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In the Loop with Andy Andrews

Andy Andrews, hosted by David Loy

In the Loop with Andy Andrews will expose you to the powerful yet simple principles that, once applied, will change your life forever. Hosted by New York Times bestselling author and in-demand corporate speaker Andy Andrews, this podcast will expose you to the things Andy has been doing in his own life for years that have allowed him to achieve his desired results both professionally and personally. Listeners will also get a behind-the-scenes look into Andy's personal life as he shares stori ...
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show series
On this week's episode, I'm filling you in on what's been going on since our last episode, why we're starting a new show, and details on where and when you can find it. This is our final episode for In The Loop, but you can hear more by subscribing to my new podcast, The Professional Noticer, at Tune in for a sneak peak of w…
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In this episode, we discuss Andy’s work with football teams Wisdom is a deep understanding of principle. You can always gain deeper understanding in a continuing process. Until you know why a principle works, you can’t use it to its fullest potential. Andy will work with just about any coach. Some are more receptive than others. There is always an …
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In this episode, we conclude our discussion of the story of The Traveler’s Gift. The Traveler’s Gift shaped Andy’s career. Andy continues to gain a deeper understanding of the 7 Decisions. The publisher wasn’t interested, the bookstores weren’t interested, and the public was unaware. Andy knew that God hadn’t taken him this far just to fail. He bou…
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In this episode, we discuss the story of The Traveler’s Gift. The Traveler’s Gift wasn’t successful right away. Fifty-one publishers rejected it over three and a half years. When the book was finally published, it didn’t sell through its initial 10,000 copies. At one point, Andy lost an entire chapter and had to rewrite it from scratch. It took And…
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In this episode, we discuss Mac’s new book, The Trust Protocol. Forge credibility through integrity and action. Focus on being a reliable person. Connect with other reliable people. There is no community without accountability and no accountability without community. Trust is critical to any community. “Let us consider how we may spur one another o…
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In this episode, we answer a listener's question on energy. Energy comes from wise choices and working within your passion. Be intentional about your choices; don’t just have good intentions. Working within your passion can give you the energy to push yourself to exhaustion. Make little adjustments to make sure you’re aligned with your passion. Ene…
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In this episode, we answer a listener's question on change. People believe that you have to hit rock bottom to change. Hitting rock bottom can be what facilitates change but it's not necessary. This can happen and thus it is true but not The Truth. You can live your life without ever approaching rock bottom. Figure out ways to open your eyes before…
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In this episode, we discuss Brian Buffini’s new book The Emigrant Edge. Have a voracious desire to learn. Be careful what media you consume. If you work harder on yourself than on your job, you’ll go from making a living to making a fortune. Have a heartfelt spirit of gratitude. If you’re full of gratitude, you can’t be full of entitlement or depre…
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In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on raising children. Don’t just raise great kids. Raise kids who become great adults. You can force your child to be a great kid, but only while they’re in front of you. Teach them how to think, not what to think. Teaching a child how to think requires long conversations about what you believe and ho…
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In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on shared custody. Provide children with consistency in rules between both parents. Divorced parents often feel anxious about what their children think, so they grow lax on the rules. Have a conversation centering around your love for your children. Both parents should love their children more than t…
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In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on affirmations. Recite affirmations at least twice a day. Recite once in the morning after you brush your teeth but before you check your messages. Recite once at night before you get in bed and before you get tired. Memorize a specific line that speaks to you. Stay motivated to keep using these aff…
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In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on how to convince someone to change their behavior. The concept of change is often misunderstood. There are 2 elements required to get someone to change: They need to understand the effect change will have in their life. They need proof beyond a reasonable doubt that change will help them. Society h…
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In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on spousal support. Every marriage goes through hard times eventually. Men sometimes have a hard time opening up when they feel bad. Go to someone your spouse trusts and ask them to talk to your spouse. Sometimes the person we’re closest to isn’t the person we can hear advice from. Part of their self…
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Discussion line: In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on becoming somebody who asks “Why?” Andy’s levels of achievement from The Little Things: Z: Z’s are the people who don’t do, don’t know, and don’t accomplish anything. D: D’s know how to do T: T’s can not only do something but can also teach L: L’s can not only do and teach but can …
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In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on difficulties with their adult child. You’re never going to stop being a parent to your adult child, but you’re not their authority unless they allow it. They don’t have to agree with you about what the best is. Wise people never let themselves out from under the umbrella of authority, even if they…
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In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on self-control. You can’t force real change in your child. Most parents who want their child to change, try to force the change by setting tight rules. To change someone you need two things: what’s in it for me, and proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Have conversations with your child about their futu…
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In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on the relationship between forgiveness and trust. Forgiveness has the power to either bind or release a family, business, or relationship. Forgiveness means more to the forgiver than to the person being forgiven. In order to forgive someone, they don’t have to ask for it, deserve it, or even be awar…
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In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on confidence in leadership Good leaders are honest about what they know. We don’t follow people who claim to know everything. Good leaders admit they don’t know everything and never stop learning. Good leaders let others be part of the solution. Lead people into realizing their own solution. If you …
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In this episode, we demonstrate how to harness the two ingredients of real, lasting change with a chapter from The Little Things. Why does change give us such a hard time? It has to do with our three incorrect beliefs about change. Myth 1: It takes time to change. (Real change happens instantly) Myth 2: A person must want to change. (People change …
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In this episode, Andy reads a chapter from The Little Things on the concept of “almost.” A little thing (like 1/16th of an inch) can make a huge difference. Most people attempt to create the big picture all at once when starting a new endeavor. When the big picture doesn’t appear as quickly as they hope, they get discouraged. Small, strategic moves…
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In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on overcoming hardships. God knows what He’s doing. We have a limited understanding. Sometimes parents allow their children to go through difficulties because they want what’s best for their child. Hardships can be a blessing. Adversity builds muscle. I wouldn’t have chosen to live under a pier, but …
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In this episode, we answer listeners’ questions on the keys to personal growth and helping grown children change negative behavior. The Key to Personal Growth Personal growth comes down to one thing: doing something. You can read all the books you want, but at some point, you need to take action. Make sure there’s a purpose behind your personal gro…
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In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on self-promotion. Are you promoting your product or yourself? If you promote your product successfully, you’ll become known without having to promote yourself. The Bible says you’ll be known by your works. Give your product away strategically. Explain the value of your product. What will the product…
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In this episode, we discuss a listener’s question on time management. It’s important to know how to be busy. It takes a certain mindset to be able to make yourself move forward when you aren’t sure where to start. Nobody can do everything. Determine what’s best for you. Look at what you do have time to do. Take advantage of the small chunks of time…
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In this episode, we answer a listener’s series of questions on success. The true meaning of success is ultimately up to you. Don’t allow others to define what success looks like in your life. Most people have tunnel vision when they think of success. They think success means money, cars, planes, boats, big houses, and travel. They don’t think about…
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In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on getting students to believe they’re learning helpful information. People can only accomplish what they believe they can accomplish. I call this “belief imposition.” What you believe controls how you behave—whether it’s true or not. If you want someone to change what they believe, you need to know …
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In this episode, we discuss the keys to helping children who’ve recently lost a loved one. Talk to them about what happened and what’s going to happen next. Explain to them their loved one’s last breath on Earth is their first breath in Heaven. Let them know they’ll be sad for a while, but the pain will go away. Help fill in the gap. Teach them thi…
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In this episode, we discuss a listener’s question on helping society change its habits and focus. Mass change requires individual change. Each person must come to his or her own conclusion. There are two components of change: 1) What’s in it for me, and 2) Proof beyond a reasonable doubt. We set an example for others. People examine us by the fruit…
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In this episode, we discuss how to know whether your kids are on the right track. Pay attention to little clues. Examine their fruits. Check growth periods along the way to see areas where your kids still need to grow. Watch your children to see if they put your teachings into process. Look for wisdom and thoughtfulness. Check their level of unders…
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On this week’s episode, we discuss a listener’s question about what Andy did to prepare his boys for exposure to pornography. Start preparing your kids for adulthood early on. Explain to them why you make the decisions you do regarding what you watch, read, and listen to. Point to your spouse as an example of someone your kids should marry. Talk to…
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In this episode, we discuss a listener’s question regarding how to inspire kids to think outside the box and dream big. Kids need to be comfortable being different. Everyone wants different results, but no one wants to be different. Teach them how to deal with problems. Problems are a great way of connecting your kids with the things they want in l…
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In this episode, we discuss a listener’s question regarding giving advice to his college-aged son. Children are in a lot of danger because of this. There’s a big difference between teaching how to think and what to think. The danger starts in elementary school. Kids need a lot of time with their parents. You can teach them how to think. It’s import…
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In this episode, we discuss two listener questions regarding how to identify a reliable source and how to speak without notes. How to Find a Credible and Reputable Source Examine the “leaves” people drop. In The Noticer, Jones talks about how much you can learn about a tree from one of its leaves. The same is true for people. Look at someone’s acti…
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In this episode, we discuss a listener’s question about helping two family members with different personality types get along and appreciate each other. When you don’t understand the different personality types, you tend to have trouble getting along with certain people. That makes it hard to be grateful for personality differences. Have conversati…
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In this episode, we discuss a listener’s question about moving forward from a horrific childhood and mending broken relationships. Sometimes when you feel like something is holding you back—it’s actually you. This is good news, though, because you have control. There’s always someone out there who had it worse. Your past made you who you are today.…
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In this episode, we discuss a listener’s question about overcoming the pain of being homeless. Do you ever lose the pain of being homeless? You can lose the pain, but that doesn’t mean you’ll lose the memories. You can choose to focus on the good parts of a situation. People with a “glass-half-full” mindset naturally get more opportunities. Others …
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In this episode, we discuss a listener’s question on preparing girls to deal with boys who don’t treat them well. Prepare girls to be self-reliant. There’s a lot to be said for the teenager who doesn’t always have to be with a pack of kids. They should compare other boys to their father and how he treats their mother. This should be the minimum sta…
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In this episode, we discuss a listener’s question about recognition and participation trophies. This participation thing is harmful to kids. There is a whole generation of people out there who don’t know what they’re good at or what they want to do. We don’t just want to raise great kids—we want to raise kids who become great adults. When you get t…
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In this episode, we discuss a listener’s follow-up question to last week’s episode about being offended. Make sure no one in your family is easily offended. If you want to raise kids who become great adults, teach them not to take offense. You can never have the best for your family without knowing the truth. Easily offended people are often unwill…
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In this episode, we discuss the impact one seemingly small thing has on our ability to move forward in our careers. Taking offense can keep you from success. When we take offense, it only produces a feeling. You ultimately choose whether you take offense to something or brush it off. Offended people often feed off their offense and their anger buil…
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In this week’s episode, a listener asks for Andy’s best advice for a first-time dad. People will tell you they’ll grow up fast…and that’s true. • As an older dad, Andy paid attention to every moment he could—and his boys still grew up fast. “Discipline them while they're young, or you’ll ruin their lives.” – King Solomon • Be harder on your childre…
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On this week's episode, we discuss a listener's question on discerning when to persist and when God is closing a door. Persisting without exception means when there isn’t a way, you find a way. The Traveler’s Gift was turned down 51 times before it was finally published. Sometimes all you need is an idea, but you can’t get one if you quit. The qual…
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In this week’s episode, we discuss the questions we’ve always wondered if there were answers for. Tune in this week to hear Andy’s take on questions like: • Why are there no B batteries? • Why aren’t there E’s on report cards? • Why does the Easter Bunny carry eggs? • And so much more! You can also hear more from Andy by subscribing to his new podc…
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In this episode, we discuss our favorite Christmas memories as children. Tune in this week to hear about… • When Andy’s family opens presents • Andy’s favorite gift and the story behind it • The role football plays in his holidays • How Andy’s parents did Christmas • Andy’s favorite Christmas movie and why • How different things were when Andy was …
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In this episode, we discuss the reason Andy wrote an article regarding the anniversary of Pearl Harbor. We study history to learn from our mistakes. It’s vital to see, as a country, what we did right so we can keep doing it—and what we did wrong so we can avoid it. It’s important to teach U.S. History to avoid an undercurrent of misinformation goin…
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This week, I answer a listener’s question on what they should say to their nephew who has been in prison for a decade. Most people in prison think so much about getting out, they don’t know what to do when they finally are. • This leads to a huge amount of people who end up back in prison. • You can help them plan how they will achieve the life the…
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In this episode, I answer a listener’s question on working with people on tenure who no longer do a good job. For the future of our country, we have to convince people there’s no free lunch. • Imagine if everyone had a checkmark beside their name so they couldn’t be fired—regardless of their performance. • Some people feel like they shouldn’t have …
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In this episode, our special guest, Cindy Monroe, reveals the secrets behind her massive entrepreneurial success. Cindy came up with her idea 13 years ago in Hixson, TN. • She saw boutiques popping up all over her town, but noticed they all closed at 6pm—right when women got off work. • She decided to create 31 Gifts, a direct sales company that se…
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In this episode, we discuss the best way to deal with people who are bitter. It’s important to understand the difference between a choice and a mistake. • A mistake is something like turning right at a stop sign when you were supposed to turn left, causing you to arrive late to a meeting. You can apologize for this. • A choice is something that was…
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In this episode, I give advice to a listener who has a business meeting with a big-time buyer. Most people approach this situation by preparing to talk about themselves or their product. • Whoever you are meeting with already knows a lot about you or your product—otherwise you wouldn’t be meeting with them in the first place. • The person you are m…
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