Costa's Audio Book: Patrick Süskind "Perfume: The story of a Murderer" 40th Anniversary Part I (12-16) 讀你聽2.2《香水:一個謀殺犯的故事》
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Costa's Audio Book “CAB” presents
Patrick Süskind "Perfume: The story of a Murderer" 40th Anniversary
Translated by John E. Woods
德國作家Patrick Süskind 於1985年創作的歷史奇幻小說
故事主角出生於十八世紀巴黎 備受冷落的孤兒
能分辨世界上的無數氣味 成為一名香水師
本作已被翻譯成四十九種語言 全球銷量超過兩千萬本
1987年榮獲世界奇幻文學獎和 PEN 翻譯獎
附注:2025年度周年紀念作 包括
Perfume, The Great Gatsby, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Don Quixote Volume II, Metamorphosis, Jane Eyre, The Brothers Karamazov
Part I Twelve to Sixteen
00:22 第十二段 Baldini嘗試用他的老方法 拆解對手的香水配方 將香水塗在手帕上 空中一揮 用鼻子辨別空中香氣 然後逐一寫下成分 反覆直至完成
07:56 第十三段 Baldini看著日落美景 慨嘆無能爲力 唯一可以做 不外乎退隱他鄉 在遠郊蓋個小房安享晚年 想到這裏 不認輸的老香水匠反而豁然開朗 然而此時主角帶着羊皮出現了
16:50 第十四段 主角其實早就知道Balidini 處心積慮要來送貨 表明心跡要拜師學藝 他一語道破老匠人抄襲 更表示自己鼻子全巴黎最好 可以輕鬆複製配方 燃起了老者好奇心
42:07 第十五段 縱使主角的笨拙惹來老匠無名之火 配方仍然順利被複製完成 還提出更好方案 老匠守舊觀念被徹底打破 只好趕走這送貨的小子 聞着新配方 老匠神志被帶到遙遠的過去
55:34 第十六段 翌日早晨 老匠來到皮工場 用二十金幣買下主角 工匠Grimal欣然答應 以爲賺翻 隨即買醉慶祝 沒想到飛來橫禍 不慎墮進水中溺死
Main Characters (in order of appearance)
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille - gifted yet deeply disturbed, an orphan with extraordinary sense of smell
Father Terrier - a priest, briefly cares for Grenouille as a baby but is eager to rid himself of the unnerving babe
Madame Gaillard - cold and detached caretaker, raises Grenouille after Terrier for a time, driven by practicality rather than affection, died penniless
Grimal - a harsh and exploitative tanner, traded Grenouille from Gaillard as cheap labor
Giuseppe Baldini - perfumer and glover, while his odor collection exceeds his capacity, struggles to create new perfume
Other characters: Grenouille's mother, La Fosse the officer, Jeanne Bussie the wet nurse, Jacques Lorreur the helper, teenage girl with alluring scent, Chenier the assistant, Count Verhamont, Pélissier the perfumer
Costa's notes
Efflorescent adj fully blossoming or unfolding, often referring to a substance releasing its ideal fragrance or qualities 綻放 (EF flore rescent)
Frenetic adj fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way 狂熱 急促 (fren NET tic)
Unctuous adj excessively flattering or ingratiating, oily 油腔滑調 (UNC tuous, as in uncle)
Hackneyed adj (of a phrase or idea) having been overused, unoriginal and trite 陳腐老套 (HACK ned)
Slipshod adj characterized by a lack of care, thought, or organization 草率馬虎 (SLIP shod)
Newfangled adj different from what one is used to, objectionably new 新奇不實 (new fangled)
Ultra posse nemo obligatur phr lat No one is bound beyond their ability
Doddering adj moving in a feeble or unsteady way, especially because of old age 搖晃 (DOD der ring)
Jalousie n a blind or shutter made of a row of angled slats 百葉窗 (JHA lu sy, frenchy)
Louis d’or n fr a former French gold coin
E basta phr ita and that's it
Elan n energy, style, and enthusiasm 熱忱 活力 (ey LON, frenchy)
Unabashedly adv without embarrassment or shame 不害臊 不難爲情 毫不掩飾 (un ABASH shed ly)
Storax n a rare fragrant gum resin obtained from an East Mediterranean tree, sometimes used in medicine, perfumery, and incense 安息香 (STORE rax)
Pipette n a slender tube attached to or incorporating a bulb, for transferring or measuring out small quantities of liquid, especially in a laboratory 吸量管 移液管 (pip PET, frenchy)
Manikin n (or manikin) a very small man; a jointed model of the human body, as used in medical training or as an artist's lay figure 小個子
Dram n a small quantity of alcohol; a small drink of whisky or other spirits (dram like tram)
Chervil n a Eurasian plant of the parsley family, with delicate fernlike leaves that are used as a culinary herb 細葉芹 (CHUR vil)
Grandiose adj impressive and imposing in appearance or style, especially pretentiously so 誇大 (GRAND di ohs, like nose)
Admonition n a firm warning or reprimand 警告 責備
Demijohn n a bulbous narrow-necked bottle holding from 3 to 10 gallons of liquid, typically enclosed in a wicker cover 玻璃大肚瓶 小口大肚瓶 細頸大瓶 (DEMI jon)
Ineptitude n lack of skill or ability 無能拙劣 (in NEP titude)
Pockmarked adj covered or disfigured with pockmarks 麻臉
Megalomaniacal adj belonging to, exhibiting, or affected with megalomania 自大狂 (mega lo men NYA cal)
Pedagogical adj relating to teaching 教學 (peda GAU jik cal)
Peroration n the concluding part of a speech, typically intended to inspire enthusiasm in the audience 結語 (per ro RAY tion)
Complete Collection:
The Great Gatsby, And Then There Were None, Jekyll and Hyde, Maigret, 1984, The Metamorphosis, Dracula, Don Quixote, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Diary of a Young Girl, Lord of the Flies, Liar's Poker, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Sparkling Cyanide, 4.50 from Paddington, Great Expectations
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