Become a Paid Subscriber: 3 Close friends navigate through life and tell their stories.
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Zukünftig gibt es uns in mehr oder minder regelmäßigen Abständen auch auf die Ohren - spannende Themen und Gäste inklusive. Egal ob über aktuelle Spiele, Neues in der Branche oder genereller Talk über unser liebstes Hobby. Natürlich freuen wir uns auch darauf, illustre Gäste begrüßen zu dürfen und hoffen auf interessante, informative und unterhaltsame Runden in geselliger Atmosphäre.
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Writer and filmmaker Greg Pak ("Totally Awesome Hulk," "Planet Hulk," "Kingsway West") spills the beans about his latest projects and talks with interesting friends, collaborators, and colleagues about their work.
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Eben war es noch Herbst, und bunte Blätter zierten die Bäume im Wald, jetzt sind wir im Winter angekommen und können uns mit zahlreichen Videospielen in die Decke einwickeln und gemütlich unserem liebsten Hobby nachgehen. Im jüngsten Podcast haben Tim und Tobias wieder ausgiebig diverse Spielerlebnisse Revue passieren lassen. Von Point'n'Click-Urla…
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As we wrap up another season catch up with the Pak over the last couple of weeks. Halloween shenanigans and all.--- Send in a voice message:
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Der Herbst ist da und entsprechend wird das Wetter deutlich kühler und nasser. Gerade mit Rückblick auf den Sommer kann das einem nur recht sein. Doch nur weil die Temperaturen draußen kühler werden, heißt das nicht, dass es auch in unserer neuen Podcast-Folge frostig wird. Ganz im Gegenteil: Neben ein wenig strategischer Feinkost geht es dieses Ma…
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Mondo and T go at it in this one--- Send in a voice message:
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Sugar Daddys, welfare fraud, and inappropriate comments that can cost you the bag are covered in this episode --- Send in a voice message:
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What would you do if there were no consequences???? --- Send in a voice message:
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It's Virgo season and thangs are poppin'!!! --- Send in a voice message:
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Die gamescom ist zurück! Nach zwei Jahren Zwangspause durfte das "größte Gaming-Event der Welt" erneut seine Tore in Köln Deutz öffnen und hat, nach den rein digitalen Ablegern der beiden vergangenen Jahre, über 265.000 Besuchende auf dem Kölner Messegelände empfangen. Von vermeintlichen Blockbuster-Titeln über zahlreiche Indiegames bot das Event e…
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Dopplegangers, strippers, and tips being taken back, are in this episode --- Send in a voice message:
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We cover our top 5 moments of each PakCast section in this episode. --- Send in a voice message:
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Hola amigos! We are lit in this episode. Busquenos (check us out)!!! --- Send in a voice message:
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It's Terrell's Birthday week! Check out the show!!!! --- Send in a voice message:
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Zack, da sind wir wieder! Nach ziemlich genau einem Jahr Pause kehrt unser Podcast mit Folge #57 zurück und bringt direkt Verstärkung mit. Der fabelhafte René, der hier bereits in zahlreichen Podcast-Episoden unser Gast war, bringt seine Expertise zu Diablo (Immortal) sowie Souls-Titeln im Allgemeinen und Elden Ring im Speziellen mit, während er ve…
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Here is some lost audio from our sessions --- Send in a voice message:
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The footage is getting better --- Send in a voice message:
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Starship Wes joins us in the studio, once again this week! --- Send in a voice message:
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About 25 minutes of video of the this week's episode! --- Send in a voice message:
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Tune in while we do a little celebrating for your Boy M-Doe Doe Fo Sho Doe!!! --- Send in a voice message:
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We cover a lot of stuff in this episode. --- Send in a voice message:
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Join us this week as we get down with F Dub!!! --- Send in a voice message:
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Starship Wes joins us for his first episode!!! --- Send in a voice message:
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You only free if you dumb?????? --- Send in a voice message:
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Happy Father's Day and Junetheenth as well! --- Send in a voice message:
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A collaboration of Father's Day and Juneteenth in this one --- Send in a voice message:
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What would you do for a guaranteed 100k? --- Send in a voice message:
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There's a little bit of this and a little bit of that in this episode --- Send in a voice message:
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We cover a LOT of topics in this episode. --- Send in a voice message:
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We chop it up with the incredible Temica Key in this episode. --- Send in a voice message:
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Doctor Strange spoilers and Mother's Day shoutout in this one --- Send in a voice message:
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Tiger knees, black eyes, and defamation --- Send in a voice message:
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Join us as we catch up with one of our brothers on this episode --- Send in a voice message:
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Make sure to do your due diligence!!! --- Send in a voice message:
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Traditions --- Send in a voice message:
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Tune in as we chop it up with the Fabulous Miss Tina!!! --- Send in a voice message:
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Old school communities, HOAs, and today's neighborhoods. --- Send in a voice message:
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It's another Superbowl Sunday and Valentine's Day is tomorrow. We explored these 2 traditions in this episode. --- Send in a voice message:
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Reward vs Punishment??? --- Send in a voice message:
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We going in in 2022!!! --- Send in a voice message:
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Our first episode of 2022! --- Send in a voice message:
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Bathroom massages, impromptu get-togethers, and that special Holiday meat --- Send in a voice message:
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M Doe Doe and Hyphen Urtle chop it up this episode. --- Send in a voice message:
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Join us in a couple of conversations about parenting --- Send in a voice message:
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Sometimes the wounds transcends time. Mondo is the focus of this week's Petty Magee section --- Send in a voice message:
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Check us out this episode and see what we are thankful for --- Send in a voice message:
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Ghost masseuses, the McRib, and Halloween costumes are covered in this holiday episode! --- Send in a voice message:
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Shall we battle for your soul? Check out how this haunted house was saving lives --- Send in a voice message:
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Another solid episode in da books. We introduce a new concept with CarpenTee as we debate whether or not interim management is a good thing. --- Send in a voice message:
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Another all out episode!!! --- Send in a voice message:
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What tickles your fancy when your high with the munchies? --- Send in a voice message:
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The conclusion to the birthday shenanigans--- Send in a voice message:
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