Costa's Audio Book: Georges Simenon "Maigret and the Spinster" 讀你聽2.1《梅格雷與老閨女》
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Costa's Audio Book CAB proudly presents
Georges Simenon's prominent detective series 'Maigret'
Translated by Eileen Ellenbogen (1977 edition)
比利時上世紀偉大文豪 喬治 西默農 偵探系列《梅格雷》
描寫二戰期間法國巴黎 高級幹探 梅格雷
憑著敏銳觸覺 時序重組 細緻搜證 直覺推理
屢次偵破棘手奇案 深受法國警民信賴
系列全球銷量超過五億 翻譯語言超過五十種
角色更多次被改編成電影 電視劇 廣播劇 歷久不衰
00:05 Part 1 Ch 1 /23:17 Ch 2 /47:17 Ch 3 /1:10:42 Ch 4
1:31:30 Part 2 Ch 1 /1:56:50 Ch 2 /2:18:56 Ch 3 /2:42:37 Ch 4
3:03:23 Part 3 Ch 1 /3:25:12 Ch 2 /3:47:12 Ch 3 /4:11:25 Ch 4
Jules Maigret, Madame Maigret, Berger, Spencer Oats, Chief Commissioner, Torrence, Benoît, Cassieux, Duchemin, Janvier, Victor, Lucas, Dédé, Saving-your-Presence, Dandurand, Planchard, Monfils, Leloup, Gérard Pardon, Hélène Pardon, Berthe Pardon, Piéchaud, Nouchi Siveschi, Désiré, Mélanie (Cécile Pardon, Juliette Boynet)
Also Available: Don Quixote Volume Two up to ch 40
Count of Monte Cristo Volume Two up to ch 48
Jane Eyre Ch 6,7,8
The Brothers Karamazov Book 2 all
Complete Collection: Jekyll and Hyde, Maigret, 1984, The Metamorphosis, Dracula, Don Quixote, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Diary of a Young Girl, Lord of the Flies, Liar's Poker, Great Expectations, Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie
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