show episodes
这是一档建立在七个小时时差之上的跨国实验播客,一端位于中国,一端位于西班牙。若将人生当作一张有效期不等的地球临时签证,那么每个人都将成为宇宙的临时乘客:入境日期已知,离境时刻待定。在变幻的未知图景中,两位临时乘客借助科技跨越距离,分享在地球两端观察到的文化细节,探讨充满可能性的未来生活方式。 This is a multinational experimental podcast based on a time difference of seven hours, with one side in China and the other in Spain. In the changing global situation, two universal residents are using the technology to share cultural details of the Earth Village. We are looking forward to welcoming you to join us and explore the possible future ...
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创建于2012年的iTunes获奖播客 「狗熊有话说」播客是由 大狗熊 于 2012 年创办的独立中文知识型播客节目,以阅读、旅行、科技和个人成长为主要话题内容,是 iTunes 中国区长期推荐的节目,并被 iTunes 评选为“ 2013 年度精选最佳社会与文化播客 ”。 An iTunes award-winning tech podcast since 2012. BearTalk Podcast is a Chinese podcast that shares technology insights, book reviews, and personal improvement tips since 2012. BearTalk Podcast was the Editor's Choice of iTunes China in 2013, which has more than 60,000 listeners.
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郝海龙 & 有才

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《科技聚变》(TechFusion)是一档科技主题播客节目,我们谈论有关互联网的一切。您可以访问 来找到我们,同时您也可以关注我们的 Twitter, Instagram 或微博 @TechFusionFM 。
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也许是一片新大陆,但也是荒野的西部,Web3 的世界里弥漫着去中心化的福音,呼啸着庞氏陷阱的警告。未知而且粗糙,却吸引越来越多的开发者进入。《Web3 101》是一档探索 Web3 世界的播客,在这个技术与商业上采用了全新配比的世界里,跟着Jane与阿伟展开一趟冒险之旅。
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A Mandarin-based Podcast (Considering to be bilingual). A short series between a couple discussing their views on life, society, technology, possibly makeups and their relationship experiences. 一对情侣(反消费主义科技宅和现实主义社会观察家)的日常琐碎。
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文科生 ART


生活离不开科技,科技离不开生活 这个频道以文科生名命,就是讲到文字,科技和生活。 英文ART, A=Authentic R=Read T=Technology 主要以轻松简单的方式来聊科技,同时也分享一些文字和生活。 我的世界,你来收听。 欢迎订阅我的播客频道,我是纪伦 ------------- 询问/生意洽谈/合作邀约可以电邮我 My Email: 可以到以下的平台追踪我: My Instagram Account- My Facebook Page - My YouTube Channel - My Twitter Account-
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響響是一個強調系統性溝通訓練的協會,由語言治療師、特教老師及相關人員組成,運用輔助科技(Assistive Technology,簡稱AT)之相關策略、服務、設備和介入計畫來改善個案所面臨的問題,希望提供一個學術及實務應用交流的學習平台。 支持溝通障礙者AAC服務 響響愛心碼85945 有溝通輔具的問題可與我們聯繫 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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《不摆了》是一档朋友之间聊天,关于一切的播客。「Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories」我们希望成为那堆篝火。 另外可以可以通过邮件联系我们
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「喂,Iphie嗎?我是Wendy,你最近怎麼樣?」 / 歡迎來到打個電話給你Podcast,我們是Wendy和Iphie,目前居住在香港和北京的妙齡女性代表,一個從事且沈迷電影,另一個熱衷人類學和社會創新,在信仰的路上越走越誠懇。 / 我們曾經也叫「我不夠好嗎」,在這麼大的世界有一些自我懷疑也是正常的吧?所以我們每周的一通電話,有時聊點感情的娛樂的,有時分享些理性的思辨的,有時也會不小心觸及心中柔軟的疼痛的。 / 如果聽Podcast是為了陪伴,希望我們這一通電話,能用最真誠卻也最隨意的對話,溫暖你的時間。 / (這八十年代的煽情文案真是充分暴露年齡毫不手軟...) / ✨Instagram: ✨Patreon: ✨YouTube:
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Mandarin 24/7 Podcast 汉语播客

Host and Creator: 梅琳 Mei Lin  

Hi, I host and create podcast episodes in the language I teach, covering everything from current events to fascinating cultural aspects. Daily Life; News & Current Affairs; Society & Culture. 每日生活; 时事新闻; 社会文化. Intermediate and advanced Chinese listening practice. HSK 4, HSK 5, HSK 6; B1;B2;C1 中,高级汉语听力练习
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旋轉→跳躍! - Spin → Take a Leap! - 國立臺北科技大學 互動設計系 105級畢業展

國立臺北科技大學 互動設計系 105級畢業展 旋轉→跳躍! Spin → Take a Leap! --------------------------------------------------------------- National Taipei University of Technology Department of Interaction Design 105th Graduation Project Exhibition --------------------------------------------------------------- 本節目為《旋轉→跳躍!》105級國立臺北科技大學畢業製作 想知道更多資訊 FB粉絲專頁: IG宣傳帳號: Youtube頻道: 歡迎留言或私訊社交帳號,讓我們知 ...
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show series
科技互联网改变生活 The Internet is the modern technology and certainly it influences our life for sure you know 金钱观改变 Traditional attitude to money has been totally changed Wifi随处可见 At the same time, the free wifi could be found anywhere that you can imagine 真快 就几秒 When you are trying to download something you need, just a few seconds then everything would …
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举足轻重的地位 I think that the internet is playing an important role in our life 与生活学习息息相关 it has got to do something with our regular work and everyday study 不用去教室或者公司 we even don't have to travel to the workplace or travel to the school 效果显著 but it works really well
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心情不好压力大的时候 when I'm not in a good mood or when I'm feeling very tired or the fatigue comes to me 钢琴曲不一样 让我放松提神醒脑 the music from piano can be very different from other kinds of musical instruments. I feel like very relaxed and refreshed 不知道为什么 天生的 I don't know why probably it's born with 小时候学过钢琴 when I was at my young age, I tried to learn something…
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是的 啥新闻都看 Yeah sure of course, I could say that currently I'm a super fan of different kinds of news 了解实事 I’ll get to know something new in the world and I would get to know the everyday life 过去只看八卦 sometimes in the past I was trying to stay focused on entertainment news, the gossips 现在看正经东西了 I would certainly keep an eye on finance and economy…
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China: Murder in the Ward: The Case of Dr. Li Sheng 中国: 李晟医生被害 最近在中国温州,李晟医生被病人家属持刀伤害,经抢救无效,不幸离世。在这一集里, 我们会报道和分析: 第一:事件的发生经过 第二: 舆论和公众对此事件的谴责 第三,舆论和公众对此事件的反思 第四,在中国,防范暴力伤害行医人员, 哪些是更行之有效的措施?
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一方面 抱怨现实生活 for one thing, it is about the real life you know, a lot of people today are suffering 钱难赚屎难吃 actually they couldn't earn a lot of money, they even couldn't earn a living 物质条件那些事 something of reality and stuff, the material life 婚姻话题 for another, they are scared of marriage, and they don't trust love at all…
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有两个原因 There are actually two reasons behind this topic 有价格优势 it has got to do something with the price advantage 众所周知 as is known to all 比如长途旅行或者国际旅行 for example if we need to go on a long journey or go on the international trip
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啱啱瞓醒 + CrowdStrike 全球死機 + 國際雜談 + Make Sony Great Again + 種菌腐乳 + 勁爆飲用天然水頒獎禮 + 外地旅遊書的香港 + 說好台灣夜景故事 + Google 自行預告 + 重新請人 + 精通粵語 + Outlook 未啟動 + 電影節拍 + 講電視 主持:NetBugs,方東A,Debug 啱啱瞓醒 + CrowdStrike 全球死機 + 國際雜談 Make Sony Great Again + 種菌腐乳 + 勁爆飲用天然水頒獎禮 + 外地旅遊書的香港 + 說好台灣夜景故事 + Google 自行預告...由talkonly
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大部分情况下 不会 Most of the time, I wouldn't say yes you know 不明智 I don't think that it's a smart decision to get some help from other people 自己解决 I want to work out problems you know I mean, I want to work things out by myself 克服难题 提升自己 overcoming this problem and just improving myself
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想要身材好 健康 必须吃早餐 if you want to lose some weight and keep good body shape, eating breakfast is important and it is required 早餐是核心 breakfast is the key, it is the center, we can say it is the secret weapon 很多人无视早餐 a lot of people ignore the importance of breakfast 做个改变 make a change
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Xbox Game Pass 改制加價 + 人中之龍0 誓約的場所 主持:北京A網友、長安七号、方東A Talkonly Level Up – ID 交流區: Level Uptify Playlist: Level Up League Toornament 主頁: Level Up League YouTube 頻道:由talkonly
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上半年Wendy一共去了三次台灣,加上多年前在台北交換的經驗,和台灣有一種道不完的感情。網絡上有很多對比香港和台灣不同之處的meme,到底台灣和香港有多不同?上期的嘉賓Ason其實也是擁有台灣背景的朋友,那就一期來聊一聊這個話題吧~/00:58 Ason的生世之謎07:23 出生於台灣,在香港長大,那現在覺得哪裡是家?13:56 每次從台灣回香港都感慨香港人真的好沒禮貌?20:29 南北差異:台灣南部人是有多不愛走路?32:08 兩地約會市場洞察!(這部分可能尺度有點打開喔~)/本期嘉賓:在香港的台灣人Ason(Instagram:@ason.liao)/收聽渠道:可在小宇宙、喜馬拉雅、網易雲音樂、Spotify、ApplePodcast等平台搜索「打個電話給你One Call Away」/…
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必须啊 Why not, I'm saying yes a hundred percent 假期干啥都行 on vacation I could do lots of things that I couldn't in my leisure time 好几天在路上 probably I'll spend more than two or four days on the road 看沿途风景 吃好吃的 了解当地文化 I enjoy the beautiful sceneries on the journey and I'll get to know brand new friends and local food and its culture, and everything…
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压力大 number one, a lot of people today are suffering, they are suffering from heavy workload and everyday pressure 找到发泄口 they need to find a way out 消除负面情绪 release bad emotions and let these negatives gone in their life 心底的那份爱 because they just love it from the bottom of their heart, no different reasons…
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公海唔好提 + 開齋炒人 + 請人教訓 + 生意難做 + 幫樓打針 + 小強飲啤酒 + 又又又去日本 + 規管網約車平台 + 乞兒八達通 + iPhone 唔防水 + 失憶的 iCloud + 日圓閒情 + 講電視 + 藝術撚時間 主持:NetBugs,馬高,方東A 公海唔好提 + 開齋炒人 + 請人教訓 + 生意難做 + 幫樓打針 + 小強飲啤酒 又又又去日本 + 規管網約車平台 + 乞兒八達通 + iPhone 唔防水 + 失憶的 iCloud + 日圓閒情 ​...由talkonly
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這個播客討論了從香港搬到英國的生活,以及隨之而來的挑戰和適應。參與者談到了天氣,特別是英國比香港更冷和多風。他們還提到孩子們對雪的反應,這對他們來說是很新奇的經歷。討論還涉及日常活動,如做飯和住在兩層樓的房子裡。他們避免談論政治,專注於個人的經歷和趣事。 主持:Hyperion,丟那星,19 Ken,斑紋由talkonly
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从之前那个在工作和留学之间徘徊的小女孩,到目前已经越来越坚定地构建自己的生活,我看到了圈圈的成长,也看到她不管在作品、表达,以及她自己的穿搭风格等等,越来越有范儿了,看来伦敦 3 年把她养的非常好,果然人一旦在一个放松的环境里,那种轻盈、创造、兴奋的神性都会自动从身体散发出来,根本不用费力寻找。希望大家在自己的生活中得到的东西都不是靠委屈自己得到的,想尽办法滋养自己,不要怨恨自己。
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在本期節目中,我們邀請到了一位專業攝影師,除了在攝影領域中的卓越表現,他最近還熱衷於研究AI繪圖。透過深入的對話,我們將探索他是如何將攝影技術與AI藝術結合,創造出獨具一格的作品。 從傳統攝影的視角到現代科技的融入,他分享了自己對AI繪圖的見解、學習過程以及在創作中的實踐經驗。無論你是對攝影藝術感興趣,還是對AI技術充滿好奇,本期節目都將為你帶來全新的視角和啟發。 讓我們一同見證,當攝影遇上AI,會擦出怎樣的火花! 來賓:小四 T-Art…
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超爱上网 I think that I’ve spent a lot of time on the Internet 喜欢玩社交软件和其他软件 and it's related social apps and different kinds of apps for sure 免费 it is nearly free of charge, I don't have to pay for it 忙碌之余空虚寂寞冷 after a tough day of regular study or work and I would find the life quite boring
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历史时期是三十年前 没车没互联网的时候 Mention about the topic, the historical period that I have interest is about thirty years ago when we didn't have the Internet and lots of private cars on the street 那个年代我都没出生 at the time, the period was quite different you know and I wasn't born then, but I learned something according to some videos and my parents` words and gr…
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Shooting at Trump rally 特朗普竞选集会现场发生枪击事件 assassination attempt 刺杀未遂 Former US President Donald Trump 美国前总统 唐纳德•特朗普UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres 安东尼奥•古特雷斯European diplomacy chief Josep Borrell 何塞普•博雷利British Prime Minister Keir Starmer 基尔·斯塔默
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肯定的啦 Yeah sure, I'm saying yes with a hundred percent 这样做就很舒服啦 because by doing so, I would feel very safe and very happy 去溜达或者户外 hang out with a bunch of my friends or spend a lot of time in the open area 在家呆着 听歌 what I like to do is sitting in somewhere in my home, and putting on my earphone then listening to some music…
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不会的 Not really, no I wouldn't do anything in that way, no way 太傻了 I don't think it's a very smart decision and it is not a popular way for us to do so 去没去过的地方的话 when I'm trying to travel to somewhere that I'm not familiar with or that I've never been to before 我才不同意呢 I wouldn’t say yes with 100%
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优点可多啦 There are actually so many good points of using public transport 主要有两点 I think two good points can be identified 价格优势 每个人买得起 it has the price advantage, everyone in the world can afford it 乘坐方便 it is user friendly in life, whenever we want to take a cab or take the subway, you would just find one that you need…
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打车花了一百多 心疼 I need to spend like more than one hundred Yuan each time, and that would kill me for sure 打车从市中心到机场肉疼 just from the city center to the airport and that would certainly drive me crazy you know 我也没敢说啥 but I didn't say anything 不便宜 But I still think that it was too much for me and I couldn't afford it…
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超爱吃甜食 Yeah sure I'm a super fan of sweet food you know, like the ice cream for example, like different kinds of chocolates for example 心情当然也会很好 I'll be staying in a good mood for sure 这两样东西让我超级开心 these two kinds of things would undoubtedly make me feel happy 脂肪和热量也会让我崩溃 but one problem you know, eating too much calories and fat would drive me crazy…
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Bitcoin 債主 + 冷氣台菜 + 上海味道 + 幻愛聽眾 + 異地請人交學費 + AI 工作分流 + 機鐵市區登機 + 果廟旅行團 + 巴黎馬場夜繽紛 + 講電視 + Vision Pro 試用報告 + 電影節拍 + 美麗新審查 主持:NetBugs,馬高,方東A,Debug 嘉賓:台灣R,鐸叔 Bitcoin 債主 + 冷氣台菜 + 上海味道 幻愛聽眾 + 異地請人交學費 + AI 工作分流 ​ 機鐵市區登機 + 果廟旅行團 + 巴黎馬場夜繽紛 + 講電視 + Vision Pro 試用報告...由talkonly
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做个艺术家肯定很有意思 Yep sure if possible, I want to be a very famous artist, and that could be great fun 不用每天八小时坐在办公室啦 I don't have to work in the office you know, like eight hours for example 不用呆在同一个地方那么久啦 I don't have to sit in the same old place for a long time each day 比以前更出名 for my part, I could be more famous than before…
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New U.K. government: Labour is back 英国新政府-工党开始执政. 今天这一集,我们会向大家介绍2024年英国大选后 英国新政府和其主要成员 各国媒体对英国新政府的反映 Prime Minister: Keir Starmer 首相:凯尔·斯塔默 Deputy Prime : Angela Rayner 副首相:安吉拉·雷纳 Chancellor of the Exchequer (Finance Minister): RachelReeves 财政大臣(财政部长):雷切尔·里夫斯 Secretary of Home Office : Yvette Cooper 内政大臣:伊维特·库珀 Secretary of Foreign, Commonwealth an…
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背后两个理由 Two reasons can be identified behind this topic 因为没朋友 mainly because they have got no friends in real life 各种理由 Probably it is about their personalities, it is about the temper, it is about their living habit, there are so many reasons behind it 新鲜的更有吸引力 something new or something exciting can be more charming to them 成为生活一部分 it has been a p…
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Authy 洩漏用戶電話號碼 Apple 任 Open AI 董事局觀察員 嘉嘉體驗 Vision Pro Google Translate 可以譯廣東話啦 即時對話 AI Kyutai由 (Eunica)
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戴上耳机世界都是我的 number one, I would put on my earphone you know and the world would be mine 候机的时候戴耳机太重要了 in the airport when I'm waiting for my flight, I would put on my earphone that's the most important part and step 忘带耳机了就去看书 sometimes I probably forget my earphone at home, I would read something one or two on my favorite books 专注看书的时候 忽略噪音 when I'm …
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UK General Election and Prediction 英国大选及预测 1: 为什么英国会提前举行大选2: 民调显示排前三位的三大政党对执政后的承诺是什么? 3: 为什么保守党失去了民众的信任? 4: 预测英国大选选举的结果是什么? 英国大选 U.K. General Election 英国保守党 Conservative Party, U.K. 英国工党 Labour Party, U.K. 英国改革党 Reform Party, U.K 英国首相 British Prime Minister
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節目重新出發的第一集!有點標題黨。Ason是跟我同公司在HCM部門任職的同事。想聊這個話題是因為很多人(包括我自己)在職涯發展的路上,常常在面對選擇的時候很害怕選錯,擔心之後的職業規劃被影響。之所以想找Ason來聊是因為我知道Ason除了讓我們相識的這份工作之外也有很多斜槓身份(健身教練/ 咖啡/法律學生?!),加上Ason也是有一定社會經驗的人,應該可以給大家帶來不錯的insights! /01:30 Ason的職務是什麼?現在的HR早已經不是傳統定義的人力資源了!08:20 職涯規劃不等於想要做的事?14:45 超斜槓Ason的故事:上班/教健身/學法律?!29:57 曾經任職海陸空,轉換跑道薪水被砍一半!39:49 找新工作要求加薪八成,原來薪水可以這樣談?48:04 給職場新鮮人的找…
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在我看来 In my mind/ I believe /I suppose/I realize 比如这几个语言 like Dutch, French, Germany and Japanese for example 将来希望学很多语言因为喜欢旅行 if possible in the future, I would learn different kinds of languages, because I'm a super fan of travel 周游世界 努力学习外语 travel to the world, the is my dream and I would certainly work hard on my language study…
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很多人当然爱听音乐啦 Yes sure, of course, it's a cool thing and a lot of people love listening to music 消除疲劳 it would help us to diminish all the fatigues we have 忙碌之余需要找个出口 especially after a tough day of work or study, we need to find a way out 很管用 and seriously, it works well
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