Great short Bonus Show for all our loyal podcast fans. This week a tremendous comedy team shares comedy and's "Mack & Jamie" , stars of TV's "Comedy Break"; sharing loads of musical humor. Enjoy!
The premier Chicago-based Sex and the City podcast featuring two local twenty-somethings who have a LOT of opinions on your favorite oft-tarnished show.
Whats up Animexeros and welcome to TheAnimexis SatCast, a different type of podcast! News, games, comedy and more, only here! For more info and more videos of TheAnimexis:
Di poscast kali ini kita ngebahas asam basa kehidupan di semester 7, mulai dari matkulnya sampai pesan untuk adek tingkat yg nanti akan ngejalanin. Penasaran kaya gimana? Let's check it out!
Diumur kita yang udah 20an gini, kita mulai ga mau buang-buang waktu dengan hubungan yang cuma main-main, apa lagi kalo hubungannya toxic. Di podcast ini gue ngebahas bareng Gita dan Nisa apa sih tanda-tandanya Toxic Relationship? Check It Out!
Disahinnya UU Cipta Kerja bikin rasa ingin bergelud mahasiswa stonk, pemerintah pinter banget nyari" kesempatan, tapi kek nya mahasiswa gak gentar buat negakin keadilan. Tapi apa kabar sama protokol kesehatan?
Buat Apa Sih Kuliah Jauh-Jauh Ke Luar Negeri? Ga Capek? Di podcast ini gue akan tanya-tanya langsung ke temen gue yang lagi study di german mulai dari alasan kuliah di luar negeri sampai saran untuk kalian yang tertarik juga kuliah di luar negeri. So check it out! Music from Windswept and Night Tale by Kevin MacLeod (httpsincompet…
Welcome... to Carrie's single-minded obsession with herself. Certainly everyone's got Carrie on the brain, is in love with Carrie, can't get over Carrie, and is constantly thinking about Carrie Carrie Carrie! Otherwise, this is an amazing Bunny episode, Miranda is becoming delusional, and Maria is an abuser. Thanks for tuning in!!! <3…
TeChNiCaL dIfFiCuLtIeS prevented this ep from getting up quicker, but fear not, as we've now got a backlog for you all to enjoy in the coming weeks. In this episode, they basically re-hash the entire idea behind "The Fuck Buddy" (S2E14). We see the end of Ray & Carrie and the beginning of Miranda & chocolate, as well as a lot of Trey's John-Thomas.…