Success in Business, Relationships, Network Marketing, Health and LIFE is about slight edge habit hacks. Thoughts become things and success is never outside of you. Shift your thinking; shift your habits; skyrocket your success. Jackie Ulmer coaches you on the skills and habits that create multi million dollar relationships, health and wellness and businesses.
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NU ABER! ist ein Grüner Podcast, der sich mit Kommunalpolitik und den großen und kleinen Themen im Landkreis und der Stadt Neu-Ulm beschäftigt.
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Making A Mark with Bright Coal, Ashley Ulmer, and Friends (formerly Freelance Fridays)
Bright Coal
On each episode of Making A Mark, Ashley Ulmer and Bright Coal (aka Josh Whiting) meet new creators and we all discuss ONE, BIG CREATIVE QUESTION. Episodes recorded live on YouTube on Fridays at 1pm EST. (Come hang out and join us in the chat!) Podcast episodes drop every Tuesday. Visit for more info :)
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Part 4 in this series on making this your best year ever - systems and strategies. My goals, tasks, calendar and time blocking strategies: Watch this episode on YouTube ✅ Part 1: ✅ Part 2: ✅ Part 3: Learn more about how I might assist you at…
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Part 3 in our series to make THIS year the best ever...finally. More than just word salad and broken dreams and promises. We cover the morning routine, key components of managing your energy and Peak Performance Zone of Genius Time of day, and how to time block your calendar. Watch this episode on YouTube ✅ Part 1 - Reflect and Review the Ending Ti…
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There is winning and there is learning in the years we spend! Which do you want this next year to be? Part 1: Case Study for Success: Learn more about how I might assist you at Watch the videos on how to put together your selling strategy at KillerContentFormula.com由Jackie L Ulmer
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We overestimate what we can do any year and underestimate what we can do in five years. Here's my own case study of launching a business with a specific plan and strategy, what I accomplished and learned after 8 months. Learn more about how I might assist you at Watch the videos on how to put together your selling strategy at …
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In this 1st of a 4 part series, we are going to be BOLD! 4 Key Principles To Achieve Reflect/Review Re-evaluate Re-ignite Your Passions and Desires Re-engage to Execute Learn more about the KillerContentFormula Program Watch on My YouTube Channel Follow Jackie Ulmer On Instagram!由Jackie Ulmer | Social Media | Coach | Online Business | Network Marketing | Direct Sales | Real Estate | Business Development
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It's been a minute and I hope you're still here! Here's what's up! EXPECT Success! Jackie Ulmer由Jackie L Ulmer
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Entdeckt mit uns die faszinierende Geschichte der Donauschwaben. Wir tauchen tief in die bemerkenswerte Odyssee der Donauschwaben ein, deren Schicksale untrennbar mit der Donau verwoben sind. Begebt euch auf eine aufschlussreiche Zeitreise, während wir Geschichten von Mut, Ausdauer und kultureller Entwicklung enthüllen, die das tiefe Vermächtnis un…
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Von geopolitischen Strategien bis hin zu Soft Power – die Neue Seidenstraße ist mehr als nur eine Handelsroute.Wir haben mit dem Autor und Journalisten Philipp Mattheis darüber gesprochen, wie China durch dieses Projekt sein politisches und Wertesystem exportiert und wie die Reaktion der EU darauf aussieht.…
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You want success in Business and you want it BAD. Most people think they must know more or have something outside of themselves to have success. Knowing how to speak the perfect script or have a better business candidate list. Thoughts are things. What you think about comes about. Does your mind, do your thoughts show you a clear path to success? D…
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Planning for success is what makes things run more smoothly. And, effortlessly. Easy to do, and so much easier not to do. Here is the thing - if you will buckle down and make it part of your routine, for just 90 days - that’s 13 weeks if you do it once a week - you will have an outline you can use over and over. What's Next? When you're serious and…
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When we think of making sales, or getting the "Sign up" we most often think that our job is to change the mind or change the thoughts of our potential client. But this is not the case. Here is what you must know and do..... What's Next? When you're serious and ready... here are 3 ways I can help you: 1) Join me for "The Challenge" - Killer Content …
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Last month I recorded an episode called Just Don’t Break the Chain. Go back and revisit it if you haven’t. We talk about the power i simply creating a chain pf consistency. Over my nearly 25 years online and 30 years owning my own business, that word - consistency - has consistently shown up in every aspect of my business. And, everyone else with a…
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Ab unter die Dusche, den Hahn aufdrehen - und schon wieder geht das warme Wasser nicht! Also, dann wohl eine unangenehme kalte Dusche. Was für viele Menschen der absolute Horror ist, ist für andere eine bewusste Entscheidung. Zum Beispiel für den 64-jährigen niederländischen Extremsportler Wim Hof. Hof hält den Rekord für das längste Eisbad und ist…
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Ever have one of those moments when you "Wake Up?” Do you know your purpose or destiny? That’s kind of an overwhelming question, but likely one you have asked yourself many times throughout your life. How do you want to be meaningful and contribute? Often, we know we are ambitious; and have more we want to do and accomplish. We want to feel signifi…
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Cheers to whoever invented the Sticky Note. It's Brilliant for productivity, even though its invention was an accident. Grab my Big Idea Guide and listen to episode 451, as well as last week's Sunday Sessions, for more on Calendaring. What's Next? When you're serious and ready... here are 3 ways I can help you: 1) Join me for "The Challenge" - Kill…
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I’m Jackie Ulmer, - it's #FBombFriday - and WHAT does that mean? Back in 2012, I was at a Brendon Burchard High Performance Academy event and he was talking about being "Edgy" in your marketing. I had started noticing more and more speakers swearing and dropping the F Bomb from stage. When he opened it up for Q and A, I asked …
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We all have those reality checks and defining moments that show up in life and create real change, if we allow them. I’m sharing one of mine in today’s show. Listen in to how I faced a difficult choice, dug deep within my soul and got gritty to make things happen. Ready? Are you coming? If your answer is yes, visit and …
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Welcome to Wisdom Wednesday, where I share some of the top things I have learned over my 30+ years as a solo/entrepreneur and business owner. And, nearly 25 years building almost exclusively online. I’m Jackie Ulmer, What’s on the calendar gets done, planning ahead gets it on the calendar, clarity, commitment and consistency a…
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Does the person you show up as on a regular basis align with and match the person you desire to be? Does she or he have, do and BE what you desire? Have the things, tangible and intangible; do the things and BE what is required to achieve and sustain all of this? Does she or he embody a Million Dollar Image? What's Next? When you're serious and rea…
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Taucht ein in die Welt des Geldes. Vom Dönerpreis der Schulzeit bis zu Bitcoin erforschen wir, was Geld eigentlich ist. Danny Franzreb, Fotograf und Professor an der Hochschule Neu-Ulm, hat dem Thema Bitcoin beziehungsweise Proof of Work eine faszinierende Fotoausstellung gewidmet. Er erzählt uns über seine Recherche und warum er sich dem Thema ang…
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Laptop Lifestyle, Profit in Your PJs, Run a business on autopilot. These ideals sound great, and I am here to affirm that a business and life like this IS great. I know because I have lived it. An autopilot business is going to be something largely internet based in most cases. I’m going to give you the shortlist of what’s required and then detail …
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Welcome to the Sunday Sessions- Planning…. I have a mantra, what's on the calendar gets done. The only way to get things done on my calendar is to get them on my calendar and that requires me setting aside some time each week to do some planning. I've learned that the worst way to make a plan is to get up in the morning and th…
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What is the strongest indicator of success? Many traits come to mind - persistence, consistency, a TIMELY great idea. What comes to mind for you? My belief is that the truest indicator of success comes down to this... What's Next? When you're serious and ready... here are 3 ways I can help you: 1) Join me for "The Challenge" - Killer Content Formul…
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Welcome to the Motivation Minute - When You’ve Tried Everything With No Results It just isn’t working; you have tried everything and you aren’t making money Sound familiar? Give this a try. It’s pretty simple. And, it’s highly effective. What's Next? When you're serious and ready... here are 3 ways I can help you: 1) Join me f…
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Welcome to the Motivation Minute, I’m Jackie Ulmer. We hear the term massive action bantered about quite a bit when to comes to business, fitness and many areas of life. That kinda of sounds and feels exhausting when it settles into the body, doesn’t it? If you are already feeling overwhelmed with a goal, tossing the concept o…
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Everyone has problems, challenges, obstacles. We all also have needs, desires and requirements in our quest to live our best possible life. What challenges do you solve for others? What needs do others have that would be perfectly resolved with your solution? What's Next? When you're serious and ready... here are 3 ways I can help you: 1) Join me f…
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Goals, Habits and Creating True Change People can talk all day long about their goals, dreams and desires. Yet, it's their HABITS day in ad day out that show us who they are and what they truly want. Do you agree? What's Next? When you're serious and ready... here are 3 ways I can help you: 1) Join me for "The Challenge" - Killer Content Formula Ch…
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We all have fears, doubts, inhibitions. These keep us saying things like - I’m stuck. It won’t work for me. I can’t. Sound familiar? Let's Push through those! What's Next? When you're serious and ready... here are 3 ways I can help you: 1) Join me for "The Challenge" - Killer Content Formula Challenge ROCK your marketing and messaging! 2) Grab my S…
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We all have big ideas for business, relationships, our health and life. Yet, we often stumble to make them a reality. Let's change that today. In this episode, I share some of my ideas over the years that worked, semi worked and ultimately took me to big levels in my life! Get the Big Idea worksheet here! What's Next? When you're serious and ready.…
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Your Prospect is ONLY looking for one thing and ONE THING ONLY, and here is what that is.... Learn to communicate this VERY clearly and you'll create massive sales in Network Marketing. What's Next? When you're serious and ready... here are 3 ways I can help you: 1) Join me for "The Challenge" - Killer Content Formula Challenge ROCK your marketing …
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It DOES offer what most of us are looking for. How hard will you work for what you TRULY want? What's Next? When you're serious and ready... here are 3 ways I can help you: 1) Join me for "The Challenge" - Killer Content Formula Challenge ROCK your marketing and messaging! 2) Grab my Social Selling Magic Guide 3) Join me on a free Social Selling co…
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If you're struggling with motivation, perhaps it's time to revisit your reason WHY for a business. In this show, I detail my own struggle when I realized I had lost my why. No surprise, my actions and results were a direct reflection of that struggle! What's Next? When you're serious and ready... here are 3 ways I can help you: 1) Grab my Social Se…
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Are you ready for serious change in your business and life for 2024? Let’s cover starts, stops, keeps and releases, which means - what do we/I want to start this year; Stop this year? What do we want to catch or keep and what will we release? Starting and Stopping, A lot of that goes on in life and business, always. 30 years in business this year a…
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Der Podcast der Grünen Neu-Ulm. Mehr Infos: Bundesregierung: **Robert Koch Institut: **由Alpay Artun, Arno Görgen, Stefan Nussbaumer, Tina Schwenk
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Der Podcast der Grünen Neu-Ulm. Mehr Infos Bezirkstag Schwaben: Wikipedia:由Alpay Artun, Arno Görgen, Stefan Nussbaumer, Tina Schwenk
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Der Podcast der Grünen Neu-Ulm. Mehr Infos: Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend: Grüne Bundestagsfraktion FAQ:…
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RR Reihe Radiostücke - EINSAME AMEISEN AMNESIE. Ein Klangcomic frei nach Anestis Logothetis (Serie 1423: RR Reihe Radiostücke)
Rdeča Raketa (Maja Osojnik und Matija Schellander) entwickeln gemeinsam mit der Autorin Natascha Gangl seit 2016 Klangcomics – Serien von Live-Performances, sowie Hörstücke fürs Radio.Gesprochenes Wort und Klang gehen, analog zu Wort und Bild im Comic, ineinander auf. Laut wird Sprache, Sprache wird Laut, Zeitgenössische Komposition verschmilzt mit…
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Nach jahrelanger Bekanntschaft begründeten Burkhard Stangl und Christof Kurzmann im Jahr 1999 das Duo Schnee. Ihr erstes Album, inspiriert von Lieblingsfilmen sowie von Robert Walsers poetischen Meditationen, "vertonte" die prismatische Pracht samt ihrer kleinsten Facetten und kompakten Kristallwelten und schlug große Wellen in der Welt der improvi…
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Die Ausstellung "Neofaschismus", konzipiert von der Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes - Bund der Antifaschistinnen und Antifaschisten, ist im Rahmen des Festival contre le racisme noch bis zum 22. Juli 2023 in der Volkshochschule Ulm zu sehen. Wir haben mit Michael Dandl vom VVN-BdA zur Eröffnung des Ausstellung u.a. über Ideologie und Ver…
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Welcome to the season finale of Making A Mark - the show where we meet new folks and ask them 1 big question about creativity. Today's guests are Jason Craig and Rachel Jung and we'll be answering the question:"How do you make a mural for the first time?"SIGN PAINTERS DOCUMENTARY: http://www.signpaintersfilm.comLiquitex Paint Brushes:…
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Welcome to another episode of Making A Mark - the show where we meet new folks and ask them 1 big question about creativity. Today's guests are Josh Noom, Alex Pesak, and James Graves.JOSHUA NOOM:http://www.joshuanoom.comALEX PESAK:http://www.apthecreative.comJAMES GRAVES: - more in…
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Welcome to another episode of Making A Mark - the show where we meet new folks and ask them 1 big question about creativity. Today's guest is Carson Cooper and Kameron Davis.Today we'll be reviewing logos Ashley selected from Brand New and discussing what's hot or not for each!KAMERON DAVIS: @pwrcreate great po…
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Welcome to another episode of Making A Mark - the show where we meet new folks and ask them 1 big question about creativity. Today's guest is Tiffany Kelly (The Honest Pixel) and we'll be answering the question:"What do you do to get a project over the finish line?"TIFFANY KELLY / THE HONEST PIXEL…
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In today's episode of Making A Mark, Bright Coal (Josh) and Ashley open up some projects in Adobe Illustrator and share process and behind the scenes stories!REFERENCED IN THE SHOW:https://astutegraphics.comhttps://www.kernclub.com more info on Making A Mark or to nominate someone as a guest, visit:http…
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Welcome to another episode of Making A Mark - the show where we meet new folks and ask them 1 big question about creativity. Today's guests are David Navejas (DNG Creative) and Dustin Cooper (Dustin Cooper Graphics). In this episode we talk about motivations and what it takes to have a lasting freelance career. (We also sing Joe Cavazos' praises re…
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Are you living your best life and showing up as your best self? Are you achieving what you really want? Do you know what you want your future self to be like? What do I mean when I say Future Self? If you were to write a paragraph describing the person you would most like to become, what would you write? Listen in and get yourself closer to your go…
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Narcissism is a term that is bantered around quite a bit. What is the true definition of a Narcissist ? How do you watch for the traits? Joining me today is Del Adey-Jones, a relationship coach, who shares her riveting story of growing up with two narcissistic parents, and how that led her to replicated the same in her own adult life in relationshi…
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Success leaves clues, and here are some simple, do-able tips to create positive clues for you. We all get busy and despite our best intentions, we forget those things that matter; that move us forward; that create our future self! Try these simple visual cues. Ready to Upgrade Your Life? Get off the Struggle Bus? Grab my High Altitude Habits VIP Ti…
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Welcome to another episode of Making A Mark - the show where we meet new folks and ask them 1 big question about creativity. Today's guest is @SundayCoolTees and Jon Rush we'll be talking about “Funny Business” SUNDAY COOL TEES http…
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How you end the day often determines how your day tomorrow will go. Your sleep can also be dramatically impacted. Let’s cover the last 15 minutes of the day, along with the last 3 hours. My 3 x 3 Plan for the Night 3 Power Questions Planning "Magic Time" for the next day Habit Stacking Planning for Challenges Increases Your Success Blue Blocker Gla…
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