要 body building is an important part of my everyday life 让自己开心 just spoil myself
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