1. Stephen Hund: Veteran Drummer, Touring Musician, Vocalist, Entrepreneur -- on Dissecting Some of the Best Drum Beats of All Time (With Drums), and the Transition From Musician to Strategic Management Consultant and Back
Manage episode 281265736 series 2847694
Guest: Stephen Hund:
- Stephen is a veteran drummer and musician who has played in numerous bands and toured the country. His stack of skills, perspective and story are awesome.
- He’s a business owner - he started Manhattan Drum Studios, a drum school in New York and Barcelona, and has taught over 25,000 drum lessons.
- He's a singer, songwriter, self taught guitar player, and union actor. He has a degree in psychology and worked as a strategy consultant at a major consulting firm. At one point he was a scratch golfer, and he speaks Spanish and Catalan.
- Stephen brought his drums, treating us to a mini master class, and we talked about everything from his "Best Drum Beats of All Time" to what it was like on the tour bus back in the day.
- We grew up playing in bands together and it was a blast talking with my brother and friend, Stephen Hund.
Music referenced in the episode: Spotify playlist.
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ManhattanDrumStudios/
- Stephen's list of "Best Drum Beats of All Time": https://9b0e25e5-415f-4a5e-80ce-c217507eec43.filesusr.com/ugd/3b83c3_89cdb10771a345b9a6898c5bc31801ed.pdf
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/brentonhundpodcast
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brentonhundpodcast/
- Email: brentonhundpodcast@gmail.com
SOCIAL MEDIA BY: The Social Sweetheart
- Website: https://www.socialsweetheart.co
- Email: thesocialsweetheart@gmail.com
LOGO DESIGN BY: Taylor Hembree
- Website: https://taylorhembree1993.wixsite.com/ohokmedia
1. Introduction (00:00:00)
2. (Some of the) Greatest Beats of All Time (00:02:32)
3. Limb Independence (00:20:10)
4. Brain Capacity Game (00:25:27)
5. "Take it as it Comes" Philosophy / Slalom Skiing Analogy (00:29:37)
6. Favorite Live Concerts (00:34:53)
7. Touring with JGB and Melvin Seals (00:44:09)
8. The Cross Country Trip Story (01:01:34)