Whether you're just checking out church for the first time, or you’ve been a follower of Jesus for a long time, we’re glad you found us! We hope you come and visit us soon. Weekend services are Saturday at 5:30 and Sunday at 9 & 11 in Chatsworth, CA. Learn more at rockypeak.org!
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Are you ready to grow and step more fully into the life God has for you? This week, we learn about the importance of surrendering every part of our lives to Jesus so that He can set us free and lead us into new life.由Joel Enyart
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The goal of being a disciple of Jesus is to become like Him. This week, we learn that while many things in life are important, Jesus' top priority was to know, love, and do the will of God—and as His disciples, we are called to do the same.由Michael Yearley
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Does God’s love impact the way you live each day? This week, Andres teaches that an essential part of being a disciple is loving like Jesus. He also invites us to seek the Holy Spirit’s help in gaining a deeper understanding and experience of God’s love—a love that transforms and empowers us to love the world around us.…
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This week, we explore the critical role that trust in Jesus plays in the life of a disciple and how we grow in our faith by listening and following Him.由Michael Yearley
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What does it take to enter the Kingdom of God? This week, we examine the Sermon on the Mount (found in Matthew 5-7) to discover what kind of person God calls us to be so we can enter His Kingdom and live under His leadership as true disciples.由Michael Yearley
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What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? This week, Michael kicks off our new series, “Disciple… The Call to Follow,” by introducing three foundational principles that define what it means to be a disciple.由Michael Yearley
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This weekend, we conclude our two-week series, “Goodbye Yesterday.” We learn that if we become rooted in God’s promises in our current life, we can trust in Jesus for our future.由Joel Enyart
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由Andres Carias
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Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we as Christ-followers have a new identity as temples of God. This week, Andres delves into how extraordinary life cis because we live each and every moment with God.由Andres Carias
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This week, Pastor Michael concludes our “Gospel of God” series with some insight on Paul’s final words of encouragement—a challenge and a promise—to the church in Rome and for as Christ-followers today.由Michael Yearley
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As Paul wraps up his letter to the Romans, he offers a vision of a life transformed to be like Jesus. This week, Michael unpacks three big-picture questions to help us recognize the life-changing power of the Gospel in our own lives.由Michael Yearley
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When we choose to follow Jesus, we begin to experience many of the gifts He has for us. This week, Joel explores what freedom means for Christ-followers and how that freedom might serve a purpose greater than ourselves.由Joel Enyart
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Because of the Gospel, we are no longer children of sin and darkness but children of the light. This week, Andres explores what it means to live as children of light in a dark world.由Andres Carias
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As followers of Jesus, what does it look like to live a transformed life in our relationship with government? According to Romans 13, it means recognizing that God is at work through governing authorities and striving to be good citizens who positively influence our culture. We are called to stand courageously for what is right, good, and true, but…
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What does it look like to live a transformed life? This week, as we continue our series in Romans, Michael explores four diagnostic questions that guide us to reflect on the areas where we have experienced transformation—and where it is still needed. These questions help us recognize where we need to surrender so the Holy Spirit can continue renewi…
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This week, in our series “The Gospel of God,” Michael teaches that Jesus came not only to restore our relationship with God but also to connect us with fellow believers. We are created to live in community, supporting and caring for one another according to our unique gifts.由Michael Yearley
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One of the primary areas where we need transformation through the renewing of our minds is in how we love. This week, Michael shares what true love looks like from God’s perspective and explains why love is such a high priority for us as Christ-followers.由Michael Yearley
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Have you ever wanted to know what God’s will is for your life? This week, Joel begins unpacking the next section of Romans, exploring what it means to practically live out the Gospel of God.由Joel Enyart
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This week, Joel walks us through Romans 11, highlighting the importance of trusting God and walking humbly within His story. God is faithful, and He’s not done working in our lives and our stories.由Joel Enyart
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What does it mean to be saved? As we continue our series, “The Gospel of God,” this week, Andres highlights key words from Romans 10 that lead us into a deeper understanding of the true impact of salvation on our lives and reality.由Andres Carias
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This weekend, we had the privilege of hearing a powerful message from Pastor Peter Kasirivu, founder of Africa Renewal Ministries, where we were reminded that Jesus is the Great Light who drives away darkness. As followers of Christ, we are called to live for God in every area of our lives and to reflect the light of Jesus to everyone we meet.…
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This week, we continue our exploration of the Bible’s teachings on predestination and free will, as Michael compares and contrasts the theological viewpoints, along with the biblical evidence and truths, from both sides of the debate. He also shares that each side reveals important truths about who God is and who we are, which can be beneficial in …
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As we begin a two-week series on the topic of free will and predestination, Michael explores the difference between primary and secondary issues. While true Christ-followers may disagree on various secondary issues, our priority is to love one another despite these differences.由Michael Yearley
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As we head into a new season of Life Groups here at Rocky Peak, Joel explores what it means to be church and walk together in community. By doing life together, we can apply what we're learning about being Christ-followers and live out Jesus' command to love one another.由Joel Enyart
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Last week, we wrapped up the big picture story of the Gospel of God. But before Paul dives into how we can practically live out the Gospel, he first addresses an issue within the early movement of Jesus that troubles him deeply: Why isn't Israel accepting the message? Pastor Michael encourages us to reflect on the people in our own lives who don't …
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This week, as we wrap up the big picture story of the Gospel of God, we learn that God has an epic plan for each of our lives. When we choose to follow Jesus, we come to know God, our Creator, and become the people we were meant to be.由Michael Yearley
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Pastor Michael explores the Story of Glory as explained by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the church at Rome and how this story will unfold for those who come to Jesus, receive the Holy Spirit, and look to what is coming when Jesus returns. Persecution may be a part of this "in-between time" or here-and-now story, but believers who share in Chri…
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In the third and final message of "The Gospel of God, The Spirit of Life" series, Pastor Michael focuses on the truth that is revealed by the Holy Spirit, teaching that God's rescue mission of a rebel race thru our adoption to Sonship is brought about by the Holy Spirit when we are transferred from condemnation to a spirit of life. The Spirit leads…
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Pastor Michael continues our journey through Romans 8 in part two, “The Spirit of Life” in The Gospel of God series. The Apostle Paul contrasts two different types of people - those in Adam with minds governed by the flesh, and those in Christ whose minds are governed by the Holy Spirit. Paul wants us to understand that the Spirit gives new life an…
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Are you living the life Jesus died to give you? This week, Michael reviews what we’ve learned so far in our “Gospel of God” series and introduces the gift of the Spirit of life. When we receive the Holy Spirit, we experience transformation as He brings us into new life.由Michael Yearley
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When God’s will is at work in us, God’s Kingdom is unleashed through us. This week, we conclude our “Kingdom Come” series by sitting down with some people from our church who are living the vision of bringing God’s Kingdom into our world through their lives.由Andres Carias, Joel Enyart
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由Andres Carias
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This week, we kickoff our “Kingdom Come” series with Joel asking us to consider what is means for Jesus to be king and for us to be citizens of His kingdom.由Joel Enyart
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This week, as we continue our series, The Gospel of God, Michael explains that because of Jesus’ death on the cross and the gift of the Holy Spirit, we experience restoration in our relationship with God and transformation in our lives and freedom from sin as we listen and follow Him.由Michael Yearley
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When it comes to your transformation, are you trusting in yourself to change, or are you trusting in the Spirit to lead, guide, and empower you to live a new life? This week, Michael discusses the role that the Law (Torah) plays in the epic rescue mission story of the Gospel.由Michael Yearley
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This week, Michael reviews what baptism means, discussing how it separates us from our old life of sin and signifies our new life in Jesus.由Michael Yearley
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由Michael Yearley
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Last week, we learned that the story of humanity can be defined by two men: Adam, whose disobedience led us into sin and death, and Jesus, whose obedience on the cross brings us into new life and freedom. Michael teaches us this week that when we choose to live in Christ, baptism is the public declaration of the Gospel of God at work in us, separat…
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Jesus didn’t just die to forgive us for the penalty of sin; He died to free us from the power of sin. This week, Michael continues our series, “The Gospel of God,” by sharing that the story of humanity can be defined by two men: Adam, who led us into sin and death through his disobedience, and Jesus, who brings us into new life and freedom through …
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God’s love plays a key role in how we see the world, live our lives, and treat others. But before we can grasp the depth of God’s love, we must first understand who we are as a human race. This week, Michael explores four key words that describe humanity, helping us see the Gospel as the incredible story of God’s love for us.…
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As dearly loved children of God, we have an amazing future when Jesus returns. Until that day, however, we can expect to face hard times. As Michael teaches this week, God is with us and working in us as we persevere during these hard times, helping us become more like Jesus.由Michael Yearley
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This week, as we return to our “Gospel of God” series, Michael highlights how the beginning of Romans 5 serves as a mountaintop moment. From this vantage point, we can look back at what we have learned from this letter so far and see where the journey is heading for those who have received the Good News.…
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While it’s easy to recognize prayer as a priority in our lives, putting it into practice can take some work. This week, Michael shares seven practical steps to help and encourage us to grow in prayer, including specific prayer practices and models found useful by top spiritual leaders.由Michael Yearley
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As we pursue creating a culture of prayer here at Rocky Peak, Michael kicks off our series, “Pursuing God… The Priority of Prayer.” This week we learn why prayer is important, what it is meant for, and how we see it lived out in the New Testament by Jesus and the early church.由Michael Yearley
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Hope’s power rests on the strength of what you place your hope in. As Joel wraps up our series, “The New Reality”, we discover that in Jesus, we have a hope strong enough to navigate all of life’s challenges. This hope empowers us to live the life He has called us into with courage, conviction, and compassion.…
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As we follow Jesus into new life as individuals, He leads us into relational restoration with God and with others. This week, Joel shares three important characteristics of this new community and how Jesus cals us to become His church.由Joel Enyart
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Because of the resurrection of Jesus, we have a new life defined by the presence and the power of God in our lives, along with a new purpose and partnership with Him. This week, Andres kicks off our series by exploring “The New Reality” we experience as individuals as we leave behind our old life to follow Jesus into the new.…
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The Bible claims that Jesus of Nazareth was arrested, crucified, and resurrected three days later—and that these events have life-changing implications for each of our lives. This Easter, Michael recounts the life and spiritual journey of James, the younger brother of Jesus, from skeptic to radical Christ-follower, exploring how compelling evidence…
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In our “Hearing God” series, we have learned that to become someone God speaks to, we must intentionally pursue a personal relationship with Him. This week, Michael brings the series to a close by sharing seven key steps for developing the keystone habit of spending one-on-one time with God.由Michael Yearley
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Earlier in this series, we learned that our ability to hear from God is deeply connected to our relationship with Him. Michael teaches this week that we must be intense and intentional when it comes to pursuing a personal relationship with God. When we regularly spend time with God one-on-one, it becomes a keystone habit—a single habit that sets in…
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