Nintendo on Longer Dev Cycles, Elden Ring DLC Nerfs, Was the Xbox 360 Peak Gaming?
Manage episode 427716980 series 2935526
In this week's Gaming Fun Fact we discussed the infamous PS3 development woes, namely how difficult it was to create PS3 games for developers. This was due to the console's complex Cell Processor, ununified memory, and more.
Then in the week's gaming news, we discussed:
Nintendo believes that longer game development cycles are inevitable, however, there are ways to keep on top of them. They believe that they've been doing a good job time balancing modern (and complex) game development.
It's a well known fact that Steam users purchase a lot of games that they never play - typically due to deep discounts during times like the Steam Summer Sale. It has been roughly calculated by PCGamesN that Steam users have spent $19 billion on games that they've never played.
Some believe that modern gaming is the worst era of video games to date, and that the golden age was during the Xbox 360 and PS3 generation. One Metro reader submitted their opinion piece of how they think that the Xbox 360 era was the peak of gaming and how it has gotten worse ever since - we took some of their opinions and discussed them.
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree has seen some nerfs in its first patch - specifically nerfing the extremely effective perfumes into the ground, as well as taking away an exploit that allowed players to use a spiky shield in such a way that boss fights were extremely easy. We discussed if nerfs like this make sense in a (mostly) PvE game like Elden Ring.