Stooping Love - John 13-14
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In God's presence, we enjoy the abundance of his creation. We are reflections of the Trinity; we are a family. The tabernacle was a representation of a banquet, with the ark being the banquet couch, where God rests with his people. In Exodus 25, the showbread was called the bread of faces, laid before the face of God, with the wine, a glorified form of God's fruit. In Leviticus, we see ascension food, offered up to God. It is urgent we gather together regularly, dining together!
At the incarnation, God is extending his family into the people! And we are undeserving of it. He's the one who brings the fruit in our lives.
Wonder and worship are birthed from the same womb. Worship is filled with wonder!
Love can be costly, and it never gives up.
Jesus was the ultimate servant, washing the feet of the disciples, even Judas. He serves people who don't deserve it! He doesn't love us because we're perfect, he loves us because HE'S perfect!
Stop looking at yourself and your imperfection, and look to Calvary! Look at the perfection of God!
When you serve the least of people and give them honor, you become like God's incarnation on this planet. You are an arrow in the hands of God, a weapon for his glory.
Ascending into his presence requires transformation by fire.