Word Alive Bible Church Sermons
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Ankalashin Podcast
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Kunstenaar en funerair specialist Babs Bakels is van jongs af aan mateloos gefascineerd door de dood. Radiomaker Laura Stek, die haar sterfelijkheid juist graag negeert, raakte geïntrigeerd door Babs: waarom omringt iemand zich constant met eindigheid en verval? Kan zij ons iets leren over onze complexe verhouding met de dood? Samen onderzoeken ze in coronatijd in zes podcastafleveringen onze omgang met de dood, van de laatste adem tot het hiernamaals. Een productie van OVT VPRO, Prospektor ...
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I love to meet new people, especially people who inspire me,therefore, the show is a conduit to that happening.How's Life Treating You is for anyone who sees a big hurdle in their life and instinctively knows that they have to leap over it or find a way around it in order to reach their goal.I really believe that whoever watches the show will be inspired especially if a viewer thinks to themselves "you know what, I can take what I've just seen and implement it in my life. I can make ithappen ...
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The falling away from the faith. The Apostle Paul said this is what will happen before the rapture of the church. 1 Tim 4:1 says "some will depart (apostacy) from the faith. What does this all mean?
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There are only two answers to the Gospel. It's either Yes or No. There is no Maybe. That's why there were only 2 thief's!
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John is known as the Apostle of Love but he was no where near that before he met Jesus. He was known as one of the sons of thunder because he was always causing a ruckus and couldn't wait for Jesus to pour fire and brimstone on people. But Love changed him.
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What is the definition of Love? The world has its own definition but where do we find the real meaning? 1 John 4:8
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Jesus was traumatized by our sin. In exchange, He gave us His peace.
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We all want peace. Let's explore where we get it from and why we don't have it now.
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The story of the Good Samaritan - it's not what you think!
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Your memory of what God has done for you is directly tied to your heart.
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According to Hebrews 6:19-20, Jesus is the Anchor of our soul. In other words, when things start to get rocky and you feel like you are being tossed to and fro, just keep your mind on Him. Drop Anchor!
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SUCCESS is all about PURPOSE and INNER CORE with John Mattone (Bestselling Author, World's Top Executive Coach 2019, 2020 & 2021).
John Mattone is a Bestselling Author, World's Top Executive Coach (2019, 2020 & 2021), Pioneer of the Intelligent Leadership (IL) Movement, and Founder/Co-Founder of Four Exceptional Coaching and Leadership Development Companies.The former coach of the late Steve Jobs has a lot to say in this episode, a lot of inspirational vibes, and a lot of bits…
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Jesus is coming back. and it could be sooner than you think!
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We have been bought with the precious blood of Christ
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Hello, this is your host Nader Kassir in How’s Life Treating You.In this interview with the general manager at DELL technologies, Travers Nicolas, we are going to see what it means to step out of the comfort zone and understand the philosophy behind how life treats every single one of us. His experience will change the way you perceive life and the…
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We suffer from a spiritual condition that can not fixed with money, education or drugs. Jesus is the only one that can fix it.
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Why are we in this current condition? And what will it take to get out of it?
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Jesus came to give us ZOE life
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We have been given total victory over the enemy because of what Jesus did in His death, burial and resurrection.
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Why did Jesus ride in to Jerusalem on a Donkey?
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How to defeat Adam #1 - the old man.
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My complete identity is in Christ. I was crucified with Him; I died with Him; I was raised with Him.
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Check your heart.
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We cover up the baggage in our lives and it becomes a heavy weight that we drag around our entire lives and never growing spiritually. This sermon shows how Jesus dealt with people who had baggage! Woman at the well Woman caught in adultery Peter's denial
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Het is een jaar geleden dat oma Jel overleed en Laura spreekt Babs online om te horen hoe het met haar gaat. Daarnaast presenteert hoogleraar communicatie en beïnvloeding Enny Das de resultaten van een nieuw onderzoek met de vraag: wat levert het op als we onszelf meer confronteren met de dood?
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For us to successfully enter the new year we must forget (get over) what lies behind us and reach forward to what lies ahead.
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Jesus is our standard to whom we must grow into.
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Being led by the spirit will always give you victory
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When the Lord lights your candle you will able to do the impossible.
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I thank God for you...
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God tested the Israelites in the wilderness. they passed the first test when they had nothing but failed the second test when they had everything. What will you do?
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Who is really behind hurricanes, earthquakes, and all the evils of this world. Who is in charge of this world?
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He was given a name that carries all authority in Heaven, on Earth, and under the Earth.
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Jesus gave a parable that we call The Prodigal Son, but is it really about one son? Actually you'll find out that both sons were lost.
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Hell is a real place where people go by default of being born. Jesus went to hell so we won't have to.
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Na een reeks van lockdowns lijkt de wereld langzaam weer te ontwaken. De corona-maatregelen worden teruggeschroefd en de dood lijkt weer wat verder weg. Tegelijkertijd gebeurt er iets ingrijpends in Babs' leven. Haar grootste angst wordt werkelijkheid.
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De drang om de dood te overwinnen is zo oud als de weg naar Rome. Vroeger maakte men levenselixers, nu kun je jezelf invriezen, als online avatar doorleven of als hologram herrijzen. Maar wanneer knippen we de levenslijn dan echt door? Babs viert nieuwjaar met haar oma, die vanuit haar bed het vuurwerk bekijkt.…
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Babs en Laura onderzoeken onze veranderende afscheidsrituelen. De koffie en cake worden vervangen door wraps en bubbels en de aula door het partycentrum: de uitvaart als spectaculair evenement is in opkomst. Maar werken nieuwe rituelen wel als niet iedereen ze begrijpt? Babs vraagt haar oma Jel wat zij zou willen bij haar uitvaart.…
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Laura en Babs onderzoeken de complexe positie van het lijk. Wat moeten en wat mogen we ermee? Babs presenteert het kunstwerk This Body that once was you, waarin de bezoeker zijn eigen verval visualiseert. Van koud lichaam tot botstof. Ondertussen helpt Babs haar oma met het opstellen van een euthanasieverklaring, mocht het ooit zover komen.…
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God took care of your old life by drowning it in the blood of Jesus. Just like He did with the Egyptians in the Red Sea.
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Het moment tussen leven en dood; voor de stervende is de laatste adem een gebeurtenis van niks, maar op de achterblijvers heeft het een enorme impact. Wat doen we om het sterfproces voor de nabestaanden zo prettig mogelijk te laten verlopen? En zitten er ook grenzen aan hoe clean de dood mag zijn? In deze aflevering vertelt Babs over een gebeurteni…
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Laura Stek ontmoet de eigenzinnige Babs Bakels, die al sinds haar jeugd bang is voor de dood. Samen besluiten ze onze relatie met de dood onder de loep te nemen. De dood is steeds minder zichtbaar geworden in onze maatschappij, maar is onze doodsangst daardoor ook minder groot? En heeft de coronapandemie iets veranderd? We maken ook kennis met Jel,…
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Kunstenaar en funerair specialist Babs Bakels is van jongs af aan mateloos gefascineerd door de dood. Radiomaker Laura Stek, die haar sterfelijkheid juist graag negeert, raakte geïntrigeerd door Babs: waarom omringt iemand zich constant met eindigheid en verval? Kan zij ons iets leren over onze complexe verhouding met de dood? Samen onderzoeken ze …
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Once you find out who you are in Christ, you will find out what you are called to do.
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Jesus took on our identical condition so that we may take on His identical condition. In Christ we are who God says we are!
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Exceedingly, great power!
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