Emerich Juettner "Mr.880"
Manage episode 321613534 series 3255608
Denne uken forteller Maria om en litt anderledes forfalskningssak fra 1938 i USA.
Lytt til episoden for å høre hva som skjedde.
The hustle: The 70-year-old retiree who became America’s worst counterfeiter. Av: Zachary Crockett. Tilgjengelig fra: https://thehustle.co/worst-counterfeiter-in-history-mr-880/
New york daily news: Finding “Mr. 880”: The case of the $1 counterfeit. Av: Mara Bovsun. Tilgjengelig fra: https://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/finding-mr-880-case-1-counterfeit-article-1.109016
The New york Sun: Little old moneymaker. Av: William Bryk. Tilgjengelig fra: https://www.nysun.com/on-the-town/little-old-moneymaker/9282/
The useless info junkie: The Weird story of mr 880, the $1 counterfeiter. Av: N.N. Tilgjengelig fra: https://theuijunkie.com/mr-880-one-dollar-counterfeiter/
Secret service.gov: 150+ years of history. Av: N.N. Tilgengelig fra: https://www.secretservice.gov/about/history/150-years
Secret service.gov: Frequantly asked questions. Av: N.N.
Tilgjengelig fra: https://www.secretservice.gov/about/faq/general
Mugshot: Mr. 880.