Biblical, Christ-centered Expositional Preaching from Sovereign Grace Church in Midland, TX - Pastor Billy Raies
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Prophecy is especially emphasized among the gifts because of its unique potential to reveal God's personal love and powerful presence to the church.
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Love gives life to gifts until we are with Christ and the gifts are no longer needed.
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God does not hold us accountable for what we cannot know, but has graciously revealed to us all we need to please and obey him.
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Breakout Session: Spirit Empowered Evangelism - Cultivating a Life Ready & Eager to Share the Gospel
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Breakout Session: Spirit Empowered Ministry - Earnestly Desiring Prophetic Ministry in Our Local Churches
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Christlike love for one another must be the blazing center of our godliness and our giftedness in the local church.
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God has arranged and gifted the body of Christ in order to make every member a minister for the glory of God in the church.
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The health of Christ’s body is dependent upon every member of the church knowing their spiritual gifts are needed and knowing they need the gifts of others according to God’s divine design.
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The baptism in and filling with the Holy Spirit establish the unity and power necessary for the gifts to flourish in the body of Christ.
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God blesses us with spiritual gifts so that we can experience the manifestation of His presence and love now and so we can experience a taste of what it will be like to be in His presence forever.
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Spiritual gifts exist for the glory of God and by grace are given to each member of the church for the godly good of all members of the church.
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The joy that comes from the changing power of the Gospel motivates us to pursue Godliness. The pursuit of godliness increases our REjoicing in the changing power of the Gospel.
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Our union with Christ is our eternal identity and must shape how we believe, think, and act today as His disciples.
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“Christ is the Lord of peace and when we trust in the blood of His cross we experience the joy of having peace with God and peace from God.
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Christ is the loving Lord of Redemption and was born to shine His greatest glory in and through the church.
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The Child in the manger is the Lord of Creation and we can trust Him to hold us together in the hardest of times.
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Meekness is the Christian’s response to the Father’s power, plan, and purpose in Christ
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Humility creates fertile soil for all other virtues (including kindness) to flourish, as our eyes look away from ourselves and are fixed on Christ.
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The primary purpose of the gifts of the Spirit are not to merely manifest God’s power, but to mainly manifest Christ’s love.
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God's plan was to take the wilderness that Zechariah and Elizabeth experienced and use it to bring John the Baptist into the world, the greatest prophet of the entire OT, so that he could pave the way for the Messiah.
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We prioritize godliness over giftedness, so that our giftedness can bring God the most glory and bring our Church the most godly good.
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The power of the Spirit enables us to experience the love of the Father.
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Spiritual people are not spiritual because of their great gifts; they are spiritual because of their great salvation.
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God created men and women to be equal in their value, different in their gender and distinctive in their roles and in their mission to display the gospel and we glorify God when we celebrate and demonstrate those truths in our homes and in our church.
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"In whatever you do, do all for the glory of God."
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We are committed to the teaching of God’s Word because we are called to transfer God’s Word to the coming generations.
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Remembering who Jesus is and what He accomplished for us reminds us of who we are and how we are to live for Him.
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Flee from idolatry by fleeing to Christ so that you will have the grace you need to fight against the day to day schemes and seductions of the devil.
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No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
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We fight the temptations produced by presumption and pride through the power of persevering grace in Christ.
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God calls us to become all things to all people that by all means we might save some for the sake of the gospel.
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The Apostle Paul demonstrates subjecting your personal rights to the sake of the gospel
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We must know God's truth so that we can display God's love, even when it requires us to limit our liberties.
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We must know God's truth so that we can display God's love, even when it requires us to limit our liberties.
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God supplies us with contentment in Christ so that whether we are single or married, we can live lives of undivided devotion to Him as we wait for His return.
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