#139 蔡佩軒 Ariel Tsai - 三十歲的省思,自我成長的勇氣,生命的恩典,找到你隱形的線
Manage episode 462043532 series 3268331
📣 本集介紹 EP Intro
Ariel Tsai 蔡佩軒是我很敬佩的創作歌手,除了很喜歡她的音樂之外,跟她的背景,故事,跟想法都發現超多共鳴跟相似之處,也讓我們這集的訪談非常非常豐富!也剛好在 Ariel 三十歲前有機會第一個幫她慶生,也聊聊她對 30 的感受 🎂
☀️ 大家也歡迎去看她新歌的 MV 藍色太陽:
🎙️ 來賓介紹 Guest Intro
Ariel Tsai 蔡佩軒
YT: https://youtube.com/@ariel_tsai IG: https://instagram.com/@ariel_tsai FB: https://facebook.com/arieltsaimusic
📱電扶梯走左邊 Instagram
IG: https://www.instagram.com/leftsideescalator.jacky/
🫂 電粉自我成長大家庭 Self Growth Together Family
☕️ 咖啡廳 Cozy Cowork Cafe
🕰️ 時間軸 Timeline
(00:02:10) 開場介紹 | Opening Introduction
(00:07:48) 三個形容詞介紹自己 | Self-introduction Using Three Adjectives
(00:17:42) 蔡佩軒的音樂人生 | Ariel's Musical Journey
(00:28:34) 朋友就像候鳥,來來去去不必太執著 | Friends Are Like Migratory Birds, Don't Be Too Attached to Their Coming and Going
(00:39:12) 勇於表達自我,甚至能改變家人 | Courage to Express Yourself Can Even Change Family
(00:45:03) 從家人身上學到的事 | Lessons Learned from Family
(00:54:37) 如何做出不後悔的決定? | How to Make Decisions Without Regret?
(01:00:59) 三十歲的省思與感恩 | Reflections and Gratitude at Thirty
(01:07:40) 讓自己活在豐盛的環境中 | Living in an Enriching Environment
(01:12:52) 只要內心有光芒,看到的世界就會發亮 | When Your Heart Shines, the World You See Becomes Bright
(01:15:08) 社群媒體讓你無法忍受空白 | Social Media Makes You Unable to Tolerate Emptiness
(01:23:09) 影響人生最大的書 | The Most Influential Book in Life
(01:28:14) 如何克服人生中的重大挫折? | How to Overcome Major Setbacks in Life?
(01:38:45) 成功的定義 | The Definition of Success
(01:40:31) 快樂的定義 | The Definition of Happiness
(01:41:27) 愛的定義 | The Definition of Love
(01:44:49) 結語 | Closing Remarks
📚 本集書單 Books Mentioned
《公主與哥布林/The Princess and the Goblin》
《別把你的錢留到死/Die with Zero》