Podcast by Team Romney
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Ohio voters now have a choice to make. Mitt Romney has the vision and leadership to solve America’s challenges. As Governor of Massachusetts, he worked with Republicans and Democrats to eliminate a $3 billion deficit and lower the unemployment rate. That’s the type of leader Ohioans need in Washington.…
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Mitt's Closing Argument: Real Change From Day One by Team Romney由Team Romney
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Mitt Romney Delivers The Weekly Republican Address by Team Romney由Team Romney
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Our Navy: New Hampshire by Team Romney由Team Romney
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Our Navy: Florida by Team Romney由Team Romney
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Our Navy: Virginia by Team Romney由Team Romney
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Mitt Romney's Audio Remarks 10.21.12 by Team Romney由Team Romney
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El anuncio es con el comediante hispano, Paul Rodríguez. Paul no pertenece a ningún partido político, pero cree que esta elección se trata sobre el futuro que les queremos dejar a nuestros hijos y nietos.由Team Romney
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Paul Ryan's Audio Remarks 10.13.2012 by Team Romney由Team Romney
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No Laughing Matter by Team Romney由Team Romney
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Mitt Romney's Audio Remarks 10.6.2012 by Team Romney由Team Romney
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Mitt Romney's Audio Remarks 9.29.12 by Team Romney由Team Romney
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Mitt Romney Releases Weekly Podcast On Economic Policies That Foster Upward Mobility by Team Romney由Team Romney
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Mitt Romney's Audio Remarks on the Need for Strong American Leadership by Team Romney由Team Romney
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Mitt Romney today released his weekly podcast on President Obama’s failed economic record and broken promises. The podcast is available each week on mittromney.com.由Team Romney
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Mitt Romney's Audio Remarks On His Plan For A Stronger Middle Class由Team Romney
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Mitt Romney's Audio Remarks On The State Of The Economy by Team Romney由Team Romney
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Audio Remarks On President Obama's Cuts To Medicare by Team Romney由Team Romney
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