S4/EP 9 Thom Monterville of NexGen Drones
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This week, our guest is Thom Monterville from NexGen Drones, LLC.
Currently, Thom’s business is focused on agriculture and mapping drone services.
In this episode, Thom talks about how he started his business, how he landed his first paid job (which happened to be with one of the largest cattle and agriculture companies in Oklahoma!), and his goals for the future.
If you want to learn how drones are being used in the agriculture industry, you don’t want to miss this episode!
Be sure to play our game of 2 truths and a lie (which is based off of this episode) for a chance to win one of this week’s prizes: https://dronelaunchacademy.typeform.com/to/yT2vPt3G
Have a drone question? Here's the link to our new Ask Drone Launch page: https://www.askdronelaunch.com/
Connect with Thom:
- Facebook: @nexgendronesllc
Have a Drone Business? Want to be Interviewed for the Drone to $1K Podcast?
- Complete this questionnaire: Drone to $1K Business Owner Application
Training from Drone Launch Academy
- Part 107 Exam Prep Course ($50 off)
- Aerial Photo Pro Course ($50 off)
- Aerial Video A to Z Course ($100 off)
- Aerial Roof Inspection Pro Course ($100 off)
- Drones 101 Course ($20 off)
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