Join Ben Goldsmith as he speaks to some of the most influential people behind the most exciting and dramatic rewilding projects across the globe.
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Jeff Goldsmith interviews screenwriters and filmmakers alike about their creative process!
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Backstory Magazine publisher and host Jeff Goldsmith interviews writers, directors and actors about their latest films.
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A chronological journey through the filmography of composer Jerry Goldsmith, with special episodes covering new releases and interviews with people who knew (or know about) him well.
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Inspired focus on sharing deep truths to live every day with fulfillment and purpose that flow! Building Unity Inspires Projects together! Offering to consult on and develop any of these topics and beyond to your needs! Connect to our United Souls Content, Course, Books, and Collaboration Albums! Partner with our Unity Projects, Unity Bookings, Unity Marketing, Unity Podcasts with daily/weekly Classes to Inspire Unified Change in Everyday Life! Email now - [email protected]!
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Caroline Goldsmith is a Consulting Clinical Psychologist, Researcher, and Training Specialist who has over 20 years of professional experience. As the Psychology field began to focus on potential development in addition to dysfunction, Caroline studied the flagship three-year Master’s program in Applied Positive Psychology developed by Martin Seligman former President at the University of East London.
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As well as both being professional comedians, Stuart Goldsmith and Sindhu Vee have two other big things in common: they a) are both parents and b) have no idea how to be parents. But hey, does anyone? In this show, the acclaimed host of The Comedian’s Comedian Podcast and the writer/creator of BBC Radio 4's Sindhustan try to find out, seeking the advice of notable parents and experts on how to cope with parenthood, exploring the sacrifices, choices and mistakes made along the way. Light-hear ...
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Good time to say bH lchaim 🍷 🥂 🍷 🥂 wishing all the good Souls & people all the blessings & Yeshuot...Cover Pic - Purim Seudah about to begin enjoy allMoshiach Now - Rav Shlomo Katz Purim @ Shirat David Efrat Lel Tish Lkovod Um Yisrael 😊…
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Host Jeff Goldsmith interviews co-writer-director-producer George Gallo about The Comeback Trail. Download my podcast here Copyright © Unlikely Films, Inc. 2025. All rights reserved.For more great content check out Backstory Magazine @ Backstory.net由Jeff Goldsmith
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“We don’t give nature enough credit. All mankind needs is to do is to move aside and let the natural system return.” Iraq is one of the five countries most touched by some effects of climate change, according to the United Nations. In this episode of Rewilding the World Ben Goldsmith talks with Azzam Alwash, founder of Nature Iraq, about the fabled…
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Odyssey Soundtrack Spotlight - Islands in the Stream (1977) and Doug Fake Memorial, with the Intrada Team and Chris Malone
Intrada's new release of Jerry Goldsmith’s original film tracks for Islands in the Stream gave us the opportunity to not only talk about a score the composer regarded as a personal favorite, but also to share memories of Intrada’s beloved founder, Douglass Fake. On this very special Soundtrack Spotlight, the complete Odyssey team — Jens, Yavar, Dav…
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We continue learning in the Office 🏬 Weekly from the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch on Hilchos Purim 5785 2025. We discuss the Purim Seudah, Purim Mishalos and much more... Bringing the Miracles of Purim for the whole year.Cover Pic is in honor of Achiyah ben Eliyahu Scharf and Rav Shlomo Busso - Sharing the Torah & Song - Hashem Enter Me - Scharf Bris @ Sh…
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Host Jeff Goldsmith interviews co-writer-director-producer George Gallo about The Comeback Trail. Copyright © Unlikely Films, Inc. 2025. All rights reserved. For more great content check out Backstory Magazine @ Backstory.net由Jeff Goldsmith
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Learning Likutei Moharan 37 3 Rebbe Nachman ben Faiga Simcha clarifies what Adam is connected to Giving Charity. Tainnis Esther and Purim brings us from Fasting to Charity as explained, listen carefully... we fix Masculinity by being a giver with Truth...Cover pic is the Kalever Rebbe when he was young... zya a true Purim yid... Happy Purim All - E…
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Learning Lessons in Tanya chapter 30 the fight with the Yetzer Harah is for all of us pushing ourselves, exerting ourselves to do the Rotzon of Hashem always. Especially the week of Purim Parshat Ki Tisa... Cover Pic from Motzai Shabbos Zachor together with the Special Surprise Guests 3rd Meal at the Goldsmith Family - a Purim Shavua Tov from us al…
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Learning Weekly in the Office this time we get to the Special Light of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Halachos on Purim... We experience the 4 special Mitzvot of the day and the Deep Simple Emuna & Simcha Purim brings... Blessings mamesh... Cover Pic from the Chanukat Habayit with the light of Mordechai HaTzaddick in the home - Rav Shlomo Katz and R Nat…
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We learned Likutei Moharan Torah 37 part 3 with a summary of what we learned with my oldest son in Kerestir parts 1 & 2 to catch up with Ari. Cover Pic taken from the Lchaim Chanukat Habayit Motzai Shabbos. Big thank you to Hashem for helping us all focus and shine with light over the dark. #TyHashem for Simchas & Good news only…Lkovod Melava Malka…
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Learning Weekly Lessons in Tanya Chapter 30 we connect to Humilty and the Ability to Judge all Souls Favourably in the most True way... With Simcha we have the Merit to Elevate everyone around us with the deep Torah of Moshiach approach we so clearly need.Cover Pic 📸 Cteen kindly hosting us in Budapest for lunch on our way to Kerestir... PLEASE KEE…
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Holy brothers Menachem Dov, Boruch Yitzchak on the Organ and Nissim Black, a blessing to the team, family, and community Hashem - Ty for coming mamesh #nissimofficial #unityinspiresprojects #unitybookingsArtist growing list - more speakers too bH…
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L’Chaims at the Goldsmith Family Home in Efrat - Ty Hashem - Nissim Black - Unity Inspires Projects!
Holy brothers Boruch Yitzchak and Nissim Black, blessing to the team Hashem - Ty for coming mamesh @rabbishlomokatz @nissimofficial @unityinspiresprojects #unitybookingsUnited Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 2 - by Eli Goldsmith - 51 - Focus by Contracting to Expanding - Advice for our Crazy Generation!…
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We are by the Tzaddick Reb Shayalah Ben Moshe Rosh Chodesh Adar Learning Likutei Moharan Torah 37 on becoming more Refinded. BEH by the time we become 😀 immersed in Toras Chaim, Wisdom that is Pinimiyus, we shall remember the Chessed aka Kindness Hashem does for us constantly...United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 2 - by Eli Goldsmith - 51…
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Surprise Live Unity Flow from the Office in London - Real Purim Connection, Inspiration, New Changes!
#UnityInspiresProjects #unitybookings #UnityFlow #unitymusic #purim #torah #unitymarketing #megilat #esther #supportnow #realkindness #podcast TBA... DM #Kindness @justonechesed @EliGoldsmith Ty @martin.goldsmith.71 & family for hosting, ty friends 🧡, #Tyhashem Unity Marketing - We look forward to marketing your brand, company, organization, and p…
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"We are destroying these ecosystems at our peril, and if we take out these apex predators, like mountain lions or lynx we are messing with our own capacity to survive, not just wildlife." Did you know there are mountain lions living in the very centre of Los Angeles? Some cougars have even gained celebrity status. In the latest episode of Rewilding…
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The Tremendous Nachus Above & Below - On Flight To London through Albania - Learning Tanya Daily!
We learn on a crazy flight to London with a special guest the Daily Tanya of end of Chodesh Shevat & Shovavim about the Awesome Nachus we generate above and below in self development and self control. PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA ben Eliyahu Eliezer Hakohen AND ALL THE SOLDIERS OF YISRAEL 🙏United Souls - Extracts from New Book…
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Shavua Tov all! Learning Lessons in Tanya 29 the last part of the chapter is a very real system of thought to identify ourselves with our soul and subdue the other side. After a beyond special Shabbos Mishpatim Mevorachim Chodesh Adar 🤡 😊 Good times with the Whole Family, the Rosens too... Special 3rd Meal and Motzai Shabbos began the lit way... 🔥 …
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We have the Merit to Climax the week with Learning in the Office and this week it's @ Shirat David Efrat. We continue learning Hilchos Dalet Parshiot & Purim from Sefer Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. The Importance of connection to Shem Hashem and the 4 letters connected to these 4 special parshiot with Purim in the Middle Preparing us for the Revelation o…
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Thank you Hashem for the blessing of our Oldest Son Boruch Yitzchak Ben Masha 💙 ty to all the prayers and kindness... However, he will want to return to such missions of importance in a time of broken heart 💔 s...We need to get clarity, True BRACHA only is established with whole vessels and true #unitedsouls.United Souls - Extracts from New Book Se…
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Football teaches to Scream in Avodas Hashem To Reveal The Secrets Of Creation - Likutei Moharan 36 8
Pinchas Davis came to meet up and we had a quick Likutei Moharan session from Rabbeinu Nachman Ben Faiga zya on the power of screaming in Avodas Hashem. We together shall Reveal The Secrets of Creation that will heal everything... Excited to Thank Hashem publicly for my oldest Son Beyond Words Success and Safety during the year & half War around th…
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We are Learning Tanya Chapter 29 connecting the Torah of Likutei Moharan and my holy brother Nissim Black to foundational advice of the Baal HaTanya... We have to Scream 😱 Tremble within to identify our true self's with our G-dly soul and not our Animal Soul which needs humbling etc... Cover 📸 lkovod Nissim Black Concert & Shabbaton @yeshivatreishi…
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Host Jeff Goldsmith interviews writers Joslyn Barnes, Clint Bentley, Moritz Binder, Tim Fehlbaum, Greg Kwedar and RaMell Ross about their Oscar® nominated screenplays. Download my podcast here Copyright © Unlikely Films, Inc. 2025. All rights reserved.For more great content check out Backstory Magazine @…
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Host Jeff Goldsmith interviews writers Joslyn Barnes, Clint Bentley, Moritz Binder, Tim Fehlbaum, Greg Kwedar and RaMell Ross about their Oscar® nominated screenplays. Copyright © Unlikely Films, Inc. 2025. All rights reserved. For more great content check out Backstory Magazine @ Backstory.net由Jeff Goldsmith
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Learning from Rebbe Nachman ben Faiga / SIMCHA we are ending this well-timed Torah from Likutei Moharan 36 8 learning about revelations of Torah in the merit of Kedushat HaBrit... etc...Cover Pic 📸 Credit Joshua Fleisher, @ joshuaintheland on Instagram... lkovod a special Hilula DM for links... PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA ben…
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Action Building Vessels of Success Together - Learning Weekly in the Office - Tu B'Shevat to Adar!
Learning Weekly in the Office from Sefer Neta Gavriel and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch we begin to build the Vessels for the Happy Blessings ahead in business, home life and the holy days of Adar ahead. The Siyum of Shovavim opens up our hearts to the opportunity of truthful blessing in daily life... Cover Pic: Fruits Soulfully United Tu Bishevat - Thank …
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Humans are Like A Tree - Special TubiShevat Seder by our holy brother Shachar in Zayit, Efrat 5785!
Beyond Words the Special hosting 🙌, Divrei Torah and Niggunim on Tu B'Shevat 5785 2025...מתפלל על האתרוג מהודר ולב טוב - טו בשבט שמח :)United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 2 - by Eli Goldsmith - 51 - Focus by Contracting to Expanding - Advice for our Crazy Generation!…
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Trump & Mordechai HaYehudi Step up - Real Kindness Podcast - Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith - JOC & UIP!
Trump & Mordechai HaYehudi Step up - Real Kindness Podcast - Yosef Joey Aharon & Eli Goldsmith Just One Chesed & Unity Inspires Projects! United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 2 JIM = Jews Inspired & Midnightrabbi eli goldsmith - 51 - Focus by Contracting to Expanding - Advice for our Crazy Generation!ht…
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"British saltmashes accumulate about 700,000 tonnes of carbon a year alone, and in the top 10cm of soil saltmarshes hold about 2.3 million tonnes of carbon." Ben Goldsmith is joined by Angus Garbutt, a coastal ecologist and world expert on saltmarshes. In this episode Ben and Angus discuss why these mysterious, alien places are absolutely vital. So…
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Learning Weekly from Lessons in Tanya Chapter 29 we discuss the theme of Sin in Front of my ALWAYS aka TAMID ♥️ CONNECTING into the Positive Themes of Deeper Teshuva through an effective path of Torah Mitzvot...Cover pic - Shavua Tov all bH BY last few weeks of Sadir...PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA ben Eliyahu Eliezer Hakohen A…
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Hachana L'Shabbos Shiur by R' Eli Goldsmith The Inner Torah of Halacha for Everyday & Shabbos Kodesh
*Hachana L'Shabbos Shiur* will take place tomorrow morning after shacharit @shiratdavid Efrat, given over by R' Eli Goldsmith on the topic: _"Intro to The Pinimiyus Inner Torah of Halacha for Everyday & Shabbos Kodesh"_ ty Rav Shlomo Katz and community for hosting us...Unity Marketing - We look forward to marketing your brand, company, organizatio…
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Learning Weekly in the Office Week of Shabbat Shira and Parshat Beshalach we go deep into the beautiful Halachot And Customs in Sefer Neta Gavriel on Tu Bishevat. Blessing on the fruits fixes up and brings abundance into Creation. 15 types of fruits blessed correctly while appreciating the sweet treats of Hashem and holy 7 species of the holy land …
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The Historic US President? Trump & Bibi - Israel Gaza war - The Real Kindness Podcast - Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith - Just One Chesed & Unity Bookings!
Israel Gaza War - Support & Booking! Dedicated to the success of @justonechesed3578 & our Malachei HaShareit (Cover pic: Trump and Netanyahu making sense of my oldest son & main unit in Gaza, Lebanon, now in Syria 🇸🇾 💙) PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR B…
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Today Parshat Haman we energize our United Souls with real Emuna & Bitachon aka Trust in Hashem's promiss to guard our Brit. Rebbe Nachman ben Faiga of Breslov teaches with Simcha the Tikkun Klali to the root of all challenges in our generation and the world's history. Let's do this... Parshat Haman -…
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Learning Lessons in Tanya chapter 29 requires a Healthy Self Awareness in order to crush or identify the animal spirit with the Goal being the Soul. The Heart ❤️ Level is a complicated place, moment and each person has to know him or her self. We can in the merit of Tzaddikim like the Bava Sali, Dovid Hamelech to transform the Heart to a place of A…
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Learning in the Office about Tu B'Shevat From Neta Gavriel & Sefer Bnei Yissacher 😌 - with dedication to Elevating the Soul of Grandmother Faiga Bat Noach a'h. Also, Today's, Hallel was very special, elevated beyond words - Special Rav Shlomo Katz Hallel Rosh Chodesh Shevat Elevation of Ariel ben Avraham Yehuda's Soul @ Shirat David https://youtu.b…
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Mental Health, Care & Love - The Real Kindness Podcast - Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith - JOC & UIP!
Dedicated to the success of @justonechesed & our Malachei HaShareit (Cover pic: my oldest son & main unit in Gaza, Lebanon, now in Syria 🇸🇾 💙) PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA BEN ELIYAHU ELIEZER HAKOHEN AND ALL THE SOLDIERS OF YISRAEL 🙏DM your kindness to @EliUnityGoldsmith and @yosefaharon thanks to @shiratdavid for hosting... #…
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Hashem Testifying His Holy Name Upon Us - Likutei Moharan 36 6 - Shevat = Shefa Bracha Tovah שבט
Learning in our new home in Efrat the holy Rebbe Nachman ben Feiga 😀 🙌 in Likutei Moharan 36 6 connecting with Divine Providence to the challenging Shovavim tikkun and days... Hashem's name is called upon us with Rosh Chodesh Shevat giving us the vessel to hold all the blessings 🙌 and guard our holyness...Even a small effort in Yesod nowadays is Hu…
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The smell of a dead animal, a carcase, an animal that's just been killed, is something you'll never ever forget and it's that that sticks with you. It's that that gives you the energy to continually try and do my best to put a hold and a stop to what is still happening out in South Africa. In this episode of Rewilding the World Ben Goldsmith talks …
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SHARE LIVE R Leibish, R Shlomo Katz, R Moshe Tvi Weinberg, R Efi Palvanov, R Dovber Pinson @ SD UIP!
Unofficial Version - SHARE Fund supporting @OneFamilyFund - LIVE R Leibish, R Shlomo Katz, R Moshe Tvi Weinberg, R Efi Palvanov, R Dovber Pinson @shiratdavid5692 UIP!Thank you to Share Fund for joining the Shirat David community & beyond for this special event… looking forward to Collab with our very soon…Unity Marketing -…
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We learn in Sefer Lessons in Tanya chapter 29 about the Priority of the Soul over the Body. We discuss in real ways the Tzaddikim vs the Beinonim - Sefer Inbetweeners vs the Reshaim etc... Our daily battle is Real & Raw especially the generation of 2025 5785 the times before Moshiach's coming... bkorov Mamesh...Cover Photo 📸 Shavua Tov from our new…
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Learning in Likutei Moharan 36 6 we strengthen how important it is to have the complete vessel to hold the light. Not to allow the evil advice or curse of Bilaam to break that connection and Keli... We Unify the Baal HaTanya Yahrzeit with Chabad mochin etc...zyaCover pic 📸- Lkovod the Alter Rebbe - Learning Tanya Weekly - Perek 29 - A Healthy Broke…
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Bringing The Abundance Down Chodesh Shevat - Baal HaTanya's Yahrzeit - Weekly Learning in the Office
We Started Learning the Special Halacha Sefer Neta Gavriel about Chodesh Shevat, Tu Bishevat, and the coming blessed 🙌 days... Also, the Rebbe Leibel Eiger mentions the Tzadick's ability to remove blockages for the Shefa & Bracha in I'm Imrei Emmes...Cover Pic - Thank you to AY for making the Trip to Haiditch the Kever of the Baal HaTanya (Yahrzeit…
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Say, what's that great big thing, amidst this collection of freshly-lopped heads? Sacre bleu! I's a new regular episode! Longtime friend of the show (and Certified Thriller Expert) Leigh Phillips joins David, Yavar, and Clark to discuss Jerry Goldsmith's music for the Thriller installment "Guillotine," a score that is by turns ominous, slyly beauti…
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Odyssey Interviews - Austin Symphony Conductor Peter Bay and Orchestra Librarian Ali Verderber
In June of 2024, The Austin Symphony offered an evening of live Jerry Goldsmith music containing selections from Gremlins, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Total Recall, and other beloved scores. A few months later, Yavar and Clark — who were in attendance at the concert, along with Goldsmith Odyssey co-founder Jens — spoke to conductor Peter Bay and…
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We go ahead in Lessons in Tanya discussing Chapter 29 in terms of identification with the Soul Level and breaking the Heart ❤️ the Bodies focus in a Healthy way... The Need to talk is so important giving time during this war filled mental health crisis... similar to Eckhart Tolle's books... We enter the Inner Benoni's world together during a Hashga…
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Host Jeff Goldsmith interviews co-writer Moritz Binder and co-writer/director Time Fehlbaum about September 5. Download my podcast here Copyright © Unlikely Films, Inc. 2025. All rights reserved.For more great content check out Backstory Magazine @ Backstory.net由Jeff Goldsmith
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