Costa's Audio Book: Agatha Christie "And Then There Were None" Ch3,4,5 讀你聽2.2《一個都不留》
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Presenting Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None"
阿加莎 克里斯蒂《一個都不留》
云云作品當中 作者評本故事最難寫
號稱世上最暢銷偵探小說 銷量超過一億冊
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Ch3, 4, 5
正當賓客們飽餐一頓 言談間 氣氛稍為緩和 令人震驚的播音傳出 指控在座每一位不爲人知的殺人紀錄 管家一愣 摔下餐盤 其妻更不適倒下 醫生和公子趕忙照顧 法官則盤問管家 到底是誰做的好事 主人家為誰 管家無奈一概不知
賓客逐一交代如何獲邀到島上作客 又輪流交代殺人指控 只有老婦Brent 不從 如是者 空氣中再度彌漫猜疑 法官整理思緒 建議衆人翌日朝早乘船離開 只有公子反對 説時遲 看似身中劇毒
醫生證實死因中毒 然而酒瓶並沒有毒 那麽死因難道只有自殺 衆人意見紛云 醫生仍為別有内情 各自回到房間 法官 將軍 秘書 回想往事 妨礙司法 情殺 知情不救 盡皆不堪回首 尤其將軍 甚至萌生放逐荒島的念頭
Character in order of appearance
Justice Lawrence Wargrave link to Constance Culmington, death of Edward Seton
Vera Claythorne the hired secretary link to Mrs Hamilton, Hugo her love interest, death of Cyril Ogilvie Hamilton
Captain Philip Lombard allegedly killed twenty-one members of an East African tribe
Emily Brent link to Mrs Oliver, Miss Ogden, death of Beatrice Taylor
General John Macarthur link to Spoof Leggard, Johnnie Dyer, Armitage, Leslie his deceased wife, death of Arthur Richmond
Dr Edward Armstrong allegedly murdered Louisa Mary Clees
Anthony Marston link to Badger Berkeley, death of John and Lucy Combes
Detective William Blore allegedly murdered James Stephen Landor
Housekeeper Thomas and Ethel Rogers allegedly murdered Jennifer Brady
Elmer Robson the American millionaire and his third wife, Mr. and Mrs. Owen: Unknown?, Gabrielle Turl the hollywood actress, Merriweather the columnist, Lord L, Jonas the columnist, Issac Morris the Jew, old seafarer, Jim the driver, Fred Narracott, Llewellyn the prosecutor, Matthews the defense attorney
Costa's Lexicon
Caustic adj Indictment n Impromptu adj
Pukka sahib n Dissentient adj
Brusquely adv Asphyxiation n Tabulate v Decorous adj Veronal n Doggerel n
Also Available: Don Quixote Volume Two ch 40
Count of Monte Cristo Volume Three ch 48
Jane Eyre Ch 6,7,8
The Brothers Karamazov Book 2 all
Complete Collection: Jekyll and Hyde, Maigret, 1984, The Metamorphosis, Dracula, Don Quixote, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Diary of a Young Girl, Lord of the Flies, Liar's Poker, Great Expectations, Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie
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