A podcast dedicated to helping you build your business and design the life of your dreams.
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Listen and learn from an amazing entrepreneur on how his journey has shaped where he is today with the company that is leading the marketing industry!!
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S5/Ep. 2- Do you need to develop your mindset? Get started here with our special guest, Darnell Amanda...
Do you feel held back, stuck or like you aren't able to enjoy the process of your hustle? Today's guest, Darnell, dives into what it looks like to slow down, identify why & then work through some of your personal struggles so you can grow through them, while improving all areas of your life & actually enjoy it during the process... Podcasts & books…
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Let's check in on those goals you set! Have you already given them up!? Its not too late to get back on track- 2023 is still a baby, we are only 1 month through it. Listen today to hear some ways to re-evaluate and crush this year like a cockroach!
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Take a look back at your year and see how you did. Learn, grow & get ready to launch into 2023!! Thank you for listening- we look forward to another amazing year with all of you! Please send your topic requests & questions!
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We love when our listeners send in topic requests & questions. Here are the questions we cover on this episode: 1. What are your tips for building a great team? How do you build trust with your team? What techniques do you use to support employees who are underperforming? 2. How do you increase productivity without causing burnout? 3. How do you ha…
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What questions do you ask? What things do you look at when talking to prospective candidates? Are you moving through the process quick enough? Listen to some of our tips and tricks when hiring a new team member! Go with your gut & move quick, friends! Thanks for listening! As always- please feel free to share, request topics or send in your questio…
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We went viral guys! We are listening to your questions & answering them! We love you guys- keep the topic requests coming!!! xoxo
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Do you wonder why some leaders & businesses are so successful and others are not? We don't have the magic fix, but have some ideas of what it could be. Listen in for some clues of why some people have so much success & others do not!
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There are many different levels of leadership. Do you tend to be a boss or a leader? Listen up & then take a look at your leadership style.
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There are so many cliche phrases when it comes to being an entrepreneur. Do you agree with these ones or think they are BS?!
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Listen in to hear some fun questions asked, and our best answers given! Thank you for listening, sharing, rating, reviewing & as always sending in your topic requests!! xoxo
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Think about the questions you ask yourself. Think about the answers you get. Think about your results & outcomes. You have the power to control the end result by asking yourself the right questions! Positive & constructive questions = positive and constructive answers!! Thanks for listening! DM us on instagram with your topic ideas for an EJ shirt!…
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We love when you all write in your topic ideas & questions! Listen to this episode to hear 3 great topics from our amazing listeners... You get a free shirt when you request a topic or ask us a question to cover on the podcast. Just slide into our DMs. :)
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Join us for a variety of topics regarding business & development! Listen & learn!
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S4/Ep.8- Don't quit, just get it, get it! How to handle the pressure of being an entrepreneur...
Have you thought,"I should just quit!?" Many & most entrepreneurs have... but the difference is that most of the DON'T! They figure out what they need to do differently to get different results. They face adversity with solutions, they take peoples advice, they put their nose down & take ownership! Thanks for listening! DM us for topic requests & w…
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S4/Ep.7- Create a dream team that will allow you to work ON your business, instead of IN it!
DM your topic requests, ask questions & we will send you an EJ shirt!!
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This episode, we review what we learned from smaller companies, bigger companies and some of the vendors who attended the world's largest franchise gathering last week in San Diego! Hear our takeaways! Thanks for listening & sharing! You da best! xo
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We had some of our favorite listeners DM us some of their questions. Listen here for the answers!!
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Why aren't you doing better than some of your peers or competition?! Theres is no reason to not be as successful as someone who has the same training as you. Listen up & then take it up a notch!
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Hopefully this episode doesn't piss you off to much, or maybe it needs to so you get it! Take responsibility for your life, your business & the things that happen in it! Send us your topics for a free EJ t-shirt! xoxo
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Did you know.... A study conducted by researchers at the University of Scranton found that 23% of people quit their resolution after just one week. And only 19% of individuals are actually able to stick to their goals long term (two years, in the case of the study). Where are you at with your goals? Don't be a quitter! In this episode, we talk abou…
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Let's get this year started off right, by kicking ass in our lives! Please send your 2022 topic ideas, questions, requests, etc. As always, thank you for listening- please share, rate, review! xoxo
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We are so excited to start the new year with a bang! This episode recaps all of our great episodes from this crazy ass year we have had. We are ready to get going on Season 4 of The EJ- I think it will be our best one yet!! Please send us your topic requests, questions, comments, complaints! Love you all- Happy New Year! xoxo…
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Listen to this episode for ways to exceed expectations and keep your customers, clients, patients coming back & talking about your amazing business for days, weeks, months and even years!! Thanks for listening! Please review, share & send your topic requests! xoxo
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Be cautious not to be coasting on the entrepreneur rollercoaster! Full throttle is needed sometimes & cruising is necessary! You don't want to work so hard you forget to enjoy the hustle, but make sure you have time to step out of the business to work on it and not in it constantly. Listen here to know when to press on the gas & when to put it in c…
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What is your mind$et around money? Positive or Negative?
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We are already almost into Q4 for 2021- here is your check in point if you haven't had one yet. Where are you at with accomplishing the goals you set for this year? Did you crush through them & should have set some higher ones? did your plans change? Let's take a look back at this year, see where we are at & then begin to look into 2022 & start set…
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How you react to hard situations, tough times & the inevitable adversity as an entrepreneur will determine your success. the end. Listen to hear some ways to face tough challenges you might face or ways to handle adversity differently than you have in the past. Thanks for listening, please leave a review & share with your friends- and enemies. XO…
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Have you ever wondered why success levels vary so much when two people have gone through the same training, education, program, etc? Us too! Listen in to see what we think causes this....
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We all have fears. Sometimes FEAR come from failing, childhood, or things we THINK might be scary to attempt. Let's figure out where the FEAR comes from that is holding you back & then get rid of it!! Thanks for listening- we hope you can take away some gems from us! Please share, review & send your topic ideas our way! Peace & Love- Dr. J, Dr. B &…
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Learn how to mold your business to NOT be dependent on YOU and YOU only. Learn how to hire, train & grow a team that can sustain your business at the level you can, or even better! Thanks for listening! Please send any topic requests to The EJ on instagram!
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feed·back /ˈfēdˌbak/ 1. information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement. Use this episode to help guide you to providing better feedback in your relationships, co-workers, employees, employers, etc. Thank you for listening & sharing! <3…
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Sometimes having the tough conversation, admitting your fault & making it right is not the easy option in business, but very needed. Its amazing how quickly just ONE unsettled customer can destroy your reputation- Make sure your team and employees know how important this is. Thanks for listening EJers!…
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What could you use an SBA for? real estate? expansion? 2nd location? new business? Dont wait- JUST DO IT NOW!!
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Do you know who your top 10 competitors are? How can they help you grow your business? Why are they your competition? Tune into this episode to find out ways to have your biggest competitors help you step up & dominate. Thanks for listening!
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You swept your team clean. It needed to happen, but now, how do you find the next best team members?? On this episode, hear how to find talent, where to look & why you should bring some one on board... Enjoy! Hire that great team & kick some ass!!
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The secret to knowing when, why & how to firing staff and moving on to better fitting candidates! So many people delay or avoid the tough conversations, but then see instant results when they eliminate the "virus" that some employees can be on your business. Take the steps today to evaluating your team and letting them go if need be.…
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We always hear people talk about headspace, but what does that really mean? How do we get our mindset corrected for what we need it to be? How do we get rid of the negative thoughts & doubt? How do we build our confidence up? Dr. Jason & Dr. Brandon discuss ways to accomplish all of these questions. Sorry I left you guys alone with these two on thi…
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Chelsey, Dr. B & Dr. J here over at the EJ. We are so excited for a new year, bye 2020. We are so excited to bring our listeners all some great new episodes! Please comment with some topics you would like to hear covered! Thank you for your continued support, listens, shares & reviews! You guys are going to achieve great things this year!!…
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WERE YOU BORN WITH IT?? DOES IT DRIVE YOU? com·pe·ti·tion /ˌkämpəˈtiSH(ə)n/ interaction between organisms, populations, or species, in which birth, growth and death depend on gaining a share of a limited environmental resource.
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Join us for an episode filled with rambles, rants, opinions & some really great tips on setting yourself & your business up for success in the new year! Please DM us on instagram with you topic requests & ideas. Thanks for listening- please share with some of your best friends & worst enemies! We appreciate you! Keep kicking ass you little entrepre…
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physical clutter+financial clutter+mental/emotional clutter can all be a huge part of why you might not be reaching the NEXT LEVEL in your career & life. listen to this episode to check your clutter meter & then take steps towards eliminating it! enjoy! As always, thanks for listening. Please rate, review & share with your entrepreneurial friends!…
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Are you wanting to open a business? Not sure where to start? Don't have a plan, or systems? Look to the franchise world for many of these answers & more... Please DM us with your topic request, questions, comments & more! Thanks for listening! Want to know more about owning your very own 100% Chiropractic? Please visit 100PercentFranchise.com xoxo…
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Connecting with people is one of the most important tools to grow! Listen for some tips, tricks & experiences on how to connect on a deeper level so you build trust, accountability and your business, not matter what it is!
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Has Covid got you (& your business) down?! This episode we talk about what you should really be doing now to make sure that once we are passed this BS, you are sailing smooth into the sunset beyond COVID!
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This episode will pour into the importance of having a fire team! We talk about best practices when searching for a team; how to find them, interview them & then once you have the right team, how to inspire them & keep them around!
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About the Show The Franchise Bible Coach Radio Podcast with Rick and Rob features no-nonsense franchise industry best practices and proprietary strategies that franchisors and franchise owners can implement to improve their profitability and operational efficiencies. Our show guests are franchise superstars and everyday heroes that share their tips…
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As we all try to move forward in our personal lives, businesses & all around, here are some ideas to think about as you do! Let's not only get things back to normal, but EVEN BETTER!
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Listen for an in-depth Q&A with The EJ & some of the listeners who own their own businesses. They are wanting answers to many of the questions that business owners have during this COVID crisis in the world. Do you have questions, too? Send them our way and we will answer to the best of our ability! Thanks for listening, reviewing sharing! Cheers!…
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Here is a continuation to our last episode WTF?! enjoy part 2 of WTF?!
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