“That's taxpayer’s money that is going to support research and development and pilot projects to develop a food system that is based on environmental destruction and greed and disregard for animals, fish, and any of the other marine mammals that might be around it.” - Andrianna Natsoulas Andrianna Natsoulas is the campaign director for Don't Cage Our Oceans, an organization that exists to keep our oceans free from industrial fish farms. Offshore finfish farming is the mass cultivation of finfish in marine waters, in underwater or floating net pens, pods, and cages. Offshore finfish farms are factory farms that harm public health, the environment, and local communities and economies that rely on the ocean and its resources. Don’t Cage Our Oceans are a coalition of diverse organizations working together to stop the development of offshore finfish farming in the United States through federal law, policies, and coalition building. And, although it is not yet happening, right now the US Administration and Congress are promoting this kind of farming, which would be nothing short of disastrous for the oceans, the planet and the people and animals who live here. dontcageouroceans.org…
Leave Space | Make Good Art | Tell Stories 這是一個分享新音樂藝術、國內外文藝相關新聞、極簡主義、以及各種心情人物、藝文相關故事的頻道。藉由不定期更新的Podcast、部落格和Youtube,以訪談和說故事的方式來推廣生活即是藝術的理念,最終讓聽眾能隨時從生活的小細節當中找到靈感,進而鼓勵大家自發性地親近現代藝術與音樂。 如果你有去過一些音樂會和藝術展覽,發現自己霧裡看花? 或是你曾經在聽音樂會的時候在樂章間拍手而尷尬不已? 不要害怕,這是一個包容各種「聲音(響)」的空間,訂閱起來就對了! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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La Monte Young - John Cage的粉絲,他寫了許多讓人匪夷所思的音樂。一些樂評用"反藝術",甚至還用"natural disaster"這樣強烈的字眼來形容他的作品。放生蝴蝶是音樂嗎?在觀眾面前生火也是音樂嗎? 如何在無可避免的動態中找到靜止? 讀書/工作可以聽療癒的 The Well-Tuned Piano? 進來了解一下,美國極簡主義作曲家 La Monte Young 的創作理念吧! Music by HONÜ - Summer Sunshine - https://thmatc.co/?l=47B429A0 ------------------ Contact : Youtube - www.youtube.com/channel/UCkV51LVp8kiryA7…
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天氣炎熱,出門口罩戴好戴滿,回家喝生啤看Netflix! Music by Ryan Little - Bloom - https://thmatc.co/?l=40A73979 ------ Contact : Youtube - www.youtube.com/channel/UCkV51LVp8kiryA7mvwTCUqw Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/minimalu.art/ Website - https://theminimalu.wordpress.com/ Podcast - https://anchor.fm/theminimalu Email - theminimalu@gmail.com Powered by Firsto…
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疫情的關係,鹽田千春的展覽,就這樣硬生生的無法去see it in person! 沒關係,進來了解一下,鹽田千春背後的創作理念吧! 你有沒有想過如何用藝術來表達"不存在的存在"? 讓比草間彌生更偏執的編織者 - 鹽田千春來告訴你吧!還有,我邀請到我拉二胡的捧油來跟我一起不專業瞎聊,一不小心就聊得太不專業的冗長,請小心服用!哈~ Music by Kevatta - spellbook - https://thmatc.co/?l=E007B1BB -------------------- Contact : Youtube - www.youtube.com/channel/UCkV51LVp8kiryA7mvwTCUqw Instagram - https://www.instagram…
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美國極簡主義作曲家 Steve Reich 被紐約時報評為: “美國最棒的在世作曲家!”,又被 The Voice 雜誌稱為: "最有原創力的思考者!" 到底是哪裡原創?原創的思考點又是什麼呢?進來聽聽就知道囉! Music by Goosetaf, anbuu - Shoaling - https://thmatc.co/?l=2C49CD65 --------------- Contact : Youtube - www.youtube.com/channel/UCkV51LVp8kiryA7mvwTCUqw Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/minimalu.art/ Website - https://theminimalu.wordpres…
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很多人說到John Cage,第一個就是想到他的4'33''! 來聽聽看無聲之父Cage是如何從嚴謹的十二音列走向機遇音樂的不歸路(?)吧!XD ▫️背景音樂 Music by Naomi - Tokyo Koen (feat. AmtWorld) - https://thmatc.co/?l=6DF2725B --------- Contact : Youtube - www.youtube.com/channel/UCkV51LVp8kiryA7mvwTCUqw Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/minimalu.art/ Website - https://theminimalu.wordpress.com/ Email - theminima…
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