Costa's Audio Book: Agatha Christie "And Then There Were None" Ch16 Epilogue 讀你聽2.2《一個都不留》
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Presenting Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None"
阿加莎 克里斯蒂《一個都不留》
云云作品當中 作者自評本故事最難寫
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Ch 16 Epilogue
00:10 餘下兩名生還者 秘書 隊長 在醫生遺體旁呆站 經過一番對峙 秘書出於自衛 開槍打死隊長 她感到釋然 也異常疲憊 回到屋內 她打碎了兩個雕像 回想詩的最後一句 看見房間裡有一個繩索 認為 Hugo在等她 上吊自殺
09:02 警探Legge和Maine檢視案件 根據秘書老婦偵探法官四人筆記 設想島上死亡事故 根據法醫報告否定了醫生他殺 否定偵探的墜擊死亡為自殺 也否定了秘書是凶手 因爲椅子上吊後被移動 他們確信聯絡人Morris被謀殺 但誰是凶手?
26:18 經打撈漁船提供 凶手在手稿中透露心路歷程 處心積慮 懲罰未受審判殺人犯的虐待計劃 當然包括自己的死 供詞詳細描述如何策劃殺害所有來賓 凶手陳列三個綫索 既想要製造不解之謎 又承受不了無解的可能 自問非常矛盾
48:48 有關作者與她的作品
Character in order of appearance
Justice Lawrence Wargrave (shot) link to Constance Culmington, death of Edward Seton
Vera Claythorne the hired secretary link to Mrs Hamilton, Hugo Hamilton, death of Cyril Ogilvie Hamilton
Captain Philip Lombard allegedly killed twenty-one members of an East African tribe
Emily Brent (injected) link to Mrs Oliver, Miss Ogden, death of Beatrice Taylor
General John Macarthur (struck in the head) link to Spoof Leggard, Johnnie Dyer, Armitage, Leslie (Elsie MacPherson) his deceased wife, death of Arthur Richmond
Dr Edward Armstrong (fell off cliff) allegedly murdered Louisa Mary Clees (Sister?)
Anthony Marston (poisoned) link to Badger Berkeley, death of John and Lucy Combes
Detective William Blore (crushed by weight) allegedly murdered James Stephen Landor
Housekeeper Thomas Rogers (axed), Ethel Rogers (poisoned in sleep) allegedly murdered Jennifer Brady
Elmer Robson the American millionaire and his third wife, Mr. and Mrs. Owen: Unknown?, Gabrielle Turl the hollywood actress, Merriweather the columnist, Lord L, Jonas the columnist, Issac Morris the Jew, old seafarer, Jim the driver, Fred Narracott, Llewellyn the prosecutor, Matthews the defense attorney, Purcell gang, Hugo Hamilton, AC Sir Thomas Legge, Inspector Maine, Harris
Costa's Lexicon
Solicitude n care or concern for someone or something
Lull v calm or send to sleep, typically with soothing sounds or movements
Chloral n a colourless, viscous liquid made by chlorinating acetaldehyde
Peritonitis n a serious medical condition in which the inside wall of the abdomen
Barbiturate n any of a class of sedative and sleep-inducing drugs derived from barbituric acid
Trawler n a fishing boat used for trawling
Memsahib n a married white or upper-class woman (often used as a respectful form of address by non-white people)
Assuage v make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense
Amoral adj lacking a moral sense, unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something
Chintz n printed multicoloured cotton fabric with a glazed finish, used for curtains and upholstery
Gainsay v deny or contradict (a fact or statement)
Also Available: Don Quixote Volume Two ch 46
Count of Monte Cristo Volume Three ch 48
Jane Eyre Ch 6,7,8
The Brothers Karamazov Book 2 all
Complete Collection: And Then There Were None, Jekyll and Hyde, Maigret, 1984, The Metamorphosis, Dracula, Don Quixote, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Diary of a Young Girl, Lord of the Flies, Liar's Poker, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Sparkling Cyanide, 4.50 from Paddington, Great Expectations
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