UW Experience
Manage episode 431919299 series 3590255
In this episode, our guest speakers "Evans and Feldner" share data from their CLIME-funded research project on the lived experience of ableism and allyship of students, staff and faculty at the University of Washington, who identify as D/deaf, disabled, living with a disability, or as having a chronic health condition.
Show Resources:
Bias Training: UW implicit bias training, which includes disability material (this is now required to be on search committees and is freely available to the UW community).
Disability Attitudes Implicit Association Test (DA-IAT) freely available at Project Implicit hosted by Harvard. Project Implicit: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/selectatest.htm
Resource Guide for Training on Disability Competence: A resource guide for PT and PTA faculty, clinicians, and students (December 2021)
Learn about disability identity from a diversity perspective:
- Davis, Lennard J. (2013) "Introduction: Normality, power, and culture." The disability studies reader 4 : 1-14.
- Stella Young. “I am not your inspiration, thank you very much.” TED Talk (2014).
- Maysoon Zayid. “I have 99 problems… palsy is just one.” Ted Talk (2013)
- Adams-Spink, Geoff. “Social Model of Disability Animation.” (Nov. 7 2011).
UW Resources:
Bree Callahan, Tri-Campus ADA Coordinator, leading equity and compliance efforts for ADA/section 504
The D Center – UW Seattle campus Deaf and Disability Cultural Center:
Student Disability Commission: https://careers.uw.edu/organizations/asuw-student-disability-commission/
DO-IT: https://www.washington.edu/doit/
Disability Studies Program: https://disabilitystudies.washington.edu/
CREATE: https://create.uw.edu/