Episode 2: Your Pace is Your Peace
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Welcome to Crystal Ballers, a podcast celebrating the audacity to create our future now, with your hosts Britten LaRue and Natasha Levinger.
In this episode:
- Spirit guides are always around, but etiquette requires that we ask
- "You don't really believe that do you?"
- Learning to be in balance with your inner skeptic
- "I may be realizing my skeptic doesn't need to protect me any more."
- Shifting to a post-materialist paradigm
- Letting go of materialist/scientific scaffolding on a societal level
- The burgeoning rejection of societal expectations that only serve outdated power structures
- Gemini's "all over the place"-ness and it's role in this shift
- If you shame someone for something, you're going to shame it in yourself
- Trying to talk about the energy of the first half of 2025. Maybe just January.
- Learning to know yourself by acknowledging where you are instead of fighting it.
- Being here with what is.
- "There is no such thing as potential; there is only emergence. 'Potential' is a fantasy that shames the present moment."
- As we unshame ourselves, we are able to open up to each other
- Less shame yields more connectivity and compassion
- Being in freeze response creates a feeling of isolation
- The lantern of The Hermit is the lantern of the heart
- Staying emergent and non-rigid with your goals is how you let them serve you
- "You're gonna make a decision from your heart!?"
- Learning to be in the discomfort of "the in between"
- Countering the internal voices that are scared for you to grow
- Aspects of your life are only endangered by inner growth to the extent that their current form prevents it.
- Intuition is the practice of recognizing your truth in the present moment and trusting it.
- Trust is such a portal.
- Britten loves to be a student of trust.
- Choosing to slow down despite being "busy"
- "Your pace is your peace."
- Thoughts become things. Everything that has been made began as a thought.
- Mars can speak thought irritations and annoyances.
- Learning to have compassion without having to hold everyone's energy
- Looking for answers but learning to follow the pleasure of asking the questions.
- Being gentle with yourself during the unfurling of these changes
- Honoring your pace is a way to respect the feminine, and the Matriarchy
- Britten's annual course, Seeding the Year, is for all you nerdy mystics out there who yearn to trust it's possible to dream your reality into form.
- Sign up for Natasha's new class Authentic Power: Grounding into the Energetics of 2025, co-taught with Human Design and Gene Keys expert, Katie Rose.
Mentioned in the show:
Crystal Ballers is a weekly podcast hosted by mystics Natasha Levinger and Britten LaRue. Inspired by Pluto’s shift into Aquarius, it’s space to celebrate the audacity to create our Future now. In a world that minimizes the subjective experience, it takes swagger to validate our dreams, desires, and visions in co-creation with the unseen, the unexplainable, and the felt. Britten and Natasha invite listeners into the concept of "skilled feelership" - the practice of honoring and developing one's intuitive abilities as a skill, rather than seeing it as a fixed trait. They explore the reclamation of feminine power, intuitive development, and the collective shift happening in 2025 and beyond. With weekly episodes and monthly guests, Crystal Ballers’s primary goal is to support listeners in staying present to their power no matter what astrological and energetic shifts are present.