On August 20th, 1989, Lyle and Erik Menendez shot and killed their own parents. Until then, this Beverly Hills family had been a portrait of the American Dream. How did it go so wrong? To listen to all four episodes of 'The Menendez Brothers' right now and ad-free, go to IntoHistory.com . Subscribers enjoy uninterrupted listening, early releases, bonus content and more, only available at IntoHistory.com . If you or someone you know is in crisis, there is free help available at mhanational.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices…
日常生活中需要我們使用眼睛來接受的資訊實在是太多了,是時候讓眼睛休息一下,把耳朵借給我,讓我跟你分享我的生活吧。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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It’s not just a school subject. It’s not just a tool of trade. No. It’s the language of Shakespeare, of Charles Darwin, of Andrew Lloyd Webber, of Steve Jobs, of Winston Churchill. It is the tongue shared by some of the most brilliant minds in the world. Learn it well, and your world will be a lot bigger. And you don’t even have to be born or raised in an English speaking country. With the right training, and a superhuman determination to excel, you too can speak English as expressively and ...
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凸凹图样 Two Out Too Young
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We think too much, and feel too little —— 我希望透過講故事,廣東話就是做個「講故佬」,為大家創造一個喘息、思考的空間。貫徹電台節目主題 Take a Rex,大家不妨在聆聽的世界裏稍作歇息,也許能重拾對藝文的興趣? Powered by Firstory Hosting
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「松木莎莎」是一档文化评论播客,每期节目会畅聊一个我们感兴趣的文化内容,深入延展其中与我们的痛苦、困惑、快乐、热情有关的部分,从女性的视角触达背后的复杂现实与对可能性的想象。「松木莎莎GoneGirls」talks about cultural content that we are interested in. We delve into the parts which resonate with our pain, confusion, joy and passion, reaching the complex reality, and imagining more possibilities from two feminists' perspective.
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《不負責評論》是一檔利用一杯酒的時間呈現事物AB面討論的節目,把各種議題當成一塊紀錄時間的錄音帶。 用不正經的話聊正經的事,用正經的話聊不正經的事,聚焦在關於各種文化潮流的A面與B面,無論飲酒、電影、音樂、書籍、烹飪、足球...都照單全收,歡迎一起在話題的正反面中一起思考,用對話使每個人親臨現場。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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The voices of Taiwan. 歹完之聲/歹完播客/歹完Podcast/ 在歹完,就該聽歹完Taiwan。 我們希望可以改變這個世界溝通的方式,不管職業、宗教、性別、種族等等,這世界只是要是人,就沒有分別,都有其存在意義,看似搞笑鬧事的頻道,但這一切都是套路,為了讓你們喜歡~才有足夠影響力改變這篇我愛的土地,歹完Taiwan。 總之! 這是一個說故事的Podcast~ 希望你們會喜歡^^ 下方連結,點起來訂閱^^ https://campsite.bio/dwdk IG跟FB都關掉,電話也換了 抱歉各位 因為太多車貸、信貸干擾了。 始終關注自殺及非行少年議題。 總之,有問題還是可以敲我IG(🔍dw.taiwan)小盒子,以下 https://instagram.com/dw.taiwan?igshid=9zy6zvuvojsc
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《盆栽Chill High High》電影無雷私心推薦 在禮拜天晚上用輕鬆愉快的方式和大家推薦一部我喜歡的電影 整體以不爆雷的方式進行,希望不管有沒有看過或介不介意爆雷的人都能安心收聽 ※ 不定時更新子單元《盆栽Chill Too High》 大概70%聊一些更私心、看了很爽的作品,30%聊聊生活中的事。 主要就是開開心心的閒聊和分享,三不五時邀好朋友一起來聊天。 風格會更輕鬆、更日常(也可能更廢)一點?總之就是,隨性&隨緣。 需要注意的是盆栽可能會和單元名字一樣笑太嗨。 ※ 盆栽Chill High High 節目Instagram https://instagram.com/plant_chill_high_high?igshid=8o7fyjfkred4 盆栽個人Instagram https://instagram.com/vi_weee?igshid=yd0ft3gxl13v 聲音無限廣播劇團: https://www.facebook.com/voiceinfinity18/ https://www.youtube.com/c/voiceinfinity 如果喜歡我 ...
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(中文在下方)Hey there, I'm a restaurant owner and I started this Podcast because I love to meet new people! To be honest I grew up super introverted and I really came out of my shell when I moved to Asia around 20 years ago. Now that I have a restaurant and a podcast, we livestream weekly from my restaurant. I love to share the stories of people that I meet in Taiwan and I hope you enjoy them too! From Pro MMA fighters to Globe Trekkers, CEOs to Street Vendors, Entrepreneurs to Professors, YouTub ...
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台灣媽美國爸台美鵝們的睡前中英故事時間。 故事即生活,生活即故事; 讓我們一起讓生活充滿故事。 追蹤我們的英文教育實驗基地: Email ▶ gardenenglish@gmail.com Youtube ▶ http://bit.ly/GE-subscribe Facebook ▶ https://www.facebook.com/gardenenglishtw Powered by Firstory Hosting
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你也可以成為夢想的創造者! ✨《真相》一書揭開宇宙創造的秘密,讓你掌握無限可能。 實體書籍7月上架!電子書已提供購買,點擊檔案中的連結,一起探索真相! 購買查看:linkgoods.com/taramicha IG:https://www.instagram.com/tara_micha_1111/ YouTube:https://youtube.com/@tara_micha 在「Tara's Dreamland Odyssey ❤️泰拉的夢遊仙境」節目中,我們將深入探討靜坐中第三眼的神秘視角。 每一集,我會分享不同的視覺經歷,探討背後的意義,以及這些經歷如何能讓我們更加了解自己和宇宙的連結。 本節目旨在為聽眾提供一個寧靜與啟發的空間,讓每個人都能開發自己的內在潛能。 每個人的潛意識資訊都是獨特的,我的第三眼所展示的畫面是我自己的體驗。 而您看見的可能與我完全不同,您也會有屬於自己的視角和資訊,但最終生命的真相領悟都是相同的 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cln4yc1mx00c901yu0r9xh5h5 留言告訴我你對這一 ...
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《Pilot4U Reading/ Pilot4U 阅读时间 》是 P4U 平台推向 Podcast 的第一个学习分享专辑。旨在通过精彩文章的阅读、背景解析、要点回顾,在经过反复聆听之后,提高英语阅读水平、跨文化理解深度、自我学习意识提升。 Hello World ;-) P4U,全称 Pilot4U,是一个试验性质的经验分享平台。(微信公众号搜索 Pilot4U)在这里,每天早上有中英文混搭的语音,回复关键字得到的文章,分享的视频(优酷搜索“Pilot4U”)更多精彩请关注新浪微博@Pilot4U 或登录pilot4u.lofter.com
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欢迎回来!北半球白昼变长的日子终于势不可挡地来了, 随着初春一起澎湃起来的还有主播瑄的少女心,以及主播锤对主播瑄的溺爱...♡♡♡ Welcome back! The days in the Northern Hemisphere are finally getting longer - unstoppable and inevitable!!! Along with early spring comes Mackie’s overflowing romantic mood, as well as host Jiayi’s indulgent love for host Mackie… 【时间轴】 00:45 内心戏很多的瑄被韩志旼回复评论事件 06:58 内心戏很多的锤偶遇韩志旼崔政勋事件…
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep由Radio Television Hong Kong
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When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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扑咕西泡1|冬天太冷,爱情太难,我选择躲进厕所和农场 Po-Goo-Shee-Paw 1 | Winter’s Too Cold, Love’s Too Hard, So I’m Hiding in a Bathroom and a Farm
松木莎莎的听众朋友们,好久不见~,「扑咕西泡(보고 싶어)」是我们的新栏目,每一期我们会短评各自近期的内容消费,在“想要看”的内容里细细咂摸那些如同“想见你”一般的悸动。 "Po-Goo-Shee-Paw (보고 싶어)" is our brand-new series. In each episode, we'll share brief reviews of our recent content consumption, savoring those heart-fluttering moments that feel like “missing someone” through the content “we want to watch.” 【时间轴】 00:42 新栏目简介 Part…
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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英式英語一分鐘 with 蕭叔叔 2021

由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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