show episodes
'神光天地線' 是提摩太國際門訓事工制作的粵語福音廣播節目. 本節目是以福音見證和信仰生活為重點. 感謝主! 從2017年到今天, 本節目從1430 AM商業電臺播放到改變成現在的網站視頻都能接觸到聽眾. 每一次看到聽眾的回應和相信耶穌基督是我們最大的喜樂. 我們期望每一集的福音的見證能成為您心靈祝福並帶領您參加教會聚會與活動.提摩太國際門訓事工是位於美國加州注册 501C 的不牟利基構( ). 以馬內利 事工總幹事, 黎澤光牧師 "Sunshine Connection" is a Cantonese gospel radio program produced by Timothy International Discipleship Training. This program focuses on gospel testimonies and faith life. Thank the Lord! From 2017 to today, this program has evolved from being broadcasted on 1 ...
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Techman Robot Training Center

各位聽眾朋友大家好!我們是一群平常在教人使用機械手臂的講師,希望透過這個頻道來跟大家介紹機器人跟自動化產業到底在做些甚麼,分享時下新奇有趣的知識 🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻 如果您喜歡機器人或是理工相關科系的同學、老師、上班族,都歡迎來頻道一起玩呦!🙌🏻 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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It’s not just a school subject. It’s not just a tool of trade. No. It’s the language of Shakespeare, of Charles Darwin, of Andrew Lloyd Webber, of Steve Jobs, of Winston Churchill. It is the tongue shared by some of the most brilliant minds in the world. Learn it well, and your world will be a lot bigger. And you don’t even have to be born or raised in an English speaking country. With the right training, and a superhuman determination to excel, you too can speak English as expressively and ...
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燈登登播客企劃: 節目:小朋友口才訓練班/ Children Speech Training Course 主持:梁梓禧Roland 參與:北角循道學校3年級學生 特備節目小演出: 「3年級特別新聞報道~疫情後跟我一起去海洋公園」 北角循道學校2021-2022年度3年級同學,最近完成了16堂由 Roland梁梓禧(梁奕倫)親自教授的口才訓練班。 課程通過遊戲、演說、講故事、角色扮演等輕鬆形式,訓練同學思維及說話能力、訓練小朋友的咬字、聲線、表情、動作等演繹技巧,培養學生成為出色的演講者。並透過參加校外比賽或表演,擴闊學生視野,提升其自信心及自我形象。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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小鬼登島 In Training

鬼島之音 Ghost Island Media

這是特別為實習生所打造的 podcast 節目,全台第一實驗節目,新一代製作人圓夢特別企劃,一個能夠從做中學、現學現賣的最佳舞台!每一期,鬼島之音的小鬼們將從企劃、主持、錄音、剪接、發佈、一路到封面設計等等,不假他人之手,通通「靠自己」從頭到尾一手包辦,完成一集 podcast! 【歡迎加入我們的實習計畫】 你可以私訊鬼島臉書粉專: 或 email 至鬼島信箱 請訂閱+Apple Podcast 五星評論~ 支持小鬼們成為 Podcast 高手,同時,把這個節目推薦給你身邊有 podcast 夢的朋友吧! A podcast by interns at Ghost Island Media. From concept to scripting, recording to editing, and publishing and marketing, our college-age and non-traditional interns develop and produce thei ...
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RailsCasts China由太檑(Terry Tai)制作。 此网站的目的是帮助中国Rails/Ruby社区中的程序员更快更方便的掌握Rails/Ruby开发技巧。这些Screencasts主要针对入门和中级用户。当然如果高级用户也能从中发现一些值得借鉴或者批评的地方,我更是倍感荣幸。我将尽量遵循由浅入深,循序渐进的原则来制作视频。但总体来讲所有视频是互相独立的,所以并不是一个体系完整的教程。因此并不适合作为唯一学习手段,而是更适合作为一种辅助。最后,希望对你有所帮助。
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華人權益促進會全新每月錄音節目將會聚焦三藩市灣區,關注華人移民社區議題。通過與各方社會人士及專家對談,以社區視角出發,談論話題包括華促會核心項目及相關議題的最新資訊,例如移民權益,經濟正義,語言正義及社區正義及其他議題。 節目主要以廣東話及國語為主。 Each month, Chinese for Affirmative Action’s audio workshop series covers issues that impact Chinese-speaking immigrant communities in the San Francisco Bay Area. Through community conversations and interviews with area experts, we explore different community perspectives and connect people with key resources on CAA’s core issue areas such as immigrant rights, economi ...
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事事如意 As Your Wish in our Geoeye 👀


大家好,我們是一群來自林口康橋熱愛社會科學的夥伴! 在經過了地理奧林匹亞的培訓後,著實地打開了咱們地理眼,希望透過我們的分享,能夠讓各位用不一樣的視角認識世界<3 Hello everyone, we are a group of friends from Linkou Kang Chiao who love social sciences! After undergoing training for the Geography Olympiad, we have truly opened our eyes to geography. We hope that through our sharing, we can help you see the world from a different perspective.
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2021-2022 D67國際演講協會-教育訓練系列,由教育訓練主席邱羽立先生錄製。 *中華民國國際演講協會 ( 為一非營利組織,是國際演講協會 ( Toastmasters International, )的地區總會之一(全世界有 16,200個左右演講協會分會,分佈於145個國家),亦是內政部登記有案的民間團體。目前台灣有 184 個分會,使用的語言有英語 、日語、國語、閩南語、客語,組織成員有各行各業的一般社會大眾、學生、專業人士、及社區居民。 本會遵循世界總會的宗旨與訓練模式,訓練會員演講技巧、琢磨溝通藝術、發揚語文趣味,以及培養領導人才。 每次例會的演練包括「講笑話訓練」、「即席問答訓練」、「指定演講訓練」、「個別講評訓練」、「總主持人訓練」、「總講評訓練」,會員們透過不同的進階套裝課程,增加面對大眾演說的自信,更學習到溝通及領導能力。除了例會外,協會每年舉辦全國英語、國語、閩南語、客語等有備演講比賽、即席問答比賽或個別講評比賽。各分會間亦有聯誼活動,以增進彼此情誼。(以上文字取 ...
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每周更新一到两期。 每期节目5-8分钟。 有趣的歌曲背景介绍,歌词知识点讲解。 经典歌曲推荐,用一首歌的时间,带你领略英文歌曲的魅力。 亲爱的听众朋友们你们好,我是Joey。 感谢收听壹周电台,Joey每周会带领大家用一首歌的时间轻松学习英语。朗朗上口的英文歌,简单易学好用的英文句子: 午后小憩的轻松时光,睡前灯下的朦胧时刻; 碎片时间,完整学习,让你的学习充实而快乐~ 【喜欢音乐的Joey将精选的音乐与你分享,并将与歌曲相关的英文表达抽出简化,给大家讲解,欢迎订阅哦~】
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show series
如果你有興趣成為代課老師或喜歡照顧小朋友,今集節目非常適合你!本集節目將介紹啟明的幼兒教育在職培訓計劃 (英文簡稱為STEP),專門培訓0-5歲小童的代課老師。啟明的人力資源主任Sabrina將講解計劃的一大優點:申請時不需要早期幼兒教育(ECE)學分,大大降低了入行門檻。在帶薪及享有福利的情況下,你可以學習幼兒教育知識並增加經驗,為成為代課老師做好準備。 此外,另一位訪談嘉賓是一位曾經參與STEP計劃的代課老師Anny將分享從報名、接受培訓到最終配對雇主的心路歷程,鼓勵新移民勇於嘗試這個在職培訓計劃。值得一提的是,三藩市在2018年通過了提案C,使低收入和中等收入家庭更容易獲得受資助的托兒服務,並加強對托兒服務者的保障和福利。市政府計劃在2025年將托兒服務者的最低時薪提高到28美元,吸引…
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①Chinese national park transacts tropical rainforest carbon-sink trading ②Terracotta Warriors celebrate 50 years of discovery ③Gate ruins of ancient capital unearthed in central China ④Chinese embrace dog days of summer with sanfu moxibustion ⑤A Thousand Whys: Acupuncture, the Qi stimulator and balancer…
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①Milky Way galaxy can be larger than expected: study ②Beijing launches "rocket street" project to advance commercial space development ③Centuries-old science classic comes alive on stage ④Items related to ancient Great Wall guards unearthed in Beijing ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why Chinese people drink herbal tea during Major Heat?…
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①Chief scientist of China's FAST telescope awarded Marcel Grossmann Award ②Researchers develop brain-on-a-chip system, advancing brain-computer interfaces ③Museum trips see peak season during summer vacation ④University in Yunnan province launches China's first coffee major, delving into science of coffee-making ⑤A Thousand Whys: Fantastic mushroom…
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①Chinese and French researchers complete lunar radon-gas detection mission ②Chinese researchers develop novel method to produce crystals ③Shanghai international cruise ports report brisk traffic amid visa facilitation ④China's first "giant panda college" starts enrolling students ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why is the jasmine flower a symbol of timeless eleg…
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①China to formulate over 50 standards for AI sector by 2026 ②Chinese robotics firm, FAW-Volkswagen join hands to build humanoid robot-run car factory ③Chinese museums to offer more convenient access for summer visitors ④As summer begins, Chinese travel market picks up momentum ⑤A Thousand Whys: How the Chinese pavilion got its allure…
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①China unveils bold space exploration roadmap involving asteroids, Martian samples and Jupiter ②Energy-efficient carbon fiber metro train unveiled in China ③Newly-developed neural probe achieves brain-wide neuronal activity recording in macaque brain in China ④Hong Kong Book Fair to feature film and TV literature ⑤Population of rare golden monkeys …
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①China's inbound tourism market posts positive momentum in 2024: report ②Chinese, British scientists retrieve lost wheat genetic diversity, empowering modern breeding ③Lotus grown from millennium-old seed blossoms in south China ④Museum-themed cafés, galleries embraced by Chinese youth ⑤A Thousand Whys: How did ancient Chinese people beat the heat …
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①Italian Renaissance art gaining popularity in China with enhanced cultural exchanges ②China's Village Super League vows to go global in 2028 ③China-made icebreaker research vessel delivered in Guangzhou ④China to boost protection of bird migration routes ⑤A Thousand Whys: How did ancient China protect the environment?…
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①"Light as smoke" ancient Chinese gown on display alongside Italian masterpieces ②Shipwreck findings unveil ancient Maritime Silk Road legend ③Chinese scientists design bio-inspired 3D e-skin ④China-Hungary international air cargo route launched ⑤China now has 85 national-level tourist resorts ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people love mountains …
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①Chinese table tennis legend Ding Ning elected Chair of OCA Athletes' Committee ②Asia's largest wildlife seed bank preserves over 11,000 plant species ③Beijing to hold World Lighting Designer Forum in July ④China's digital technology empowers durian cultivation in Thailand ⑤Chinese scientists prove early insulin therapy effective for type 2 diabete…
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①Self-driving test made on Beijing-Xiong'an expressway ②Air sports fever in Hainan highlights mutual promotion of sports, tourism ③Chinese university develops six-legged guide robot for blind people ④China to start construction of marine archaeology museum this year ⑤3,000-year-old rock painting cluster discovered in Qinghai ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why i…
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