Mihilizem je pogovorni podkast, ki mu nikakor ne smete verjeti, saj je žlahtni nejeveri pravzaprav namenjen. S pametnimi ljudmi govori o tistih neumnostih sveta, ki se jim preudarni, servilni in zato popularni vzdrževalci obstoječe religije neskončne gospodarske rasti, ki krasijo naslovnice in ekrane, z razlogom izogibajo.
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The latest in politics with a range of Māori commentators and newsmakers.
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nothing beats those real, raw, conversations you have with your best friend about important sh*t. empower with tesh & mihi is the podcast full of all the yaps you need to feel empowered to live your best life; it’s giving endless laughter, some tears & always 100% honesty. we’re two girls in our late 20s, living in a new city with zero responsibilities, figuring out how to build lives we’re totally obsessed with. who needs therapy when we have each other?
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Something which will stimulate your mind Going to add some value in your life . Sharing real life experiences of different situations ,people ,circumstances . Let’s discuss and try how we can try to add some change in our thinking and environment
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About Myself & Why i am starting podcast & my area of expertise.
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Mihir Sharma, Senior Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation, explains the stories that matter to India and the world. The podcast demystifies the headlines in your newspaper and the findings in research papers alike – and draws on the expertise and commentary of the community and network.
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Welcome to "The Negotiation Mastery"—your essential podcast for mastering negotiation and driving sales success. Hosted by Mihir Koltharkar, a globally recognized expert in B2B sales and negotiation training, each episode is packed with actionable strategies, real-world insights, and proven techniques to help you close deals faster and more effectively. Whether you're overcoming objections or negotiating high-stakes contracts, this podcast equips you with the tools you need. Subscribe now an ...
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¿Cuál es tu propósito de vida? Una pregunta un poco fuerte ¿no? Pero son esas preguntas, las difíciles de constar, las que nos dan las mejores respuestas si pensamos en ellas con el detenimiento necesario. Este podcast tiene la idea de ser una serie de lecciones que le dejaré a mi hijo y a todo aquel que decida escuchar sobre un solo respecto: ¿CÓMO VIVIR UNA VIDA PLENA Y CON PROPÓSITO? Recuerda: el desarrollo personal no es algo que ocurre de la noche a la mañana. Así que semana a semana va ...
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Send us a text when we were teenagers, we thought we'd have it all figured out by now—marriage, kids, a dream home... but life had other plans! in this episode, we reflect on the expectations we set for ourselves when we were younger vs. the reality of where we’ve ended up. we dive into our thoughts on marriage, staying single, having kids (or not)…
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Irena je avtorica Svetišč narave. Knjige, ki je eno pomembnejših bralnih presenečenj leta. Sedem tednov je preživela v različnih habitatih iz slovenskega nabora in dokazala, da popolna izkušnja leži tik za domačim pragom. Zagotovo imate doma tudi kakšnega izmed njenih izletniških vodnikov. Njena strast so povedke in pripovedke, vezane na hribe, kar…
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In an extended interview, Willie Jackson discusses the state of the Māori nation, including the controversial resignation of Richard Prebble from the Waitangi Tribunal. Go to this episode on rnz.co.nz for more details由RNZ
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Doktor Tomazin je človek, ki se nerad hvali, zato pa z veliko žlico živi in razmišlja. Je specialist urgentne in družinske medicine, starosta helikopterskega reševanja. V žepu ima pet osemtisočakov, z nekaterih je tudi smučal. Z zmajem je poletel s strehe Afrike, s padalom od vsepovsod. Vozi motor, obožuje base jump. Piše knjige in pesmi, če sneži …
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V zadnjem času je ministričin svetovalec za medije, sicer pa predvsem človek prakse. O medijih in tehnologijah misli, bere in piše od sredine devetdesetih. Definitivno človek, ki nam lahko pomaga špekulirati, kako se bodo nadaljevali časi informacijske evolucije, ko je vsakdo lahko svoj medij in ko predsedniki raje hodijo k podkasterjem kot pa na t…
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Following a “tense” pōwhiri at Waitangi, Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka and Treaty Negotiations Minister Paul Goldsmith discuss the health of Māori-Crown relations. Go to this episode on rnz.co.nz for more details由RNZ
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MP for Te Tai Tokerau Mariameno Kapa-Kingi discusses Te Pāti Māori’s proposal for a treaty commissioner and the challenges facing her electorate as Ngāpuhi hosts the commemorations for the 185th anniversary of the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Go to this episode on rnz.co.nz for more details由RNZ
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Greens co-leader Marama Davidson announces her return to mahi after breast-cancer treatment. In an exclusive interview with Mata, Davidson discusses her experience of the health system, her prognosis for parliamentary politics, and her priorities for the year ahead. Go to this episode on rnz.co.nz for more details…
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Vesna Milek je pač Vesna Milek. Če je ne bi bilo, bi si jo morali izmisliti. Ikona. Po njenem svežem romanu Kleopatra sva prepotovala zgodovino in v nje protagonistkah, protagonistih in zgodbah našla marsikaj. Tudi sebe. Vesna se vmes izjemno sprosti, kar se ne zgodi vsak dan. Uživajte.由RTVSLO – Val 202
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Je človek, ki se trudi biti človek, kar ga večkrat dela čudnega ali posebnega. In to je pravzaprav naša težava. Sploh, kadar smo v vlogi tistega, ki njegovo pojavo in misli začuti kot čudne. Je filozof, okoljevarstvenik in pisatelj, čigar sveži roman Ljubezen 22, plagiat toplo priporočam kot podporo k razumevanju pričujočega bluesa v dvoje.…
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Je prva Slovenka na Everestu. In devetnajsta Zemljanka. In, ja, priimek izda, da je poročena s prvim Jugoslovanom na strehi sveta Andrejem Štremfljem. Je upokojenka z instagram profilom, ki ji ga lahko zavida vsaka outdoor vplivnica. Marija je zakon!由RTVSLO – Val 202
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Four months after her body was found on a Northland beach, Joanna Sione-Lauaki's murder is unsolved. Her whānau is desperate for answers -- and they want cruel rumours to stop, so they can grieve. Go to this episode on rnz.co.nz for more details由RNZ
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Če bi ga zmerjali s komikom, bi mu delali krivico, ker je v resnici pesnik. Žan je ena najmehkejših dušic, ki pustošijo po domači sceni, zato ga včasih lastni sistemi izklopijo. Toda vedno se vrne boljši.由RTVSLO – Val 202
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Karel Gržan je duhovnik, mislec, pisec, filozof in kmet. Pravzaprav mu je težko določiti vlogo. Malo je ljudi, ki govorijo tako preprosto in ponižno resnico, kot jo govori on. Druženje z njim, pa naj si bo v knjigi, pripovedi ali v živo, ima vedno posledice. Da ne boste rekli, da vam nismo povedali.由RTVSLO – Val 202
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Katka Žbogar je antropologinja in pedagoginja, ki ji je mar, kaj oblikuje generacije prihodnosti. Problem sedanjosti, ki vodi v distopično prihodnost, vidi v ekranih, ki vedno bolj postajajo vzgojna norma.由RTVSLO – Val 202
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Send us a text we’ve officially settled into melbourne, & it’s been a rollercoaster! in this episode, we dive into why we decided to make the move, the challenges of getting everything in order — from finding a place to live to navigating all the life admin associated with a move overseas — & what we’ve learned along the way. most importantly, we t…
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High-stakes negotiations can be daunting. Whether you’re negotiating a major contract, closing a critical deal, or navigating a tense business dispute, the pressure can feel overwhelming. But with the right strategies, you can turn that pressure into an advantage and succeed even in the most challenging circumstances. In this episode, we’re going t…
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V nekem zaspanem trenutku socialističnega družbenega konsenza, da je vse prav, je prešvican mulc v Mostah zakričal, da ni tako, da je vse skupaj en navaden dolgcajt! Ime mu je bilo Peter. In mu je še. In spet mu je dolgcajt.由RTVSLO – Val 202
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“Insulting to everybody”—former Minister for Treaty Negotiations Andrew Little shares his views on the Treaty Principles Bill, the realignment of Te Arawhiti, the disestablishment of Te Aka Whai Ora, and the inquiry into state abuse. Go to this episode on rnz.co.nz for more details由RNZ
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Send us a text we know self-love matters but it's hard to prioritise it when we're trying hard to overcome our insecurities at the same time. in this episode, we reflect on our own insecurities, how we stay confident & why we think we all need to be totally obsessed with ourselves. most importantly, we talk about what we can all do to show up as th…
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Leopold je tudi Michael, ker je imela mama rada Jackota. Leopold se ne more pretvarjati, da je gangsta, ker ni iz Dravelj, ampak je iz Radgone. Leopoldu ne paše preveč nastopat, zato pa toliko več pove. Lepold je Prvi, je pa tudi prvi raper v Mihilizmu.由RTVSLO – Val 202
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The mother of the three missing Marokopa children tells Mata Reports she believes a recent exchange between a pig hunter and her daughter was a cry for help. Watch the video version of this story here. Go to this episode on rnz.co.nz for more details由RNZ
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Send us a text we've been best friends for half of our lifetime; through all the ups, downs & everything in between, our friendship has never been stronger. in this episode, we reflect on our own friendship, how to recover from friendship break ups & why we think friendship is more important than romantic relationships. most importantly, we talk ab…
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Send us a text it's been almost a year since we last spoke & a lot has changed - including this podcast! in this episode, we talk about what's been going on during the podcast hiatus, how much life has shifted & what you can expect from the podcast moving forward. most importantly, we talk about the biggest lesson of the year which is: when you don…
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David Zupančič je avtor knjižnih uspešnic, zdravnik in človek s poslanstvom. Je dober človek. Je nemiren človek, ki obvlada mir. Na pamet zna Jesiha, znanstveno fantastiko piše v angleščini. David je model. Pika.由RTVSLO – Val 202
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In 2022, Perenara McAllister was killed in emergency accommodation. It was captured on CCTV and seen by witnesses, but police refuse to charge the man who stabbed him. His parents speak out about their fight for justice. Watch the video version here. Early one Saturday evening back in March 2022, Ange McAllister’s phone started buzzing from a numbe…
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Treaty lawyer and former Mana Party candidate Annette Sykes discusses the amendments to the Marine and Coastal Areas Act, and Te Tai Tonga MP Tākuta Ferris shares how it will impact his electorate and his first year in Parliament. Go to this episode on rnz.co.nz for more details由RNZ
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Te Rūnanga o ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori co-chair Rawiri Wright discusses Te Wiki o Te Reo, and Taxpayer Union Executive Director Jordan Willliams shares his views on the Treaty Principles Bill. Te Rūnanga o ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori co-chairperson Rawiri Wright discusses Te Wiki o Te Reo, and Taxpayer Union Executive Director Jordan Willliams shares his v…
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Mata is at the tangihanga of the seventh Maaori monarch as the motu descends on Tuurangawaewae to pay their respects. We speak to Waikato Tainui Communications Manager Jason Ake, broadcaster Rangi Pokiha, and Waikato communications strategist Amomai Pihama. Go to this episode on rnz.co.nz for more details…
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In this new video investigation from the Mata Reports series by the Aotearoa Media Collective, Mihingarangi Forbes and Annabelle Lee-Mather visit Kawerau and hear warnings about the fast-track legislation. Watch the video version here. As the country debates the merits of fast-track legislation, Mata Reports looks at an early example, one that took…
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Kaipara District Councillor Pera Paniora speaks about her council’s decision to scrap its Māori ward, and commentators Hinurewa Te Hau and Meka Whaitiri discuss the latest in politics. After the Kaipara District Council voted to suddenly disestablish its Māori ward, Pera Paniora speaks about her seat being scrapped and how the vote unfolded amid lo…
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Labour MP Willow-Jean Prime discusses the opposition to 7AA and the Ngāpuhi hīkoi to Parliament, and Green MP Tamatha Paul shares her views on military boot camps. On Monday, Ngāpuhi representatives led a hīkoi to Parliament in opposition to the repeal of Section 7AA of the Oranga Tamariki Act. Currently, 827 tamariki in state care whakapapa to Ngā…
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Former Minister for Māori Development Willie Jackson shares his views on the upcoming Treaty Principles Bill and Seymour's Pharmac Treaty directive. Then we're joined by panelists Hinurewa Te Hau and Dr. Lara Greaves. Labour Māori Development spokesperson Willie Jackson says the government is introducing the Treaty Principles Bill "by stealth." Opp…
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Minister for Māori Development Tama Potaka discusses the big challenges facing Māori and how the coalition government plans to address them. Watch the video version of this episode here. The Minister for Māori Development is standing by what language experts call a "factually incorrect" translation of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. A group of 27 licensed Mā…
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prof. dr. Tanja Petrović: Danes pogrešamo možnost, da se med seboj prepoznavamo glede na to, kakšni ljudje smo
Doktorica Tanja Petrović je antropologinja in jezikoslovka, ki zgodovino bere iz konzerv jadranskih sardin, JLA tatujev in podobnih ostalin polpretekle zgodovine, ki jih, kadar smo površni ali površne, radi odvržemo na smetišče jugonostalgije. Kaj zgodbe teh predmetov in pojavov sporočajo po 33 letih?…
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Green MP Teanau Tuiono on the failure of the latest carbon credits auction and what it means for our climate targets. Then Shane Te Pou and India Logan-Riley discuss the future of the ETS. Go to this episode on rnz.co.nz for more details由RNZ
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Dr. Shane Reti on the government's failure to fund 13 promised cancer treatments and what the budget means for Maori. Then patient advocate Malcolm Mulholland and health expert Dr. Rawiri McKree-Jansen share their views. Go to this episode on rnz.co.nz for more details由RNZ
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Vemo, kdo je Matjaž Kek, ne? Tisti, ki je dovolj nor, da prevzame precej nerealno kolektivno ambicijo, da bo Sloveniji na evropskem prvenstvu v nogometu kdaj lahko uspelo? Ali tisti, ki je dovolj pogumen, da se upa vrniti v Slovenijo, ko našim žogobrcem spet ne uspe? Eno in drugo! Ni lahko biti nogometni selektor.…
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Te Pāti Māori leaders Debbie Ngarewa-Packer and Rawiri Waititi on their nationwide activation to disrupt Budget 2024 and commentators Dr Lara Greaves and Shane Te Pou discuss the latest in politics. Watch the video version of the episode here. Te Pāti Māori leaders Debbie Ngarewa-Packer and Rawiri Waititi on their nationwide activation to disrupt B…
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Je čudovito zanimiv tip. Okej, lahko bi mu rekli tudi čuden tip. Nekoč je imel na Radiu Študent najboljšo in hkrati najslabšo oddajo na svetu – Milo raste vitica. Ker domovina v njem ni pripoznala novinarskega genija, je šel v Berlin in irskim babicam prodajal stacionarno telefonijo. Ko so ga odpustili, se je vrgel v turizem in vlačil pijane študen…
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Tina Olsen-Ratana is a landowner who's landless. For over a century, her whānau's whenua has been caught in perpetual lease, which prevents them from utilising it. As New Zealanders debate the notion of 'one law for all,' we look at the intergenerational impact of the perpetual lease system on Māori landowners. Watch the video version here. Go to t…
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Whānau Ora chairperson Merepeka Raukawa-Tait on 7AA and the future of Whānau Ora under the coalition. Then Kiritapu Allan and Haimona Gray discuss the politics of toilets and tikanga, as well as what might be in the budget for Māori. Watch the video version of the episode here. Whānau Ora chairperson Merepeka Raukawa-Tait on 7AA and the future of W…
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Matjaža sem slišal v podkastu Odnosi so zakon govoriti o njegovem odnosu z bogom. Pa o tem, kako je poskusil vse vzhodnjaške prakse, preden je, kot pravi sam, postal Jezusov učenec. Izjemno pronicljiv sogovornik, ki ruši vse stereotipe o tem, kaj pomeni slediti nečemu višjemu. Ne pripada nobeni instituciji in ima samo enega šefa. Matjaž je model! U…
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We speak to Ngāti Pukenga representative Rahera Ohia about the iwi's Waitangi Tribunal claim over the repeal of section 7AA of the Oranga Tamariki Act. Then panelists Charlie Rahiri and Koro Nicholas discuss what's on the agenda at the upcoming National Iwi Chairs Forum and the 160-year commemoration for the Battle of Pukehinahina. Under 7AA, Ngā P…
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Uroš je jabolko, ki se je hotelo odkotaliti daleč od drevesa, pa je vseeno zrasel v psihoterapevta. Doktoriral je iz duševnih motenj v športu, v zadnjem času pa presenetil s knjigo, ki je vzdignila kar nekaj prahu: Duševne motnje v športu. Vsem, ki v vrhunskem športu vidite popolnost telesa in duha, branje odsvetujemo. In poslušanje. Uživajte.…
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Former MFAT Minister Nanaia Mahuta shares her views on the Government's position on the war in Gaza, mandatory referendums for Māori wards, and the scrapping of Three Waters. Then we discuss the latest in politics with panelists Lara Grieve and Jack Tautokai McDonald. Watch the video version of the episode here. Former MFAT Minister Nanaia Mahuta s…
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Lučka je lokalni sinonim za zavest o podnebnih spremembah. Pa ne samo lokalni! Spodobi se vedeti, da je njena ekipa pred leti za svoja prizadevanja dobila Nobelovo nagrado. Pravi, da so klimatologinje za segrevanje vedele še v času, ko je nosila kavbojske škornje in o frontah ter okluzijah predavala meni. Dovolj zgodaj? Vse bo jasno, če ji prisluhn…
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Historian Scott Hamilton on Aotearoa's dark history of segregation, and panelists Tina Wickliffe and Shane Te Pou discuss opposition to affirmative action, the surge in anti-trans protests, the government's 36-point plan, and we rate our new Māori MPs. Historian Scott Hamilton on Aotearoa's dark history of segregation, and panelists Tina Wickliffe …
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Miha je teoretični fizik, ki ga z užitkom poslušaš, čeprav ga včasih težko razumeš. Ponižnost je pojem, na katerega sem pomislil, ko mi je goreče pojasnjeval, kaj se je dogajalo v prvi sekundi po nastanku vesolja. Med drugim mirno namigne, da obstaja možnost, da konca sveta ne bo zakrivil človek, pač pa fizikalno dejstvo, da stvari silijo v bolj st…
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Sara Briški Cirman je Raiven, kadar poje, Sara pa, kadar ne. Včasih je tudi oboje. Naša raketa za Evrosong je magistrica solo petja, harfistka, kmalu pa bo končala študij psihoterapije. Upravičeno sklepaš, da samo sebe precej dobro razume. V debati razkrije veliko več, kot od estradne umetnice pričakuješ. Tudi to, kaj človeka zanese v nastopaške po…
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