[English] How can we proceed with digital transformation smoothly ?どのようにデジタルトランスフォーメーションを円滑に進めるべきか
Manage episode 279878165 series 2838757
今日のゲストはクリスホワイトです クリスはシニアエグゼクティブ兼アドバイザーであり、25年以上の金融サービスおよびフィンテック組織の開発、再構築、主導の経験を持ち、新興企業や数十億ドル規模の企業に利益をもたらしています。 彼はアジャイルブティックコンサルティング会社であるThe Freestone Groupの創設者兼社長であり、デジタル変革分野における戦略と変更管理をリードしています。
Freestone Groupの使命は、組織がビジネスを加速し、生産性を高め、顧客体験を向上させるために、明快で自信を持って急速に変化する市場をナビゲートするのを支援することです。 Freestone Groupは、現実のシニアエグゼクティブリーダーシップとあらゆる状況への深い主題の洞察を組み込み、迅速に対応し、診断、テクノロジー、および人材のスキルを提供して、チームを積極的に関与させ、接続し、実装の優先順位を組織の戦略と再調整し、市場に焦点を当てた変革を提供します。
3.フィンテックについてどう思いますか? -カナダで今面白いと思うフィンテックのスタートアップはありますか? 4.日本とフィンテックの国際市場との間で、どのような異文化間の機会が見られますか?
Linked in : https://www.linkedin.com/in/christoph...
Website: www.freestonegroup.ca
Site: https://www.foreignconnect.org/
Today's guest is Chris Whyte Chris is a senior executive and adviser with 25+ years of experience developing, restructuring, and leading financial services and fintech organizations—driving profits for start-ups and multibillion-dollar companies.
He is the founder and President of The Freestone Group, an agile boutique consulting firm, leading strategy and change management in the digital transformation space. The mission of the Freestone Group is to help organizations navigate rapidly changing markets with clarity and confidence to accelerate their business, enhance productivity, and elevate the customer experience. The Freestone Group embeds real-world senior executive leadership and deep subject matter insights into any situation, gets up to speed quickly, and provides the diagnostic, technology, and people skills to actively engage and connect teams, realign implementation priorities with organizational strategies and deliver market-focused transformation.
Today we asked him the following questions.
1. I see that you have worked in a wide variety of industries and places, Please tell me your background. - What do you at the freestone group?
2. You seem to have a very rich operation experience in your background. What is the quality of a manager that makes a good operation manager?
3. What about fintech do you find interesting? - Do you have any fintech startup you find interesting right now in Canada? 4. What kind of cross-cultural opportunity do you see between Japan and the international market in fintech?
You can find him at
Linked in : https://www.linkedin.com/in/christoph...
Website: www.freestonegroup.ca
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